
Monday, June 29, 2009

Hindraf's hubristic huff & puff

Today Malaysiakini published 'High Chaparral': Mexican standoff between Hindraf, DAP, developer.

But the suggested ‘Mexican standoff’ is grossly incorrect because someone will win – namely Nusmetro Venture (P) Sdn Bhd, the UMNO-linked developer.

The land on which Kampung Buah Pala stands was given to the ancestors of today’s Tamil residents by the original owner David Brown. The residents and their families have lived there for nearly 200 years.

But after independence in 1957, trust the Perikatan (or the predecessor of Barisan Nasional) state government to take over the village as the land trustee and collect temporary occupational licence (TOL) rents until 2005.

In 2005, the land office alienated the land to the Gerakan-BN state government. Huh, mana boleh?

Gerakan Party’s Koh TK was the CM at that time. His state government then sold the land for a mere RM3.21 million to a civil servants cooperative society, the Koperasi Pegawai Kanan Kerajaan Pulau Pinang. The cooperative engaged Nusmetro Venture (P) Sdn Bhd to develop a housing project called the Oasis.

Hey, what about the rightful owners, the descendants of the Tamils who were given the land by David Brown?

Can Koh TK please explain?

Don’t hold your breath, which may be what Hindraf is doing. It has instead turned its fury on the DAP, the new ruling party (in alliance with PKR) of Penang.

Waynamoorthy and his brother Uthayakumar believe that with a stroke of a pen, Lim Guan Eng can re-possess the land by evoking some provisions in the National Land Code and Land Acquisition Act, and give it back to the current distressed residents.

If that was the simple case I have no doubt that Lim would have done that already. But assuming Lim as CM of Penang could, what else would be involved in such a re-possession?

I am thinking compensation, yes, what would the compensation involved - RM300 mil? Maybe ..... but does the State government have that sort of money to give away?

Let’s also not forget that our wonderful Federal Court has ruled in favour of the cooperative.

In fact, one Mr. CH Ong wrote a letter to Malaysiakini tiltled 'High Chaparral': No relief from National Land Code, where he stated:

Is it possible that there are unscrupulous people including opportunistic politicians who are misleading the villagers and giving them false hopes that it is very easy for the state government to take back the land which had been legally alienated without having to pay adequate compensation at current market value?

To the sympathisers of the villagers, it may be worth noting that if it was that easy for the state government to simply acquire the 'Tamil High Chaparral' land on the cheap or for free to give it to the villagers, then it will also be equally easy for the state government to acquire any other citizen's land with ‘political will’ and by using some ‘administrative way’, to use Sugumaran's words.

Then no Malaysian property owner will be able to feel secure with the tenure of their property.

I am not sure if Malaysians are funny or just plain stupid. For 50 years they continuously voted in the same government of their choice.

When they finally voted for a change of government, they expect the new government to commit illegal acts in order to undo what the previous government had done.

But has the DAP been ignoring the issue as claimed by the Hindraf brothers?

In fact Dr Ramasamy, DCM2, has advised the villagers that while the state government would do its utmost to preserve the village for them, the villagers must in turn
be open to negotiations. In other words, like all situations in life, have a contingency or fallback plan.

During the dialogue, Ramasamy assured the villagers that the state government would exhaust all means to assist them in their aspiration.

Malaysiakini reported that: He [Dr Ramasamy] said the state government was prepared to explore the possibility of preserving the village as the state's human cultural heritage and compensate a state land for the developer.

The state government will also explore its legal means to caveat the land to facilitate its land scam probe.

If all these failed, the state government will then negotiate a hefty monetary package to compensate the villagers, added Ramasamy.

Be open for negotiations.

But alas, maybe they have been swayed by Hindraf’s 'no negotiation, no quarters will be given' attitude, because the villagers rejected any compensation plan. They told Dr Ramasamy in no uncertain terms that they want to retain the land for their village.

Looks like those poor villagers have painted themselves into a corner, and no small thanks to the aggressive leadership of the Hindraf brothers.

In fact more than a week ago, Uthayakumar had started off by attacking Lim GE on the issue, and I can tell you he was very rude and arrogant in his admonishing of Lim.

This display of hubristic anger has been followed up by his brother Waynamoorthy, who in turn warned the DAP-led state government ... not to push Indian Malaysians to a corner, like what BN had done all these years or face face Hindraf’s wrath in the next election.

