
Monday, April 20, 2009

Biadap-ish arrogance of PKR towards Lim Guan Eng

PKR makes me sick – they set standards for DAP that they themselves were unable to reach.

See Malaysiakini Guan Eng gagged on Fairus issue where PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali had the nerve to tell Lim Guan Eng "On behalf of PKR, I ask him not to raise this matter through the media."

And guess how Dr Syed passed that message to Lim?

Yes, through the media.

Incidentally, Malaysiakini has been unduly provocative by suggesting that Dr Syed of PKR could 'gag' Lim Guan Eng of DAP.

Then in The Malaysian Insider PKR flays Guan Eng over Penanti PKR Penang chief Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said that Guan Eng should stop talking to the press about the issue and instead use internal mechanisms.

He stated:
"As a member of the pact, why can't he discuss directly with Anwar on Fairus' successor as DCM1 and Penanti assemblyman?"

And like Dr Syed, he USED THE MEDIA, and not any internal mechanism, to pass this message to Lim.

But sadly, neither Dr Syed and Zahrain mentioned the disrespect that Anwar Ibrahim had demonstrated when he informed the media of Fairus’ resignation without even informing the CM, an ally who had the courtesy to (1) reserve a deputy CM post for PKR, and (2) defer to Anwar Ibrahim on the choice of a PKR person (no mamak please only Melayu ‘coz we’re PKR) for the post.

Not one f* mention of the wrong done to Lim GE.

PKR is getting too arrogant!

While hardworking Lim GE has been going round Asia, the latest being Singapore, trying to invite investments for Penang, Anwar Ibrahim has been grandstanding to the media about his 916, 'BIG' announcement and such likes, including boasting (as reported in Malaysiakini) that
Fairus stays despite tempting offers.

He had the brazen cheek to “... hail[--] Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin for being a ‘gentleman’ by gracefully relinquishing all his elected and appointed positions in the Penang government. The opposition leader said PKR took pride that a young leader like Mohammad Fairus was standing up for his principle to clear his name from the graft allegations and prevent the party from being further tarnished.”

... when virtually everyone knows all too well that Fairus had threatened to wash PKR's dirty linen in public if Anwar didn't sort out the alleged corruption attributed to Fairus.

Additionally, Mr Man Man Lai has been so busy with his obsession of seizing power, in order to realize his dreams of becoming PM that thus far he hasn't contributed anything worthwhile to the rule of the 5 Pakatan states, or as a viable alternative government.

He has only focussed on destabilizing the government for his own interests. I won't hold my breath over a small thing like the formation of a shadown cabinet, let alone his promised punishment of the Kulim Wonder.

All his nonsense would be like his 'BIG' announcement pffffffft-ing off whimpishly into little wisp of froggie fart.

We should heed Karpal Singh's call for Anwar Ibrahim to step down and fade away.

Also, Abdul Malik Abdul Kassim, Law Choo Kiang, Jason Ong, VS Raveenthran, Sim Tze Tzin, Ong Chin Wen and Tan Hock Leong should consider joining DAP where each and everyone of you will be considered/appointed on your merits and ability, and not on your ethnicity.

Lim Guan Eng questioned Anwar Ibrahim's spirit of camaraderie & cooperation
Lim Guan Eng feels betrayed by Anwar Ibrahim!


  1. LGE deserves to be screwed by Anwar8:57 pm, April 20, 2009

    LGE deserves it!!!!!

    This is karma.

    He didn't listen to Karpal Singh!!

    LGE, please take this as a lesson and part of leaning curve.

    Some advice, don't be arrogant and learn to be humble, LGE !!!!

  2. Dear Kaytee

    You said Anwar is getting too arrogant.
    He has always been arrogant.
    He jumped over the head of everyone in Umno and betrayed Tun M.
    The same thing he's doing to DAP nw.
    Why people never learn beats me.
    It's so funny that he's defending Fairus as a good guy.
    If so why is the seat vacated and Penanti folks have to choose a new rep.
    Its glaringly obvious he wants to show his imagined POWER and POPULARITY.

  3. Idzan, actually I said: "PKR is getting too arrogant!"AI has been that for eons, espeically when he was in UMNO ;-)

  4. PKR rude? Yes.

    LGE does not know PKR is all about Anwar the shithead. No.

