
Friday, October 10, 2008

Anwar sodomy trial - witness dobbed AG Gani Patail

On Wednesday, in the Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trial, the KL session court was told by an ex police officer, Mat Zain Ibrahim, that the actions of Abdul Gani, then a senior deputy public prosecutor, had delayed the investigation process and concealed facts from the (then) AG, the late Mohtar Abdullah.

The court had earlier barred the media from reporting this until it was satisfied the information could be released to the public without jeopardising the case. Today the court lifted its media block on the news about Abdul Gani Patail's alleged involvement.

So we get to know of the AG’s alleged naughtiness through Malaysiakini news article titled Ex-cop: How AG interfered in 'black eye' case.

But first the personalities involved then were:

(i) The late Mohtar Abdullah - then AG

(ii) Abdul Gani Patail – then only senior DPP but today the AG

(iii) Dr Abdul Rahman Yusof, doctor assigned by Abdul Gani.

(iv) Mat Zain Ibrahim – investigating officer and currently witness telling the court of Gani Patail’s naughtiness

(v) Dr Mahathir Mohamad – if you do not know him, don’t bother to read this post wakakaka

(vi) Abdul Rahim Mohd Noor – then IGP and the bloke who gave Anwar the black eye

This was what Mat Zain reported to the court, regarding the circumstances at the time of the black eye:

After he was appointed by the IGP, that same night the IGP (who bashed Anwar in the eye) met him privately and instructed him to conduct an in-depth investigation and “to leave no stone unturned” in order to uphold the image of the police force.

The IGP also told him that no other senior police officer would be allowed to disrupt him in the investigation.

Then Dr M also sent a similar message to him to do a good job. He stated:

“During that meeting, I explained [to the PM] what actually happened to Anwar and identified the person who hurt him”

… which we all know was the (then) IGP, the man who also told Mat Zain to conduct an in-depth investigation and “to leave no stone unturned” in order to uphold the image of the police force.

“The prime minister advised me that there should be no cover-up in the probe and stated that the government may set up an independent commission to investigate the case if there is any attempt to cover up the incident; (and if a commission had to be appointed) would tarnish not only the credibility of the police force but also mine.”

The above were the nobler parts; now for the grubby component …

He provided 2 two investigation reports to Abdul Gani on Oct 26 and 30 respectively, but the AG, Mohtar Abdullah, was quoted in the media on Nov 7 as saying that his chambers had not received any such report.

According to the Malaysiakini report: “It was only on Nov 20 that Mohtar reportedly said he had received the report. Mat Zain said he believed Mohtar’s statement was made after he (Mat Zain) had ‘pressured’ Abdul Gani a day earlier to confirm the status of his two reports."

So Gani was holding Mat Zain’s reports back from the AG’s eyes.

Then a week later he found out to his amazement that he was reported in Dr Abdul Rahman’s second medical report that he (Mat Zain) had visited the lock-up (where Anwar was held) to ‘reconstruct’ the incidence.

Mat Zain said there was no such ‘reconstruction’, meaning (from his statement to the court) the part on the 'reconstruction' of the 'black eye' incident in the 2nd medical report was sheer bullsh*t.

And Mat Zain revealed further lies being fed to the unsuspecting (the late) AG, who said (incorrectly) that the perpetrator of the black eye was unknown.

According to Malaysiakini, Mat Zain said he “believed Abdul Gani concealed important facts from Mohtar’s knowledge” and had personally appointed Abdul Rahman as the medical officer to prepare the report in October 1998."

It was left to the former IGP, Abdul Rahman to admit to the royal commission on the ‘black eye’ incident that he had been the one who caused the injury to Anwar.

So, more interestingly than the allegations by Mat Zain that AG Gani Patail had been an a$$h*le (which we all know already), his report to the court on Wednesday had absolved Dr Mahathir of having any finger in the pie - au contraire, Dr M had insisted on a fair and impartial investigation.

The witness' report also showed the former IGP in far more noble light.

What we now have a glimpse is that of an IGP who lost his temper with Anwar (allegedly calling the IGP by an insulting word – I heard it was ‘dog’), bashed the former DPM in the eye, then repentantly insisted on the investigating officer (his subordinate) to do a thorough in-depth investigation (“to leave no stone unturned”) and not to be influenced by anyone, and in the absence of any identification of the perpetrator by the (then) AG, who was allegedly kept in the dark by Gani Patail, admitted to the royal commission he was the person who had whacked Anwar.

The (then) IGP lost his job and went to jail for a spell for assault.

And as a last question – what about Zulkifli Noordin, the PKR MP from Kulim, who stormed the Bar Council forum?

Will he be ever disciplined by PKR? Why is Anwar Ibrahim acting dunno after he promised more than a month ago to discipline the hoodlum?

Man man lai bull again?

