
Monday, May 11, 2009

Nizar topples Zambry's house of cards

Malaysiakini - Court rules Nizar is legitimate MB!

Malaysiakini photo

Justice Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim of the KL High Court ruled that good olde Nizar Jamaluddin is the rightful Perak MB, stating "He is, and was, at all material times the chief minister of Perak." ;-)

And MB Nizar correctly declared that the calling of the May 7 sitting was invalid, wakakaka, which effectively means Sivakumar is still the Speaker, whose ruling must be obeyed, full f* stop.

R Ganesan like Zambry, pretenders, reverts to what he is, just a pretender-speaker with no real power other than as an ordinary ADUN.

Ganesan has a f* nerve to state that the BN bloc can call for an emergency sitting where a motion of no-confidence can be moved against Nizar, indicating its 3 ADUN majority can win the game.

What 3 ADUN majority?

With the May 7 assembly ruled by MB Nizar as invalid, Sivakumar remains as the Speaker, and he will demand that those 3 clowns including the most despised running dog [female, I won't use that word ;-)], are no more. Don't forget that Zambry plus company have been suspended for 6 months.

Though I fear the BN machinery will crank out some other form of mischief I believe Najib has had a bellyful of one-ups-manship. It may be the face-saving exit from a political minefield that he has been looking for.

He can now tell his UMNO rightwing element with a straight face that he has to abide by the High Court's decision while sighing a sigh of relief that the poisonous Perak debacle can now be laid away to rest, instead of its potentially cancerous growth for BN right into 2013.

I also want to see a Night of the Long Knives (purge) for the staff of the DUN who had adopted a pariah partisan political stand against the lawful MB and lawful Speaker. There's something to be said about the American political system and how it affects their administrative staff when there's a change of government.

Nizar is now seeking an audience with the Regent to dissolve the State Parliament. I await eagerly to see what the Regent will say, whether it's man man lai or otherwise, because in this, HRH will determine the future of the Perak royal family vis-à-vis Perakians.

And let's be thankful his dad has the commonsense to stay away.

Dirgahayu Nizar!

And who the f* cares that PPP's Murugiah gets 'bullet' warning wakakaka!


  1. The Chief Sec of Perak, The State Legal Advisor, The SA Sec?, Sergeant at Arms, The Judicial Commissioner should all be fired.

    So, too should the Chief Police Office who probably comes under the Fed Govt, but Nizar should be able to find some avenue to get him demoted and transferred, perhaps to Lahad Datu.

  2. I'm usually a quiet reader of this blog but of late I must admit to be tremendously turned off from tuning in due to the hijack by Idzan Ismail, Chaptokam, XieAn and their ilk.

    It will be a pity that people no longer visit because this cell group eats away at Kaytee's Comments section & his readership.


  3. Yes, all those UMNO stooges in the perak state secretariat should be sack 24hrs notice not just the Legal adviser. Borrowing the phrase from the Queen of heart " off with their heads". Can we do something about the good for nothing Perak Police chief??? Bloody B@#$%&d of a Melayu whore.

  4. Anonymous P

    Phua Kit Lai you should go and puke off , after all we have enough of those fcuking blogs like MT and SL . No one ask you to be here and no one ask you to read their comments .

  5. Congrats Nizar. You won.
    So the court is not 'baruah' of BN as alleged.
    I am glad you won because I fear your people will create trouble if you don't.
    But do not get too excited bro.
    Indeed you are MB until all legal avenues of appeal by Zambri are exhausted.
    And I think the Sultan will wait for that before listening to Nizar's wish to call for elections.
    Shafiee Abdullah said tonight in an interview that the new BN Speaker is the legal speaker.
    So he said Zambri can call for a sitting to pass a vote of no confience on Nizar.
    Without the numbers, Nizar will most likely lose.

  6. Laugh and enjoy while you can the games not over yet ......if it gets out of control lets have EO and suspend parliament !

  7. Hey, KT dude.
    Correction on point of fact. Ganesan is not an ADUN. Strictly speaking, he's just a man-in-the-street brought in to wear the Speaker's robe.

