
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Anwar Ibrahim - AAB: Encounter of the thirsty kind

;-) wakakaka!

Malaysiakini Meeting a coincidence, say Anwar, Pak Lah sure made someone’s day.

And because the reporters at a press conference in Parliament yesterday didn’t bother to ask him about the face-to-face encounter with the PM, Malaysiakini reported that Anwar himself prodded them into asking him about his chance meeting with lame duck AAB.

Lame duck or not, Anwar clutched at every UMNO straw.

Shamelessly, he offered himself wakakaka in this opening gambit: "So what is the latest news today?"

"Isn't anybody going to ask me about my meeting yesterday?"

Once again, isn’t he just shameless? ;-)

"Since nobody is asking, it is a closed matter then."

How I wish I was there to signal to all reporters not to ask anything wakakakakakakaka.

AAB dismissed the chance meeting as just both him and Anwar being invited to attend a Maulidur Rasul event in Hulu Langat in Selangor on Tuesday. AAB was invited by Ustaz Sheikh Mahmud Al-Mazjub to celebrate the event as well as to mark the end of the spiritual leader’s 40-year spiritual development.

“There was no discussion between me and Anwar. There is nothing more about it. I was having lunch with Sheikh Mahmud when Anwar came. We listened as Sheikh Mahmud talked during the lunch. Sheikh Mahmud had brought up various matters and Anwar and I listened to him. There was no discussion between us.”

I wonder whether Anwar was stalking AAB for the chance to be seen with the PM wakakakakaka.

I’ve always believed that Anwar wants to return to UMNO – I still do!

In my post A Bridge Too Far - Anwar Ibrahim 3 years ago, Anwar eagerly offered (unsolicited) assistance to AAB on the crooked bridge business. I wrote:

Anwar has offered assistance to the government, saying he could draw from his experience in the government, including as finance minister between 1993 and 1998. That’s a fantastic CV, man.

continued: I would not discount any possible meeting with Abdullah if he were to ask my views on the issues ... like the negotiations with Singapore on the bridge and even information on the negotiations with Indonesia on border issues.”


Mind you, Anwar assured us his offer does not imply a wish to rejoin UMNO - of course not! Everyone knows the UMNO-led government always gets ‘outsiders’ to negotiate with foreign governments on its behalf.

Alas for him, AAB snubbed him. To many UMNO insiders, Anwar was far too dangerous to allow too close, even for them. Mind you, they have had experience of the way he operated when he was their No 2.

But he’s still trying – his last chance, prior to his Nemesis taking over the organization he wants to return to.

I wonder whether I ought to feel a lil' sorry for him, with him seeing the UMNO gates gradually drawing shut to him forever more?


  1. Dear kaytee

    Yep Kaytee, the opportunist was grinning ear-to-ear to be seen with Dollah.
    You can see Abdullah looking very uncomfortable lunching with him.
    And rumour-mongers went to town saying they are ganging against Najib.
    In full attendance of everyone? Ridiculous.
    Just small talk like how's the family gettting on.
    I thnik that Sheikh person tricked Abdullah into coming for lunch.
    If not why should he arrived 20 minutes earlier than AAB, defying protocol.
    Abdullah, whom Malays call lurus bendul, (straight-forward) took the bait, not wanting to offend the supposed spiritual leader.
    He did not know who else is coming.
    It's Abdullah's and Najib's people that are jittery, not their bosses.
    Each of them are thinking of their position, not so much to protect their boss.
    Seize the day bro before Umno changes guard.
    He is now green-eyes or in Malay puteh mata seeing his nemesis crowned PM in two weeks time.
    There goes his dreams..forever.
    The gates are indeed locked.
    I don't know whether he can parachute in like he entered Umno.

  2. KT
    Once again, isn’t he just shameless?

    I think he has forgotten the word shameless ever existed !
    For a guy like him must have a skin , thicker than the cowhide . If you were to shoot him in the face , don't be surprised the bullet will be deflected ( too thick to penetrate or impenetrable ) wakakaka .

  3. KT although we don't c eye2eye in many an issue but on this one i say "spot on, KT".

  4. Wah KT boy, AI bashing time again eh ?

  5. Anwar is expert in medis spin. He plant people to ask question in his favour.

    So when AgendaDaily reporters posted him very succint and embarrassing questions in numerous events, he start making all sort of allegations these reporter. Go search AgendaDaily archives.

    So, I cant understand why many Phakatan Rioters still blindly believe him.

