
Monday, September 08, 2008

The Silence of the Lemmings

Often we hear or read of political analysts or journalists writing about X party being voted out, and rarely about Y party being voted in.

Those are political truisms if we look at the 1969 downsizing of the Perikatan, particularly in the MCA losing badly to Gerakan, and again in 2008, when this time Gerakan was wiped out in the north by the DAP.

Overseas, it has been the same with Paul Keating losing the Aus government to John Howard, whilst the once touted as near-invincible Howard lost not just to Kevin Rudd (a relative lightweight in his own Labour Party), but also his own blue ribbon seat to a Labour newcomer, Maxine McKew.

Right now, like the Aussies last year, some Malaysians want the UMNO-BN government to be overthrown, by hook and if it has to be so, then by crook, and f* the democratic process.

Once they got over the initial delight of winning 5 States and more than one-third of the seats in Parliament, these people have become more ambitious and less, nay, not satisfied with the results of the 08 March 2008.

That may be attributed to the quantum of hatred they have for the BN.

To their mind, that the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) didn’t win all 222 federal parliamentary seats was only because of a corrupt EC, and never mind that the PR didn’t compete in all 222 seats.

They cursed and swore at the EC even as they crowed over the 5 States the PR had won, a victory that had actually come as a surprise not to only to themselves but to the PR leaders.

And they cursed at how corrupt the EC had been in only returning Anwar Ibrahim with a miserly 15,000 plus majority in the Permatang Pauh by-election when rightfully it should have been a majority of 58,459!

As one person wrote in Malaysiakini Vox Populi: As much as I think it is unethical and undemocratic, given the present situation and economic woes, this might be the best option we have.

I sincerely think that any nation-minded MPs who really care for the people should crossover. Enough is enough and it’s the dawn of a new era. I am praying hard for a new government by Sept 16.

His internal warring confusion over democratic process versus a desire to see the toppling of BN-UMNO has resulted in that sad confessional appeal.

But hey, he has been mild by comparison to another who wrote words to the effect that those BN MPs who do not crossover are ‘traitors’ to the nation.

Indeed, fuck those silly inconvenient 'unpatriotic' tricky treacherous traitrous democratic process.

And I read one of my fave Malaysiakini columnists, Josh Hong, who very much to my surprise, wrote in There is Ahmad Ismail in each of us, atypically the following:

Political analysts and scholars can argue over the ethical aspect of crossover till the cow comes home, but the people can tolerate the race-based structure imposed by the BN no more.

Admittedly Josh was only making an astute observation ….. but then Josh didn’t clarify who were ‘the people’ he mentioned as no longer able to tolerate the BN’s racist structure? Surely not Ahmad Ismail and his supporters?

Or perhaps all Malaysians other than Ahmad Ismail? Then why didn’t the 08 March polls demonstrate that?

Hmmm, must be the evil EC!

But do Anwar Ibrahim supporters represent ‘the people’? Or will the majority be marginalized by the demands of the exuberant, hubristic and avaricious PKR euphoria flowing since 08 March but now boiling over?

Never mind, let’s examine the other side of the political fence. Today the Star Online reported that:

Umno Youth has questioned the “deafening silence” from the Bar Council, NGOs and bloggers over plans by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to woo Barisan Nasional MPs.

Its secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said these groups, which claimed to defend the rights of the people, have remained silent over Anwar’s move to engineer defections, which he described as undemocratic and an act of stealing the mandate of the people.

“Where are the voices of NGOs, Bar Council and bloggers who had voiced loudly the need to protect the rights of people?” he asked here yesterday.

“Why are they not coming out to criticise Anwar and tell him it is morally wrong to grab power? Does their silence mean that they are being used by Anwar?”

Abdul Rahman said he was also surprised at the silence of the United States, which usually trumpeted the importance of democracy in the world.

The Kota Belud MP said the people of Malaysia voted for a two-party system in the last general election.

“Anwar should accept his role as Opposition Leader and carry out his duty of checks and balances,” he said.

