
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Misuse of ISA - Syed Hamid or AAB responsible?

I wonder who was it who had ‘instructed’ the police to detain Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), Tan Hoon Cheng (for 1 day) and Teresa Kok by use (or misuse) of the ISA.

Home Affairs Minister Syed Hamid claimed he didn’t, so if that had been the case, it must be the PM, who incidentally had been the former Home Affairs boss …

… and don’t we just know in Malaysia, ex-bosses have a habit of ordering their old departments around as if they are still in charge – yes, I’ve met a few of those bosses who conveniently forgot they’re no longer holding the reins - see Malaysiakini, you don’t have to use the word ‘helm’ ;-).

Now, was it the 4th Floor Wonders who had been advising the PM ... and so badly for the last 4 years?

If so, they have balls-ed it up again, because even Zaid Ibrahim, the minister in the Prime Minister's Department overseeing legal matters (virtually the de facto Law Minister) had condemned the wanton use of the ISA.

Malaysiakini reported in Law minister threatens to quit over ISA that Zaid had threatened to do just that if the government continues to use the ISA against non-terrorists.

He wants RPK and Teresa Kok released a.s.a.p.

As I had blogged a number of times over the last two years, UMNO can only be destroyed from within. That political party has to implode on its own (and not be exploded from externally because that will only rally the heartland around it) ...

... and it seems to be nicely doing just that.

We must recognize UMNO's progressive self immolation because the startling outcome of the recent general election was not just about, what had been flamboyantly and perhaps euphorically touted as, ‘The Day Malaysia Woke Up’, also the title of a book written by Kee Thuan Chye about the 08 March 08 political tsunami …

... because if we were to believe that the rakyat had voted the PR in rather than the BN out, we may not be properly prepared for the next general election in 2012. We may also be susceptible to arrogance and take the rakyat's support for granted.

Oh, by the way Kee's book features a write-up by Penang famous civic activist Lucia Lai, the blogger of well-known Mental Jog.

Lucia is my dear matey and you’ll piss me off if you don’t get (or beg, borrow or steal) a copy of the book if only to read her article ;-)

OK, back to what I was saying, that a (if not ‘the’) major cause of the 08 March 2008 political tsunami had been because UMNO was then, and still is very much a house divided. While it was/is involved with its internal jostling and manoeuvrings, it hasn’t been united in keeping an eye outside. There have been talks of even intra-party sabotaging.

But with a background of such internal UMNO squabbling, I would really like to know who had ‘instructed’ the police to conduct the ISA detention, because I just cannot bring myself to believe the police had acted independently in those 3 cases.

MCA Youth leader Liow Tiong Lai had this morning succinctly pointed out, as reported by the Star, that the
Act cannot be used to ‘protect’ detainee in referring to the spin that Tan Hoon Cheng was detained under the ISA for her own protection.

Liow remarked “It is not a clever excuse” – what he meant was
“It’s a STUPID excuse.”

Then MCA VP Dr Fong Chan Onn jumped on the ‘attack Syed Hamid’ bandwagon to declare that the Home Minister’s explanation for Tan’s detention was “totally unacceptable" and a feeble attempt to justify the use of the ISA on the Sin Chew sweetie.

He lamented:
“As the Home Minister, he should be responsible for any action undertaken by the police, especially when it involves the sensitivities of the people. As a senior Minister, (he) must be very familiar with these procedures.”

Now, has Syed Hamid been too clever by half or was he acting on instruction from the 4th Floor?

But as I had posted yesterday, the
arrest of Tan Hoon Cheng was an Act of gargantuan stupidity.

I want to see some accountability for the draconian but gross misuse of the ACT on issues not related to terrorism or insurgency - someone in the cabinet must accept responsibility.

I want to see some minister’s head rolling, be that Syed Hamid’s or AAB’s or his advisor, the 4th Floor Wonder ….. or if the police were truly acting independently, then the IGP’s.

But regardless of who had been responsible, Syed Hamid as the Home Minister must go, for Malaysiakini has reported his unrepentant recalcitrance over the ISA scandal in Minister: Journalist to be blamed too.

Syed Hamid has the unbelievable brazen gall to blame Tan Hoon Cheng for the public anger against Ahmad Ismail’s insensitive remarks about some Malaysians being only ‘squatter’ in their own country.

