
Monday, March 15, 2010

Gentlemen in ungentlemanly Malaysian politics

Today I want to talk about my Gerakan matey Hsu Dar Ren. But before I do that let me wander around a bit.

For example, when I read readers’ comments at various places – Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider, my matey Susan Loone’s blog, etc – I seldom see a reasonable and balanced or civil comment. The comments would in general be feral, ferocious, and frightening, not unlike rabid salivating attack dogs unleashed ;-). It seems these are worse at RPK’s Malaysia-Today wakakaka.

It wasn’t surprising that Kenny Sia was pissed off when he was attacked severely just for blogging in favour of AirAsia’s own aerodrome and terminal to be built on a plot of land owned by Sime Darby land. The comments made various (and quite libellous) accusations against Kenny and his motives. As Kenny said, there was no rhyme or reason in those comments.

Why must those people be so rude when Kenny was merely expressing his opinion? Don’t read his post if you don’t like it, or be brave enough to challenge his opinion, points etc with intelligent arguments or better still, facts. But alas, they had to behave like mindless Myrmidons, as if synthetically raised in labs to be feral attack cybertroopers.

They adopted George W Bush’s doctrine of "either you’re with us or against us", just black or white with no grey in between.

Likewise the attacks against Lee Lam Thye were scurrilous, sleazy, sickening and by some scumbags whose pubic hair weren’t yet in sight when Lee LT was already performing sterling services in KL.

Lee was virtually a demigod in the eyes of his constituency and woe betide any political challenger for his seat – my uncle told me in each general election he actually felt sorry for those MCA pollies who were ‘nominated’ by MCA leaders to stand against Lee. They were probably unpopular members, good only as cannon fodders wakakaka.

Maybe the following poem by kamikaze pilot, the late Matomi Ugaki, should be dedicated to those foolish or 'pushed forward' to stand against Lee Lam Thye:

Flowers of the special attack are falling
When the spring is leaving.
Gone with the spring
Are young boys like cherry blossoms.
Gone are the blossoms,
Leaving cherry trees only with leaves.

MCA cherry blossoms? Totally crushed by Lee Lam Thye! Wakakaka!

Of course Lee retired from politics but these young punks couldn’t, wouldn’t respect his decision and let him be as he went about his Malaysian way. He was only ‘acceptable’ if he was like them, feral, ferocious and frighteningly moronic in blind hatred against anything and everything UMNO and BN.

Same stuff happened to my matey Hsu Dar Ren in my post Gerakan hopes to snatch a new breath of life. Just because I refer to him as my matey, a commentator called him a ‘running dog’, just as some others had so termed Lee Lam Thye.

Though I dislike the BN for its terrible governance and divisive antics, I do have friends in Gerakan, MCA, UMNO and wakakaka even MIC. I don’t see the need to maul them as well though of course I would certainly challenge their political policies if these are not supportive of fairness, transparency, accountability and not wasteful.

In fact I was delighted to see that Hsu had written a letter to Malaysiakini titled The ascendancy of right wing politics
. Read it if you think he is a ‘running dog’.

Some people like Lee Lam Thye and Hsu Dar Ren are gentlemen through and through, civil, soft spoken, well-mannered and treat even their political enemies as fellow Malaysians. In politics one doesn’t have to assume one of the extreme positions like the general UMNO apparatchiks or anwaristas.

And I am glad Lee and Hsu aren’t.


  1. you only talk good about your friends. Anyone else is bad.

  2. I am oso good what wakakaka!

  3. KTemoc, another statement from Gerakan about the local council elections. What you think about this?

    Is Pakatan sincere about restoring third vote? .
    Mon, 15 Mar 2010 14:08 . .By FMT staff

    Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang wants to know if Pakatan Rakyat is sincere in wanting to restore local elections or if its leaders are merely spewing rhetoric.

    Tan was responding to the statement by Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Razak that the PAS-led state government is not interested in holding local government elections.

    The same view, he said, was echoed by PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan as reported in Harakah Daily, who said that local government elections are not suitable at this time.

    Furthermore, he added that the PAS-led Kelantan administration has remained silent on this issue.

    Tan said Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had previously confirmed their commitment to restore local government elections in their respective states.

    'No point in talking if you're not sincere'

    He said that certain leaders in DAP even suggested that there should be a national referendum on holding local government elections.

    Some, he added, like DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang even suggested that the cabinet should give the green light to amend laws to allow the local government elections.

    “However, with due respect to Pakatan leaders, it would be best if they could clarify clearly, does Pakatan really want local government elections, or was it mere rhetoric?” he asked in a statement.

    “There is no point for Pakatan to continue talking about local government elections if it is not even sincere in implementing such elections in all Pakatan states,” he said.

    Tan said a mere letter to the Election Commission by one of the Pakatan states does not absolve the coalition from fulfilling its pledge to implement local government elections in all Pakatan states.

    “In the last general election, the pledge by Pakatan to hold local government elections was not only confined to Penang or Selangor.