“If Sept 16 does occur, it will not be a surprise if Barisan supporters go to the streets to challenge the legitimacy of a government formed through undemocratic means. And all this is because Anwar wants to be Prime Minister.”

Well … ;-)


  1. The silence over the kataks is mainly because of

    a) Those who see nothing wrong or wholeheartedly support it. Needless to say most PKR supporters are in this...

    b) Those who may think its not quite "halal" but who is UMNO to complaint about undemocratic practices ?
    A lot of the proverbial men-in-the-street, especially in Penang...

    c) Those who don't think its "halal" but don't think it will really happen, and don't intend to be sidetracked into an argument with Anwar or PR over this issue.
    The primary focus was and is BN's bad governance..

    I belong to group (c). Most DAP Penang People I have met tend to be in (c) as well, but more folks are now tending towards (a) ...

    What say you ?

    BTW, the tone of Abdul Rahman and also Maximus Ongkili's outbursts suggest a note of desperation in the BN camp.

    My 2-cents worth to Anwar is Don't provoke a cornered tiger..

  2. No matter how bad the country's situation is, the kataks will only make it worse. It will set a dangerous precedent that we can forgo democracy to change government. Who knows what's next in the escalation? Back-and-forth katak-ing? Insurgency? Coup de tat?

    Democracy and good governance is habitual. Once you forgo it, expect to forgo it again and again.

  3. Dear Ktemoc

    I think the following
    "realpolitik" scenario is likely to
    unfold before our very eyes:

    1. PR continues to pursue the katak
    2. If this works and BN regime falls, this will be followed (soon after) by a snap election called by the PR government to consolidate its position.

    This is the real world of "realpolitik".

    Phua Kai Lit

  4. I am sure that comes Sept 17th Anwar will have some other excuse to explain his failure to achieve him wet dream of becoming the next PM and form the world's first Katakcracy.

    Who knows he might claim that the BN leadership threatened to assasinate those deserting froggies and will accuse that these murderous threats sabotaged his Grand Plan.

    But one thing we can be assured of is that he will not stop using every dirty tactics in the book to force a by-election in BN area or "persuade" BN MPs to take the leap across the pond to PR.

    I don't quite agree with many of our so-called political commentators on the current or future scenario. Those writing in Malaysiakini suddenly seems to be seized by some sort of mental "handicap" and churning out kind of Pro PR political propaganda
    that even the Pravda would have been embarassed to be caught with.

    I am sure I am not the only one who is also noticing that the Malaysiakini "Letters" column has been outsourced to the Anwar Ibrahim Fan Club with the same half a dozen of so people writing in daily.

    However, as I had said earlier, the window of opportunity for Anwar and not BN is closing fast. If Anwar could not get the required froggies by Sept 16th, then the time bomb will start to tick for PR instead.

    When there is a crushing defeat, it is natural that any political party will undergo a period of soul searching and finger-pointing. But as time goes on and the party elections are over, all BN parties could be expected to regroup and rebuild.

    On the other hand, we can expect PAS to start to stir the PR pot again after Sept 16th and it is a matter of time that they will leave the coalition. Once this happens, the viability of PR ruling the nation will disappear in an instant as would the implosion of Anwar's wet dream.

    And then, we can expect BN to seize the chance to rattle Anwar's cage and harass PR with sowing seeds of uncertainities among the party faithfuls and no-so-faithfuls. We also can expect PKR supporters leaving in droves in states where PR losses power (likely to happen in Perak and Selangor).

    It would be the Pay Back time for Anwar and his merry band of political hyenas. When this happens I would love to see what would the reaction of our esteemed NGOs like Suaram, Aliran,Bar Council and as well as M'Kini on the ethics of Katakcracy.

  5. it is funny to be preached by an UMNO chap. Isn't UMNO Sabah the creation of those illegimate tactics? Bla bla

  6. KT,
    It's not that I see an angel in DSAI or that I adore him whole-heartedly.

    You see, when you have been with the "devil" for all your life, any other person that comes along will be a pleasant welcome.

    When you have hit the bottom in the pit, up is the only way to go.

