
Saturday, September 27, 2008

More limericks but from Kelantan

There is a nice bloke from KayBee
Whom we respectfully call Pak Haji
He heard about our dear Teresa
Who was forced to eat nasi ISA
So he sent flowers to our sweetie

wow, Pak Haji, you're turning out to be a real smoothie ;-)

There is another bloke from KayBee
Once we'd affectionately call him Li
He wants just one more, a last stab
At the No 1 spot which is up for grab
Alas, no one seems to hear his plea

There is one other bloke named Ali
Who wants to play only with sub 50
He claims the dangle of his meat
Depends on the temp of the heat
Or he needs to wank himself fiercely

There is a stuff called yummy budu
That will send your ‘bro’ real cuckoo
You don’t need any sub 50 sweetie
To make a ‘real’ man out of poor Ali
Just get the wanker a bottle or two


  1. Teresa Kok’s family home attacked with Molotov cocktails

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 27 — Unknown attackers threw two Molotov cocktails into Seputeh MP Teresa Kok’s family home in Jalan Ipoh here early today.

    No one was hurt in the incident, police said after receiving a report from Kok’s family. Her parents live in the Taman Rainbow house together with her siblings.

    A letter was also found outside the house.

    The DAP national organising secretary, who is also a Selangor state exco member, is due to speak to the press within the hour with senior party leaders and allies from other parties in the Pakatan Rakyat electoral pact.

    Kok had been criticised this past week for remarks about the low quality of food received when she was detained for a week under the Internal Security Act on Sept 12 for allegedly raising issues against Islam.


  2. Li from KayBee for PM!!!!

    I'm listening to him no worry... LOL

  3. Li from KayBee for PM!!!!

    Am willing to give him my support !!

  4. Lallang exile (10:20:14) :


    wake up!

    as rpk languishes in jail, the person he has been fighting for the last decade is dandying and having a good time in Hong Kong attending some fancy finance conference.

    ai and pkr doesn’t deserve what you have done for him, rpk.

    One would have thought that the least he could do was speak for your release in front of the international media in HK. But he didn’t. He focused only on najib, advancing his personal agenda to be pm.

    lallang got your this comment from Susan's
    rpk has been screwed so many times by this GSOS fella . The first time he got it he decided to breakaway from Keadilan . This is the second time that he trusted his faith and luck on GSOS . He gave everything he had on Najib , in the end he went in on his behalf . His parting words before going in under ISA was Anwar is the only one who could get him out when there's a gomen change , but alas that is not about to happen soon . So it looks like RPK has been srewed a second time !

  5. S'gor PR government under fire over temple demolition

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 25 - The Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor has come under fire from the MIC over the demolition of a Hindu temple in Ampang earlier this month.

    MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council's action was against the Opposition pact's promise prior to the March 8 general election not to demolish temples.

    The local council should have given sufficient notice and a land for the relocation of the temple before even considering to demolish the temple, he said in a statement today.

    Samy Vellu was commenting on a newspaper report today on the demolition of the Sri Maha Kaliamman Temple on Sept 9, at Kampung Tasik, Jalan Baru in Ampang.

    The demolition of a temple in Padang Jawa (Selangor) -- just before the 2008 general election in March 8 -- had angered many Hindus, and this was one of the reasons the Indians voted against the Barisan Nasional.

    When contacted by Bernama, Ampang Member of Parliament Zuraidah Kamarudin said the temple was not supposed to have been demolished and that there were certain procedures which had to be followed, prior to the demolition.

    She said the council had demolished the temple without the state government's consent.

    "The Pakatan Rakyat government is very particular about religious issues, including mosques or temples," she added.

    She said the state government was in the midst of discussion with the local council on the issue and further action would be taken after a thorough investigation of the matter.

    "We have met the temple management and the Hindu residents in the area and have explained the situation to them. They understand the situation and they agreed to be patient until investigations are completed," she added. - Bernama

    Teresa Kok’s family home attacked with Molotov cocktails

    Could these two incidents be linked ????

