
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Untuk agama, raja dan bangsa

Malaysiakini - I won't give in, says defiant Hasan - extracts follow:

Far from intimidated by the prospect of facing a disciplinary hearing, Selangor PAS commissioner and exco member Hasan Ali is “even more determined” to uphold his party's Islamic principles. […]

Retorted Hasan today: “I won't (give in to) such threats. I will keep fighting for Islam... I am ready to face any action by the top leadership, even if I am stripped of my position for what I did.”

The Malaysian Insider - Legal observers criticise Karpal sedition charge – extracts follow:

The controversial trial of a Malaysian opposition leader for sedition started today, drawing criticism from international legal observers amid increasing opposition fears of a crackdown on dissent.

Karpal Singh, chairman of the Democratic Action Party (DAP), is being tried for comments he made in February, where he said the sultan of Perak could be taken to court over endorsing the government takeover of an opposition-ruled state. […]

Karpal, an MP, faces a fine and up to three years in prison if convicted. He told reporters he had “no doubt” the case against him was politically motivated.

“A lot of statements from Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders including the prime minister who has said action should be taken against bloggers who put up seditious material. I think that appears to be the trend,” said Karpal.

Malaysia’s police chief today was reported by the Berita Harian Malay language newspaper as saying that two other DAP MPs are to be investigated for sedition.

The state government of Perak will also pursue action against two bloggers who it says made comments that insulted the royal family of Perak, which the Perak chief minister said amounted to “sedition and probably treason”, the New Straits Times reported today.

Jeffrey Miles from the International Association of Lawyers, one of four observers representing various international legal bodies, said sedition laws have been “very rarely” applied in other Commonwealth countries.

“The last case I can think of was in the 1950s in Australia during the Cold War, where a member of the Communist Party was prosecuted,” he said

What’s the similarity between the two?


  1. He can keep to his principles,but do not use his principles and his position to dictate.
    Islam, as I understand it has survived for 1400 years and is said to be the the fastest growing religion today. I believe it has grown by leaps and bounds not through humans fighting for it but by humans spreading and teaching its true message.

  2. Hassan Ali will eventually join UMNO...then, he will plot the capture of selangor by BN. They will make him a senior Exco. This guy has no esprit d corp.

    Sri Hartamas

  3. During Mahathir time, we have "correct,correct correct"

    In Najib time, we have "ultra vires".

  4. Bulldozers in Kg Buah Pala (updates)

    1058: One woman in her fifties has fainted and is now lying on a table. The older folks in the village look tired and weary. Another woman, Mahadevi, 51, who had just undergone a spinal operation recently, has been shoved.

    The developer, lawyers and others are in one of the houses. TNB personnel are also believed to be at the scene.

    1046: Some of the villagers say that the bailiff has given them 15 minutes to leave, according to one source. A lot of shouting going on.

    Another source reports the same thing, adding that the villagers are chanting, “Hidup Kampung Buah Pala! Samseng keluar!”

    1029: A court bailiff sticks a demolition order on one of the houses.

    A commotion breaks out as village reps point out any action today would be in contempt of court as the Federal Court is due to hear their application for revision on 18 August.

    The developer’s contractors are still around. Some reporters re-enter the village.

    1008: The demolition team march into the village followed by the two bulldozers. A crowd of chanting villagers goes up close and eyeballs them. A police barricade separates the two sides. About a hundred Light Strike Force personnel are at the scene.

    1003: The demolition team are moving in: about 200 people and two tractors or bulldozers.

    0935: The situation appears tense in the village. Two bulldozers are believed to be around. Police continue to order out reporters and photographers, says an eye-witness at the scene. He believes some of the residents have confronted the demolition team at the Shell station and they may have dispersed (unable to verify that though). The entire area has now been blocked. As raindrops fall, it seems as if the heavens are weeping.

    0929: People are milling around the second barricade. “Everyone seems to be just waiting,” reports a citizen journalist. One village family – husband, pregnant wife and two children – has left the scene. Lots of police personnel around. A tractor or bulldozer is inside the village, according to two different sources.

    0920: About 200 police personnel, including riot police are now in the village. “They are coming,” one villager tells me, sounding upset. He said one of the villagers had spotted another group of men, believed to be the developers’ people, gathering at the Shell station along the main road.

    A citizen journalist tries to enter the village but is unable to get past the second barricade.

    0853: The police have asked reporters and photographers inside the village to move outside the road blocks that have been set up at the entrance to the village. About 50 villagers have gathered inside and some 50 police personnel are also present, according to an eye-witness.

    0750: Police on motorbikes have been seen checking out Kg Buah Pala. The residents have been on tenterhooks since last night amidst speculation that something could happen today.

  5. Here's from the Star !

    11.03am: A few TNB workers stopped from entering village

    11am: Piles of cow dung put in ready. It is believed the villagers would use them against the workers.

    Several villagers claimed they fainted and police not doing enough to maintain peace.

    10.56am: Shouting and pushing intensifies. Demolition workers prepare to advance. Woman resident claims she was hit.

    10.50am: Pushing starts between villagers and police. Shouts of 'hidup Kampung Buah Pala'

    10.45am: Court bailiff and developer give villagers 15 minutes to remove their belongings.

    10.25am: The workers in safety gear and armed with sledgehammers stopped from walking further.

    10:20am: FRU personnel moved in between the two groups. Residents keep hurling abuses and shouting at the workers and contractors. Two bulldozers trying to make their way in. Residents say they have assurance from state police chief that no demolition would be carried out.

    10am: Some 100 workers walk to the village. Residents, members of NGOs and political parties forming the barricade shout "samseng keluar". Police move in.

    9.40am: Court officials and bailiff, developer Nusmetro Ventures Sdn Bhd director Gary Ho and executive director Thomas Chan were seen at the mobile police station. Contractors and workers walk towards the village. Villagers shouted at them to stay back

    GEORGE TOWN: Police have cordoned off the entire Kampung Puah Bala as the deadline for the residents to move out ends Thursday.

    Bulldozers have been put on standby to move in to demolish the houses after most of the residents failed to take up the offer of a doube-storey house.

    The situation is described as tense.

    Scores of residents and members of non-governmental organisations are sitting in the rain to form a blockade. Two cars were also used to block off the main road of the village.

    The police have set up a temporary mobile centre.

  6. wonder what is the outcome of the 'natang' investigation, why does it take such a long time? c'mon lah PDRM, move it!


    Oh, may a seven year old boy from KBP pull down Koh TK's pants and slash away....

  8. Koh TK must answer for all these miseries - the PM's so-called 'headmaster', essentially an unelected and hence unrepresentative swill, has a big F in his own report card.

    and apart from the (immediate) previous BN State government, its predecessor Perikatan (Alliance) and successor (BN again) should be held liable for misapprorpiating the land endowed by the Brown Estate to its residents (and successors).




  10. Keep them occupied in the Courts and they will have no time to govern seem to be the in thing. Ramalx

  11. Keep them occupied in the Courts and they will have no time to govern seem to be the in thing. Ramalx
