
Friday, March 06, 2009

Royal immunity by stealth?

Star Online reported Rulers asked to seek restoration of immunity.

It quoted Tengku Datuk Zainol Rashid Tengku Yahya, the president of the Kedah Royal Household Association, stating that the association will ask the Conference of Rulers to seek the restoration of immunity for rulers.

His reason for the restoration of legal immunity for the rulers?

It was needful to ensure that ‘certain parties’ would not “belittle the Malay rulers who are the pillars and protectors of the strength of the Malays.”

“If immunity is restored, the issue of mocking the Malay rulers will probably not arise.”

This is disingenuous.

How can legal immunity stop people from criticizing royalty? Legal immunity does not immunize anyone from criticisms.

A law on lèse majestés? … yes, and even then, there’s no guarantee that some people would defy that law, prepared to be imprisoned for speaking out against, say, a royal tyrant like the Nepalis had done … successfully.

No, the ambit claim for restoration of legal immunity is nothing but a claw-back by stealth, using recent criticisms against a particular ruler as camouflage for the real motive.

What legal immunity will actually provide royalty is protection from legal prosecution against acts of murder (golf anyone?), acts of violence or intimidation (hockey then?), and acts of dishonest dealings or breach of contracts (someone could be sued for millions and someone was, and had to cough up).

So, what shall we recommend to Tengku Datuk Zainol Rashid Tengku Yahya to enhance the position of the rulers so that they won’t be criticized?

Well, my dear sir, what about encouraging the rulers to conduct themselves in a manner as to earn our respect and affection, which will surely kill off any form of disrespectful criticisms!

I didn’t say it. It was Muhyiddin Yassin, Johor Menteri Besar & a future DPM, who was reported by the New Straits Times on Dec 27, 1992 as stating:

"A ruler will enjoy the respect of his people even without the immunity but with the conduct that is appropriate with his office.”

"Though the issue is a bitter pill to swallow, our rulers must accept the fact that immunity is not God given."

And it's not only kaytee who agrees fully with Muhyiddin.

There was Pak Haji Nik Aziz too - he was quoted by the New Straits Times (Dec 16, 1992) as stating: "Furthermore we know that the Quran and the Sunnah do not confer immunity to anyone. Everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah."

Amin, Datuk Haji!

Also read Malaysiakini Umno's 1993 blitzkrieg against the sultans.


  1. The lese majeste law is a no no. It has been abused in Thailand to such an extent that it is invoked at the drop of a bowl of tomyam soup, much like how the ISA was used here to arrest an Sin Chew reporter and Teresa Kok, 'for their own protection!!'

    As for restoring the immunity for our Royalty, there's no going back. We have seen how some of the Royalty in Johor and Pahang abused their immunity in the past. In any event, I believe that since Independence they have had no immunity against civil law suits.

    After all, if they are as chaste and honest as they say they are, the question of immunity will not matter one bit!!

  2. I agree with KTemoc and donplaypuks. There's no going back. Respect must be earned, not imposed. The lese majeste law in Thailand has in fact eroded the respect for the Thai monarch on a worldwide basis.

  3. donplaypuks®

    try shiting the thai monarch in thailand , you'll know what you get .

    Leave King Bhumipol OUT of this ! asshole .

  4. donplaypuks®

    You want to compare our royalty
    try the Sulu sultanate or the Mindanao sultanate if ever there is such a Sultanate.

  5. Anon

    I have no intention of shitting on the Thai King in Thailand, here or anywhere else.

    My point is that the lese majeste law has been used in Thailand to stifle political opponents. I have not the slightest doubt that if such a law were to be implemented in M'sia, our Ketuanan Melayu proponents will jump on the same bandwagon and abuse/misuse it.

    Anon 9.58 AM, I don't understand your point about Sulu & Mindanao.

  6. Immunity yes. But it must be restricted to what is done in the line of duty. Others matters that are personal and busuness in nature cannot be covered by immunity.Ramlax

  7. Demonstration again.

    PAS, PKR and Gapena march to Istana Negara to protest the use of English in teaching of Mathematics and Science. Pas President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang and Mohd Sabu was spotted at the demonstration.

    With this type of mentality, Malaysia will enter the dark age following exactly Taliban's path when PR rules. No more teaching of English languages, no English News paper, English will be totally prohibit from Malaysia, Malaysia will be totally closed from the outside world.

    Interestingly, majority opted for English to answer Science and Maths when answering the paper during 2008 PMR examinations.

    On the other hand Najib said: Do not reject blindly “Foreign elements” which helped to enrich knowledge, enhance technology and even the local culture should not be pushed aside, he said. “One has to be rational in choosing and determining what is good and beneficial and not reject globalisation and changes outright.

    Why DAP so silent on this issue.

    If given a choice between Royal immunity and PR government, I chose the former.
    Obviously PR govern will lead the country into chaos. History also tell us that people can live happily under the rules of Kings and Emperors...........

  8. Why DAP so silent on this issue.

    Same boat with them ! They want the teaching of Maths and Science to be in the mother tongue .

    Fcuk !! what mother tongue ? Mandarin is not the mother tongue . When you mean mother tongue , you are referring to Hokkien , Cantonese , Hainanese , Teochew . fcuk these bastards who demonstrate , better send their children to Iran , Iraq , Afganistan to study religion . And stop sending all Malay , Chinese and Indian students to England and the US for those who opt to use the mother tongue in Maths and Science .

  9. XieAn's and Anonymous' (8:10 PM, March 7) comments are irrelevant to the topic, which is on royal immunity.

  10. Please be relevant! said...

    Tropic on Royal immunity , ya but I am very loyal to my Sultan so , sorry I won't touch on that issue , very sensitive lah ! Any tropic ok with me lah !.

  11. Pak Haji Nik Aziz too - he was quoted by the New Straits Times (Dec 16, 1992) as stating: "Furthermore we know that the Quran and the Sunnah do not confer immunity to anyone. Everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah."

    What happen to Wan Azizah ? I thought she was the one who tried to revive the issue ? when she asked that the immunity to the Sultans be restored . Or did Anwar asked her to shut up ! otherwise he'll sleep in the other room ?

  12. What happen to MCA ?...Err...supporting UMNO Youth Hulubalang shouting "Derhaka!", "Derhaka!"...

    I really hate guys without Gonads..

  13. May the March 08, 2008 Tsunami continue !

  14. They want DEMOCRAZY

    but in actual fact they are

    DEMO Crazy .

    Guys without faces with gonads

  15. May the March 08, 2008 Tsunami continue !

    Mega Earthquake coming , beware , its gonna bury the Tsunami riders .

    Bye Bye !!

  16. History also tell us that people can live happily under the rules of Kings and Emperors....

    Then why the revolutions in France, America, Russia, China, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, Latin America, ...?

  17. To be happy under tyrants is better than be sad living under good leaders .

    There is still heaven in hell and hell in heaven .

    Revolutions can be for the betterment as it can be for the worse . We have seen in the name of revolutions , Royal families , sons , daughters who have no sins are executed .

  18. Anonymous who brought out language issue. Language is only a tool please do not try to make it into an Ideology. Ramalx