See also:
(1) We're a 'clean' nation
(2) Corruption allegations - AG more like Defence Attorney?
(3) AG - millstone around government's neck in election?


  1. "former IGP in far more noble light".

    I love the way you give a free ride to everyone as long as he is an Anwar basher (in this case literarily).

    The then IGP beat up a defenceless man who was in police custody and handcuffed. You actually have to visualise through a bit what he did to realise how IGNOBLE the IGP's action was.

    He then lied to the whole world about his actions, and only admitted to the Royal Commission, when it had become clear there was no use denying it anymore, one way or another.

  2. anon, regrettably, people like you can't distinguish between "in far noble light" and "in noble light".

    I thought of explaining, but what's the use ;-)

  3. ^ Please explain KT, we like to see how you twist and spin out of this one.


  4. mr ktemoc , if Anwar Ibrahim is a saint he won't be in politics and for you to comment as you have ,for so long and beating round the bush you really do not qualify one bit to be a political commentator and critic.

    I see you only have some sporadic knowledge of writing in English, tho you have unusual stamina

    Thus i suggest you go for a real course on genuine political science

    genuine political scientist, KL

  5. brighteyes, just for you, old friend

    "in noble light" would imply I thought that former iGP was a good bloke ...

    whereas "in far nobler light" means (after reading the witness report to the session court) he was a lot better than what I had thought of him (which was the pits - in one of my previous postings) - in other words there was a smidgen of decent honour in him after all

    Happy? ;-)

    I don't have to spin - not my tendency nor proclivity unlike anwaristas wakakaka

  6. New Polls on UMNO: -
    1. Should Members of Barisan Nasional converge to form a Single MULTIRACIAL Party?
    2. Who do you want as the new Youth Chief for UMNO?
    3. Who do you want as the new Deputy President for UMNO?
    HERE -

  7. There you go, KTemoc, you are trapped.

    You just extolled someone who hit and hurt someone to be "in far nobler light" than initially.

    If I smacked someone, then hid it, then blurt it out when I had no choice, does that make me any more nobler? Think about it!

    You certainly have a soft spot for those who have committed a crime, don't you, especially against people you don't like?

  8. Extolled? that' an extravagant word that you (not me) have selected ;-)

    What I had written, if you had bothered to read, was to state he was a lot better than what I had thought (badly) of him - in that, at least he had the decency to tell (his subordinate) the investigating officer into the 'black eye' affair, to 'leave no stone unturned' in his investigation, implying that he didn't want his (subordinate) offcier to whitewash his assault on Anwar.

    I evaluate a situation as I see the facts, factors and findings, and not let myself be influenced by, for example, 'idol worship' wakakaka

  9. (ktemoc said):
    "What I had written, if you had bothered to read, was to state he was a lot better than what I had thought (badly) of him - in that, at le..."

    Essentially confirming what PP was saying: That your statement was trying to portray the IGP in a good light!

    And your definition between "in far nobler light" and "in noble light" just differs in the amount of good feeling directed towards the guy, despite your lengthier definition on the latter to make it appear different.

    Whatever your career choices are KT, you should rule out marketing & advertising!


  10. brighteyes, as I had said from teh very beginning "I thought of explaining, but what's the use" ;-)

    I have been proven right in that you cannot, no never ever, make a person with an invincible bias see things in a balanced manner.

    And don't worry, I'll never ever be in marketing & advertising! whic has been why I blog teh way I have, totally independent minded - wakakaka

  11. (ktemoc says)
    "I have been proven right in that you cannot, no never ever, make a person with an invincible bias see things in a balanced manner."

    And what can be more ironic, than the fact that the subject used to prove the above point correct is... you yourself?

    Everyone knows your stance... to you, everything bad is Anwar's fault.

  12. brighteyes, the difference between anwaristas and yours truly is that I have been fair and balanced - having even praised Anwar Ibrahim on at least two occasions. Now, have you people ever been fair and balanced enough to praise the 'other side'?

    Tho' I'm a DAP supporter I still assess situations as I independently see fit, without being blinded by cultish devotion. If Lim KS or any DAP politician commit a mistake I'll be the first to tell him or her off - it doesn't diminish my support for DAP an iota UNLESS that DAP person persists in re-committing that error.

    I am not a silly mindless political lemming, unlike the fanatical anwaristas who think (& RPK said this so don't blame me) that Anwar's fart is sweet smelling.

  13. (ktemoc said):
    "brighteyes, the difference between anwaristas and yours truly is that I have been fair and balanced - having even praised Anwar Ibrahim on at least two occasions. Now, have you people ever been fair and balanced enough to praise the 'other side'?"

    Funniest thing I've heard today. I'm more likely to be convinced by Zhao Gao that a deer is a horse.

    With all due respect, you're just the direct opposite of the Anwaristas. To them, Anwar is always right. To you, he's always wrong. And if a bad thing has no connection with Anwar, spin one up.