Either he’s totally stupid or completely in defensive self-denial of facts. But whichever, he’s not fit to be a minister.


  1. Free the Teresa & RPK! Injustice is not welcome in our country and it had happened right in front of our eyes! The arrest of a journalist and the reason given is unbelieveable! Total bullshit!

  2. Expecting accountability from those bunch of clowns as akin to expecting the fish to jump into the fishing sampan: It's a miracle if it happens!

  3. Maybe the BABOON as father in law is like a lame duck???

    Maybe the kris waver from Pekan coz he has all the motive?

    Maybe another baldy from Jerlun coz father is coming back?

    Maybe the old man from Kerala coz HE IS BACK.....???

    Maybe the idiot from Bukit Bendera coz he is in deep ship...??

    Maybe the son of the Imam coz he
    also have all the motives???

    Maybe the Petai man coz he also has all the motives...?????

    They probably do not have the direct authority but damm they can just do it by a phone call...

    Correct?? Correct?? Correct??

  4. Business as usual, minister in denial mode, then who make the decision? Now let get the IGP/Acting IGP to provide the people of Malaysia the truth as who give the order!!! Someone has to be accountable and we have to stop this abuse of power. Let us find out "WHO GIVE THE ORDER?" No more Tai Chi game, take the responsibility and resign. RELEASE THOSE DETAINEES, NOW.

  5. Baling batu, sembunyi tangan. Pandai saja membuli rakyat. Ptui!

    These cowards can take their time to decide who among them is expendable and should take the fall.

    Meanwhile, it is open season for toyols. Take your best shot.

  6. Kepada pemimpin Malaysia yang terlibat, janganlah kamu hancurkan negara kita Malaysia. Nyata sekali masalah yang timbul sekarang ialah pentadbiran yang kurang bijak.

    Lepaskan mereka dengan segera dan tangkap dalang-dalang yang terlibat ke muka pengadilan.

    M A N S U H K A N I S A

    Anak Malaysia yang inginkan kepastian.

  7. Aiyaah.... As usual lah!
    This Albar fella always come out with stupid excuses. They know mistake done...
    Soooo must cover up their mistakes lah!

    When have they ever say 'sorry' ???

    There has to be a top fella to order the ISA to act...

    Its just a matter of time that UMNO will be destroy by its own internal poeple...

    Don't drag us Malaysian rakyat with you...

    We just want a peaceful & better life with our multi racial friends.

    I am sure we all know who started this racist atittude first...

    That idiot lah.......!

    Who's the clever idiot...?

  8. I am totally disgusted with the bn govt and especially the antics of some umno members. The utter irresponsible behaviour and actions which have culimnated with the ISA ARRESTS, leads me to believe Malaysia is bring governed by a bunch of lunatics who have taken over the asylum. This includes the flip-flop decisions and bersumpah saiful, pusrawi DR'S notes, Police selective prosecuting and threats leads one to be astonished at what lengths some people will go to stay relevant and in power. With utter disgust, as my up bringing will not allow me to utter 4 letter words I have therefore come up with a few rejoinders,
    I have a new title for umno & BN cabinet members. for acting and behaving like morons and retards,
    YANG BERKURAP aka kucing kurap
    Yang berSCUM-BAGS

    So the next time you call them YB, DON'T FORGET THESE TITLES.

    PLease support this, check it out

  9. Quote: Zaid has threatened to resign if the government continues to use the ISA against non-terrorists.

    Everyone take note - now that is a courageous and honourable stand.

    While opponents of the ISA are at it, why not also call for the abolishment of the Printing Presses and Publications Act?

    Both of these Acts are patently oppressive but are beloved of tyrannical, corrupt regimes which find these laws useful to silence whistle-blowers and critics.

    Anyone can see that the use or the threat of use of these laws gives oppressive immoral regimes the freedom to engage in all kinds of illegal and corrupt practices unchallenged.

    Judging by the total disinterest and extreme reluctance the government displays towards any proposal that these Acts be abolished, the rakyat can only surmise that some legislators are as ardently in love with these two Acts and as loathe to give them up as drug addicts would be in regards to opium.

  10. This is a very, very bodoh and also sombong government.

    I thoroughly regret having supported UMNO and BN for the last 20 years.

