
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Teoh Beng Hock - tortured & murdered?

Malaysiakini - Teoh's death 80% homicide: Thai forensics expert!

The findings of Thai expert Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand shocking?

No, not in the least. Certainly sad but not shocking, for they confirm what we have been suspecting, that Teoh Beng Hock had suffered various forms of physical abuse.

Torture, that was what it was! And poor Teoh's experience was not unique in the Malaysian context - au contraire, it was to be expected.

We can only presume the aim was to compel him to confess to some acts of corruption when such corruption didn’t exist.

The purpose?

Obviously political as we have already learnt from an anonymous letter written by a supposedly MACC insider, that a senior MACC officer was in deep cahoots with a Selangor pollie to destabilise the Pakatan Selangor government.

It’s the same old story of unfettered abuses being conducted in Malaysian police station and MACC, in the search for the 'desired evidence' a la instant mee - quick fix!

In the latter Teoh was the first unfortunate one to lose his life.

The recent thrust of the authorities in the inquest was guttersnipe stuff, attempting to sully Teoh’s reputation in so many ways.

It’s just as well the psychiatric tests were abandoned because god knows what further mischief those would have played to divert attention from the growing confirmation that Teoh was murdered.


I hope those 2 musuh dalam selimut can find peace in their sleep for providing MACC with unsubstantiated allegations to work their evil on Teoh.


  1. Are those 2 musuh dalam selimut the wee lil' former DAP politician and the PKR's uncrowned Archprince?

  2. and this is the proud commission created by pak lah.

  3. There is another problem here.

    The UM pathologist, Dr. Prashant, was also the same doctor who (engaged as 2nd, independent pathologist by the family) gave the contradictory report in Kugan's case. This exposed that Kugan probably died from kidney failure and internal bleeding due to being severely beaten with a blunt object. This seriously undermined the other Govt pathologist's verdict that Kugan had died from 'water in the lungs'.

    So, obviously Dr. Prashant could not have had any overt agenda in testifying in TBH's case that foul play was unlikely. The more likely answer is that our Govt pathologists do not have as much experience as Dr. Porntip in analysing cause of death in cases involving fall from high rise buildings.

    Either way, standards have to improve by leaps and bound among local pathologists!!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  4. damn the @#$%^&* murderers, DAMN !

  5. semua gov pathologist memang tak boleh pakai one....

    it makes me think the reason gov keeps poor inept forensics so that the enforcer and silence/murder ppl against gov at will. the pathologist are served as indirect abetment, to blind shade the public....

  6. Exhume the body and prove beyond the shadow of a doubt the real cause of death and bring those responsible to book!

  7. donplaypuks:
    You wrote that a local pathologist gave a contradictory report in Kugan's case, which exposed that Kugan probably died from kidney failure and internal bleeding due to being severely beaten with a blunt object, which seriously undermined the other Govt pathologist's findings.

    Your second paragraph says: "So, obviously Dr. Prashant could not have had any overt agenda in testifying in TBH's case that foul play was unlikely."

    Indeed that's one way of looking at it. But there are also people who wonder whether this Dr. Prashant could have been discreetly advised/warned to never again give a report that is against the authorities' position?


  8. Susan,

    1. Much has been said regarding the Teoh Beng Hock saga.

    2. Sadly some people would like to use this unfortunate and tragic event as a political mileage in their never ending political ambitions.

    3. I have heard a lot about what allegedly happened on that fateful morning however since the inquest is on-going I am bound to keep tight lip about it at least until the inquest is over.

    4. However if a person uses their mind in the right manner, one might be able to see what is really going on.

    5. Today, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand testified at the court after she was brought specially from Thailand on the expense of the Selangor state government.

    6. No one should/could deny her many experiences in handling forensic cases since she has worked on over thousands of cases before.

    More at :

  9. Good observation by Donplaypuks.

    But do remember what happened to Bala.
    His 2nd Statutory Declaration is a big U turn after ....

    Dr Mohamed Osman from Pusrawi (saifool's anus case ) did complained that the police altered and omitted his statement.
    Plus police harassment later on.
    The same can happen to Dr. Prashant.

    While Khunying Dr.Porntip is neutral .

  10. 80% means homicide is not yet confirmed but it is still 80% in favour of homicide (MURDER) as the likely cause - that's one humongous odds which will be difficult to refute, not that the MSM won't try. Hope they or MACC don't pry into Dr Pornthip's bank account or who she is sharing house with.

  11. donplaypuks, you are making a comparison between a Ferrari and a Honda Kapchai in these two cases. Who the shit is Kugan...nothing more than a common car thief whereas this is about bringing down the Selangor government on express orders of the very top...and mind you, Dr.Prashant is a foreigner given a good job in Malaysia which can be terminated at any time the powers that be desires. It looks like the only way to save them now is to remove Dr.Porntip from planet earth which is easily a car accident. We, Malaysians, are not at all surprised if & when that happens.

  12. The question which we should all ask is :

    a. If TBH died from suicide, what is his motive? People do not just jump out of building one morning just for the sake of jumping. Something must have bothered/scared him?

    b. If TBH died from homicide. what is the motive? Ask any policeman around the world, all murder have motive. Who benefits the most from TBH killing?

    Read my take on the TBH case :

  13. La Cha Mau

    There is not a single scrap of evidence that Kugan was a common car thief. This is a spin put out by you know who to cover their guilty ass! Kugan had absolutely no criminal record when he died while under police costody! You can go check with PDRM.

    My point regarding the variation between Dr.Pornthip's and Dr. Prashant's testimonies is that the local doctor does not have the same degree of expertise or experience as the Thai lady who has examined 100 bodies in cases involving death from high rise buildings.

    I hope the coroner takes this into account when he passes his verdict on the cause of TVH's death. Have no fear, I am on the side of TBH and not the thieving liars and murderers!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  14. its ok to murder in the name of bangsa and ketuanan melayu.
    afterall, the ok child porno chief can sleep well after prayers.

  15. now seriously this honorable lady dr.
    should be ISAed for her safety laa !
    as for the indian dr. he has learned to be smart to keep his job here, ok ?

  16. if it's a 'self-suicide' WHY did TBH
    leave his sony hp behind !? .....or someone on the 14th snatched it & ...
    &....wat laa , ok ?
