
Monday, March 16, 2009

Kangaroo holds court in Monkey House

Malaysiakini Gobind suspended for a year!

Sure Gobind said something serious … but due process demands that he be provided a fair opportunity to say something in his own defence?

Was he?

Nope, he was duly ‘hung’ by the BN vigilante mob, and then given a Pandikar Amin ‘fair’ trial.

Malaysiakini - ... father to be charged with sedition!

Karpal Singh is to be charged under the Sedition Act tomorrow in relation to his threat to sue the Perak ruler over the political crisis in the state.


Against a person who does not enjoy legal immunity and who has been assessed by legal experts including former Court of Appeal judge NH Chan as having violated the principle of fair play ...

... when he saw Najib before he summoned Nizar to inform the poor unsuspecting MB that He, the Ruler of Perak, had decided not to dissolve the legislative assembly?

Justice Chan stated: That was his undoing. It was a fatal error. This is not a case of natural justice where both sides have a right to be heard. There was no hearing.

In HRH sacking of MB Nizar, Justice Chan said sneeringly: This is no more than a pretended show of power when, in fact, there is no such power.

I wonder what Dr Mahathir would say to his UMNO successors elevating HRH to Brahmin-ic status where Pakatan Rakyat MPs’ haram-ish shadows must not cross the exalted shadow of HRH?

Malaysiakini - Two more charged with insulting Perak sultan!

All I need to do is to quote Zaid Ibrahim (former Law Minister) who said:

Many, including the Bar Council have said that His Highness's decision not to dissolve the Perak legislative assembly although advised to do so by the menteri besar (Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin) is beyond question or in legal parlance non justiciable.

HRH has actually ignored his own written words in his book 'Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance in 2004' that 'no sultan or agung had withheld consent to dissolve legislative body, except in Kelantan in 1977' ... and that ...

'Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for dissolution of parliament. His role is purely formal'.

So another case of cakap ta'serupa bikin lah!

Please read my previous posts:

(1) All that is Silver does not glitter

(2) Tainted silver ain't no silver bullet
(3) Silver State's Sickening Sad Sandiwara
(4) Silver State in sorry state
(5) Rulers no 'Silver Bullet'
(6) Dangerous euphoria over 'political' royalty

and most important of all,

(7) Dr Wan Azizah, rethink your promise of legal immunity for royalty


  1. One nation, two systems!

    It will never work, not for long anyway, just as one nation, 3 or 4 systems will not for China.

    The day of reckoning for the Rosemajibs, Nazis and pandikars is just round the corner. Then the bhais will laugh long and hard!

  2. Aiyah, I was deeply worried when the Sabah BN parliamentarians demanded greater representation. They were right, but the problem is they are all donkeys. Pandikar was a joke even in Sabah when he was in the local parliament there. Trust BN to pick the stupidest Sabahan.

    All of you in the peninsular hoping Sabah will help you out-think again....with clowns like tis, there is no hope.

  3. Didnt monkeys do their business under a tree?

  4. Fear not, Gobind, our young Khalsa warrior.

    The spirit of Altantuya is with you.

    Justice will be done.

  5. Didnt monkeys do their business under a tree?
    Wakakakakaka I used to pee there ! wonder if they could smell my pee !

  6. our young Khalsa warrior. ?
    Dead warriors ain't warriors , they are dead warriors !Altantuya needs a groom , she's loony , needs a mate , dead khalsa warrior !

  7. One nation, two systems!

    Any country that doesn't practise two systems!or 3 or 4 systems !

    Did our parents treat us all the same ? or do we have five fingers of the same length !

  8. The day of reckoning for the Rosemajibs, Nazis and pandikars is just round the corner.! wah ! ever think it could be the other way round ? That the day of reckoning could be coming for the Anwaristas , Kitty Siangs and Hadistanis ? Explosive days are here to stay , be prepared . Boys Scouts motto !

  9. Dear KT
    Good move. With Gobind Deo out, one less hooligan to contend with.
    He asked for it.
    And was it Karpal who said don't play around with him.
    Two can play at that game.
    The govenment has pre-empt hos threat to sue the Sultan.
    One up for the government.