  8. ini mana boleh punya - we can't let "the tyrant of minority stays. minority can't rule" - (i just echo someone's quote).

    suspend for 6 months - that's abuse of power!

  9. Barackah

    So the court is not 'baruah' of BN as alleged or lap dog of UMNO as those goons of fcukatan would say . So is the judge and courts the lap dogs of UMNO and BN ? Hope they are singing praises for the judge and for the courts . Congrats to Nizar .

  10. jangan main main11:49 pm, May 11, 2009

    The new photo of dontplayplay looks like a naked man sitting with his dick standing and wondering which woman to con tonight .

  11. JanganMainPukis11:54 pm, May 11, 2009

    The Chief Sec of Perak, The State Legal Advisor, The SA Sec?, Sergeant at Arms, The Judicial Commissioner should all be fired.
    Sila Bakar semua , kata jangan main pukis . Kami pun nak bakar ni jangan main pukis punya pungkok . Hang punya kentut sudah kena api kami . Tak lama lagi kau akan tade dudok .

  12. that Ganesan WAS an ADUN! He wasnt even elected thsi round, KT. talking about PRETENDERS!

  13. i lol at najib when he said he's going to appeal. the blues just have the majority 31 duns pass vote of no confidence against nizar and have zambry reinstate as mb and all's well as well. after being snubbed by p-r, do you think HRH will cow their earlier decision? it's royal prerogative whether to dissolve dun or not and bn would have to prove to HRH that their gov are stable and guarantee no party hopper in their party, unlike p-r, so state election is no necessary. the court decision just stall the outcome, and maybe it is done to give everyone surprise that the court is not tainted and still independent as enshrined in Constitution....

  14. fyi


  15. What is happening here, all these shouting and calling names.

    Where are the comments?

  16. Delighted to see KT back with strong words!

  17. Those who think that the court decision have put PR on the right track had better hope not. the smell of victory is just like smelling their own feces. The court ruling is a technical issue that need a vote of no confidence to remove the MB, the facts remain that Nazin do not command the majority of the House, so the next best process is clearly to get that motion to the State Assembly. An earlier court ruling have free the suspension of BN ADUN, and will Sivakumar respect that and allow the motion of vote of no confidence to taken! that is respecting the rule of law and democracy or will they resort to hooliganism acts again.....When Nizar does not commend the majority of the State Assembly, he acted ungentlemanly by not vacating the mentri besar seat but desperately clinging to power. In tandem V. Sivakumar act in bad faith to suspense BN ADUN to slice BN majority so that they cannot vote Nizar out. Such an act of hooliganism and deceitful will not go away but one day will blow up on their faces............

  18. Hi MM 10:26 pm

    So ... resorting to verbal abuse eh?

    Your abusive words and use of foul language indicate your total lack of character.

    I am willing to engage in further debate with you, provided you act in a gentlemanly manner (which I think you are incapable of doing).
    I hope you are not representative of hard core BN-supporters i.e.
    supporters of corruption, abuse of Malaysia's political institutions and institutionalised racism and discrimination.

    Phua Kai Lit

  19. Oh by the way, MM 10:26 pm

    I'm not Anonymous P.

    You swore and used filthy language on the wrong guy! Ha Ha

    Think twice before you verabbly attack the wrong person.

    Or you can use your anger more constructively by redoubling your efforts to convince the people of Perak to vote for BN. How about that?

    Phua Kai Lit

  20. Mamak Mahathir9:46 am, May 12, 2009

    Anonymous , the faceless ,
    Go hide in your mak punya sarong !

    Your abusive words and use of foul language indicate your total lack of character.Hahahaha , does it make any difference , only type of language recognisable and understandable to those who habitually condemn others .

  21. Ktemoc's blog commenters are just a bunch of UMNO-brain idiots

  22. I am really puzzled...

    Why suspend the state Legal Advisor ? What did he do wrong ? I agree that the state secretary was hardly nuetral in his conduct or behaviour. One can see the rationale behind this action.But if nuetrality is used as a yardsick, shouldn't the Speaker too should be removed due to his dictatorial ways in abusing his power ?

    If Pakatan is striving to uphold democracy, they cannot do it selectively. They cannot behave like dictators to their opponents but demand to be treated in the most liberal democratic ways by the same opponents.

