
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Misusing the name of Islam

The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church's public marks of the covenant - baptism and holy communion - must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel - Gary North

If we are going to save America and evangelize the world, we cannot accommodate secular philosophies that are diametrically opposed to Christian truth - Jerry Falwell

Against the background of the above utterances by a couple of religious extremists, we in Malaysia have to admit we too have our own Wonder.

Sickening sectarian small-minded segregationist saladin (with a lower case ‘s’ as that’s already more than he deserves) has come out with an attitude that tells us he wants to build a Israeli-like wall between Malaysian Muslims and the rest of Malaysia.

Yesterday the Star Online reported the Kulim Wonder has lashed out at everyone including his party's allies.

And we keep wondering when the world's greatest reformer is going to do something, anything about his 'reformasi general'?

Man man lai again?

But the saddest thing is while the Kulim saladin claims to be a paragon of Islam, he couldn’t shrugged off his ethno-coloured cloak.

In Malaysiakini he attacked Dr M as “the last person who should speak for Islam and defend the Malays”.

He should really look at himself in the mirror.

In his narrow pursuit of communal interests he has shamed and thus insulted the Islam he had brazenly claimed he championed, a great religion that is in essence supra-nationalistic, a fact obviously beyond his pathetic pitiful prejudiced understanding.

As an example of its Allah-(swt)-embracing compassionate supra nationalistic greatness, Islam has been the haven that millions of Indian Harijans (or Dalits) had over the centuries successfully sought shelter from a cruel life they didn't ask for, but by life's random throw of dice, were borned into.

And this Kulim Wonder, if we recall, has in the name of Islam excused himself from the shameful thuggist behaviour he had exhibited during the recent Bar Council forum.

Once again I ask Anwar Ibrahim what is he going to do about this terrible man!


  1. "Once again I ask Anwar Ibrahim what is he going to do about this terrible man!"

    Hihihihi....I don't think anyone in PKR reads this blog anymore...
    and your robot-ish criticisms of Anwar have lost you much of the residue of credibility you have with neutral folks...

  2. Every religion has its fanatics, including Buddhism and Jainism. There are Jains who need to sweep the path in front of them to avoid stepping on living creatures such as ants. There are Buddhists such as the Sri Lankan monks who reject any power sharing deal with the Tamils to end that miserable country's 25 year-old civil war.

    And there are Muslim, Christian and Jewish fanatics who would wipe out entire peoples just because they have differing opinions with each other. Amen, Amin and Ah Min

  3. Yeah This chap has been on the loose for far too long , Can someone do something about this guy ! If we are all for a moderate Malaysia where racism is out of place , this guy has to go ,period. Whether he's from PKR or from PAS or from UMNO or from any of the Chinese based political parties , there's no place for racism in Malaysia . Any way this message can be delivered to Maestro in PKR ! .

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. comment above deleted for attacking a religion rather than the behaviour or conduct of its adherents - there's a long standing policy on this blog that we go for the singer rather than the song.

  6. After all the C-4 which has been thrown at Zulkifli Noordin, let me be a Devil's advocate.

    First of All, is Zulkifli Noordin a racist ?
    He hasn't uttered a word about Malays, Chinese, NEP , "Ketuanan", Social Contract, etc.

    Second, the forcible method he used to shut down the Forum is to be condemned.
    Third, Please do confuse and combine the issue of Racial Economics, NEP, Ketuanan etc. with Islam. Many middle-class Malays, especially outside of UMNO, are ready and willing to re-look at the whole special rights issue, especially if the proposal is for a non-raced based social safety net.

    There is valid room to discuss a more systematic and fair settlement of divorce, child custody involving non-Muslim spouses, and a mechanism to avoid the grave-side "body snatching" cases.

    But for the overwhelming majority of Muslims, the status of Islam is a non-negotiable item. Holding a public forum, mostly attended by non-Muslims on issues of Islam was the height of insensitivity.

    Can you imagine the tidal wave of protests which would have arisen if there had been a forum, mostly conducted by Muslims, on a critique of Christian religious rules practices ? Or Buddhist religious rules ?

    I'm sure many of our respectable non-Muslim brethen here would have been right out there holding protest placards...a few may have been tempted to take more direct action to close down such a forum....

