
Thursday, October 01, 2009

Poor Indian leadership in Bagan Pinang

Sometimes you wonder why a smart bloke like Najib would choose Isa Samad as the candidate for the Bagan Pinang by-election?

Sure, Isa is a good mate of his, bloke is a local warlord, Isa’s men would sabotage the by-election outcome if another candidate were to be chosen, blah blah blah ...

... but surely he could and should have a more strategic assessment of the consequences of putting a tainted Isa as the BN’s candidate.

His erstwhile mentor Dr M had provided good advice but Najib has either decided to have his mate back in mainstream UMNO politics or he succumbed to the power brokers in UMNO or he was so hard-up for a tactical victory (in the wake of several by-election losses) that he went for what he thought would be a ‘safe’ choice.

You know what I have been thinking of who would have been the best BN candidate?

Can you guys recall the Ijok by-election just prior to the 2008 general election?

BN then had the guts to uphold the BN tradition (despite the BN f*-ups in other multiracial aspects) by putting up an Indian candidate in a Malay majority electorate against a PKR Malay opponent. I had a lot of respect for that BN move ...

... but alas, nowadays the only daring thing UMNO would venture to do seems to more about stomping and spitting on a decapitated cow's head.

And if you read The Malaysian Insider’s Umno still faces an angry Indian electorate Isa isn’t exactly the best bloke to win the majority of the 20% electoral Indian votes because of BN's total neglect of the community, not just in recent times but particularly when he was MB.

Vasantha Kumar, a former Hindraf leader (note ‘former’) accused Isa Samad as the BN leader presiding over the worst neglect of the Bagan Pinang Indians in his 24-year tenure as MB.

Vasantha stated: “It is such an irony that the man who is to be largely blamed for the neglect of the Indian community in Bagan Pinang has returned to become the candidate.”

Vasantha urges the Indian voters to vote for PAS/Pakatan.

But alas, the Indians are divided. We have Thanenthiran and his new Najib-embraced party, one with a hijacked name, working their asses out for Isa. Maybe there’s a Datukship sometime in the future for Thanenthiran?

Then party-less T Murugiah is into bodek-ish high-gear, threatening to have the police arrest those who raise the cow-head issue during the election campaign.

While I can understand Thanenthiran’s and Murugiah's shameless sycophantic selfish ‘motivation’ I can’t Uthayakumar’s – bloke is urging Indian voters to boycott the by-election to signal their anger at their neglect.

Is that the best way to voice one’s grievance?

I am beginning to firm up on what I have been suspecting about Uthayakumar for quite a while, because his current political campaign (yes, calls for boycotting the by-election is also a campaign) in Bagan Pinang seems to be at great odds to the one he adopted for Kg Buah Pala - I don’t see much of ‘boycotting’ calls by Uthayakumar then. In fact he was most active and noisy (actually vitriolic).

It’ll be a great shame if the Indian voters heed such a negative approach, and lose at least a say in a democratic process – and in Bagan Pinang it's a fairly significant 'say', their sole chance of ever being heard.

Any boycott will only benefit UMNO!

Aren't 52 years enough? Why must Indians once again be screwed into muted marfulat marginalisation by poor leadership ... and if that were to happen they can thank Uthayakumar.

I urge the Indians, Malays and Chinese in Bagan Pinang to vote for change.


  1. Kt,

    I do not know how often you hang around with the Malaysian Indians. As individuals they are just as smart and level-headed as anyone else. Put them into a group and their Tamil movie mentality starts to take over. I may be wrong but I am sure many see the same thing I see in Malaysian Indians.

  2. abstaining from voting is part of the democractic process.why should the malaysian indians listen to you or others when the outcome remains the same for the indians in this country?

  3. Anonymous @ 4:04AM, October 02, 2009

    - abstaining from voting is part of the democractic process.why should the malaysian indians listen to you or others when the outcome remains the same for the indians in this country?

    If all Malaysian Indians think like you my friend, then they should NOT

    - be forming more political parties
    - be demonstrating and/or handing over memoranda to all and sundry, etc

    after all, as you said, 'the outcome remains the same' so why bother.

    Koh Lai Huat

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I deleted my earlier comment (due to typo) - here's the revision:

    Koh's sweet riposte to Anon of 4:04 AM calls for a wakakaka to Anon

  6. Hi KT,
    I am sure that the so called voices of the malaysian indians are not represented by these shitheads like mic,ppp,ipf,mmsp,mindraf,the dog nalla, or any others.
    You have hundreds of thousands of educated indians who keep away from the likes of these "leaders".
    to me at least ,any thing said by these scoundrals means only one thing "how much can/did they collect".
    Just look at the profiles of these self claimed "leaders" and see what a joke they are.
    Its like this ! Get about ten guys to stand around you, have a PC and claim that you have the support of all the indians and speak a few nice things about BN and hope for the best to be noticed by PM, who is very very desperate at the moment,and dream of what they could cash out.
    To all those indians who have MANAM,MARIYATHAY ,SUDU SORANAY,
    VOTE PAS/PR in all and every elections.
    Let not these dogs represent or use our numbers to gratify themselves.
    Think about all that by which BN SODOMISED the indians in the past and i am sure in the future too.


  8. Indian here are so divided, esp now, politically. This is a good strategy, divide and rule. And the Indian politicians fall right into the trap, knowingly and happily.

  9. sure that sell-out indian will get a datukship. fuck, PR is worse for not doing enougb for the Indians compared to 52 years of shit from BN. wonder if he has a bit of grey matter up there.

  10. * MIC members: 2.5 million
    * M. Kayveas' PPP: 1.5 million
    * T. Murugiah's PPP: 157,231
    * IPF: 320,245
    * Makkal Sakti Party: 2.1 million
    * P. Uthayakumar's Human Rights Party: 1.5 million
    * Hindraf supporters: 2.2 million
    * K.S. Nallakaruppan's MIUP: 250,782
    * Kimma: 300,057

    In total, there would be 9.5 million pro-BN Indian supporters making some 40% of the country's 25 million people. So the next PM needs to be an Indian.

  11. Anon 7.15am,

    Hehehe ho hohoho howllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

    My point was the same.
    Just get 10 to 20 guys to be around you ,walla you represent ALL indians.
    Real shit of a gimmick man real shit these ETTAPANS dish out to all and sundry.
    So where are the 9.5mil indians?
    Any answer from samy,nalla,tehenen,murugiah,mrs.panndi,
    kv ass?wheres the guy who started Mindraf seems to have lost his footing from the ledge of batu caves and gone mia, hehehe?

  12. stop be condescending ktemoc
