
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Batman - Malaysia Boleh

The Star Online Man hangs like a bat in khalwat raid reported:

Struck by fear and panic during a raid by religious department officials, a man wrapped himself in a sarong and hung like a bat from a toilet door to avoid detection, reported Harian Metro.

However, the 27-year-old man failed in his attempt to deceive officials and was nabbed for khalwat (close proximity), the report said.

Langkawi district religious department enforcer Aswad Kasa said a team raided the house in Kampung Nyior Cabang at about 3am on Sunday, after receiving a tip-off on immoral activities there.

He said the house looked empty on initial inspection, with the front door padlocked. When they knocked on the back door, a 25-year-old woman, clad only in a batik cloth, opened the door.

“The woman claimed she was staying alone in the house after separating from her husband. However, on inspection, we found a man in the toilet. He was hanging behind the door like a bat, fearing of being caught for khalwat,” he said, adding that the couple failed to prove that they were husband and wife.

Hmmm, as they say, 'necessity is the mother of invention'.

But I wonder whether Batman also did it 17 times like this bloke?


  1. Did the Batman respond when the name "Najib" was called out?

  2. Where was Robin?

    And Commissioner Gordon?

    No Batgirl? Whatta shame. She was
    17, you know what I mean....

  3. thats what they are god for hanging around like bats, betcha this guy- mr batman is one of the first to foam at the mouth if anyone critices his ilk. Itu halal kah thambi.

  4. Umno/BN component parties and their cronies/EC/MACC/PDRM - No. 1 liar and public enemy, bunch of corrupted, despicable, racist morons rotten to the core!

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  6. I think most of us Malaysians know the country is rotting to its core for the last few decades. It only takes a Michael Backman to confirm it.

    Such a pity this country could have been a 1st world country like Singapore but had to be misgoverned by a bunch of crooks using misguided policies for their own ends.

    It looks like the country hasn't reach rock bottom yet and it is going to get a lot worse before it get any better.

    Local companies are moving away, rich peoples are moving their money elsewhere and the country top brains are simply draining away. Our leaders are still happily plundering the country's wealth regardless of everything else.

    Our future is bleak, very bleak indeed.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I've edited what Hon said at 3:39 AM, July 29, 2009:

    The initial postmortem report revealed that Teoh Beng Hock was [deleted].

    (1) He was pronouced dead at around 8 to 9 am. But MACC claimed they only heard a big sound at 1.30 pm and then found his body.

    (2) His handphone is not with his body. Teoh was either still under the custody of MACC or someone removed the phone from his dead body.

    (3) The latch of window in leval 14 where MACC office is located found at the floor of level 5.

    (4) The body is not facing down unlike normal suicide from tall building. This pointed to he was already dead when he was falling down.

    (5) The blood stain is abnormal little. This is another sign to show that he already dead before falling down.

    (6) His pants were torn. His pants incidentally hooked to window latch before his body was forced out.

    (7) The timber door at MACC main entrance was shut down from 1.15 to 1.50 pm. This 45 minutes duration is [deleted].

    From these initial findings, my conclusion is he was [deleted]

  9. In Ti Lian Ker's blog postings by the same idiot using so many aliases , one who claims he migrated to Hong Kong and has three children , all bullshitt and now huh , has so many names and aliases . Let see this idiot posting under so many aliases = aston , Boleh , yuking , San , kentanjim , honyang , fargowin , coolooc = idiotic asshole now include TiuNyaSing , reek , Hon , winner , ruyom , julee .
    In Hantu Laut's blog , oversee , coolooc , ruyom ,
    Apa Lagi si pontianak ?
    And now here using vesewe , ruyom , Hon . The deleted names must be anyone one from above . And this punk must be working night shift or rotational shift to post so early in the morning as in the other blogs . Have a good idea who he is .

  10. Langkawi district religious department enforcer Aswad Kasa said a team raided the house in Kampung Nyior Cabang at about 3am on Sunday, after receiving a tip-off on immoral activities there.

    3am? Where is the search warrant?

    Even criminal held more rights than m***** individual.

  11. dap punks = same umno idiot = bn mad dog cybertroopers = tons of moronic whatever username make fool of them own.

    How can umno morons and bn dogs can win back the support from the rakyat with such low class dap punks character?

    The public surely bukan bodoh sangat.

    That dap punks = Umno idiotic shit brain good in spin and spam but useless to help add any vote to bn.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. At least four flers from religious department are needed to chase after Batmen out there. That plus those gone (almost 70% of their working time) for kursus this and that, it is no wonder there are many kids who grew up without child support from their biological fathers, because by the time someone is actually in the religious department, and actually working to settle their parents' divorce papers, the kids have all grown up to become working adults....

  14. Apa Lagi si pontianak ?

    si pontianak = umno pugs

    pundek punya kaki ! hang

  15. Dear DAP Punks, if this the way you UMNO cybertroopers write and behave in the blogs including using obscenities, don't you think it was only fair that Malaysians have rejected you all? C'mon, don't you think you guys shot yourself in the foot?

    Can't they find people with more depth who can argue a case well and with dignity instead of always shooting off dirty words when they feel the heat?

  16. Greenbug 12:43 AM

    Is this the way you argue for your fellow Pakatan cybergoon ?

    Now lets see , my expose of your goon posting under so many aliases and posting Umno/BN component parties and their cronies/EC/MACC/PDRM - No. 1 liar and public enemy, bunch of corrupted, despicable, racist morons rotten to the core! is totally uncalled for , unsubstantiated , un proven , irresponsible . That all Pakatan and their cybergoons like you are angels kicked out from heaven and all BN are devils ..!!??

    And as you quote Can't they find people with more depth who can argue a case well and with dignity instead of always shooting off dirty words ..??
    What case did I argue on here other than exposing the man with many faces ?
    Is pontianak ..meaning a ghost is a dirty word as according to you ?

    Can you tell me the equivalent to the word pundek ?

    Greenbug , please go back to school or kindy ...please lah don't make a fool of yourself unless you have been the one posting those comments as your timing of posting is almost the time period of all those postings from 1am till 3am

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