    You want to tango with a shithead like Anwar, you take all precautions. LGE should have enough sense as a mature politician to understand this. While he should be faulted for his carelessness in not putting the defenses into place against Anwar's hanky-panky, it is also a blessing in disguise for LGE. The issue at stake could have been a lot bigger.

    Like I said before all politics is dirty. All precautions are necessary for one's survival. Look at Mahashithead. Do you get the point LGE?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Dr Syed Husin Ali had the nerve to tell Lim Guan Eng "On behalf of PKR, I ask him not to raise this matter through the media."

    And guess how Dr Syed passed that message to Lim?

    Yes, through the media. He used the anterior approached but Anwar prefers the posterior approach that's why he instructed PKR Penang chief Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said that Guan Eng should stop talking to the press about the issue and instead use internal mechanisms.

  7. Truly in the spirit of Phakatan Riot !!!!


    Karpal Singh Boleh !!!!!!

  8. DAP marginalised by PKR11:15 pm, April 20, 2009

    Confirmed, verified and certified that DAP is marginalised by PKR in Pakatan Rakyat !!!

    Same like MCA in BN !!!

  9. See Malaysiakini Guan Eng gagged on Fairus issue where PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali had the nerve to tell Lim Guan Eng "On behalf of PKR, I ask him not to raise this matter through the media."

    And guess how Dr Syed passed that message to Lim?

    Yes, through the media.

    Then in The Malaysian Insider PKR flays Guan Eng over Penanti PKR Penang chief Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said that Guan Eng should stop talking to the press about the issue and instead use internal mechanisms.

    So what is happening to PKR ? Syed Hussain uses the media to tell our Cheap Minister to shut up and the PKR Penang Chief Zahrain has to use Malaysian Insider tell Guan Eng to mai kong an nea chae ,lu tiam tiam .

    There's always the Handphone where they can just dial and say Guan Eng , anything you want to say anything , call me first , I am available 24 hrs a day , you can call me and discuss with me first before you open your mouth to the press .

    Now its seems they are not on talking terms , can't bear to see each other's face , just like before a couple gets divorced . The husband will tell the lawyer to talk to the wife what he wants , and the wife will tell the lawyer , you go and tell my husband this is what I want .

    Same sandiwara here . Guan Eng will call a press conference and tells what he thinks of PKR , refused to call them . The PKR chaps will call a press conference and tells Guan Eng to stop talking cock . Guan Eng says who cares I am the ‘ tak tau, tanya Anwar CM ’. I talk what I like , anything you don't like tanya Anwar .

    Looks like we'll be seeing a wa tak suka Anwar divorce very soon . Wakaka

  10. Nothing in that Sloone blog . I think Anwar has also asked her to " Use internal mechanisms " and have given her a plaster to plaster her mouth .

  11. "Dr Syed Husin Ali had the nerve to tell Lim Guan Eng "On behalf of PKR, I ask him not to raise this matter through the media."

    And guess how Dr Syed passed that message to Lim?

    Yes, through the media. "

    why don you have a courtesy to drop this message in his (e)mailbox ...

  12. Vinnan's right...when you choose an alleged sodomite to be your playmate and partner you might just get hurt to parts of anatomy that you hate to get hurt.

    The GSOS is a master manipulator who will do anything and everything to achieve his goal. If that means walking all over the Cheap Minister with his steel-tipped boots, than be it.

    Many of us had been telling DAP that playing with nasty boys of PAS and PKR won't just sully DAP's reputation but also can be counterproductive. This had happened in the past and DAP should have been smarter than to get played out a 2nd time.

    Now the GSOS @ the Great Mandore has effectively turned the Penang state govt to an Ali Baba state with the Cheap Minister being turned into a Lame Duckie.

    I guess this could even be the beginning of the end for Pakatan as a coalition. The damage seems to be to be irreversible.

    It supposed to be a coalition and a partnership of equals. Well, in a sense this is true. All parties are equally subservient to the GSOS. If the GSOS can force his own wife and the Leader of Opposition to vacate her seat in order to escape Sodomy 2, how long it would take for him to jettison any of DAP's MPs and ADUNs ?