    That Nizar's still the legal MB is because of technicalities and not because BN used illegal or unconstituitional means. Even in liberal democracies,lawmakers are allowed to switch parties via their democratic right termed as "freedom of association". This freedom of association is a vital part of liberal democracy though some see this an unethical. But the point is Pakatan cannot claim to fight for democratic process and rule of law but being selective in its application.

    Now, Nizar's asking for the Regent's permission to dissolve the assembly. The key word is seeking permission and NOT notifying him. This means the HRH Regent has the prerogative to decide in the best interest of the state.

    If I were Nizar, I wouldn't bet getting his way (ie dissolution) since the Sultan already decided once before what was the best (removing the MB). So chances are the HRH Regent will used the previous decision as a guide.

    Now, passing a motion of no confidence is another important facet of democracy and if Nizar and Pakatan truly believe in this concent, they should allow BN to table the motion against Nizar.

    But knowing Pakatan, they will do anything to sabotage the motion from being tabled and will try to force a fresh election.

    You see the difference between BN and PR is clearly evident in this case. BN will accept any decision by the courts and the rulers even though these are against them. But PR on the otherhand will not accept any decisions that against them and will use any tactics to get what they want.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. "All the MB's secretary room is empty except chairs and tables. All files also missing."

    BN's Standard Operating Procedure: always steal the files (like in Penang, Selangor, Perak after March 08). Is this legal? Any comment here Killer, XieAn?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Eric

    This is what Pakatan always claim and I was expecting the same allegation to come up in Perak as well.

    I remember seeing the pics of alleged file shredding by ex-Selangor BN govt members in the internet and that turned out to be a fake photo.

    In Penang, it was clear that no such thing happened otherwise the Cheap Minister would have kicked up a big ruckus. I did not hear such thing happening in Perak either. So I wonder where and when such things took place.

    Pakatan should make police reports if they have evidence to back up their claims.

    Also Pakatan should be careful to differentiate personal files and items from professional ones and not make wild claims.

    I would hardly think the state secretary would have a lot of things in the filing cabinets since the new BN govt hardly functioned in the last few months.

  27. COULD'NT AGREE more with Anon.@8.49pm.You forgot that snake MIC killer too???
    Ketmoc blog makes good reading but the comments section is dreadful when posting by those familar faces and its stressful to read .You could sensed their agendas miles away!

  28. Killer and Xiean,

  29. Anonymous 12.02pm what are you doing on this blog then.
    KT allows for dissenting viewpoints.
    Go to Susan Loone or Zorro Unmasked if you want to be character assasinated or ridiculed or even censored if not to their liking.
    Ktemoc is practising real democracy.

    Ipoh is very peaceful today.
    Nizar can travel to see the Regent with ease.
    If Pakatan lost yesterday, there will be FRU, road blocks and tear gas.
    There will be street protests from Pakatan rowdies.
    Many busybodies from KL will turun there wearing black t-shirts.
    Thanj you BN for being civil people.
    Hope Perak citizens realise this.

  30. Does Nizar have the power to suspend the State Secretary or State Legal Adviser.
    This is an example of the little power Pakatan has to show authority.
    These two are Federal officials.
    Whatever they do are under general orders which they as government officials must adhere to.
    By doung this, Nizar has shown abouse of power which will not endear him to the people he claim to have support.
    Hope Perak people can see this.

  31. I am a Perakian and a registered voter.
    i will not vote if both BN and Pakatan do not replace the present reps.
    They are all tainted.
    As a supporter of BN, I know they will not choose Hee and the other two who caused the ruckus.
    I am a virgin man (proud of it!) and I want fresh virgin candidates.
    BN should have no problem. But Pakatan do they have people?
    Nizar, please just be MP okay.
    I do not think the Regent will agree to your wishes to hold fresh elections. He will only listen.
    You will have to wait until all appeals by Zambri are exhausted.
    Or you will face vote of no- confidence.

  32. nizar reminds me of gus dur, desperately cling to the president seat even he lost in the election to the sukarno descendent ...... wake up, because of p-r incompetence (pkr and perak dap under ngeh-nga) perak already lost, bn has the majority in the house and the court ruling just stalls it. p-r should take this gentlemanly, learn the lesson and next time treat their duns and perakians fair and understanding.....

