
Monday, May 18, 2009

Anwar Ibrahim - The Great Suer

On Saturday Malaysiakini reported Anwar denies offering Anifah DPM post. The time stamp for the article was 5:30 pm, by which time everyone who had read The Malaysian Insider already knew of the alleged froggie quid pro quo.

However, in the Malaysiakini version of the news, Anwar Ibrahim denied he had made such an offer to entice Anifah Aman to defect to PKR last year.

They were talking about a time when Anwar, who had wanted to be PM (one way or another, as I saw it), boasted of 916. Anwar had the unprecedented political effrontery to demand that AAB, who commanded a majority of 58 seats in the Dewan Rakyat (lower house of Parliament), undertake a vote of confidence in the House for his (AAB's) PM-ship.

Anifah Aman then was seen as being the key to a faction of more than 30 MPs from Sabah and perhaps even a few from Sarawak. If what Anwar boasted had been true, that of 31 BN MPs defecting over to his PKR, the nation today would have Anwar Ibrahim as PM. But alas, that claim turned out to be nothing more than one of Anwar’s usual man man lai.

Regardless of the fact that 916 didn’t succeed, or whether he was only bullsh*tting or making a poker bluff, Anwar did broadcast his 916 intention and attempt ...

... Thus I've found the one-sided criticisms of Najib’s nefarious enticement of the 3 Perak frogs (and let’s not hide the fact that the Camry-ed defections had been bloody nefarious) reeking malodorouly of double standards, when those same critics not only kept mum over Anwar’s 916 aspiration but even tried to justify it.

Anyway, both Anifah and Anwar weren’t arguing over the froggie business. In fact Anwar conceded he rang Anifah … as he claimed, only once.

‘Twas Anifah’s allegation that Anwar Ibrahim had attempted to bribe him, with the promise of the DPM’s job that sent Anwar berserk with a threat to sue Anifah if the allegations aren’t withdrawn with a published public apology.

Anifah riposted that he would see Anwar in court!

Do you think Anwar Ibrahim would make such an offer? Well, only he and Anifah would know as alas, we KPCs (busybodies) weren’t privy to their private conversations.

Maybe Anifah made a mistake? Myabe he was confused with Anwar's promise to increase Sabah and Sarawak's oil royalty to a humongous (was it) 20%?

But Anwar wasn't the only person to criticise Anifah. According to Anil Netto, Malaysia’s most popular blogger (outside of mega-bloggers like Dr Mahathir), Anifah had stated, as reported by the US State Department “I was personally offered to jump into the oppositions and offered a very lucrative position, and also to be told it’s like a deputy prime minister.”
Anil commented: This doesn’t make sense. Why did Anifah believe it when he was told that the lucrative position was like a DPM’s post?

How can the DPM’s position be considered lucrative, when even the premiership has only a salary plus allowance that’s far below the RM5 million paid to the chief honcho of Puncak Niaga, the Selangor water concessionaire? Unless Anifah believes that the DPM’s post has other “perks”?

To make matters worse, Anifah said this in Washington - a place where no one would think of describing the vice-presidency - or for that matter, the presidency - as “a very lucrative position”. In trying to slam Anwar Ibrahim, the Foreign Minister has just turned us into a laughing stock.

Anifah should tell us in what way the DPM’s post is similar to a lucrative position. Incidentally, would he consider the Foreign Minister’s position to be “very lucrative” as well?

I think Anil has missed the point. What Anifah said had been his allegation that Anwar offered him a ‘very lucrative position’, ...

... bearing in mind of course that it was just Anifah’s allegation and not necessarily true.

But the point I wanted to make regarding Anil’s criticism of Anifah is that it wasn’t Anifah who said the DPM’s position was lucrative. If you read Anifah’s statement there is the word ‘also’.

Let’s see that statement again: “I was personally offered to jump into the oppositions and offered a very lucrative position, and also to be told it’s like a deputy prime minister.”
I read it as Anifah saying:

(1) Anwar offered me a very lucrative position,
(2) Also, I was infomed that it’s like being a DPM.

No Anil, it’s not Anifah who should be explaining in what way the DPM’s post is similar to a lucrative position … that is, assuming Anwar won't be successful in his legal suit against Anifah.

But if Anwar is successful, then requiring Anifah to explain becomes a moot point.