Apart from the DAP as the party where Indians have blossomed on merits, I don’t believe that’s the way to go about eliciting the help of the Penang government.

And why didn’t these two harass Anwar Ibrahim who had
promised the Tamil villagers he would get the land for them?

In the videoclip, an elderly man claimed that Anwar had sworn on his head (by placing his hands on his head) that he will never abandon the villagers and preserve the village for them. Great stuff by the Great One.

I suggest to both brothers to go see Anwar Ibrahim ... or better still, Koh TK.

But unfortunately, Uthayakumar, having recently being ‘promoted’ to the status of a demi-god, has this divine belief in himself that the Pakatan politicians will tremble at and kowtow to his threats.

He has warned Pakatan, especially the DAP, that Hindraf will withhold its support from them in the next general election. They also plan to burn an effigy of Lim GE.

And indeed if Hindraf does, as he threatened, who then will its members and followers give their votes to?


Or Gerakan, the very party who in 2005 allowed the land of Kampung Buah Palu to be given away in the first place, for a mere song?

Today there is an unfortunate, unbearable and unforgiveable arrogance in the Hindraf brothers’ attitude.

By their aggressive and antagonistic arrogance, they have provided bad example to the villages in closing off the option of negotiations for monetary compensation in the event the law doesn’t permit the land to be re-possessed.

As Dr Ramasamy had wisely advised: "We are behind the villagers and fully back them to find an amicable solution. But one must be open for negotiations.”

Otherwise it will be a dead end!"


  1. Uthayakumar and his Hindraf should go to sri Lanka and continue the LTTE's struggle for the Tamils there

  2. I am posting a write up on this issue by a friend of mine Killer who's quite well verse with what's happening on this issue , so here goes ...

    The residents and the previous govt had been negotiating on this issue for years. See the below extract from the NST as related by the ex-DCM Hilmi Yahya. I am aware of this issue and been following on this for last several years.


    On the Kampung Lorong Buah Pala issue, Dr Hilmi said the previous administration had discussed with the land owner and developer to help the 31 affected families then.

    Meanwhile, the NST learnt that 11 of the 31 families had since taken up the offer made by the previous administration. Those who opted for cash were given between RM180,000 and RM200,000 for each family and have since moved out. Those who opted for houses, were given a RM10,000 start-up and a three-year rental prior to the completion of their new houses.


    As such, claims that the previous BN govt created the issue is totally WRONG. What had actually happened was that Pakatan and NGOs linked to them wanted to undermine the BN govt and had actually intigated the residents not to move out and make impossible demands.

    And during the last GE, Anwar and other Pakatan leaders themselves promised to solve the issue if they get to rule.

    However, little did they realise that they will have to make good of this promise.

    So, in summary this is an issue created by Pakatan for themselves. They had originally created this timebomb and it is indeed poetic justice that this bomb has now turned nuclear and landed right on their lap.

    I can only laugh at Pakatan's stupidy on this matter.

    As you can see, the offer for compensation is pretty good and reasonable.

    In almost 100% of issue with squatter, the problem is being created by Pakatan and their NGO buddies out to create issues for BN by turning it to a political crisis.

    When Pakatan instigated the villagers, they told them that they can make millions like the infamous Felda LBJ if they hold out. As such the residents foolishly rejected the offers.

    Little they realised that the developer will take them to court. RSN Rayer is hated since he is the one who gave the wrong legal advice on the strength of their legal case.

    So the residents believed these political clowns and now ended up with nothing.

    This is the real reason for the residents' anger and fury.

    In Penang, the credibility of Indian Pakatan leaders has sunk to zero over this and several other issues. These leaders now hiding from Indians and in fact the LGE is also avoiding them.

  3. "The land on which Kampung Buah Pala stands was given to the ancestors of today’s Tamil residents by the original owner David Brown. The residents and their families have lived there for nearly 200 years."

    200 years was 1809 that is blunt Bullshit !

  4. Am afraid Uthayakumar and his brother and their Hindraf are slowly but surely becoming an hindrance even to their own initiatives and objectives. Forming their own political party??/ so how many parties do we have claiming to represent the Indians now? Idiots!!

