
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Some comments on Malaysiakini columns

Today I will comment on the articles of three of my fave Malaysiakini columnists, Bakri Musa, Eric Loo and my matey Dean Johns.

First with Bakri Musa who wrote Incompetence at all levels.

Bakri who, like George Lee, resides abroad [George in Australia, Bakri in USA] but continues to comment on Malaysian affairs and sometimes showing by contrast the way the authority of his foreign domicile governs in a democratic, transparent and accountable manner.

George Lee has recently been severely criticised for his remote 'armchair' comments of Malaysian lack of provenance; Bakri too had been so criticised, where I recall he was labelled derogatorily as NATO (no action, all talk). Bakri provided a good riposte to that intolerant criticism.

In his lastest article Bakri blasted the IGP. While Malaysian crimes have been soaring, the Police No 1 was more interested in going after Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) and interrogating Lim Kit Siang for alleged sedition.

I love in particular two of his paragraphs:

The chief function of a police force is to maintain public safety. No sane Malaysian would consider Raja Petra or Lim Kit Siang posing a threat to public order. The only threat they pose is in exposing corruption and dereliction of duty at the highest levels of our government. [...]

Musa Hassan's calling in the Interpol is a particularly egregious example of his incompetence.

And he didn’t spare Hishamuddin, SIL, Najib, Muhyiddin Yassin too.

I agree with most of Bakri Musa’s article. However, I do disagree with the last sentence of one of his paragraphs, namely:

Raja Petra's many articles pertaining to Najib Razak contain numerous specific facts, named many individuals, and cited precise locations that they could easily be corroborated or denied by resorting to physical forensic evidences. Raja Petra's allegations are not of the ambiguous ‘he said, she said' variety.

I’m afraid RPK’s notorious Statutory Declaration about Rosmah’s alleged turn padang to witness (or supervise?) the C4-demolition of Altantuyaa Shariibuu’s corpse was dominated by his qualification of “I have been reliably informed …” which we have to admit has been nothing more than a case of ‘he said, she said’.

Next, we come to Eric Loo who wrote'You'll be right, mate,' so says the Aussie to foreign students, about the alleged racist attacks against Indians in Melbourne.

I support fully his comments: Just in case Malaysian families are worried for their sons and daughters, don't be. Media reports do not often tell the whole story. While foreign students in Australian universities are generally perceived to be isolated close-knit groups and ‘socially shy', Aussies are generally hospitable, samaritans, and happy to give anyone a ‘fair-go'. Racist remarks inevitably do crop up in some places in Australia - just as they do in unexpected places and situations in Malaysia and India. As Aussies say when they face a problem ‘We'll be right, mate!"

I have also seen on TV the way some Indian protestors had (mis)behaved – sure as hell didn’t do their cause any good; I wouldn’t be surprised if some Aussie TV viewers were to comment nastily against them.

However, I disagree with Eric’s statement: Ah, the Aussie penchant for raw wit. You see it on Australian television all the time - those hilarious irreverent caricatures of puffed-up celebrities and populist politicians - even the Queen. Indeed, there are no sacred cows in the Australian public space.

Aussies do have sacred cows – please read my last year’s post Priority 1 - free RPK & Hindraf 5 where I described the 3 Aussie sacred cows (and one of Malaysia’s as well).

Finally, on to my matey, Dean who wrote Tanks for the memory, China.

For me, the pun in the title was a giveaway that my fave Malaysiakini columnist has again written another savoury piece to be relished.

Let me start off by stating I agree with Dean 101% on his lambasting of the Chinese authority’s 1989 slaughter of its own citizens.

A wee digression at this stage - The actual event behind the picture of the man attempting to stop the column of tanks rolling into Beijing’s Tiananmen Square (which gave rise to Dean’s usual witty pun in his article’s title) was quite a poignant moment.

Malaysiakini photo

Amidst the senseless and inhumane massacre of Chinese students, that event brought out two rather moving points – (a) the sheer courage of the man in his attempt to stop a column of tanks, and (b) the unusual streak of humanity and perhaps empathy in the tank commander’s attempt to manoeuvre (repetitively) around the man rather than just roll over him.

However, I must comment against Dean’s criticism of China’s involvement in the Korean War.

Dean did not mention that China was forced into the war when the hubristic General Douglas MacArthur attempted to occupy the entire Korean peninsula in a bid to unify both Korean States. Incidentally the political and military division of the peninsula was brought about by a WWII pact between the USA and USSR, with both agreeing on the 38th parallel as the boundary of their military occupancy of the previous Japanese colony.

Despite repetitive Chinese warnings to the USA (through Indian Ambassador Panniker) not to move its US-led UN military forces into North Korea or face Chinese intervention, principally because of the Chinese fears of American proximity to its own territory, the USA ignored the message conveyed by Indian PM Nehru, in the latter's plea to the USA for caution.

When hubristic MacArthur, knowing he possessed superior military firepower and a superior air force to the Chinese’ peasant army, advanced to the Yalu River (very near the Chinese border), the Chinese army startled him by effecting (one of) the very principle of war that the Americans upheld, namely ‘Manoeuvre’.

The US Armed Forces’ Principle of Maneuver has an offensive aim, to put the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the use of unexpected attacks. The Chinese army moved with secrecy, lightning speed and in mass among the mountainous terrain of northern Korea, astounding the Americans who were sent reeling by the Chinese blitzkrieg.