Poor Anwar Ibrahim’s reputation has been under continuous siege. Back in 2005, he threatened to sue the renown multi-lingual Australian Special Broadcasting Services (SBS).

In October 2003, SBS televised a programme in Australia called
Dateline which stated that the Washington-based International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) was accused in the United States of funding terrorist activities, including support of the Islamic Jihad.

The Dateline programme pointed out that Anwar Ibrahim was one of its three directors, and that IIIT provided his daughter with 300,000 ringgit for her education.

In a RPK’s article on an
alleged conspiracy against Anwar, we read of Anwar’s lawyer stating his intention to sue SBS.

SBS then issued a statement
standing by its story, a statement meaning it was prepared to face the libel action. Read my 2005 post over at my other blog BolehTalk titled Australian TV Programme in 2003 - Anwar Ibrahim & IIIT.

I didn't keep track of the issue; in fact I haven't heard anything about it since, so I wonder whether Anwar had been successful in suing SBS.

A sweetie once told me (sob) that my post was too long-winded (sob – I like being long-winded lah). Anyway, before I do get long-winded on this one, I’ll just let you read two of my previous posts where Anwar Ibrahim had threatened to sue, namely:

(1) Anwar Ibrahim, Paul Wolfowitz & Shaha Ali Reza. I hope Anwar did successfully sue the Washington Post, because the US newspaper had embarrassed Anwar by its reporting of the sweetheart deal of Paul Wolfowitz!

(2) Mahathir's homosexual remarks! I wonder again whether Anwar did win his RM100 million suit against Dr Mahathir?


  1. Ever wondered why the US has insisted that the sodomy charge against Anwar was politically motivated ?
    The US made it clear it viewed the latest sodomy charge against Anwar as a sham charge similar to the first one back in 1998.

    This is because the US is living in their Freedom to do anything under the sun Laws .
    In the US when it comes to sex , anything goes as long as there's a hole . When I was in the US in the eighties for two years , children referred to their parents as my 'friend' . There was hardly any family bonds . When it comes to Law and order , its the guns that rules even until today , every family , every adult practically owns a gun or a rifle . Shooting animals for game is part and parcel of everyday life for entertainment . That is the US ! So when it comes to sodomee , to them is fun , they like it that way cause the other one the nut is too big to fit the screw .
    No wonder some of our politicians like to visit the US and conveniently disappear for a few hours under the pretext of meeting some VIPs .

  2. This two timing, double headed hypocrite who can do no wrong is now trying to make money by suing.

    Wonder what the other 30 politicians were offered to jump ship by the representative that followed them to Taiwan?

    Of course they will say " Show me the prove".

    And yet, the stupid PR supporters cannot see that they have been taken for a ride.

    What else is there to say?


  3. At least AI tried to sue or threatened to and he did sue in some cases. But there are those that dare not sue (you know who)with allegations published worldwide.
    chaptokam, do you know every US citizen has a right to bear arms and it is their constitutional rights?

    Do you also know the US has a hunting season and not what you described as random shooting or for entertainment?

  4. AI a great suer, great liar, great impostor, great drama king.
    Heard he's going to his second home America on June 26.
    His sodomy court case is July 1.
    Will he come back or seeking asylum in the US?
    Will justice for Saiful be delayed?

  5. Promise of DPM by Anwar12:39 pm, May 19, 2009

    Second DPM in PKR's Sabah manifesto

    Published on: Thursday, February 28, 2008

    Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah, launched another manifesto here themed "A New Hope for Sabah and Malaysia" promising a second Deputy Prime Minister if it rules the land below the wind.

    "As partners to the formation of Malaysia, the Borneo states deserve to have a Deputy Prime Minister for without the Borneo states, there would have been no Malaysia.

    "Thus, under the PKR government there will be a second Deputy Prime Minister for East Malaysia," the PKR said in its 14-point manifesto launched Wednesday by State PKR Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. State PKR head Ansari Abdullah was also present.

    Other points in the manifesto included termination of any petroleum agreement with national oil company, Petronas, and replacing it with a petroleum sharing agreement apart from a review of the Petronas Act to give a fair revenue to Sabah.

    PKR would also ensure that state immigration be placed under "state matter," where the movement of people in and out of Sabah would come under the purview of the state government and "the director of immigration would be a Sabahan".