    “With the recent announcement by the Kedah MB, it is now even clearer that Pakatan does not have the same policy for each and every state under its administration,” he said.

  4. ktemoc,
    i just a repaste a comment which I found in an earlier posting.

    Let me test you, since you say you are so good.

    Do you think Tan Keng Liang's move to continue to pressure Pakatan Rakyat to keep their promise on local council elections is good or bad?

  5. assume Tan Keng Liang is not from Gerakan. Do you think his move to continue to pressure Pakatan Rakyat to keep their promise on local council elections is good or bad?

  6. Great leaders and politicians are often remembered for the way they finish their careers too, not just for comet blazing early and in mid-career .

    On that count, I think there is much perception the LLT sold out to the "enemy!!"

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  7. yeah lim kit siang is hailed hero when he unseated lim chong eu and sent him to early retirement when the latter brought so much development to penang. comparing lim chong eu with lks's son lge in penang development .....

  8. When you got the overwhelming stench of durian in a room, you just cannot hope to beat it by introducing roses. Either you get the rotting durian out or you leave the room.

    If Gerakan, and your matey from Gerakan, as well as LLT think by their influence and their efforts they can bring in the sweet aroma of roses or lavender, then they surely are either over estimating their own abilities or they just don't understand nature!

    Maybe this is what those who have nothing good to say about your matey or LLT, understand or know that maybe you ought to pause and think about.

    And,ohh, the rotting durian in this case, of course la...UM bloody NO!!!

  9. "... think by their ... efforts ..."

    You're so wrong lah - there's no need to "think" because "their efforts" especially those of Lee LT are on record for all eternity, unerasable, most certainly not by those whose mouths are only in evidence though not "their efforts"

    And we Malaysians of all people certainly know that the odour of so-called "rotting durians" is highly subjective, as it can be aromatic to connoiseurs, including connoiseurs of those who do things quietly as opposed to those who have loud mouths and destructive attitude and haven't contributed an iota, to wit, zilch wakakaka.

  10. Oh incidentally, I forgot to add - neither Lee LT nor my matey Dar Ren seek to exploit quote "... their influence and their efforts to bring in the sweet aroma of roses or lavender ..." unquote, not at all. You are the one who accused them of doing so, but that doesn't mean you've been correct!

    OK, Hsu Ren is a pollie so he has to cop it sweet with unfriendly political comments but decency and civlity requires we treat him fairly - criticise when he deserves it, but acknowledge his efforts when this is evidently clear.

    As for Lee LT, in case if you can't remember, he has already retired from politics, so why are you still insisting he toes the Pakatan line and/or be anti BN? Why don't you people leave him alone?

    As I posted above: "... when I read readers’ comments at various places – Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider, my matey Susan Loone’s blog, etc – I seldom see a reasonable and balanced or civil comment. The comments would in general be feral, ferocious, and frightening, not unlike rabid salivating attack dogs unleashed ;-). It seems these are worse at RPK’s Malaysia-Today wakakaka."

    wakakaka again! ;-)

  11. i don't like you at all but i have to agree with you on this issue. it's getting worse everyday. both sides are playing all- out offensive.

  12. I did say rotting durian. I like durian myself. But after you have eaten it you just want to get rid of the skin don't you?

    Now, he, was he, kind of leading on that alleged Rosmah money making machine called National Service? You know, the one that unnecessarily got at least 19 killed/dead/ whatever!!

    I don't know your matey...but were these guys not part of the majority who voted to ban such words like Allah, and a few other Arabic words? and of course they all acquiesced the PKFZ fiasco and many more. And they got really nothing to say about the million or more Mycards given to those Filipinos and Indonesians in Sabah. They also got nothing to say about the screwing up of the judiciary and whatever not.

    The lousy thing is they got no permission from me, yet they commit me to agreeing to every rot that is happening in this nation.

    That is why I say, what ever good they may do, it is like roses and lavender thrown in its abundance to quell the stench that flows from rotting durians.

    You see, I did not call them rotting durian did I. Indeed i was even complimentary. I likened them to roses and lavender.

    Just wasted. That is all.

  13. quote "Now, he, was he, kind of leading on that alleged Rosmah money making machine called National Service? You know, the one that unnecessarily got at least 19 killed/dead/ whatever!!" unquote

    That's a lot of allegations in above statement; unsubstantiated, it's like casting poo around and hope some will stick on LLT. The NS deaths are unfortunate but was LLT to blame? Please be fair and objective in judging this retired politician.

    I believe you have unfairly misjudged Hsu Dar Ren again. When Hsu was speaking out against the BN policies and actions on a number of issues where were people like Tan Keng Liang and Dr Teng?

  14. Fact is NS is there for all the wrong reasons. We should not have had to have NS in the first place. So what was LLT doing lending his "good" name to that vehicle? Getting it to be a little more acceptable?

    About those unsubstantated allegations, anything new in what I said? I was only regurgitating what has been said so many times before whether by politicians (opposition though they be) bloggers, commentators and so on