    Sorry people, I'm one of the fools who helped perpetuate this regime all this time

    But I finally woke up on March 8, 2008, and I don't intend to be fooled again.

  11. We have people who rightly condemned the abused of ISA, but strongly supported the undemocratic means of toppling the legitimated elected government. They argued it senseless to employ the ISA, which I agree, but where are their senses when come to the latter, which is more detrimental to the country and the consequences will be chaos or even bloodshed.

    To those people, I say stop being hypocrites.

  12. No, Anwar Ibrahim is responsible.

    Just following your previous logic.

  13. kittykat, stop merajuk-ing because I have been criticizing your idol. You are being childish and irresponsible in your pitiful attempt at sarcasm - it's better for you to stick to just raw anwarista-ism ;-)

  14. Hahaha...I'm just pointing out how childish and irresponsible your sense of logic is....when it comes to the subject of a certain person...

  15. kt dear, thanks for encouraging people to read my article in kee's book, but really if people want to read it, i can just email to them them the article. but i am encouraging people to buy kee's book (let him get some royalty lah) as there are many other good articles there. most of the contributors are journalists or in some writing field... i seemed to be the odd one out!

    ya! i agree the home minister should be sacked!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I can't but agree totally with xiean. We need to be consistent with our stance. If we say no to ISA (or at least the abuse of ISA), then we also must say NO to undemocratic and unethical approaches to take over the govt. It is not good emough to say, just because BN govt abused ISA, PR is also justified in using unethical means to achieve its ambition or rather lust for power.

    I don't think Teresa Kok totally blameless but using ISA on her is not only wrong but also a selective application of ISA. People like Zulkifli Nordin and Ahmad Ismail too deserved to be locked up if we intend to use ISA on racist agitators.

    BTW I laughed at Anwar's statement to BN calling them not to be racist. This is the same guy who has an Islamofascist MP still running freely after the brutal racist attack on a public forum....

  18. Come on, stop tap-dancing.

    Be proud to admit you support the government's ISA action.

    Otherwise you are just hypocrites,

    trying hrumpph..ummm...err.... around.

  19. kittykat, I welcome you to disprove what I recall of anwar's nasty conduct as a minister, and to show my reasoning and extrapolation of his responsibility (or lack of admission to) for his less than admirable conduct had been illogical.

    All I hear so far from anwaristas and other supporters of anwar have been:

    (i) he has changed (which I of course dispute) - eg. where is his political reformasi if he goes about frog hunting everyday? He is still the same anwar of 1994.

    (ii) there is no other choice (which i dispute because there are - but anwarista and supporters are too lazy and too impatient to think beyond the convenient, flamboyant, grandoise (but empty) promises (eg. oil price coming down wakakaka) and the grandstanding theatrics.

    For a start we have a reasonable balanced parliament where the BN no longer enjoys 2/3 majority to bulldoze its self-interest legislations through. PR controls 5 states where it can showcase to the Malaysian rakyat its ability to govern.

    Instead, PKR has shown that it is willing to shamelessly send its MP, ADUN and god knows who else to Taiwan just to chase after potential BN frogs - hardly an admirable trait or a desirable characteristic of a party which lays claim to being the alternate government

  20. I oppose the ISA as a matter of principle. It has nothing to do with Anwar Ibrahim or his Kataks.

    The principle is No One is above the law. The Government is not above the law.

    If Anwar Ibrahim or Teresa Kok or RPK or anyone else has broken the law, charge him in court.

    You CANNOT deprive a person of liberty without the right to due process in the courts of law. Certainly not just on the government's say so.

  21. Concerning Syed Hamid Albar's role in the affair, you guys may want to take a look at this blog which exposes and lays bare Syed Hamid's comical, bumbling incompetence.

    Here's the URL:

    The title of the topic is: Zaid Ibrahim vs. Syed Hamid Albar.

  22. kittykat, in other words you agree with my post ;-)

  23. Hamid, this is your mama speaking.

    Stop toying around with the law. You are not "ayam telur" (I-am-the-law!)

    And stop putting people in jail, men or women.

    Pick on someone your own size like Ahmad Ismail or Khir Toyo, and their side-kicks.

    I raised you right. Now behave right and put aside the ISA.

    Or I will have a big word with you when you come home this Raya!
