
Thursday, September 24, 2009

BN government selects Kulim Wonder & Wee Choo Keong for UN delegation

The Star Online - 3 Opposition MP for UN reported:

For the first time, three MPs from the Opposition will represent Malaysia as official delegates to the UN General Assembly.

They are Wee Choo Keong and Zulkifli Nordin from Parti Keadilan Rakyat, and Chong Chieng Jen from DAP. Wee is Wangsa Maju MP, Zulkifli the Kulim-Bandar Baharu MP and Chong is Bandar Kuching MP.

I am sure we all know the Kulim Wonder but I thought you might like to be reminded that Wee was a former DAP bloke before he joined PKR.

Many DAP members alleged he still bears a grudge against his former political party.

Incidentally, I wonder whether he was the bloke who insinuated there were possible links between Selangor DAP and the underworld, where his insinuation was supported by Azmin Ali.

Mind you, that Wee (assuming he's not this Wee) made just an oblique allegation, hmmm ... like a ducky. Ronnie Liu challenged (that/this?) Wee to say it loud & clear in the open instead of sniping from the side.

Well, in that insinuation (manna to the MACC), one thing led to another, and the MACC unfortunately stepped in, with calamitous result - the first fatal casualty was poor Teoh Beng Hock!

But, having said all these asides, I must congratulate the Kulim Wonder and Wee for being nominated by the government to represent Malaysia. I have no doubt their excellence in politics have finally gained due recognition.

Syabas (oh btw, doesn’t this word rhyme with something or someone?)


  1. Possible good candidates to become frogs .

  2. I wonder why Chong Chieng Jen though...

  3. Sarawakian mah.....

  4. wee choo keong , hassan ali, zul nordin and ibrahim ali are most dangerous man alive ...

  5. wee choo keong , hassan ali, zul nordin and ibrahim ali are most dangerous man alive ...

    Dangerous only to Pakatan ! but Zulklifi is dangerous to everyone in Malaysia .

  6. TBH's death should be on WCK's conscience as like you say - his comment on his blog was ,anna to the MACC.

    When WCK won - I felt happy for him. Now, I feel sad in his role towards TBH's death.

    I wonder whether WCK being selected together with the Kulim Wonder is any indication that they possess same criteria?

  7. I was just in HYAT REGENCY in a pub/club called CHUKKA.... Kuantan, if the JAIP came in n alot of Katrina DEWAs & DEWIs there...rotan price will go up...wat crap this is...N THEY NOT DRINKIN BEER...JDs N BLACKs...BY THE BOTTLE MIND YOU....SORRY TO SAY A WHOLE LOT OF CRAP..SOME COULD NOT EVEN PISS STRAIGHT...YES THEY WERE THAT YOUNG...INCREDIBLE...KETUANAN MELAYU...& RELIGION...I WAS THE ONLY INDIAN...3 CHINESE, 3 KWAI LO......AND THE REST WERE....TADAAAAA....MELAYU...probably Christian Malays..or OTHERS>>>JAIP BULLSHIT....

  8. Is that why Pahangites being told to support BN? Because fearing the Reds ooops! The PAS is coming.....

    PAS is facing schism. Lets face it. It's the best schism for PAS. Husam took over mantle of PAS. PAS would be clenased of Talibanism/Wahabbism before entering the human race.

    Of course, can't stop PAS from advancing Islamism.....So does DAP soliciting the song Internationale.......

    People don't get me wrong. Internationale is not song for communist. It's a common for social democrats

  9. One more thing .. Don't forget that after he was booted out from DAP , Wee set up his own Party. The funny thing is , he was virtually it's only member .. LOL !! Wee , we all know who u are .. so shut up !! No need to do another Lee Lam Thye .. Oh yes .. Lee now is an avid golfer . So rich oledi ar?