  6. Clearly Anwar move is an indication that he is willing to go back to UNMO and seeking AAB help. He have to move fast to beat PAS otherwise BN will be too crowded and no more place for him. If DAP is wise, they also must joint the wagon, lose face little bit never mind as long as the people especially Penang can gain from the maneuver.

  7. anti Phakatan Rioters

    So, I cant understand why many Phakatan Rioters still blindly believe him

    You should read up the article by RPK
    The cult call PKR posted under The Corridors of Power dated Sunday, 13 July 2008 .

    I have the article but forget the link . It will answer your questions .

  8. KT
    That's the reason why I refuse to comment on Royalties .
    Anyway any idea who are the six ?

    Six to be charged for insulting Perak Sultan via blogs, web postings
    Thursday, 12 March 2009 21:15

    By Lourdes Charles, The Star

    Six people, who allegedly insulted the Sultan of Perak via their blogs or online postings, are expected to be charged on Friday under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

    They are expected to be charged in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Kota Kinabalu, and Butterworth under Section 233(1) of the Act for unwise use of network or network services by making comments, demands, suggestions or communication deemed vulgar, false, threatening or disturbing. The charges are to be read together with Section 34 of the Penal Code.

    The six will thus become the first to be hauled up under the Act.

    Two others are also expected to face similar charges in Terengganu on Sunday.

    Those found guilty under the Act face a maximum fine of RM50,000 or a maximum jail term of one year or both as provided for under Section 233(3) of the Act.

    It is learnt that several senior Information and Technology executives working with the Perak State Secretariat had on Feb 16 lodged a complaint with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) after learning of the existence of the blogs and comments.

    The MCMC subsequently lodged a report with the police’s Commercial Crimes Department (Multimedia and Cyber Crime Investigation unit), which started probing the blogs and postings.

  9. Unless someone correct me, as far as I know, Anwar is not a member of PKR.

    He is only a "Ketua Umum" of PKR.

    That would explain why he is ferking desperate to join UMNO. He has tasted blood before while in UMNO, so you can see his heart is not in Phakatan, only using Phakatan & his fanatics cult followers to help him achieve his mission.

    If he is not even a PKR member, why DAP and PAS not questioning this and even allow him to be Opposition leader!

    Technically Anwar is no different from Ibrahim Ali, an Independent.

  10. Eh..Kaytee, how do you explain the fact that Khairy; Abdullah's SIL personally delivered his (Anwar) passport to him after he was released by the federal court ?

  11. both men are history....

  12. AMB

    AAB is a very kind person . He gave in after Dr Wan Azizah went to see him and pleaded with him to allow Anwar to go for the op overseas in Germany .

  13. Chaptokam, I don't think so , AI was released by the federal court so he was free to go anywhere to seek treatment.

    While the appeal was pending, AAB did categorically disallowed AI to seek treatment overseas.

  14. "AAB is a very kind person . He gave in after Dr Wan Azizah went to see him and pleaded with him to allow Anwar to go for the op overseas in Germany ."

    you made a serious allegation here. are you insinuating that aab tampered the judicial appeal decision?

  15. AMB

    AI was released by the federal court so he was free to go anywhere to seek treatment.

    Correct , but even when you are released , how can you go overseas for treatment when you don't have a valid passport ? or you're passport is frozen ?

  16. you made a serious allegation here. are you insinuating that aab tampered the judicial appeal decision

    Quickly go and make a polis report !

  17. Dear BN supporters

    May I bring your attention to some other matters:

    Read the latest about ex-MB of Selangor's travel expenses?

    I can anticipate some of your replies e.g. "He was going on trade missions to all these destinations", "He is entitled to do so as MB", "It's a mean attack by the Other Side", "Black Hand of Anwar Ibrahim is behind this attack" etc etc

    Phua Kai Lit

  18. Phua Kai Lit

    Thanks but I have no sympathy for this kind of BN creature . I hope they will get him , whoever they may be , PDRM , MACC , PKR , PAS , DAP , or the Toyols .

  19. ..Correct , but even when you are released , how can you go overseas for treatment when you don't have a valid passport ? or you're passport is frozen ?


    You mean everybody who got acquitted by a court of law will get his /her passport deliveredd to him/her by PM's SIL ?

  20. AMB

    Anwar's case was that they didn't want him to leave the country . They were insisting that there were many specialists here in Malaysia who could treat his slip disc ( back problem ) . In fact they were against the idea that he leave the country . His passport I think was impounded ? withdrawn , so he had no passport .
    If I recall right that meeting between Wan Azizah and AAB was arranged by Ezam ( who later joined UMNO ) and Khairy . The passport was delivered personally by Khairy to avoid public disclosure as it was rather urgent that AI leave immediately for treatment as his back pain was getting real bad . Those days I think it still needs min one week to process a passport , but in his case it wad done within one day .