    The party said if it rules Sabah, Federal Territory Labuan will come under the jurisdiction of Sabah without changing the status of the island as an Offshore Financial Centre.

    PKR also promised to introduce a comprehensive economic and development plan for Sabah called the Development Agenda for Sabah.

    For the March 8 election, the opposition is putting up 55 candidates for the 59 states seats.

    It promised to resolve the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah, restore relevant State rights, see to land reforms as well as set up a comprehensive economic and development plan for the State.

    The manifesto also focussed on increasing the State's per capita income from RM10,000 to RM15,000, promoting transparency in the government as well as ensuring more women participate in decision-making processes.

    PKR also wants to replace the Federal Development Department in Sabah (JPPS), which it describes as a waste of public funds, with a State Development Department (JPN) to ensure development funds go straight to the State Government.

    On land reforms, PKR promised to restore the role of the village chiefs (Ketua Kampung) and Ketua Anak Negeri in land applications besides setting up a Land Reform Committee to review existing land laws.

    An agency known as the Sabah Native Land Development Authority (SNLDA) will also be established by a PKR government for native land and interest.

    The party also vowed to democratise the appointments of Village Development and Security Committees (JKKKs) as well as village chiefs (Ketua Kampung) and ensure these JKKKs are actively involved in the development of the respective villages. As such all projects costing RM25,000 and below will be implemented directly by these JKKKs.

    PKR Vice-President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said the manifesto is a supplement to the national PKR manifesto entitled "A New Dawn for Malaysia", which was launched recently by party adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    "I am confident the people would accept the manifesto as they have had enough of Barisan Nasional's empty promises since it come to power", he said after the launching at his residence at Bukit Padang, near here.

    He claimed the BN's just unveiled manifesto themed "Security, Peace and Prosperity" was just another of its sweet promises".

    "We must remember that when BN launched 'Sabah Baru' in the previous election, it promised to reduce poverty to zero, housing for all, etcÉ but today we bear witness that all their promises have not been fulfilled and for that the current government must be change," he said.

    Jeffrey went on to say that the real power in BN Sabah was Umno and that the 10 component parties have little say in the State Government.

    He urged the people of Sabah, especially the young voters not to be misled by the BN's promises and instead vote PKR for change.

    "Sabahans have a history of making brave changes when needed and together we can do it again," he said.

  6. During one of the by-elections last year, Anwar also threatened to sue Hamzah Zainuddin, a Deputy Minister in the Cabinet.

    Anwar's outrage stemmed from allegations from the Deputy Minister that Anwar had "kacau" his wife. Just like the current situation with Anifah Aman, Anwar threatened to sue if the allegations weren't withdrawn within 24 hours. Well, the Deputy Minister didn't withdraw and surprise surprise Anwar didn't sue either.


  7. Anwar's outrage stemmed from allegations from the Deputy Minister that Anwar had "kacau" his wife.

    Oh I have heard about that too , that during the time when he was DPM he had some juicy talks with a Division Chairman's wife for 45 minutes and the old man (TDM) had a copy of the tape .

  8. Like Father like Son ? or its it the other way round ? Is this the son of the famous blogger ?

    Raja Petra's son pleads guilty to four counts of theft
    May 19, 09 5:04pm
    The son of controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin pleads guilty at the Shah Alam Magistrate's Court on four counts of theft as well as being in possession of stolen goods.MORE

    Stole motorcycle, mobile phone and watch
    Bail not posted

  9. The Old man is a voyeur - master mind in Vijindra (Deputy Speaker), Chua but where is the tapes for Al? Old man boast that he had proof in his speech and interview. Same with Chap2cunt - all slogan - work with me by fomer pimp misinster and now 1 malaysia. All talk cow and bull slogans

  10. Chaptokam.
    Was about to post the same but you beat me to it.
    Wonder is he a mat rempit?

  11. chaptokam, I don't know what you mean by 'juicy talks'. Please do not leave innuendos of such kind.

  12. ooh and ahh

    well , just saw on tv being handcuffed with a few fellas !

    Pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court to four counts of stealing motorbikes, house break-ins and possessing stolen goods like mobile phone and watch .

