
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Dirge of a Mongolian father

Star Online photo

How can it so?
He who defiled the body of my beloved
Has been freed, unpunished for his crime
As I had been reliably informed

My heart crushed
As I had been reliably informed it should
My tears flow
As I had been reliably informed they must

String him up
By a hyper-pious tree in the mango plain,
And another one too, as both ought to be
As I had been reliably informed

My anger explodes
As I had been reliably informed it should
My pains sharpen
As I had been reliably informed they must

Malaysian lawful process?
Oxymoronic dark humour? Aren't the SDs
Available as concretized absolute truths?
As I had been reliably informed

My frustration erupts
As I had been reliably informed it should
My beliefs shattered
As I had been reliably informed they must

So what if two are on trial
When they aren't the evil Duo drummed
Into my ears, mind, and expectations
As I had been reliably informed

My torment revolts
As I had been reliably informed it should
My sufferings scream
As I had been reliably informed they must

The Terrible Twins

Shattered Golden Beam in more ways than one
So he said that he said that he said & he said
As I had been reliably informed

My despair intensifies
As I had been reliably informed it should
My hopes destroyed
As I had been reliably informed they must

Remembering Altantuyaa Shaariibuu
Murdering Altantuyaa Shaariibuu Again

Poem inspired by Malaysiakini article
Abdul Razak Baginda acquitted


  1. Its pretty obvious Razak Baginda isn't guilty of complicity to murder.
    The real person who ordered the killing of Altantuya is still at large, and has not been charged in the court or even properly investigated.

    And Ktemoc is indirectly guilty of helping to protect and defend the murderer

  2. as you undoubtedly hope for ... but at least I am not guilty of needlessly, cruelly and sinfully punishing a father by filling him with unsubstantiated politically created allegations ... as we have been reliably informed!

  3. Here's a simple thought experiment, which I think has pretty sound logic.

    From following the court case, I think there is quite damning evidence against Azilah and Sirul. We shall see...

    The two policemen did not know Altantuya, so IF they committed murder, it was in no way personal. They did it either on somebody else's instruction or for money.

    The case against Razak Baginda, as far as was presented by the prosecution was weak. Don't blame the judge - to my mind he made a sound ruling based on the evidence presented.

    Soooo....if Razak Baginda was not the one who gave the order...WHO DID ???

    I'm not into making unsubstantiated allegations against anyone, so I'll stop here.

  4. What else can you expect from the UMNO shitheads.

  5. we have too many judge, jury and executioner's in Malaysia for this case - just look at MKINI - every wise guy who has written in can tell you that he/she knows exactly who the murderer is, and can even arrange for immediate execution.

    Where has been the source of this all-knowing knowledge? Only one place!

    Poor Setev Sharriibuu has been fed from the same source, hence his poor state of mind that his daughter has been cheated of justice, even before the trial is over.

    There has been an unconscionable exploitation of his daughter's death and his grief for political gains, as I've been reliaably informed - shame!

    ... which has been why I posted more than 6 months go

    Incidentally, reading my poems would be best accompanied by a doctored photo of an alleged French dinner - if you don't have one, ask the member for Batu

  6. only idiots will say Razak did it

    we have been unreliably misinformed that the mongolian girl's Father is thus an idiot