Dean has also been incorrect in stating “…however, the ‘People’s’ forces and their allies lost the war, though China and its North Korean cronies have never conceded defeat.”

The Chinese actually pushed the Americans and the UN forces back to the 38th parallel, where a stalemate was reached, lasting till today.


  1. A President of a democracy is a man who is always ready and willing to lay down your life for his country.


    Maybe the above clip will go some way in explaining the mentality of Hindoos and why they are being bashed up by the Aussies

  3. after watching the videoclip I feel sick, sick at the brutality of those (presumably) police. No human being should be subjected to such abuses.

    In Melbourne it was the other way around, with the protestors kicking at the police.

  4. Had the June 4 1989 rebellion been successful, and the communist regime toppled, what would China today be like? Simply, a return to the 150 years of humiliation.

    Worse off than Somalia, with rival gangs killing each other (and anything else in between them) for land and resources.

    The re-emergence of a modern opium trade, whereby the West and Japan get to sell drugs with impunity and the re-colonization of China.

    The Dalai Lama will be God-Emperor, ruling an independent empire the size of over 25% of China, wherever there are Tibetans.

    In short, everyone will be happy except the Chinese people.

  5. I have already lost hope in this Malaysia years ago. Now, my priority is to make the money oversea/here and banked it in a bank oversea. Get a PR status elsewhere. In fact, I don't even bother to vote anymore. Waste my time and petrol money.

    Leave Malaysia to the bigots. One day, when they bled Malaysia dry, the country will go back to the Stone Age.

    By not seeking to help our children to reach their fullest potential is a sin by itself, you stay and you kill their hope by marginalized their talent, yes! You lost your racial pride of a race Han touted 5000 years old. We are talking about kids being taught by incompetent teachers and lecturers, you have no way of helping them to reach their fullest potential, given them what they deserve.

    Who gave you the idea that ex-Malaysians are losers? We are doing Malaysia proud, renowned surgeons from Malaysia in top hospitals all over the world, ministers of Singapore from born in Penang, Malaysia engineers in fortune 500 companies.

    Sorry I should not say 'offer', this people climb to such status on own merits where meritocracy is the call of the day.

    You have a point talking of migration of this scale, I foresee the Chinese population will reduce till say below 15% by 2020 and below 10% by 2030.

    Especially the professional they are the most likely to emigrate but no matter what percentage the remaining 5% or 10% they are always the business class because the malays didn't teach and allow them how to be professional like teachers or lecturers.

    I have left years ago and my siblings are still doing fine in Malaysia and main concern is providing for their children's education, so to fulfill each child potential to the fullest is something which I think is a birth right and I really appreciate and admire government who abide by this policy.

  6. Yes!

    5 of my closest friends who are highly qualified professionals in the IT, electronics and business areas are overseas doing very well indeed in Singapore, Mainland China, Canada, Australia.

    All except for one started working in Malaysia and subsequently left. The one that didn't come back was because he started university late, and I told him not to return after realising the molasses we are in.

    I didn't feel the need to get a PR somewhere as my job afforded me to travel often to make some extra do for a living. However, I believe it is time I join my friends in being able to have a 'Plan B' in the form of a PR in another country while my age and qualifications still affords to give qualifying points.

    Goodness knows that while another May 13 or Indonesia riot may not happen, the country sure will not support the bringing up of a family in a conducive manner.

    Better be a 'second class' citizen in countries that have no official policies for racism than in a country to be of 'equal citizenship' but with policies openly for racism. How do you explain to your kid that while you are equal, somebody else is more equal than you!


  7. Living in the northern state ever since primary school, I told myself that Malaysia is not the country I want my family to lives, just in case. Seeking better education and employment opportunities elsewhere, my siblings left our hometown one by one, so did our neighbours.

    None of my sibling resides in Malaysia and I am now a PR in another country but I came back. First, seeking business opportunity and second, I come back because this is my country.

    Without the contributions of non-malays there will be no Malaysia, so why must I run away and let the Umno malays took over all the Chinese property we have earned through hard work.

    The racist policies that Umno pursues, is putting this country in a brink of collapse. On the surface; it seems like nothing is worth fighting, millions of non-malays have left; perhaps million more will go; then how?

    I encourage my brothers and sisters not to come back to Malaysia, now I believe strongly I have done the right thing.

    Some nights, when the air is cool, when you are sitting out in the garden thinking about your loves ones, and wondering if you have given them the right suggestions about not returning to Malaysia, especially when your parents are old, very much pressurising but..........

    Everyday when we read the papers, we begun to realised the stupidity of our advice, the fact is like in the film Jurassic Park:

    Nature will finds its way (to survive), we don't need to give advices like these, they are afraid for us and they are learned, like my brother now oversea, says to me that "he has made the right choice not to return back", my brother-in-law intends to emigrate next year, we are not on the talking terms and therefore I have nowhere to persuade him, he is a professional, he is made up his mind.

    In short, exodus has already happened, no need for us to encourage this phenomenon, just let nature and the Umno malays run its course. Let us pray that we have an exit ticket.

    Emigrating from a developing country to a developed country is one of the most important decision of one's life - career, family and financially.

    With globalisation and the world becoming borderless, mobility of business and employment is important to ensure your security and success.

    At this moment, India, with its English education, is the biggest exporter of professional human resources. Soon you will see them in all parts of the world. China is its industrial power. Imagine, with 45% of world population, you combine the two.

    There are increasingly strong competition for a better life and place out there.
