
Saturday, May 08, 2010

Federal government preparing Kelantan a la Perak?

The Kelantan circus has come to my attention late, and only because of two observations:

(1) the unusual silence of the ‘royal uncle’ Ku Li – I mentioned his conspicuous deafening silence in a post yesterday Kelantan klowns & kerfuffle - kenapa Ku-Li Klosemouth? and …

(2) despite the assertion by PM Najib that the government is not involved, I dare say the federal government is involved right up to its nostrils.

Note that the Patail character has warned Tengku Anis that she must allow a panel of doctors to treat the Sultan, or risk facing legal action - see Malaysiakini's Tengku Anis denies hindering sultan's treatment.

Apart from HRH 3rd son’s also rejecting the AG's allegation that Tengku Anis was hindering any doctor from treating HRH (she just wants to remain by HRH’s side) why is the federal AG involved to the extent of warning Tengku Anis of legal action?

Suspecting HRH was held against his will, HRH’s lawyers filed a habeas corpus application, but even before they did so the Kelantan Police like Speedy Gonzales immediately said ‘No need for habeas corpus la, HRH is okay'.

Needless to say, my suspicions were by then fully aroused.

The writ named the Kelantan CPO, the IGP, the director-general of the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia in Kubang Kerian, the director-general of Health and the Government of Malaysia as the respondents.

Param Cumaraswamy, former head of the Bar Council, said that both the IGP and the Kelantan CPO have a lot of explaining to do. Indeed, and the former has f* more than just 'a lot' to explain, not only about Kelantan.

Why are the police taking sides to the extent of going gungho with the balaclava bullshit? See Malaysiakini’s 'Armed cops in balaclavas stopped royal entourage'.

There can no more doubt that the federal government has both its hands in the Kelantan imbroglio, right to its bloody armpits.

By the way, did you read about that pompous Rais 'I've change my mode' Yatim unusually chiding the Malay mainstream media for reporting on the circus in KB?

This is why we need to know WTF is going on?

Should we anticipate a Perak-type coup d’etat in the not too distant future?


  1. I agree with Najib's explanation that this is an internal affairs of the Kelantan royal family and that the federal government need not interfere yet. My only observation is that with prolonged royal crisis shall affect the state administration and the people's perception of the Kelantan royal family.

    To suggest, however that federal government is involved in the crisis is preposterous.

  2. hit the nail on the head. I did my own probing with people I know in the Kelantan establishment.
    At the bottom of this is the too-much-in-a-hurry-to-become-Sultan Crown Prince Mohd Faris Petra.

    He's already the designated Heir, but he can't wait for nature/ God's will to take its course, due to current threats to his position as heir designate.
    The plan is to have the Sultan medically declared permanently incapacitated, so he can take over.

    This is where Shit-Najis comes into the picture.
    To his credit, the current Sultan has been relatively even handed vis the politics in Kelantan, and has not on his part created undue problems or obstacles in the path of the PAS state government all these years.
    Crown Prince Mohd Faris Petra, on the other hand, is already firmly in UMNO's pocket. Fast-tracking his assension to the throne has obvious benefits to UMNO's efforts to take back the State.

    I know not what other plots are in process of being hatched, but this much is pretty visible to people who move in Kelantan circles.

  3. hit the nail on the head. I did my own probing with people I know in the Kelantan establishment.
    At the bottom of this is the too-much-in-a-hurry-to-become-Sultan Crown Prince Mohd Faris Petra.

    He's already the designated Heir, but he can't wait for nature/ God's will to take its course, due to current threats to his position as heir designate.
    The plan is to have the Sultan medically declared permanently incapacitated, so he can take over.

    This is where Shit-Najis comes into the picture.
    To his credit, the current Sultan has been relatively even handed vis the politics in Kelantan, and has not on his part created undue problems or obstacles in the path of the PAS state government all these years.
    Crown Prince Mohd Faris Petra, on the other hand, is already firmly in UMNO's pocket. Fast-tracking his assension to the throne has obvious benefits to UMNO's efforts to take back the State.