    So what if DSAI is another devil? It's not like we have never seen one before. It's just business as usual for us.

    BUT, if DSAI is really the angel that he has been preaching, then that would be a real bonus for all.

    A gift of life.
    A new paradise.
    A life like no other before this.
    Or simply, a pleasant change.

    We certainly have NOTHING TO LOSE BUT EVERYTHING TO GAIN. Otherwise, it is just simply business as usual for us.

  7. KTemoc, you contribute nothing to the future of Malaysia with your dark undercover mutterings. Some men are visionaries, inspiring others to greater aspirations. Others, like you, are business-as-usual armchair pundits, capable only of despiring others into lives of "quiet desperation."

  8. BN has 3 options.

    Option 1
    BN is in crisis so it should try to form a Unity Government with Pakatan Rakyat(PKR-DAP-PAS), not just with PAS.

    Option 2
    Dissolve Parliament and call for a Snap Election

    Option 3
    Let BN MP to defect to PR so that PR can form the Federal Government.

  9. Ktemoc is just a BN hired-gun.

  10. I am sure that had we asked an ordinary German in the 1930's about the evil Messiah of Adolf Hitler's mesmerising and intoxicating promises, he or she would have said that that since they were already hit the bottom, the only way was up, so there is nothing to lose but everything to gain.

    Well, I am not sure if Malaysia can be considered as a failed nation by any account. Not when we have millions of foreigners who would sell their own mothers to come to Malaysia and be its citizen by any means possible.

    The problem with many Malaysians that in our 51st year as a nation, we have become soft around the middle and spoiled by the upper-middle class life style. Like a millionaire considering himself a failure looking at the next door billionaire, many Malaysians have lost their perspective in life. They keep looking at the rich Singaporeans, Japanese and Koreans
    while forgetting the billions of people who have hardly a meal a day. They talk about the rising Indian and Chinese economy while having no idea of the life of aan average Indian or Chinese or the hundreds of millions who live in abjact poverty.

    While some might allude our situation as hitting the bottom and hoping Anwar can bring us up but they tend to forget that there is another direction exist. While going up is a possiblity, but getting buried underground by Anwar is even a bigger possibility.

    As for the joker who posted at 3.11pm, I can't suppress my laughter. BN is not in crisis for they have comfortable majority. It is just that they are under attack by Anwar using undemocratic and unethical means. BTW BN has a lot more options that 3.

  11. I believe I recognize dear Anon of 2:54 pm ;-) - aiyah, what happen to the MAGIC of different opinions and free speech?

  12. KT,
    All of you honest goody guys are bad poker players!For how long you all yak at those injustices you all suffered under those umno bastards.Something is really wrong with you, killer and your supporters for still believing in the present system.Is it a crime for frogs to jump ship.Well the BN gangsters had their time to change this katak law with their majority in parliament for years. Tell me why did'nt they?
    It's all on advantage and now those BN is facing what they did long time ago in Sabah, they are yelling democratic process.Where were you guys then.Would love to hear your views then.
    So what if its a gamble! Take the risk lah!We went through may 13 and seen it all but let me tell you , we all will take the risk.Its rich towkays with their loads of money who are are the dampers.
    The silent majority are awakening to the BN craps.
    Killer can you explain what undemocratic and unethical means Anwar is using.You better base on facts instead of generalising.Is'nt the umno way of fixing Anwar over those sodomy craps , democratic and ethical? Is'nt the umno ways of big brother bullying and uttering racial slurs very democratic.
    Come! come be realistic.Todays world, its the degree of tolerance and for now its the people breaking point.You get the drift.?

  13. Hitler came to power preaching racial supremacy and "Mein Kampf" - Revenge - so he may not have directly promised war, but the German people knew what they were getting into.
    Its pretty useless compare Anwar to Hitler.

    Malaysia (ex-Malaya) did NOT start off in abject poverty, so its not very relevant to compare ourselves with basket case countries. Just prior to Independence , 1956, Malaya was the richest colony in the British Empire, contributing by itself 20% of Britain's budget income. It IS relevant to compare Malaysia with countries which were about the same, somewhat higher or lower level of development previously - there you have Singapore, Korea and Taiwan.