  5. So Hindraf has shown its true colour.
    Just another political party.
    Not fighting for social rights.
    I'd rather trust Samy Vellu.
    I like Samy's candour.
    He got 10 terms.
    Future MIC presidents three terms.
    Can any politician do that?

  6. kakiBusuk
    200 years was 1809 that is blunt Bullshit !

    On checking the graves at the protestant cemetery also called The Northam Road cemetery , to verify the 200years claim , There's the tomb with this inscription .
    Here lies David Brown, the British resident who once owned the Gelugor Estate (died 1825) .
    If David Brown were to have died in 1825 , I think its fairly accurate to have put the claim of 200 years as accurate since his wills could have been done earlier prior to his death .
    See for yourself the graves located at the Northam Rd Cemetery .

  7. "When they finally voted for a change of government, they expect the new government to commit illegal acts in order to undo what the previous government had done."


    of course, if the current administration is inept to handle this mess, then what is there to vote them for! bring back KTK for penang CM, at least he ruled penang with prosperity and stability unlike the current newsmaker CM. the CM even got guts to belittle the "great one" when he sacked the councilor just because the latter boycott ceremonial swearing, what's more brushing off consideration for preservation....

  8. HINDRAF's actions here remind me a bit of RPK's behavior post 308.

    It's no doubt that like RPK, HINDRAF had a massive contribution towards the 308 tsunami, in a mere matter of months completely shattering the BN's grip on the Indian electorate.

    However, post 308, their value is diminished to a mere fraction of what they once had, and I am referring to both RPK and HINDRAF. So they try to fight back against the tide, and what you get is nonsense like this.

    The truth is, now the political leaders whom we pay the most attention to are the elected representatives, and that may be sad for some heros who are no longer as prominent as they once were, but this is ultimately what's best for the country.

    I think RPK realizes this already, and somewhere down the line he too may be able to participate in this new politics by standing for elections. It's not too late for HINDRAF to do the same, but they must realize the new reality sooner rather than later.

    Hopefully what we are seeing now is the last display of angst of the old HINDRAF, to be replaced by a more enduring Makkal Sakhti movement.

    But whatever happens, history was already written: RPK, HINDRAF, and Anwar Ibrahim can share a large portion of the credit for enabling the 308 tsunami.

    What happens after that is a different story.

  9. Like old soldiers as General Douglas MacArthur said in his farewell speech at West Point , Old soldiers never die , they just fade away........

  10. Indians are barking at the wrong tree while the leader of MIC is getting away with murder. At independence and up to mid 80s the Indians of this country were given their fair share. But their leaders emasculated the Indians by taking away from them what was due to them and giving it to those in MIC.

    MIC now represent a classic developing country. The members of MIC are rich while the party is poor. (government is poor but individuals are rich) We must clean up our act as Roger Federer told Kusnetsova you can only depend on yoursel to win a Grand Slam.Ramlax

  11. "Indians are barking at the wrong tree..."

    No, HINDRAF is barking "at" the wrong tree. HINDRAF relies on Indians, but Indians do not rely on HINDRAF. Note that hardly anyone turned up for their ralies in Penang, Ipoh, and PJ.

  12. int said...
    Note that hardly anyone turned up for their ralies in Penang,

    However I choose to disagree ....
    see what I mean , and see the truth .
    Hardly anyone ?
    see it here :

  13. Malaysiakini headlines screams :

    Frustrated villagers want Lim to quit
    Athi Veeranggan
    Jul 1, 09
    Kampung Buah Pala villagers in Penang have made clear their displeasure with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng by urging him to resign over his failure to help them

    For those subscriber please see the full report .
    Note: I am not a subscriber .

    Here's another one from Malaysiakini:

    Angry CM rips Hindraf's 'web of deceit'
    Jul 1, 09 2:33pm
    Opposition leaders had once travelled the length and breadth of the nation lending support to the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) and its incarcerated leaders.

    But this was before the March 8 general election, when opposition parties rode on the Hindraf momentum to bag votes from the Indian Malaysian community.

  14. This is what the C Minister of Penang says ::

    Penang C Minister Guan Eng makes several points:

    * The crisis was created under the previous BN administration;
    * The Buah Pala villagers should distinguish between their friends and those responsible for their predicament;

    This is what the villagers say :

    Villagers: “We want our land which is our life”

    The Kampung Buah Pala residents have released a statement today, expressing dissatisfaction with Pakatan politicians who had promised to defend their right to the land during the general election campaign last year.