    After getting back to Pg after treatment , during the first Raya in Kepala Batas , I was there , AI was invited by AAB to seat in the main table with him and at that time they look very at ease with each other . I think I have the photos of them .
    Politically speaking because of Anwar being let out AAB caused TDM to be extremely angry with AAB and that accounts for the frequent outbursts by TDM against AAB . Its like AAB setting the tiger loose from its cage to go after the guy who put and caged the tiger in .

  21. Why so much hoo-hah over a brief encounter in a mosque ?
    Both Anwar and Badawi have denied there was anything substantive about the meeting.

    The rest is just KTspin. (Korek-Tahi Spin)

  22. And the Drama King and wife showed their loyalty to AAB who lost his premiership by their actions of toppling him and intention to take over the Fed Govt. Soon DAP will taste the medicine of betrayer........if DAP is smart betray Anwar first by crossing over to BN rather than be betrayed.............

  23. Hi! KT,
    What is the f@$#@ing fuss over a meeting?So what ?? can't people meet and eat together!Just because it happens to be AI and AAB? The trouble with you AI bashers is you see things with cockscrew eye playing judge and jury.SHEESHHH! YOU ALL ARE faggots of the lowest kind.Agree it one of those Kt spin.

  24. Malaysia perlukan pemimpin yang bersih, bermoral dan berakhlak tinggi.

    Pada pandangan saya, Anwar dan Najib kedua-duanya tidak layak memikul jawatan PM.

  25. XieAn,

    Let AI do what he wants to do. The DAP must never sit in the same grouping as your prostitute MCA. I know how the MCA and DAP work coming from a town where both parties are very active. Sure the DAP do have weaknesses like everyone else. The MCA on the other hand is a different kettle of fish. These bastards will even try to destroy or take over Chinese associations which they deem to be against their interest. Have the MCA forgotten that these Chinese Associations are private clubs and not political parties. The members of these associations come from a large cross-section of Chinese society regardless of political affiliation. The DAP have a much better understanding of these associations. Just look at Lim Guan Eng in Penanag. Need more be said?

    XieAn, do you now understand why the MCA was practically abandoned by the Chinese in the last GE. It is pro MCA idiots like you who has led the DAP down the slippery slope to oblivion. Reform in the MCA is worth less than garbage. It will never happen.

  26. Fuck BN.
    I vote for Anwar

  27. AAB is a very kind person. He locked up the 5 Hindraf terrorists to protect them from being hunted down and killed by Sri Lanka's anti-terrorist squads. Sobb, my heart is bleeding

  28. A couple of you asked: So why such a fuss over a 'coincidental' and 'innocent' meeting?

    Didn't you read what Anwar said: "So what is the latest news today?"

    "Isn't anybody going to ask me about my meeting yesterday?"

    'Twas your hero Anwar Ibrahim himself who insisted on inviting comments re the meeting ;-)

    I've tried my best to oblige wakakakakakakkakakakakakakakaka

  29. Your poor attempt at a hyperlink doesn't work.....go back to prostituting for Najib

  30. Senator Zaid Ibrahim was sacked for attending a PKR meeting. So why isn't the old tongkoi sacked for meeting AI?

  31. vinnan

    Looks like the Hindraf Indians from Tamil Naidu know more about the MCA . What a damn lie and sloopish spin by this cast away Indian from sri lankan . Guess he better go to sri lanka now and defend his kins cause they will be exterminated very soon .
    Name me one Chinese Assosciation which they deem to be against their interest taken over by the MCA . If you cannot why don't you screw yourself ! If you don't know how . I'll do it for you .

    Suggest you go and polish LGE's you know what .

  32. I never bother to engage KTemoc on his views regarding Anwar Ibrahim. Lets just say he has his opinion, and I have mine, and I don't think either of us a persuadable.
    I'm not a fan of Anwar, but I don't think he's a bad person.

    But I don't want to talk about my opinion of him, more of where he stands with the fastest growing portion of the electorate.

    I don't work for a living any more, thank goodness, but I do "work" part of the day, most week days, pro-bono for the good of the community, and I come into contact mostly with many young adults, of all races. Its totally non-political, but as you know, in Malaysia today, its impossible to avoid political chatter.

    My take on this, one year after 0308. Among young adults, below 30years old, Barisan Nasional - UMNO, MCA, MIC etc. has very little support. And Anwar Ibrahim, the 61 year old man, perhaps of dubious character to some people, is an icon among the youth. Many see him as a rebel, whom they can identify with. His call for "Ketuanan Rakyat" resonates with the young, and they look up to him.