    Mat rempit ? Possible looks like one though .
    Whats the father doing ? Bringing up a son like that ? Father spinning the govt , son spinning the rakyat ! wow what a combination !

  13. 'juicy talks' simply means conversation of the funky type !

  14. Raja Petra’s son pleads guilty to stealing, possessing stolen goods

    SHAH ALAM, May 19 — A 32-year-old son of blogger Raja Petra Raja Kamaruddin pleaded guilty in the Magistrate’s Court here today to four counts of stealing and possessing stolen goods, worth RM17,870.

    On the first count, Raja Azman Raja Petra, 32, from Bukit Rahman Putra, Sungai Buloh near here, was charged with stealing a black Yamaha RXZ, registration number BJQ 9597 belonging to a production operator, Mohd Syaiful Setapa, 24, at No. 65, Jalan Batas 2, 19/6B, Section 19 here at about 9.30am last March 20.

    The second charge was for breaking into Mohd Syaiful’s house and stealing the victim’s wallet, which contained his identity card, RM20, road tax, Maybank and BSN ATM cards, and driving licence at the same address, time and date.

    On the third count, Raja Azman was charged with stealing a Nokia handphone, a Seiko watch and a motorcycle chain, all worth RM3,850, belonging to a student, Saipul Adli Mohamed Yunus, 21, at house No. 16, Jalan Sastera, U2/1K Section U2 here at about 10am on April 24.

    Raja Azman, who was arrested on May 6, was also charged with possessing a stolen motorcycle, worth RM6,000, belonging to student Ahmad Firdaus Jalaluddin, 23, infront of house No. 3, First Floor, Block 1, Apartment Kinrara Court, Puchong near here at about 10.40pm last May 5.

    Mohd Syaiful , is this the guy Saiful of the sodomee fame ? Sounds like him , looks like him but LOL not him !! Wakakakaka

  15. chaptokam, this post is not about RPK's son - furthermore I've no interest in him personally. So please drop the off-topic.

  16. Daily Express
    Published on: Thursday, February 28, 2008

    Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah, launched another manifesto here themed "A New Hope for Sabah and Malaysia" promising a second Deputy Prime Minister if it rules the land below the wind.

    "As partners to the formation of Malaysia, the Borneo states deserve to have a Deputy Prime Minister for without the Borneo states, there would have been no Malaysia.

    "Thus, under the PKR government there will be a second Deputy Prime Minister for East Malaysia," the PKR said in its 14-point manifesto launched Wednesday by State PKR Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. State PKR head Ansari Abdullah was also present.

    Did Anwar lie ? or did he not ? make your guess after reading the above ?

  17. i'm honored & proud being sued for
    100juta but insulted for only 1 ringgit ,,,,welcome for suing me !

  18. Chaptokam,

    I find your statements about people in the U.S. from May 18th 2009 to be inaccurate and incredibly ignorant.

    Though you may have come across a family or two that referred to their parents as 'friend' in the 80's, that does not at all represent the vast majority of families in the U.S. How do you know that there were hardly any family bonds? Were you a part of these families? I happen to know a lot of American families who have amazingly strong family bonds - and their kids (now grown) do not refer, and never have, referred to their parents as 'friend'.

    There are certainly lots of gun owners in the U.S. But to say that every family, and every adult owns some kind of gun today is just outright incorrect. What is your source of information to make a bold statement like that? I am a Malaysian currently living in the U.S., and i can assure you that MOST of the adults I know in Chicago do not own guns. Another incorrect 'fact'.

    You seriously think that shooting animals for game is part and parcel of everyday life for entertainment in the U.S.?? Boy, you must have hung out with a great crowd when you were in the U.S. Unfortunately, there is definitely a group of people who do just that. But you are forgetting about the millions of people who do not. And the millions of animal activists in the U.S. In fact, I wish that Malaysia had as many organizations to preserve the rights and livelihood of animals as the U.S. does.

    Geez, and don't get me started about how you said "when it comes to sodomee (correction: sodomy...sodomee is more like a type of maggi mee), to them is fun...". Do you also have a personal experience where you got this 'fact' from?

    KTEMOC, apologies that this isn't quite relevant to your post (which was very informative, thank you). I would hate for ignorance to breed ignorance. These sort of invalid comments bring disgust and hate from misinformation.