    The villagers, who had earlier filed a complaint with the MACC over the land deal, are also claiming that not all families and households were offered compensation.

    Dissatisfaction with Pakatan politicians who had promised to defend their right to the land during the general election campaign last year.

    Wa Tak tau Tanya Anwar Ibrahim ..Hahaha if you ask LGE ..

    Anwar Ibrahim who had promised the Tamil villagers he would get the land for them?

    In the videoclip, an elderly man claimed that Anwar had sworn on his head (by placing his hands on his head) that he will never abandoned the villagers and preserve the village for them.

    Here's the link :

    See it for yourself , all the empty promises by Anwar and Pakatan

  15. Villagers: “We want our land which is our life”

    Some excerpts from the statement:

    If the present State Government cannot stop the demolition then it is adopting the abuse of power by the previous government and is a party to it.

    …We ask the state government to act now and at least stop and postpone the demolition. It can direct the developer and the police to do so. It should not abdicate its responsibility and shirk its responsibility.

    Act now or forever be condemned. Please don’t give us platitudes. Don’t blame the previous BN government; you have the power now. Are you useless?

    You can act to set aside the (highly questionable) transfers without paying a cent. Why are you not doing so? Are the developers tying your hands?

    Are you now collaborating with and an accomplice of the previous government’s abuse…?

    Are you friend or enemy? Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

    The offer by the developer is an eyewash. It is only for the few registered houses. What about the other unnumbered houses? What about the other extended families? Each house is occupied by several families. What about them? What about the tenants? They have been offered nothing.

    We want out land which is our life. Please don’t mislead the public and side with the developers and Umno.

    Do not use sweet promises to fish our votes and gain our support.

    This village has historical and heritage value which cannot be bought by mighty capital and high force

    There are over 23 registered houses, over 11 unregistered houses and 41 families and other residents. Compensation was never offered per family at all till now.

    If the State Governement does not act now, it will only assist the developer to wipe out the only historical and heritage Tamil village in Malaysia.

    Once our houses are demolished and we are thrown out and scattered, wherever we may be we will campaign against those who made false and empty promises…

  16. Hello all villagers from Kampong Buah Pala

    According to a newspaper report , if you have no place to stay , please go to 25 , Pinhorn Rd on 3rd July .
    Our C Minister of Penang , in just one year as C Minister , he has just bought this house in Pinhorn Rd ( 10000sq ft ) worth more than $2 million ringgit .
    Wah very fast becoming very rich . Also the house sold at a "cheap sale" rate , worth more than that .
    But can easily accommodate all the villagers from High Chaparral .
    See you all there !

  17. chaptokam said "However I choose to disagree ....
    see what I mean , and see the truth .
    Hardly anyone ?
    see it here :"

    Are you joking? I think I can count less than 50 active protestors in those pics, the rest are reporters, some sympathizers, or curious bystanders.

    From Anil's eye witness account: "About 150 villagers, reporters and plainclothes police are now inside the Komtar auditorium now"... let's assume for the same of argument that there was 1 reporter and 1 policeman ;-)

    148 "protestors" is not a large number. This issue has very limited appeal outside the village, it certainly isn't a national Indian issue no matter how much HINDRAF tries to paint it as such.

    Chaptokam, I dunno if you happened to look at Anil Netto's pics of the Hindraf rally in November 2007... now THAT was a protest my friend ;-)

  18. Keep my finger crossed.

    Contrary to main stream media though and Hindraf themselves that "believe"
    hindraf create the 308 makkal-sakti, I think it is OTHERWISE. IMHO, It is hindraf that take the 308 as granted. With or without hindraf, the 308 will still happens. That how wheel of history work.

    If you look at the population demography, hindraf just play a small percentage. What hindraf highlight is not science. And MSM PURPOSELY highly it are mean to make hindraf meet their own doom with arrogant.

    I see a instigator roles play by commenter chaptokam, try to confuse everyone on history, roles play on this issue. Hate to say this, those tactics are typical BN way to distract people from root of the problem and resolve by digging the root than looking at the surface.

  19. moo_t said: "If you look at the population demography, hindraf just play a small percentage."