  6. Hindraf slams Selangor exco's stand on temple demolition

    SEREMBAN, Sept 27 — Hindraf has slammed Selangor exco member Dr Xavier Jayakumar for "losing the plot" in the Hindu temple demolition issue.

    In a press statement, Hindraf chairman P.Waytha Moorthy said Jayakumar's excuse of not being registered echoed a similar attitude as the previous Barisan Nasional state government.

    "The statement by Dr Jayakumar that the Sri Maha Kaliamman Temple is not registered with the Selangor State Council and that it did not fulfill the "format" of registration is a joke and makes a mockery of the basic right to worship of every citizen.

    "It appears the PR government is singing the same tune of the previous BN Government in misleading the community to believe that the temple committee was at fault for not registering the temple," he stated.

    The Sri Maha Kaliamman temple was torn down on Sept 9 by the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council but the Pakatan Rakyat state government had claimed it breached a directive barring the destruction of any places of worship put in place soon after it had won the March 8 polls.


    Pot calling the Kettle black !!

  7. Hey Killer , thought you might be interested in this comment by TDM.

    13. An attempt is being made even in Malaysia to achieve a regime change. Money has been funnelled to certain individuals and parties to ensure that a well-known candidate with extensive connection to the US Jewish lobby would somehow become the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

    14. US intervention in the politics of Malaysia is clear. I may not agree with the leadership of the present Government but I resent and object to US manipulations to make a satellite of this nation.