  10. kt,

    you are one big smart guy but dont you see its najib hands behind it.

    dont worrry, they cant touch you coz you are in Aussie land if you do reveal anything thats implicating.

    one question, why did all these sycophants go all the way to cover it up for him? You think Najib is innocent, your honest opinion.

    Just wanna hear your denials.

  11. Hi Ktemoc

    Quotes from The Man himself:

    “Umno-Barisan Nasional was too careless and did not wait for an assembly but instead asked the Ruler to sack the Menteri Besar,” Mahathir told the press over the weekend.

    The feisty 83-year old was referring to Sultan Azlah Shah’s decision to accept Najib’s offer of an Umno-BN line-up to form the new state government following the defection of three Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen. According to Najib, the royal decision was correct, but to many in the country - including the legal fraternity - it was highly questionable.

    Firstly, the status of the trio was already being challenged in the courts and then, Pakatan Rakyat Menteri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin - the incumbent chief minister at that time - had refuse to give way.

    Instead, Nizar had sought a dissolution of the state assembly so that fresh election could be held, allowing the people to choose the government that they wanted.

    “You cannot topple a Menteri Besar or a Prime Minister without a no-confidence vote in the assembly. There is no other provision,” Mahathir expounded. “As far as I know, there is no such provision in the Perak or Federal Constitution.”

    Phua Kai Lit

  12. Dear Ktemoc

    Sorry. Forgot to mention the above is an excerpt from "Suara Keadilan".

    Phua Kai Lit

  13. Aiyoh, Phua Kai Lit, don't ever quote from "Suara Keadilan" to Ktemoc.

    He wouldn't touch it with a 20-foot pole.

    But Mahathir's write up is widely available - including directly from his blog.
    Its correctly quoted, even if its "Suara Keadilan" kakakakaka....

  14. Eh? How come, KT? Why are you not supporting Gobind's suspension without due process? Strange, very strange. I think you should learn how to support BN more strongly and more wholly. You should not only give them lukewarm support, like engaging in irrational attacks on Anwar Ibrahim, but to wholly embrace them, black eye, Altantuya, corruption, abuse of the judicial process, and what not.

  15. Singh is King... and I'll standby the Singhs~~

  16. Hi "Suara Najib"

    1. Actually, Ktemoc seems like a
    fundamentally decent guy who writes interesting analyses once in a while. But somehow he goes
    "ballistic" whenever he discusses
    Anwar Ibrahim. Hmmm ... wonder why?

    2. Talking about realpolitik, we have Obama/Biden in USA.
    Will we have Abdullah Badawi/Anwar Ibrahim or even Razaleigh/Anwar Ibrahim soon in Malaysia?
    If this happens, I think Ktemoc will go into spontaneous combustion! :) :)

    As The Man (TDM) himself says, there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies in politics.

    Phua Kai Lit

  17. Phua Kai Lit

    But somehow he goes
    "ballistic" whenever he discusses
    Anwar Ibrahim. Hmmm ... wonder why?

    Ever look at yourself in the mirror ?
    You should actually take a closer look at all your remarks when it comes to BN . I hope as a fairly well educated person you should look at the positive side of BN rather than just the negative side of it !

  18. Phua Kai Lit

    Do you accept the idea of a dual party system in Malaysia ? where both parties are equally balanced ?

  19. How can there be a dual party system in Malaysia when the police, army, judiciary, anti-corruption agency ect are all under the control of ONE party?

  20. If you don't accept a dual party system in Malaysia , then forget about it ! You try having a PR federal govt and the rest the police, army, judiciary, anti-corruption agency ect are all still loyal and under the control of ONE party . Oh yeah now you can add one more , the Royalties !

    With this mix , it will be a highly explosive cocktail . Cheers to you , stay alive and don't get C4ed by this mix .

  21. Hi Anonymous 1:30 pm and
    Anonymous 1:33 pm

    1. Try to look at the positive side of BN? I'll take that as a joke.
    Not when the oil wealth of Malaysia is being squandered.
    We are becoming more and more like Nigeria everyday -- a better analogy than Zimbabwe, an analogy I used previously.