  33. Eric says

    "All the MB's secretary room is empty except chairs and tables. All files also missing."

    Have it ever occurred to you that all the missing files could have been removed by Nizar and the Pakatan excos ? since they have been in office for over a year ? and since they didn't want those files to fall into BN's hand ?

    And what files do you think exists during Zambry's administration since they hardly ever administered the govt ?

    And for the Resign MP since his trademark is to call Minister's to resign can you believe what he says on the missing files ? always barking up the wrong tree !,
    I am quite glad Karpal asked him to resign , he doesn't shows he has the quality to lead except to bark like a mad dog.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Aiyoh! I don't know whether this is funny or ridiculous ... but today it's Zambry topples Nizar.

  36. Hi Ktemoc

    Can I bring your attention to
    this man's delusions of grandeur?


    (The Star) - Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir, whose nearly three-month tenure as mentri besar was ruled illegitimate by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Monday, has likened himself to Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.....

    He said a person did not need to hold a post in his struggle to uphold the truth, and likened the recent struggles faced by him and his “comrades from the Barisan Nasional” to those endured by politicians like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.

    “Nelson Mandela sacrificed his freedom for 27 years in order to free South Africans from the grip of ‘apartheid.’

    “Gandhi also sacrificed his life for the sake of India’s independence and so his people would be able to live without caste or religious boundaries,” he said.


    Hahahahaha. So very noble and self-sacrificing! This puts him in the same league for "chutzpah" as the former "Disneyland" MB.

    Phua Kai Lit

  37. BN is using officials to remove the speaker. Same old trick used in Selangor during Harun's time and even in this blog, UMNo is 'unoficial" blokes. Everyone can see that UMNO is worst than the Irealis regime or even our neighbours the Thais and the Indons

  38. Mamak Mahathir4:39 pm, May 12, 2009

    Anonymous 4:24 PM

    Everyone can see that UMNO is worst than the Irealis regime or even our neighbours the Thais and the Indons

    Siapa kau mau tipu ? Bodoh betul .Cakap macam si pembohong tu di Mala'sia Today , Raja Pengasak Kentut

  39. If fresh elections were called, and Pakatan were to win, I am willing to bet serious money that Sultan will not accept Nizar as MB. It can't be a DAP MB. Ultimately I suspect it will be one of the PKR riff raff.

    And as quid pro quo, PKR will have to make good on it's silly promise to fight for the return of immunity for the Sultans.

    Well, at least PKR won't have to suffer it's identity crisis anymore... no need to search for an ideology, it can just become the royalist party. Guess which high profile blogger will then announce he is joining partisan politics ;-)

    I need a stiff drink.

  40. int

    It can't be a DAP MB.

    Sorry to disappoint you but the Perak Constitution does not provide for a non Malay to be made MB . As per the current DAP DUNs they have none unless one of those PKR chaps join DAP .

  41. Zambry is back as MB.
    Whoa macam silap mata.
    Houdinipun kalah.
    Tapi i hepi.
    He won the appeal pals.
    Does anyone know what happened at the palace this morning?

  42. Mamak Mahathir6:56 pm, May 12, 2009

    Does anyone know what happened at the palace this morning?

    No go , on the way tapi tak jumpa HRH before he heard the news . I assume kalau dia jumpa pun No way HRH will dissolve assembly .

  43. sorry ketmoc, it looks as though your blog has been invaded by those umno cyber troopers.Their pattern is all the same.Wonder what happened to that famous Idzan Ismail?See new ones springing out lately.

  44. @Annu;

    "Have it ever occurred to you that all the missing files could have been removed by Nizar and the Pakatan excos ? since they have been in office for over a year ? and since they didn't want those files to fall into BN's hand ?"
    Can I ask how exactly how could they remove the files when they were refused access to the SUK premises in the first place? You do recall SUK and PRDM were extremely pro-active in heeding the sultan's advice, right? Any memory of Tsu Koon's Penang, Khir's Selangor and Tajol Rosli's Perak?

