
Friday, September 05, 2008

Miss Congeniality Ayatollah!

This woman frightens the sh*t out of me, even though she was once a beauty queen, crowned as Miss Congeniality (nope, she isn't Sandra Bullocks)

What she said to ministry students at her former church, Wasilla Assembly of God, in Alaska, may give us an indication of her mentality.

Sarah Palin, the Republican Party's vice-presidential candidate said that United States troops in Iraq were sent on a 'task that is from God'.
It would seem then to her, that sending those Iraqis to hell (innocents or militants killed by US troops) has been God's plan all along.

Palin said: "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God."

If John McCain were to be elected President of the USA, and subsequently dies from a heart attack or whatever (he's already 70 plus) while in office, Miss Congeniality Ayatollah could become the President.

The possibility sh*ts the hell out of me.


  1. No, she's definitely not Miss Ayatollah. She's actually Miss Osama, Senator Obama's half-sister from Waziristan

  2. KTemoc,
    there you go again, playing God, judge, jury and hangman again.Come! come! be realistic cause Sarah Palin is just a pussycat.Dont get your worked up.Bad for your heart!

  3. She really cute kitty , not kind of cute , should have see her nude pics , would love to get into bed with her !!!!!!wakawaka !!!!

    That's the only plus , ;plus , plus about her , really got sex appeal the kind of woman you love to ****

  4. But I will go for OBAMA for the next US President .

    KT , I doubt McCain will win , thats my take !

  5. Their single core problem is not with the Pailins themselves, but those around them. If they’re never called out on their twisting of truths and fabrications, they simply continue to make larger lies.

    Well obviously someone calling Sarah a liar. And she's not even a good liar. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not her son. He is her grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better.

    So it seems if she can be caught lying on this can she be a good vice president ? She seems to be covering up for her daughter of 17yrs old .

  6. If the rest of the world could vote in the US Presidential elections, Obama would win hands down. In the US itself, its a bit more complicated. I think the bookies odds are for Obama to win, but not overwhelmingly so.

    A lot of white working class Americans still see Obama as a Snake Oil Salesman (to borrow KT's phrase)....wakakaka.

    But I agree America badly needs a fresh direction.
    Just as Malaysia badly needs a change of direction.

  7. Really, who is she to say it is a 'task that is from God'. It is such a strong word.

  8. "Guns and God"... that's all I need to hope for an Obama/Biden presidency. I'm enjoying the fireworks since Palin was introduced though :-) After Hillary lost, things got a bit boring.

    Of course I may not be so flippant about it if the Dems didn't have such a respectable lead in the polls.

    But, Palin may force everyone to take another look at ANWR (the one in Alaska, not the one from Cherok Tok Kun), and drilling there may not be the worst thing in the world to do... so her introduction might be good in the long run. Provided she's kept the hell out of the White House.

  9. God works for republican? Crap, I am insulted by the continues usage of God for the invasion of Iraq.

  10. beauty queen from alaska?
    cute tooo

  11. Obama now claims the troop surge which he opposed in Iraq has produced very good results and that he was for it all along.
    Guns and God is better than a slick salesman anytime anywhere.

  12. Hi Ktemoc and all

    Here are some books worth reading
    on the Christian Right in USA:

    1. "With God on Their Side"
    2. "American Fascists"


    Phua Kai Lit