    Indians have a saying that there is no point blaming the dog if it dines on faeces, since it is the dog's nature to do so. As such it is stupid of us to expect the canine to enjoy fine dining. The can be said of LGE and LKS. The GSOS is an open book and the veteran politicians should have read it well. Instead they allowed the allure of power and position to blind them. As such I can only offer thus to DAP and the Cheap Minister - "Padan muka".

    Even if this crisis is somehow resolved, it is matter of time the GSOS will be back for more.

    My advice to DAP is to go alone though this might not please some of their folks in Selangor.

  13. We have been telling LGE and father since last year not be blinded by Anwar's fantasy to become PM. Instead use their strength to govern the States they won properly and strengthen their weaknesses. But what they have done, they use their strength to cause troubles by working very hard to topple the Federal Government which create instability and uncertainty to the economy. LGE was so busy traveling to and fro from Penang/KL then in the expense of running the States properly that leave running of the States to others. So what happen now is the inability of LGE to manage his staffs and he should take responsibly and pay the prices.

  14. So what if PKR is arrogant!So what if LGE is slighted!Without the trio how to form government?At least we have a state government and not those scum bags type called BN!
    Wah! so many old buggers want to run this country their way!
    Why not the Killers and the chaptos and the Kemocs please stand for next election?See maybe you try avoiding the snake Anwar!As they say talking kockeral is so easy for you old bags.
    Hey you have forgotten this is Malay politics at its best.
    We dont mind a lousy government like PKR but at least you can see where your money is going.
    At least you still have the right to whagg them when they go wrong.
    Can you do it if it was BN?

  15. As Xiean says he LGE should take responsibility , I am of the opinion he should take full responsibilities for this due to the various reasons . In the English proverb , when the cat is away the mices will play . That's exactly what happen .

    The Lame Duck Cheap Minister is always not in Penang . I have used to comment Penang is on autopilot , that it its governed through remote control . Our Cheap Minister is always in Parliament or in Malacca and for that matter has been seen so often in Perak during the Perak assembly fiasco or seen following Anwar around like a pet poodle .

    How can you effectively run the State govt when you are not in Penang ? How is it that Fairus has been able to buy a Mercedes and a BMW with cash and you are not aware of it ? Doesn't it seem odd that he is able to do so in a period of one year and more so when he's not from Penang ? How are you going to monitor the performances of the rest of your PR ADUNS in the state if you are always not around ?

    As to KT's suggestion that Abdul Malik Abdul Kassim, Law Choo Kiang, Jason Ong, VS Raveenthran, Sim Tze Tzin, Ong Chin Wen and Tan Hock Leong should consider joining DAP where each and everyone of you will be considered/appointed on your merits and ability, and not on your ethnicity.

    This is just a pure waste of funds and many named above are low quality YBs . Law Choo Kiang the exco who made a mockery of himself when he represented Penang in a tourism fest in Australia . Someone wrote an email and sent to the wa tak tau CM that his exco can't even talk proper English , in fact broken English and made a fool of Himself and the state of Penang he is representing . This guy has a funny , peculiar character , when you see him , you'll understand what I mean .

    Jason Ong , wouldn't want to touch him . Has many skeletons in the closet . Don't know why we have many enquiries and complains about him .

    Sim Tze Tzin , Anwar's PA before he became a YB , that's where the Sloone Kat46 is . Probably running his service centre on an ad hoc basis .

    Tan Hock Leong , formerly MCA Bukit Mertajam Div Secretary who resigned to join PKR as he was about to be sacked by MCA due to the Phantom Members issue in BM MCA where they took the party to court . Only bright spark here among the whole lot .

  16. Damn straight. Anwar has gone too far. He may be the political figurehead of Pakatan, but PKR has certainly proven itself to be the weakest link of the Pakatan coalition.

  17. LGE reminds me of Datuk Ajib when he was Johor MB.
    The remote control man was Musa Hitam.
    Puppet on a string is a fun song but a puppet man is indeed not funny.

  18. DAP won’t stand for Zahrain standing in Penanti
    By Lee Wei Lian

    PETALING JAYA, April 21 – The DAP has ruled out Penang PKR chief Datuk Zahrain Mohamed Hashim as a likely candidate for Penanti, saying he was “behaving like a little Umno leader” in criticising Lim Guan Eng.

