
Friday, July 03, 2009

DAP needs to watch out for some treacherous PKR members

Malaysiakini - More brickbats for Guan Eng

Zahrain Hashim is the PKR chief in Penang who was so hard-up for Huan (and his rumoured thousands of Gerakan Party cohorts) to join PKR Penang, following Huan’s rumoured threat to leave Gerakan Party, that he (Zahrain) in his ‘siapa-tidak-kira semua pun mahu’ eagerness fell for the feint, parry, thrust and shadow boxing of Gerakan internal politics.

At least PKR’s Sim exercised a good sense of quality control and rejected any would-be defectors from Gerakan.

The problem with some members of PKR (as we have witnessed in Perak, Penang, Kedah and to a lesser extent, Selangor) has been their lack of quality control in accepting members. Some joined PKR because they were kicked out from or left UMNO because of differences with the factions within.

But in leaving UMNO they brought along their old mentality – where political power means position, pseudo-prestige and pungli.

You may ask what is pseudo-prestige?

It’s those State (or even Federal) awards and titles, namely Datukships.

Now, not every State/Federal award falls under the dodgy category – some people awarded such honours have genuinely earned them.

But a pseudo-prestigious one …?

Remember how Kayveas and his PPP members were humiliated (real chia-lart, teruk sangat, humongously) by the Malacca CM, their so-called guest of honour for the opening the PPP general assembly in Malacca, when he told PPP to get the f* out of BN. And the apparent (perhaps not true) cause of that unmitigated insult was Kayveas demanding a Malacca Datukship for the Malacca PPP head wakakaka!

'Twas truly a pseudo-prestige because Malacca’s Datukships have been the most numerous awarded, here, there, everyway wakakaka.

Even Jean Badawi received one the moment she married AAB. Yet the poor aneh couldn’t get one from Ali – this calls for another round of wakakaka.

When Lim GE said no to state awards of datukship he became even less popular with those PKR members.

We know that some Penang PKR members believe they are entitled to positions and prestige – so, on top of Lim’s no to Datukships, they were further pissed off when Lim GE decided to do away with appointing pollies to head local councils, a position badly abused in the past to the detriment of the rakyat's benefits. He and the Penang exco decided on professional administrators to head (note: not ‘helm’ wakakaka) the councils.

When one PKR bloke thought he could show his anger by boycotting an event that he was required to be present at, Lim sacked him. We’re of course referring to PKR’s Johari Kassim.

Note the difference in the leadership quality between Lim and Anwar, where one puts his foot on down on indiscipline while the other allows the Kulim Wonder to get away with shameful thuggish behaviour, treacherous criticism of his own PKR colleague Eli Wong (a victim of puerile pariah politics), demonstration of his medieval misogynist mentality against SIS, etc etc etc.

That is something for Anwar Ibrahim to answer to, and for his party’s deputy president, Dr Syed Husin to explain why there’s no disciplinary action taken against the Kulim Wonder as had been promised.

Anyway, Zahrain decides that it’s payback time for Lim GE.

Seizing on a tragedy, that of Kampung Buah Pala, he twisted the misguided Hindraf knife further into Lim’s side, accusing Lim for attempting to resolve the crisis through media statements, rather than working out a proactive action plan ...

... of course ignoring at the same time that the Hindraf brothers had been the ones using the media to shout down and threaten Lim … as if they were avenging immortals wakakaka.

And the irony about 'negotiating through the media' is that in the runup to the March 2008 general election, PKR set a notorious track record of pre-empting talks with the DAP by releasing their views on PKR-DAP seat sharing allocations to the press rather than discussing those views or desired positions with the DAP in confidence. That party did the same underhanded and undermining tactics in 2004.

It's obvious that Penang PKR wants to sabotage Lim GE, because earlier we saw PKR state youth chief Yusmadi Yusoff leaping in to join the pack of braying anti-Lim attackers over the Kg Buah Pala saga.

With allies like that, who needs enemies?


  1. "allows the Kulim Wonder to get away with shameful thuggish behaviour"

    and that champion is now in the Higher Education shadow ministry, isn't that the biggest Wa-KAKA of all!

  2. @int
    Our Tertiary students could use that! LOL


    Anyway, the newest twist was that a certain chinese towkay in Penang who bears a Tan Sri title, who is pro-LGE and since becomes abang adik with LGE (after he "helmed" the state government), has a hand with the development project...

