
Friday, September 11, 2009

MACC tortured Sivanesan into 'confession'?

In the inquest on the inexplicable, unaccountable and dodgy circumstances surrounding the horrible death (in the premise of a MACC building) of young Teoh Beng Hock, who was supposed to be a mere ‘witness’ to assist an investigation by MACC into alleged (and still unsubstantiated) corruption by Selangor DAP ADUNs, we further learn of the MACC conducting Gestapo-Kempetai torture techniques on another person, T. Sivanesan, ...

malaysiakini photo

... to compel him (through threats of MORE unbearable physical and indeed mental pains) into signing a prepared confession – for more, read The Malaysian Insider’s High Court dismisses MACC bid to remove evidence.

As if that was not enough, we just heard of (from the Malaysian Insider)
Mystery ‘police’ after Sivanesan?, where several persons claiming to be policemen went to Sivanesan’s house to arrest him.

But fortunately Siva was out, and spared the ordeal with the sinister visitors (and a probable extremely nasty experience).

Those sinister visitors left a message for him to report to the Jenjarom police station but Siva had the presence of mind (especially after the still-unexplained deaths in custody of Teoh Beng Hock, A Kugan, Udayappan) to take along a lawyer, the redoubtable son of Karpal Singh, Gobind Deo.

And surprise surprise, the police at Jenjarom had no clue on that ‘secret police’ instruction to Siva. Who were those mysterious but certainly sinister 'visitors' who visited Siva immediately after he spilled the beans on MACC's Abu Ghraib-ish methods at the inquest?

UPDATE @ 1200 hrs: Those mysterious 'visitors' have been confirmed as police officers by Gobind Deo. But he didn't provide ay further info as he said he does not know why Sivanesan was asked to report to the police station and to a specific officer. However, he did state the witness’s safety is a concern but steps have been taken to address that issue. - see The Malaysian Insider's It was the cops after all who came a-calling for Sivanesan

With all these frightening events, I have to ask (admittedly rhetorically), what sort of organization the MACC has been, is, and unless we do something, will be!

Let me assure you that even UMNO people are not safe, for if you (UMNO) happen to be in the ‘wrong camp’, you could be a future target for these thugs, as had already been experienced by an UMNO bloke (in Johore???).

Instead of dealing with real corruption, their raison d'ĂȘtre, some of the MACC officers harass the inconsequential and innocents on the instructions of their political patron. They have (though probably not all of them) become a political/private rather than a public tool, a pack of goons useful for extracting ‘required’ information (meaning information they decided they 'require' for their nefarious purposes) like a brutal dentist on his bad day …

… and speaking of dentistry, please read the following letter by Peter Chin to Malaysiakini. It’s a bit dated, being published on 06 April 2009 but it still demonstrates succinctly the uselessness of the MACC, if not a sinister threat to public interests and safety:

I refer to Malaysiakini report
Ex-MB slams Selcat for tarnishing his reputation.

Mohd Khir Toyo accused Selcat of tarnishing his image. I do not think so. In the first case Selcat did invite Khir Toyo and his wife to answer or maybe explain himself to the committee. But they chose not to do so.

Now that the truth of abuse of funds and power is revealed by none other than CEO of PNSB,, he cries foul over the inquiry.

Mohd Toyo must know that he was given a chance to vindicate himself at the inquiry but he did not seize the opportunity. He therefore has forfeited his right to rebut.

As claimed by him, if both he and his wife had done nothing wrong, he should not be afraid to face the committee. As the Chinese saying goes, ' Pure gold is not fearful of going through fire'. He should have proven his worth at the inquiry.

Anyway, the more Khir Toyo tries to explain himself the more he exposes himself.

He alleged that the original aim of Selcat was to look into the Balkis fund but had later strayed into PNSB just to damage his image.

In this aspect, Khir Toyo should appreciate the initiative of Selcat to look into PNSB's dealings. I believe the people in Selangor are grateful of Selcat's initiative.

In exposing the abuse of funds in PNSB, a future CEO would be more careful in granting aid to charitable organisations. It is also a lesson to chief ministers and MBs not to treat statutory bodies as their private banks.

In one of the his statements, Khir Toyo claimed that he paid directly to a travel agency for his children's trip and got verification from them that they would not claim payment from the state agency, PNSB.

It boggles my poor mind.

The PNSB official claimed that they had paid for the children's trip and now Khir Toyo claims that he had paid for the same trip too. I would like to assume Khir Toyo's claim is true. As such the said trip has been paid for twice?

Can it be? Definitely not! There would be a big accounting problem for the travel agency if the said trip was paid twice. Faced with two persons claiming too have paid for the same trip ,which is not possible, there are four possibilities that I can draw:

1. Khir Toyo had paid for the trip and PNSB had done it too. The overpayment must have been pocketed by some individual down the line.

2. The money might have been refunded to PNSB and someone in the state agency might have pocketed the money.

3. PNSB had actually not paid for the trip but Khir Toyo did.

4. PNSB had actually paid for the trip and Khir Toyo did not.

Khir Toyo is like a mouse caught in a trap and snapping at everything in order to get out.

Hey, what is there to deny the truth that PNSB paid for your wife's trip when the truth itself was revealed by none other than the CEO of the company.

The allegations did not come from Ah Too, Awang or Muniandy but by the very person helming PNSB.

Khir Toyo made me laugh when he challenged Selcat to report the matter to the MACC.

To do so is like bringing coal to Newcastle. Aiya, Khir Toyo, it would be more realistic if reports be made against someone sacrificing a few cows for the deserving poor because the poor do not deserve such a treat. This is a more serious case.

Perhaps ‘bringing or more correctly, carrying coals to Newcastle’ may not be the best idiom, though it’s certainly correct in one aspect as in, why report corruption to a place that’s already full of corruption.


  1. Am afraid Sivanesan may soon meet his maker. Sudden Death as a lot of Malaysians are prone to suffer from whenever Malaysian authorities take an interest in them.