    The war of words between both Pakatan Rakyat allies is escalating despite discussions yesterday between the Penang chief minister and PKR de facto chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    “Such irresponsible comments by him would rule him out as the possible PKR and Pakatan Rakyat candidate for the Penanti by-election,” DAP publicity chief Tony Pua said in a media statement today.

    PKR has said it will choose the Penanti candidate who if wins, will also be named as Penang deputy chief minister I.

    Zahrain yesterday slammed the DAP secretary-general for being piqued over not being told of Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin’s resignation from the Penanti seat on April 16 although the letter was dated March 19.

    “Datuk Zahrain’s baseless attacks against Lim are ill advised, irresponsible and politically motivated to help hide weaknesses in his leadership that caused so many problems in Penang PKR,” Pua added.

    The war of words is heating up !!

  19. Any news of the shadow cabinet?
    They have only a Prime Minister.
    Gues that will suffice.
    He is the be all and the end all.
    Kaytee, why don't you do a line-up?
    They dont have people to fill the seats.

  20. chaptomkam,
    there are thousands of teachers teaching English, Science and Mathematics in primary and secondary schools, as well as in govt colleges and unis whose command of English is worse than Law Choo Kiang. Why don't you pick on them?

  21. Dear Old Chap Chaptokam

    Need to pick on your inside info. Hope you don't mind sharing them.

    Is Ariff Shah's froggie leap has been confirmed ? What the Lame Duck Cheap Minister is offering him ?

    Also as for MPPP, I am really and utterly puzzled. May be the Cheap Minister's infinite wisdom is beyond my limited brain.

    MPPP has been ranked No 21, even behind the much maligned MPSP. Even the elusive "Special Assitant" aka (Self-proclaimed) Malaysia's Most Important Blogger Jeff Ooi has lambasted them. And yet our Cheap Minister promote him to the post of State Secretary. Pray tell me the complex thinking and logical thought process behind this. If it has been I would have put him in charge of toilets maintenance at the Komtar.

    Also what's the deal at MPPP's new supremo ? It seems like Jeff Ooi is dead set to land the job while the whole lotta DAP fellas has been queuing since March 2008. The same goes for MPSP. The line of aspirants start at their HQ at Perda and streches all the way to the bridge. Guess the Cheap Minister has a hot potato on his hand. Whoever he chooses will create a deep rift in DAP, which is the last thing he wants under the present scenario.

  22. Anonymous 12:14 PM

    a)Is a fact that the CM has acknowledged .
    b) He is an Exco , meaning he is a minister of state , and he is representing Penang .
    c)teachers ? they don't represent Penang state govt .
    d)They are not Excos . Period!
    e)There's a complaint to the CM on Him NOT by me , so who's picking on who ?

  23. Dear Old Chap Killer

    Ariff Shah's froggie leap has been confirmed ? Nope all a BIG BIG spin or outright Bullshit . There may be some truth that they have approached him and offered him . But going no where at this time of my posting .

    What the Lame Duck Cheap Minister is offering him ?
    My guess is the DCM1 to counter Anwar's pet poodle from becoming the sole nominee for the DCM1 's position .Since Ariff is a Malay , that fits perfectly into the Cheap Minister's plan rather than the poodle hovering over his back all the time . Eventually he wa tak tau, tanya Anwar CM might have to constantly look over his shoulders and become afraid of his own shadows .

    For the post of State Secretary I guess the JPA will have final say , same as the council President even though recommended by the state . And normally the state Secretary has to be a Civil Servant , meaning promoted thru the ranks of the Civil Service like the District Officer , or have served as a Pengarah in some Federal Depts etc , etc .

    As to MPPP's new supremo ? It seems like Jeff Ooi is dead set wanting that job , however there's the PKR from Nibong Tebal Tan Tee Beng also wanting that job . That job is a money spinner for the holder of that position . That's the reason these people's representatives are so engrossed with that position . Guess the Cheap Minister has a hot grill on his hand. Whoever he chooses will create a deep rift in DAP and with the internal bickering in PKR and with PKR with DAP , its a repeat of the political Tsunami in 308 except its the other way round , Its an Earthquake .

    BN had that problem before when they appointed Tan Gim Hwa as council president , eventually they had to revert back to the Civil servants handling that job .

    So my opinion let those vultures fight for the meat .
