
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Hishamuddin f* up again and again!

One wonders how Hishamuddin Hussein could have been so stupid as to met the blood-letting wannabes who had protested in disgraceful fashion against the re-location of a Hindu temple to PJ Section 23 – racists who insulted Hindus by desecrating a holy Hindu icon?

... and during the holy month of Ramadan too!

Is he so moronic as to believe his defence of those outrageous bigots would be accepted by the public?

Did he not know what his cousin Najib or even KJ had said about the shameful illegal assembly?

As Malaysiakini columnist Azly Rahman wrote in a special letter to the online news portal in Shame on you! Hisham

As a Muslim, I felt disgusted when Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein chose to stand with the protesters who caused a national uproar. A group of Muslims use an animal sacred to another religion and incite racial tensions, and yet he says the protesters should not be blamed?

He even had the cheek to say that the protesters "had no intention at all to bring the cow's head and invoke racial sentiments or cause tension."

"What nonsense? It is an insult to our intelligence, let alone us Muslims! Is this the kind of Islamic justice we are portraying? No wonder there is so much misunderstanding about Islam.

Take a hypothetical situation. If they are to step on our beloved Quran or bring a swine's head into the compound of a mosque to protest, can Hishamuddin say that we cannot blame the protesters for doing so ?

When other people have been detained under the ISA and arrested for attending candle light vigils or wearing black T-shirts, how can the home minister say we cannot blame a group of protesters with a very clear intention of inciting racial and religious sentiments?

Worse, it is done during Ramadan which we Muslims observe as a holy month, and this act of insulting another religion is still acceptable by the Home Minister's standard?

Or, was he playing bad cop to his cousin Najib’s good cop? Maybe Muhyiddin Yasssin told him “It’s your bloody turn. I’m sick of always playing bad cop to your cousin!”

Perhaps Hishamuddin is shoring his position as VP of his party, by indulging those ‘innocent cow eyes’ cow-head draggers who wanted to spill Hindu blood?

Talking about moronic, idiotic, nonsensical, The Malaysian Insider has just published its article
Musa Hassan stays on as IGP.

It just takes your breath away, for Home Minister Hishamuddin to renew the contract of a man who as IGP had allowed the crime rate in our nation to shoot through the f* roof.

Oi, new KPI Minister, Senator Idris Jala, do you rate Musa Hassan as competent and suitable for an extension to his contract as IGP?

... where under his stewardship of the PDRM, death in police custody had assumed such frightening magnitude that the police station has been deemed to be the most dangerous place in Malaysia,

... a man who has been regularly alleged to have connections with the underworld.

Never mind Idris Jala, but what would have Hussein Oon or Oon Jaafar say of Hishamuddin’s moronic nonsensical idiocy if they were still around?


  1. idris jala will give hishamudin 5 stars

    datuk onn and hussein onn in syurga will say "syabas, ini baru anakanda saya".

    please don't use ppl's grandfather or father to judge hisamudin's act.

  2. Kaytee
    It's just a small matter.
    No need for Hishamuddin to interfere.
    To me it's Khalid Ibrahim who should solve the problem.
    But his ineptitude speaks volume.
    Or maybe he wants it to appear as BN issue.
    Remember the pig head and pig carcass incident in Melaka?
    Only the Chief minister solve it.
    Did the Malays and the Muslims made a big hoo-ha over it?
    Nope siree.