    2. Dulu: I supported Partai Rakyat
    Sekarang: I support Pakatan Rakyat
    (and I will even vote for PAS candidates who are willing to listen and accept the views of non-Muslims).
    Selamanya: The lesser of two evils i.e. PR and not BN

    3. Accept a dual party system?
    Of course! A genuine one with a proportional representation system. But in an emergency situation such as our fast deteriorating economy, why not a
    govt of national unity?
    Examples from other countries: Grand Coalition of Christian Democrats (CDU-CSU)and
    Social Democratic Party (SPD) in West Germany. Austria: People's Party and Social Democratic Party.

    Phua Kai Lit

  22. If MCA , Gerakan , MIC and the rest leave BN and join Pakatan ,
    The new political equation will become Pakatan Rojak versus UMNO/PAS .
    Hudud will replace the civil laws , Malays will be the Govt , the rest ie Chinese , Indians , Ibans , etc etc become Opposition . If thats what you want , god bless you !

  23. Phua Kai Lit

    Ok lets start with this
    A genuine one with a proportional representation system.

    Base on this , MCA , Gerakan , MIC SHOULD NOT leave the BN .

    Leaving the BN at this point of time will see UMNO being alone . Right !
    Ever wondered what UMNO would do in that situation ?
    Is just like pushing a dog to a corner or in fatal attraction where a spurned lover goes all out for revenge .
    One , I wouldn't want to imagine what they will do !
    two , They would dangle a carrot to PAS for them to join UMNO to form a govt .

    The new political equation will become Pakatan Rojak versus UMNO/PAS .
    Hudud will replace the civil laws , Malays will be the Govt , the rest ie Chinese , Indians , Ibans , etc etc become the Opposition in Parliament !

    In an emergency situation such as our fast deteriorating economy,

    Forming a unity govt ? or govt of national unity ? Our country has not yet reach the stage like the ones you mentioned . The three major races are still very divided even within their own races or community . How to achieve that ? Beats me !

  24. Hi Anonymous 2:45 pm

    1. You forget that PKR is heavily Malay. And that many PAS members are anti-UMNO.

    2.What if PR becomes more and more
    like what BN used to be in the 1970s before The Man (TDM) took over and corrupted everything i.e.
    multi-party and multi-ethnic
    (multi-ethnic) where all voices are heard? You can have a PR
    comprising PKR, DAP, PAS, Parti Sosialis, plus progressive elements from MCA, Gerakan, MIC.
    That would leave a rump UMNO consisting only of the corrupt, racists/fascists and the people they managed to fool in the rural areas. Right now, BN is composed of
    "Big Brother" UMNO plus its
    cowering adik-adik component parties who can barely find the courage to squeak in protest whenever the racists/fascists in UMNO do outrageous things.

    I have faith that the majority of PAS will not join UMNO in a new
    right-wing coalition.

    Phua Kai Lit

  25. PKR is heavily Malay.

    worse still ! money can work wonders . You are making too much assumptions .

    Like I said
    leave a rump UMNO consisting only of the corrupt, racists/fascists and the people they managed to fool in the rural areas.

    Cornered dog fights fiercest . Can you predict what they'll do to this nation !!

    I have faith that the majority of PAS will not join UMNO in a new
    right-wing coalition.

    That faith has continuously been shattered and tested . don't put too much faith into it . Sometimes it just doesn't work that way . I prefer realities and probabilities to be on the safe side .

    Just like putting all your hopes for 916 to happen , but it just went by with all your hopes dashed . Similarly if you put all your hopes for a PR govt come GE13 and again it doesn't happen , I forsee many people committing suicide . There's a Chinese saying , if its yours , its yours , if it is willed to happen it will happen but never have high hopes that it will happen .

  26. Phua Kai Lit

    Anything that comes your way when you least expect it , is a BONUS .

    Anything that you expect it to happen but didn't happen is a SELL OUT . or is there any better word to describe it !

    from your friend who chose to post under anonymous today ! Cheers