  7. Just in case you might think I've gone totally cuckoo, I did indicate up front I was deliberately being a Devils's Advocate.

    I often think the writer of this blog badly needs training on how to approach the world from more than one point of view.
    You don't have to agree with the other side.

  8. As Tun Dr Mahathir has been commented upon in this blog posting, going off in a diversionary path let me inform readers who are interested that the International Herald Tribune (a sister publication of The New York Times) has a report on Mahathir entitled "Ex-leader uses blog to needle government".

    It's worth a read.

  9. Kittykat has the brazen nerve to preach "I often think the writer of this blog badly needs training on how to approach the world from more than one point of view", yet he himself lacks the balance to see anything beyond the PKR perimeter. Once (before Pakatan Rakyat took form after the 08 March victory) when PKR and DAP (outside of the top leadership of Anwar and the Lims) were still slinging at each other, he even accused me of being a die-hard DAP supporter.

    Worse, he lacks also the honour to apologize when he had been proven patently wrong in recklessly accusing me of rubbishing TUDM pilots for all Nuri crashes when I did no such thing. I've lost my respect for him since then.

    Apart from his false pride and lack of humility, kittykat has been and still is an unabashed PKR apologist and Anwar supporter, which is why he now posits that the Kulim wonder isn't a racist under the guise of being the Devil's Advocate - I suggest that he re-reads Zul's ethnocentric pronouncements which went beyond Islamic issues.

    Even then, where once he said defiantly he was proud to be called an anwarista, after the 916 bullshit, he has distanced himself rather rapidly from the anwaristas camp ;-) - so he's nothing more than a fair weather supporter or his hubris is far worse than I had imagined!

    The point I am making here is I have never attempt to hide my stand from Day 1, but for a person like kittykat to preach to me ... wakakaka ... and I am being polite in wakakaka-ing.

  10. Is your "wakakaka-ing" the sound of putrified gas being released from your esteemed anus?

  11. KTemoc

    Thanks for that piece of comment on Kittykat . To quote : He lacks also the honour to apologize .Apart from his false pride and lack of humility, kittykat has been and still is an unabashed PKR apologist and Anwar supporter .I've lost my respect for him since then.

    I too have lost my respect for him since the day he exposed me in Susan's blog . And I am not troubled by such exposure but it has made me more determined to fight such hypocrites .

  12. Please keep needling the 'man man lai' hypocrite - needle him until he show his true color - BLACK!

  13. Ahmadhatter: PKR politician Zulkifli Nordin is misguided and suffers from a persecution complex. No one is attacking or undermining Islam.

    Sincerity is no guarantee that one is doing the right thing because one can be sincerely wrong, like the nurse who gave the wrong medicine to a patient though she thought it was the right medicine.

    Zulkifli must be careful that it is not he who is not pleasing God because of his actions. There is nothing in Islam which prevents people debating about religion, even Islam.

    When Mohammed's critics ridiculed him he did not destroy them but allowed them to have their say.

    There is no coercion in Islam but Zulkifli has the nerve to criticise Mahathir when Zulkifli himself is not above board. The kind of thinking and actions by Zulkifli is the same reason why religious fanatics arise and do extreme things.

    As a politician Zulkifli has to answer to the people for his conduct as much as to God. As long as people like Zulkifli Nordin are in PKR I will never vote for PKR because his ideas are incompatible with what PKR and PAS stand for.

    The best thing PKR can do is to discipline this politician. He is a menace to progress and true Islam. At least Mahathir did not disrupt a Bar Council meeting.

    We have too many with religious hang-ups who make life hard for others because of their false understanding of religion.

  14. Kittykats46 said
    'Can you imagine the tidal wave of protests which would have arisen if there had been a forum, mostly conducted by Muslims, on a critique of Christian religious rules practices ? Or Buddhist religious rules ?'
    why PUSSY foot around,

  15. Kittykats46 said
    'Can you imagine the tidal wave of protests which would have arisen if there had been a forum, mostly conducted by Muslims, on a critique of Christian religious rules practices ? Or Buddhist religious rules ?'
    why PUSSY foot around,