    BN is not in crisis ? So why worry so much about Anwar ?

  14. anon 4.54pm

    You actually needs me to explain what I mean undemocratic and unethical ? I won't waste my time here, just re-read what KT has written.

    As for Sabah, you might recall that the whole toppling of PBS govt was staged and planned by none other than DSAI. So if you hold UMNO responsible for that today, then at the same measure you also must hold the man behind it as well.

    As for the sodomy charges, as far as the law is concerned Anwar is innocent until he is proven guilty. And he has been given a very fair (some say privilaged)treatment in this case. Anwar has all the means and chances to contest the charges vigourously. In a democratic society, just because the guy's name is Anwar, we cannot dismiss any charges as conspiracy.

    You might accuse BN as conspiring against Anwar but how would you term Anwar and his supporters' accusations and tactics against Najib on the murder of that Mongolian model ?

  15. kittykat46

    No you are wrong on Hitler and your understanding of German history is rather shallow.

    The reason why Hitler came to power was due to desperate the economic and social situation of Germany after the WW1 where they subjected to humiliating treatment by the victors (especially the French). The whole country was in chaos and economy in deep trouble. The communists were also gaining ground fast.

    Hitlet's anti Semitic tirades never really caught the attention of people but his nationalitic messages that captured the people's attention. His promise of opposing the imperialists powers and restoring the glory of Germany was the drug that ordinary Germans found so intoxicating. Obviously they did not expect to end up far worse condition under Adorable Adolf.

    Though Malaysia of 2008 is no way near the Germany of late 1920s of hyper inflation and bloody revolts, I do see a parallel between the danger that Adorable Adolf and Anwar, both masters of the Art of Great Snake Oil Salesmanship.

    As for Malaya at 1957, hello my dear Kittykat please wake up from your fantasy. To make a reality check, just ask your parents/grand parents how well off they were at the time of Merdeka.

    Don't even begin to compare the rural Malaya with the developed port and city of Singapore.

  16. Between 1950 - 1954, Malaya repatriated $ 800 Million US Dollars (that's 1954 Dollars) to Britain's Treasury - a huge amount of money in those days, equivalent to $ 25 Billion US Dollars today.

    Mind you, that was the surplus, after subtracting the Federation Government's expenditure, including the cost of the Emergency (in reality a War).

    Malaya was a very rich colony, though the people did not benefit.

  17. Kitty

    BTW, the tone of Abdul Rahman and also Maximus Ongkili's outbursts suggest a note of desperation in the BN camp.

    Its not a note of desperation but rather a tone of great disgust !! And people like me too are getting very disgusted and who knows what we'll do !

  18. Anonymous 3:11 PM,

    Option 4
    Dissolve Parliament and form NOC Emergency rule .

    Option 5
    Operasi Lalang 2
    Names already compiled !

  19. "Those who don't think its "halal" but don't think it will really happen"

    With everything that Anwar has been saying? I hope your scenario (c) is true (and I used to be steadfastly in that camp, but now I'm not so confident, though still leaning in that direction).

    However, I think it's bad enough that's he's been going on and on about it, and when the going gets tough and he needs to say something that people can believe, it may be difficult, as it was for the little boy who cried fr... wolf.

    Some black man in America (a rapper or something, I can't remember) once said:

    "Come on! I mean, words mean something. You can't just make stuff up!"

  20. Hi chaptokam,

    Someday you win, someday you lost, but that is not important. Our health is more important. Cool down, have a deer or sex, perhaps holidays but don't do anything irrational. Life is very short make full use of it.

    If possible hope to meet you someday for coffee to kongsamkok.

  21. Xiean
    if possible hope to meet you someday for coffee to kongsamkok.

    Sure Like to meet up with you over coffee , I'll let you know , been very busy , thats why sometimes you don't see me postin anything .

    I'll tell you where and when ok ! and whether you are free at that time .
