
Monday, May 25, 2009

UMNO's no to Penanti but yes to Manek Urai - the real reason?

kaytee sees the reason behind UMNO's no to Penanti and yes to Manek Urai as the 27% 'nons' voters in the former and the less than 1% 'nons' in the latter. I mentioned this in Anwar Ibrahim - 'heartland' fixated!

Could this cause be extrapolated to explain the series of intimidation and harrassment manoeuvres the police have been conducting against the DAP, the main engine behind the tsunami-c 'nons'?

On the surface, the police harrassment of the very small grouping (about a dozen people) involved in the DAP candlelight vigil seems meaningless and ill-serving to their master, UMNO. But the police actions against the DAP may have the purpose of sending a message, not so much to the DAP or Chinese but to the 'heartland', a message of 'jangan khuatir sayang, semua under control' ...

... making me wonder whether it's for Perak or Manek Urai?


  1. Ktemoc,

    I think speculating that UMNO chose to contest in Manek Urai and not Penanti due to racial reasons is a tad simplistic. Penanti is still 73% Malay, and was an UMNO area until not too long ago. By contrast, the nearly all-Malay Manek Urai seat has staunchly supported the opposition (PAS) for a much longer period.

    There must be other variables involved.


  2. Whether it be Manek Urai or Penanti, UMNO is going to lose big. So if they really chose to contest in Manek Urai just because it is 99% Malay, they are going to commit political suicide.



  3. Aminah claims PKR offered her DCM post
    By Syed Jaymal Zahiid

    PENANTI, May 25 — Independent candidate Aminah Abdullah claimed today her former party had tried to bribe her by offering the Penang deputy chief minister post, adding she has an audio recording to back her allegations.

    Aminah claimed two top PKR leaders came to her house a few weeks back to persuade her to rejoin the party, saying she would be given the post should she win the Penanti state seat.

    The two leaders, one a special officer to a PKR executive councillor for the Penang state government and the other, a state level party supreme council member had also offered her the top post with the Penang Municipal Council but with the condition that she withdraw from contesting, claimed Aminah.

    Aminah is one of three independents facing PKR’s Dr Mansor Othman in the by-election on May 31, called after incumbent Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin quit the seat and his DCM post under a cloud of graft allegations.

    Aminah claimed PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was fully aware of the meetings.

    “They also offered me RM80,000 worth of compensation and to return the deposit money but I have no intention of accepting the offer as I am a person of principles,” she said.

    When asked for the name of the two leaders, Aminah refused to name them, saying the people will know their identity once they listen to the audio recording.

    The three hour audio recording is available in a compact disc Aminah had prepared for the mass media. Also available are pictures of the implicated figures.

    ”My family members had done everything (recording and pictures). We did the recording because we know PKR people like to spin and lie,” said Aminah’s husband and campaign aide Mohamad Rofi Osman.

    According to him, PKR leaders had met his wife and family three times and that had prompted them to record the conversation between them as proof.

    Aminah who is also the former PKR Penang wanita chief said she will submit the proof to the Elections Commission tomorrow.

    “The EC is the best body to handle this matter as they are responsible in electoral matters. We hope they will assess the evidence and perhaps take it to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission,” she said.

    Asked why she had not raise the matter on nomination day itself, where it was possible to disqualify PKR candidate Mansor Othman by submitting proof of attempted bribery, Aminah did not give a straight answer and only said that “it is better to do it today.”

    Meanwhile, PKR election director Saifuddin Nasution in an immediate response said party lawyers will give her a notice today, demanding she withdraw and apologise for her allegations.

  4. Fucking MCA is going to sink together with UMNO in the leaky tongkang.

  5. If what Aminah said is true why submit the evidence to the EC and not the police for what she alleges is criminal in nature. Pure UMNO bullshit.

  6. the pictures remind me of my 'flower-horn' fish ....SIGH !!

  7. she is a cuntidate lah !!