    You are right about the demographics, but I think the theory is that the Indian swing was enough to flip over many marginal seats, although I didn't see any election result statistics to verify if this is true or not - that's just the mainstream consensus, as you put it.

    But for what it's worth, data from the Merdeka Center shows that Indian dissent was unusually high leading into the election, during the period when HINDRAF activity was peaking - look at Chart 7 of here (and note than in Nov 2006 - Apr 2007 Indians were happier than Malays!):

    Of course HINDRAF did not reveal any new information; we have all known for years that Indian Malaysian community is relatively disadvantaged. But what changed in this election is for the first time there was consensus on who to blame: rightly or wrongly they blamed BN, after decades of being firmly in MIC's hands. I think this "blame BN" idea was drilled in by HINDRAF, so in Dec 2007 Indian dissatisfaction with the status quo was very high, even higher than Chinese dissatisfaction.

    Of course we don't know how trustworthy this data is, but at least it's something to base on.

    Anyway, now HINDRAF dunno who to blame anymore, so they want to burn LGE's pic. Typical angry teenager behavior. I wonder what will happen when they run out of people to blame.

  20. moo_t said

    I see a instigator roles play by commenter chaptokam, try to confuse everyone on history, roles play on this issue.
    Regarding history , if you had read my comments properly I was replying to kakiBusuk who said 200 years was 1809 that is blunt Bullshit !who quoted from Kaytee .
    In no way was I trying to confuse , if I wanted to I would have used these two articles which is quite contradictory and confusing to me to . 1) That David Brown died in 1825 and 2 )That David Brown gave a piece of land to where is now known as the snake temple in Bayan Lepas in 1873 for having being cured by a mystery disease . This is confusing to me also , 1825 or 1873 ? with some writing as 200 yrs and some writing as 150 years ?
    As you said " I see a instigator "
    I suggest you get yourself corrected . I do research on the subject before posting comments on historical facts .

    The snake temple :
    A monk journeying to Penang from China in the 1800s had in his possession the statue of a famous deity called Cheng-Swee Chor-Soo or Chor Soo Kong, whose name means "an eminent historic figure who is continuously revered by a community generation after generation".

    The monk also brought with him myths and legends of this particular deity's power in healing sickness and granting favours to believers. Thus when British resident David Brown (owner of Glugor Estate) heard of this deity and was subsequently cured of an illness in 1873 after praying to him, he donated a tract of land so a temple may be built in homage of the deity who healed him. It is on this land which the Snake Temple has stood for over a century.

    I myself is confuse ......

  21. Kaytee and all

    The mausoleum in Padang Brown for David Brown Esquire says he died at age 49 on 12th September 1825 .
    I suspect the David Brown mentioned in the snake temple could be his son David brown Jr who gave away the land under his father's estate or his daughterand hence his name is mentioned .
    That should clear up the confusion .

  22. The snake temple was started in 1850, and the land was given by one of David Brown's family member, in 1873. The senior David Brown passed away in 1825, it cannot be David Brown. Most of the descendant of David Brown have David as their name, so the confusion in many articles.

    1850 - In 1850, a monk arrived from China, bringing with him the statue of Chor Soo Kong. The monk then built a temple dedicated to Chor Soo Kong in a clearing by the Sungai Keluang river in Bayan Lepas. The area belonged to David Brown, the largest land owner in Penang. Brown donated the land for the temple after he was healed of an ailment. At that time, the surrounding area was jungle, and there was plenty of snakes. After the temple was erected, snakes particularly pit vipers ... (This cannot be David Brown, but his descendant)
    From Snake Temple (Temple of the Azure Clouds) | Penang Travel Tips - Related web pages

    1873 - Orang Puteh, British resident and owner of Glugor Estate was cured of a sickness in 1873. Nun on Duty in Snake Temple Nun on duty performing their divine role of servic The British Resident David Brown donated a piece of land so that a temple was built in homage of Chor Soo Kong who healed him and so named it Penang Snake Temple

    There is no evidence provide the clue that the land was donated by David Brown, but obviously one of the family members donated the land. 1850 is not possible, as the temple may be only occupied the estate land, but the family donated the land when the Chinese community built the temple. their family has donated to community of Penang,including Kg Buah Pala, Padang Brown, USM...So please be thankful of the family, and called Datuk Kramat padang "Padang Brown" and not Padang Broom.....