    The sources hence concluded that this answers why LGE refuses to turun padang but instead asking DCM Mansor and DCM Ramasamy to deal with the issue... and also it answers why LGE refuses to "solve the problems with a stroke of pen"...

    This is according to some random
    "insiders sources"...

    If true, naughty LGE
    If false, poor LGE

    But somehow the story sounds quite well-connected and indeed that Tan Sri towkay was and is befriending with LGE...

  3. Oh by the way... Did I say Shamsul Iskandar the PKR youth chief was there "in solidarity with HINDRAF"? You wonder why~

  4. If the DAP is strong why should we be scared of alternative opinions?

  5. The people of Penang should conduct a poll to see whether they prefer to spend RM150 million of the state's funds to buy back Kg Buah Pala from the co-op so as to benefit the 200-odd inhabitants there. Comes to only RM750,000 per Kg Buah Pala inhabitant. RM250,000 more before he can be a millionaire. Not bad for being a cowherd.

  6. GEORGE TOWN: Trouble is brewing in the state Pakatan Rakyat again with a DAP MP lashing out at a PKR municipal councillor who allegedly lobbied for a stop-work order issued to a property developer to be revoked.

    Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi claimed the councillor had acted inappropriately when he allegedly tried to covertly pressure the council’s One-Stop Centre (OSC) committee to review and revoke the stop-work order issued on June 26.

    The OSC system was introduced to deal with land-related matters like planning permission, new housing projects, land conversions and land development.

    Ooi, who did not name the councillor, told a press conference at a coffeeshop in Bakau Street yesterday that he wrote to the state government on Monday for a domestic inquiry into the conduct of the councillor.

    Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan Chik, who admitted that he was the one in question, said he was not interfering but had merely offered his views as a councillor.

    “I was merely questioning the decision. The council can impose a fine, or even seek a court injunction against the developer by stopping it from carrying out construction work outside the permitted hours. To issue a stop-work order is definitely too harsh,” he said.

    Muhammad Bakhtiar said he would agree to such an order if the safety of the residents nearby was at risk.

    He cited the example of another developer who was merely served with an injunction against carrying out work after 6pm.

    PKR state chairman Datuk Zahrain Hashim came out in defence of Muhammad Bakhtiar.

    He welcomed an investigation into the matter, adding that if there was no truth to the allegation, then the person who made the allegation must be held responsible.

    State Local Government and Traffic Management Committee chairman Chow Kon Yeow said he received the letter from Ooi two days ago and had forwarded it to the council president for further action.

    Chee Cheng Boon, the director of Insa Properties Sdn Bhd whose construction work in Batu Lanchang was issued with the stop-work order, said the company had filed an appeal to the council several days after the order was issued.

    “We apologise to the residents nearby for the inconvenience caused. Please bear with us for the time being,” said Chee, adding that the company would not carry out work beyond the stipulated hours once the stop-work order was lifted.

  7. BAD OMEN for Guan Eng ? Being forced out of his Official Residence ? What with all these issues ? and with termites and forest ants ?

    Termites force Guan Eng to move out

    GEORGE TOWN: Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has moved out of his official residence Seri Teratai, which was found to be unsafe for occupation because of termite infestation.

    Lim has moved into a rented house here and appealed to the media not to publish where he was staying to fulfil the house owner’s request for privacy.

    Lim moved into the residence, formerly known as Rumah Tetamu, on June 21 last year and had requested for termite inspection a few weeks ago after discovering signs of termite damage.

    Three main termite activity spots were found in the building.

    Forest fire ants were also found in one section of the house.

  8. i wonder if penang will turn into another perak fiasco, where lge's forced to step down and penang goes back KTK via "democratic" means.....

  9. Bentoh

    Anyway, the newest twist was that a certain chinese towkay in Penang who bears a Tan Sri title, who is pro-LGE and since becomes abang adik with LGE (after he "helmed" the state government), has a hand with the development project...
    The Chinese towkay in Penang who is also the Chairman of the board of Governors of Han Chiang College ? Who allowed lge and company to use the Han Chiang field for their rally ? Who submitted a MOU to revive the PORR project via private financing ? Who uses a car with the no.8 ? Who was formerly from Gerakan ? long list ....better stop here !