    "And what files do you think exists during Zambry's administration since they hardly ever administered the govt ?"
    Well, three months saw a lot of Camry disposals, removals of councillors, etc., all despite the on-going court cases, right? Unless you say the illegal BN Perak government did not work at all. Is this your point?

    As to Lim Kit Siang's leadership, I'll leave you the responsibility of insulting a YB.

    Good day to you.


  45. @Killer
    Thanks for your reply. I support your efforts to ascertain the truth, even though it is a shame they are only ever one-sided.

    “I remember seeing the pics of alleged file shredding by ex-Selangor BN govt members in the internet and that turned out to be a fake photo.”
    Do you mind to share how you found out the famous pic was a fake?

    “So I wonder where and when such things took place.”
    Let me help you here:

    1) In Selangor
    You see it is difficult for me not to trust the pic you allege as fake. My wife and I own a place in Subang near the State government office for Daerah Petaling. We came back there after 10 pm on 8 March 08. The office was guarded by PRDM and RELA and the lights were all on. Naively, we did not even take a pic, simply wondering aloud what was happening to justify such overtime.
    At the time the mainstream media were shrewdly hiding to the Rakyat what they had known for a few hours: a mature democratic transition had happened for the first time in Selangor. While most of us were glued to M’kini and NTV7 (the only channel which came off very slightly from the official stance) seeing what we thought near impossible happen, Selangor’s BN teams were happily shredding and stealing.

    2) In Kedah
    “All documents from the offices of the Mentri Besar and executive councillors in Kedah have gone missing.”
    “The newly appointed executive councillors, who were sworn in on Wednesday, found out the next day that their offices were also empty.
    “There is not a single paper left in all the offices. We view this very seriously because the documents belong to the executive council, not to any individual,” said Phahrolrazi.”

    3) In Penang
    ”In Penang, it was clear that no such thing happened otherwise the Cheap Minister would have kicked up a big ruckus.”
    Sorry to disappoint you on Penang’s CM. You should not trust your Expensive Ministers so much.

    From the Sun at:
    “They found their offices cleared of all government documents and minutes of the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) government. All records of projects, completed or current, approved by the previous government are missing.”

    4) In Perak
    “I did not hear such thing happening in Perak either.”
    This actually is the record, it happened 3 times in 15 months: March 08, February 09 and May 09.

    From Malaysiakini on 6 February
    “the MB and his exco members are allowed in. Mohd Nizar goes straight to his office and finds it bare. “It was just as empty and bare as when I first took charge last March”
    “At one point, a man, who wore a bandana sporting the words “daulat Tuanku”, shouted at press photographers who were snapping photographs of items being removed from the offices and the empty slot which once held Dr Zambry’s name plate outside his office.
    “When we are taking out the files, don’t you dare take pictures of us. I am warning you,” he shouted.
    His remark sparked off retaliation from the media, causing the man to calm down and leave the scene.”

    From Anil Netto yesterday,
    “0927: The MB’s secretary’s room is bare except for chairs and tables. All files are also missing. Not again!”

    “I would hardly think the state secretary would have a lot of things in the filing cabinets since the new BN govt hardly functioned in the last few months.”
    Like I told Annu:
    Well, three months saw a lot of Camry disposals, removals of councillors, etc., all despite the on-going court case, right? Unless you say the illegal BN Perak government did not work at all. Is this your point?

    On personal files
    “Also Pakatan should be careful to differentiate personal files and items from professional ones and not make wild claims.”
    The BN-friendly SUK Perak did not care to return personal belongings to PR Exco members by the way.

    All the above clearly demonstrates removal of state property is a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for BN when they lose. You noticed I removed any mention from PR sources, where allegations are even stronger. It definitely makes the case the BN is not mature enough to handle an adult democratic transition. Does it mean BN have something to hide?
    It is to the point where PAS, which experienced previous democratic transitions, has an SOP of stopping such thieving every time State elections are run.

    I hope this helps refresh your memory. Happy 40th anniversary of 13th May to all.


  46. And I almost forgot. I found no rebuttal from BN anywhere, that they had not removed the states' files.

  47. 19 hours of short-lived happiness ...SIGH !