  8. 'Eurocopter Cougar Deal - Malaysiakini's pre-emptive 'clawing'?
    Referring to the above article, the author has overlooked key issues raised by Capt (Rtd) Zahar Hashim's letter, namely:
    1. EC 725 appears to have been 'selected' by a pre-determined 'gimmick' of a Tender process that lacks transparency.
    2. No aircraft selection can be considered comprehensive without proper flight trials and OEM visits etc.
    3. Any unsuccessful Tenderer (and this is surely not limited to only Capt. (Rtd) Zahar Hashim's company but also Sikorsky and others) would surely be displeased when it is abundantly clear that no attempt at either a proper evaluation or following of correct procedures regarding the tender process was carried out?
    4. EC 725 is the latest generation 'Super Puma', itself a development of the original 'Puma' helicopter first flown in April 1965. In terms of being an 'evolved' product, EC725 is no different from the Mi-172 offered under the Tender which is an evolution of the original Mi-8 helicopter, also originally developed in the 1960s. There is no ‘magic’ about either EC 725 or Mi-172 helicopter types offered; they are simply a development of what has gone before, albeit a very comprehensive development. In other words, they are by no means the same as previous aircraft types but they are not completely different either. It is to be recognized that a proven helicopter product only comes with tested performance over time and under all conditions.
    5. Examples of other Tenders in other countries where unsuccessful Bidders have complained are irrelevant and do nothing to condone the poor Tender procedure and lack of transparency in this case as evidenced by Capt. (Rtd) Zhar Hashim' letter.
    6. You are right in saying that a cheaper bid is not necessarily the best but given the various criteria you then mention, Eurocopter's EC 725 would find it hard to surpass Kazan's Mi-172.
    TUDM's operational requirement was for a logistic (not CSAR) helicopter, so what is a better equipped 'logistic' helicopter, one with a cargo-ramp door (Mi-172) or one without (EC 725)? One that can seat 35 troops in a cabin of 22.50 cubic meters (Mi-172), or one that claims to seat 29 in a 16.05 cubic mtr cabin (EC 725)?
    Technical Reliability & Maintenance Costs:
    It is no secret as to why the UN has predominantly used the Mi-17 helicopter type in every disaster around the World for the past 20 years or more. The reason is its ruggedness, reliability and ability to perform the tasks required of a top-class logistic helicopter. Eurocopter aircraft, by comparison, are well known for being ‘high-maintenance’; this is part of the European manufacturing philosophy. Maintenance costs for EC 725 are higher than for Mi-172 because western maintenance regimes are far more labour and manhour intensive than Russian.
    Manufacturer's Reputation & Reliability: Both Eurocopter and Kazan Helicopters are well regarded Worldwide. They are both excellent, reliable companies making good aircraft and deserve their respective reputations.
    Number of Countries Buying the Type: It is misleading to refer only to either EC 725 (only one customer country at present being France) or Mi-172, in assessing the countries using the different types. It is more informative and representative to refer to the overall medium-lift helicopter types produced by the respective manufacturers. In this regard, Eurocopter have produced approx. 730 Puma, Super Pumas and Cougars etc. since 1965, while Kazan Helicopters have produced in excess of 15,000 Mi-8 & Mi-17 types. If numbers are the proof of design success, then the Mi-8/17 family of medium-lift helicopters must be regarded as the most successful helicopters of their class ever built.
    Availability of Long-Term Spares: Given the volumes of Mi-17 still under production (both Kazan Helicopters and Ulan Ude Aviation Plant have full order books for the next 4 years producing Mi-17 variants), and the number still in operation Worldwide, the long term availability of Mi-17 spares is not in any doubt. Doubtless Eurocopter can also provide the same level of product support guarantees even though the numbers of EC 725s will never match that of Mi-17s being manufactured.
    Price: EC725 apparently costs significantly more than Mi-172 but a proper evaluation would need to be carried out to understand the full implications of the respective manufacturers' technical and financial packages. Is the lack of a proper evaluation an attempt to prevent the Taxpayer from finding out the true cost of the Eurocopter package before the Contract has been signed?
    TUDM's familiarity with & acceptance of the manufacturing nation's or company's aircraft development philosophy: 38 countries have bought the Puma family of helicopters since 1965 while over 80 countries have bought the Mi-8/17 family of helicopters over the same period so what could TUDM find so difficult about the respective ‘development philosophies’ of either Eurocopter or Kazan Helicopters? It should be noted that RMAF pilots and engineers seconded to BOMBA have already gained 10 years experience with Mi-17-V5. However, they have no experience yet of working with a medium-lift helicopter produced by Eurocopter.
    Your comment about the French aircraft industry being foremost in helicopter technology, innovation and development is entirely subjective and the British, Italians, Americans and Russians would claim otherwise. Most companies within the aviation industry readily recognise the respective strengths and weaknesses of their peers.
    Your question about asking one's preference for being flown in either Eurocopter’s Cougar or Kazan’s Mi-172 implies that the Russian Mi-172 is inferior; this is an assumption based upon your personal preference and not upon either the technical facts or detailed knowledge of the respective types. The author of this blog has spent numerous hours on both aircraft types; however, if I was an infantry soldier awaiting a pick-up together with the rest of my platoon (30 odd soldiers in total) in a hostile area, then I would rather fly in a Mi-172 (more room and rapid loading via the cargo-ramp door). Similarly, if I was tasked to drop food supplies into a disaster area then I would prefer a Mi-172 because as a logistic medium-lift helicopter it has significant advantages over the EC 725. Your comment about preference is thus unqualified.
    It is surely the task of MOD to ensure that TUDM officers evaluate each and every Tender Bid in accordance with the same selected criteria, and not to go by any subjective opinions about what they would prefer/want to fly (as mentioned in your article)? Indeed, TUDM Officers may be the first to admit that there is a significant basis of truth in Capt (Rtd) Zahar Hashim's letter alleging that the Tender procedure fell well short of a proper evaluation.
    The various points contained within the Captain's letter appear sound to this Author and it is surely now for the Government to demonstrate to the Public that their selection of the EC 725 has been made with the best interests of the Taxpayer, the Armed Forces, and the Country in mind? The Captain doubts whether this has been the case, and the way in which the Tender was conducted appears to support his opinion.