    I've disagreed strongly with Anwar's katak-cracy attempts, and it would be a big mistake for him to try it again. But if the young people I work with are any indication, this man IS a very big threat to BN's rule, via the ballot box.

    And for BN, this very serious lack of support among the young is an existential threat. My generation - where most of BN's hard-core support lies, is literally dying out.

    The next generation, Saluran 3 & 4, well, doesn't support BN.

  33. ANONYMOUS 1.42 PM.
    GET IT?

  34. vinnan,

    Surely we have difference of opinion, still we can engage positively. Don't be like those PR people who cannot accept freedom to associate and vote.

    Anyway you got me wrong, I have been voting for the opposition since many elections ago, when the BN was so strong. The last election I even donated for their cause. I change side because they are not listening, we tell them not to follow Anwar evil intention to topple the Fed Govt by unethical means because the economy will be at sake and instead manage the States they won properly. LKS and son did not listening and when on with their aims. Success has made them arrogant and egotistic, that make me to conclude that they are more interest in gaining power only and not the welfare of the people, in fact I am convince that one of their goal was to bring the economy down so to blame to BN that they are not preforming. In that one stoke they bring many people down and fortune ruin.

    I hope you can see why we are angry................

  35. Observer,

    It is not about Anwar, is a fact that young people are more rebellious which they can effort to take high risk, nothing for them to lose. Once they settle down, the mind set will change to sue the family life, something special to tend to which call for stability, it a learning curve.

  36. VINNAN,




  37. Observer,

    It is not about Anwar, is a fact that young people are more rebellious which they can effort to take high risk, nothing for them to lose. Once they settle down, the mind set will change to suit the family life, something special to tend to which call for stability, it a learning curve.

  38. Observer

    Your views are reasonably sound and quite correct . We have taken note of it and many thanks . In fact we are aware of the very serious lack of support among the young due to their computer literacy where the blogs have played a very decisive part . BN thought that the internet and blogs were not important during the last GE . They were wrong .As a matter of fact a group of PKR chaps were sent to the US financed by the Democratic Party to study the use of the internet for political and campaigning purposes . This was arranged by AI's buddies in the US namely Madelyn Albright ( Secretary of State ) and William Cohen (former Secretary of Defence ) both under Bill Clinton presidency .Many of those in PKR today are the product of this arrangement so are some bloggers who I do not wish to name but is known . Their target are those reaching 21 , in college or in U . There will be something like 600K young voters added to the voters list every year , so that can be quite substantial .

    However these issues are being addressed . You can be sure there will be more people correcting spins and half lies spread by these people . Some have aptly labeled them CTs as they wished but there will be more as time comes .

  39. Vinnan

    These bastards will even try to destroy or take over Chinese associations which they deem to be against their interest

    Name me those BASTARDS you refer too and again I repeat ,
    Name me those Chinese Associations which MCA try to destroy or take over !

    If not don't throw cow shit here !

  40. Vinnan

    The DAP have a much better understanding of these associations.

    Do you think the other political parties don't have a better understanding of these associations ? Are you so sure only DAP has a much better understanding ?
    Primarily three things :
    1) the Associations want to be let alone to do their things without INTERFERENCE from any political party or govt .
    2) They want $$$$$ donations and titles ( Datukship )etc etc
    3) when they want help they expect it be done in any sense .

    What else vinnan ?

  41. Sobb, my heart is bleeding .....Are you dying ?.....or are you Dead already condolences to your family ..Sob ..Sob..

  42. Chaptokam you are just so out of the loop when it comes to the MCA. When you have the time come to Johor. My e-mail is Let me show you what these MCA bastards have been up too. Hint these bastards used to be affiliated with Ong Ka Ting now they are with the porn actor CSL.

  43. Chaptokam,

    By the way do not expect me to go into details when I do not even know who the fuck you are. If you have the balls let's see your e-mail first.

  44. Chaptokam is just another Bee End cybertrooper - from the Mentally Challenged Alliance

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. vinnan

    Good , but your previous comment was too generalised . I would be happy if you can forward me all the details . We would like to know . Please provide details .Confidentiality is assured .

    Hint these bastards used to be affiliated with Ong Ka Ting now they are with the porn actor CSL.

  48. Bee End cybertrooper - from the Mentally Challenged Alliance

    Wakakaka - must be written by some Pakatan Rasuah cybertrooper . it could be from the Dead And Parted cybertrooper .