    I know not what other plots are in process of being hatched, but this much is pretty visible to people who move in Kelantan circles.

  4. 3 sons ==> War of the 3 Kingdoms all over again. In the end, none of the 3 will win, only to be swallowed up by outsiders. Sigh, I oso want to be sultan

  5. I simply couldn't understand. The Sultan wanna go to Singapore treatment but he kenna "kidnapped" to the GH in Kelantan? Meanwhile Ibrahim Ali al Kataki open his mouth & shoot the suspected fella. He says that Nik Aziz is incompetent in handling the court issue

    Seriously with the circus gonna, those ignorant folks still blinded by these people. I am totally speechless man......

    Sometimes, I wonder if the Thais are far luckier than we are. They dare to speak up & The King of Siam is much more astute than all the Sultans combined in Malaysia.

    Lebih baik negeri2 macam Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan & Terengganu di bawah naugan Siam, sudah laa

  6. Hey, you all listen here.

    When I say not involved it means I am not involved.

    If the Police, AG and whoever get involved, it it their business, not mine. I know nothing about it. I did not order it ok.

    Wakakakakakaka, if u r smart enuf, when I say NO, it means the opposite hahahhaahahaha..Jibby oh jibby

  7. The crown (clown?) prince---first, his wife ran back to Indonesia, now his papa ran away from him.... what next?

  8. Anon of 12:38 PM, May 10, 2010, you've got the wrong person. The crown prince is T Faris, whilst the 3rd son is T Fakhry. It's the 3rd son who married that Indonesian model Odelia Pinot.

    But it's the crown prince who told non Malays in 2008: "... the rakyat must unite and never raise issues regarding Malay rights and special privileges because it is a quid pro quo in gratitude for the giving in of citizenship (beri-paksa kerakyatan) to 2.7 million non-Malays into the Tanah Melayu federation."

    "Thus, it is not appropriate for these other ethnic groups to have citizenship, only (later) to seek equality and privileges."

    In other words, the crown prince stated that non-Malays should not seek equality, and consequently (by logical extension of his assertion) should not expect to be equal to a Malay!

  9. I thought you nailed the problem initially, KT, but now I'm not so sure. It seems we have a Sultan who has lost his mental capacities, a wife who is over-protective, and a deligitimised crown prince who is in a hurry and wants his own father to kick the bucket as soon as possible (just in case the deligitimisation of his succession is reinforced). (If the Sultan was that evil Malayali [occasionally confused with being a Malay] Maha-Kutty, he would have found his prodigal son guilty of sodomy and jailed him for life). Being a Sultan is no big deal in Malaysia, as you need a writ of habeas corpus even to visit your doctors at the hospital of your choice (does this happen anywhere else in the world?). At the same time, we have Jibby who has his hands clumsily all over it, but who childishly repeats, "hey presto, I'm not involved, I'm not involved, I'm not involved in this you understand!: LOOK! NO HANDS! CAN'T YOU SEE?" (NO!!)

    To add a dash of intrigue, KT being KT (with his Anwar Ibrahim phobia), I wonder where he places Anwar in all this? Is Anwar the malicious schemer who will finally outwit Jibby and his boys, even in this? Scheming needs at least some kind of logic for it to operate. But the Kelantan mess -- although it works at a higher logical level than the thoughts of that infamous Kelantan cretinous katak, Ibrahim Ali -- has almost no logic in it.

  10. Don't think so.

    PAS's SARs are more disciplined and God fearing, so BN will not be able to hold their balls to get them to be "independent" or imitate that Froggy Ibrahim Ali.
    Furthermore PAS is not ruling Kelantan by a mere 3 seats majority.

    BTW Froggy Ibrahim , where is thou?
    Your king needs you badly to fight for him in order to get to go to Singapore to seek medical treatment.

  11. yo..Katak Ibrahim , WTF are you and your Perkosa gang (oops..Perksasa) ???

    Your Kelantan Sultan was house-arrested in the hospital and you buggers did nothing about it !
