
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sunday's it's not true ... (3)

It's not true that ...

(1) Malaysians are the most knowledgeable people on the subject of DNA ...

(2) ... and sodomy

(3) ... and statutory declarations

(4) Malaysian DPMs are guilty until proven innocent ...

(5) ... as DPM Najib is in the Altantuyaa murder allegations

(6) ... as former DPM Anwar is in the sodomy allegations

(7) ... as former DPM Gaafar Baba was for having only a Standard 6 education, unlike someone who overthrew him

(8) ... as former DPM Musa Hitam was for not rejecting the Double-M leadership label, when he should have known that a mountain may have only one tiger

(9) ... as former DPM Dr Ismail was for passing away without Tun Razak's permission

(10) ... as former DPM Tun Razak was for May 13

(11) the reformasi movement is exempt from democratic principles or due processes or tolerance

(12) the Lina Joy Brigade has 'taken the road to ...' Mecca?

(13) ... led by Charles Santiago?

(14) PAS has been involved in the reformasi katak-isation program - as perceived from reading the Malaysiakini news article Saiful blogs about overseas trips

(15) Inul Daratitsta has put on a blonde wig to join up with the Pussycat Dolls - see Malaysiakini report Pussycat Dolls to steam up stage at MTV Asia Awards on the yummy meows at Genting


  1. It's NOT TRUE that KTemoc ...

    1) a DAP supporter.

    2) not a PAS supporter.

    3) not an UMNO supporter.

    4) not a supporter of the UMNO racist, Keadilan desserter, Ezam Mohd Nor.

    5) ...supports the PKR-led government in Selangor.

    6) ...supports the MP of Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid.

    7) ...does not have intense cravings for anuses in general.

    8) not stuck in Anwar's arsehole, and in the stinking claustrophobic darkness, is not able to see the woods for the trees.

    9) ...does not believe in Saiful's story.

    10) not sexist.

    11) ...does not call women "cuties" and "sweeties."

    12) ...believes that Altantuya's murderer holds a high office in Malaysia.

    13) ...thinks he is not the best blogger on Malaysia.

    14) not a Jew-hater.

    15) ...believes that the Malaysian electoral system is not fair.

    Well, I have one more than KTemoc (tak mahu kalah):

    16) ...does not live down under.

    Folks, the above statements are NOT TRUE. I repeat, NOT TRUE! :)

  2. its not true that kaytee despises anwar.
    its not true that Anwar is guilty until proven innocent.
    go on kaytee..

  3. Malaysia Boleh

    Tony blair also say soooooo

    so cool!

  4. Kaytee

    Many of us were responsible or would you rather say collaborated with the enemy by providing materials to cause the Tsunami of 2008 . Today after the tsunami , we are in a rebuilding phrase . Our infrastructure and people are still intact , there have been no mass resignations . Our objectives have been met by denying those goons two thirds majority and the loss of five states due to their block head attitude . This is a lesson to them and things are turning round .

    However the time has also come to swing the pendulum back by denying the anwaristas their dream of seeing their cult leader winning a landslide .
    We are now prepared to vote the other way . Based on this maybe you can do a recalculation .

    You Have my email , drop me a line .

  5. "However the time has also come to swing the pendulum back by denying the anwaristas their dream of seeing their cult leader winning a landslide ."

    When a volcano erupts, you don't try to stop the lava flow. You get the hell out of the way. THEN you rebuild.

    Let Anwar (and the 'istas) have his (their) cake. When the time comes, we will oppose him too, with our consciences (and reputations) unblemished.

  6. Um...Ghafar Baba really did not go any further than Standard 6.

    My uncle was Deputy DG of a Statutory body at the time, and he can vouch that the DPM regularly fell asleep through entire briefings, complete with snores.

    The good thing was that Ghafar Baba was wise enough to be very humble about his very modest intellect, so he never threw his weight around, unlike many other dumb but arrogant politicians.

  7. int's strategy seems to be the strategy adopted by most Malaysians. The tide towards the Pakatan Rakyat is unstoppable, and this is confirmed by kittykat's description of the Penang situation. The prevalent attitude is: well give them a chance, then see what happens, if they are lousy, vote them out. chaptokam's rearguard action is unpricipled and against the tide of public opinion; also, what chaptokam wants to do may very well work to his disbenefit, and he may not realise this until it is too late. Other MCA members are smarter and more principled, like the 1,000+ former MCA members who joined the PKR yesterday. The tide has turned, irrevocably and overwhelmingly, in Selangor too, and intelligent and principled politicians like Datin Dr Tan Yee Kew know what she has to do to serve the rakyat better.

  8. Dingo .

    We may be using different roads to reach our common objective , however I agree with you that this is against the tide of public opinion . I also mentioned that Anwar will still win in the by election but by denying a landslide victory .
    This is a message to all those whom we voted in to serve our purpose of correcting the wrongs in the gomen thru parliament . Not making the parliament a circus . If we don't show our displeasure , very soon you'll have more elected MPs quiting for by election just to de stabilize the gomen . I admire Kak Wan but she has betrayed the people who voted for her for vacating her seat barely after six months . I feel Anwar should have waited for Kulim .There's no gain ( no additional seat)in P Pauh for PR but what happens in Kulim ? What are the chances of winning should there be a by election ? Are they going to field Kak Wan there ? If they do , don't you think it has become the Royal Malaysian Circus ? Is this the type of politics we want here in Malaysia ? Don't forget a lot of the PR fellas are holding two posts . For eg when LGE goes to Parliament , Penang is without a CM for that duration of time . Is Penang more important or parliament more important , You tell me !As a Penangite these people are taking us for granted or as suckers , I don't know which .

    As for Dr Tan , I happen to know her too well . I also know the inside story of it . You call her an intelligent and principled politician like Datin Dr Tan Yee Kew know what she has to do to serve the rakyat better.

    Well I just have this to say of a politician who leaves her alma mater and now only suddenly realize thats she's not in the right company and decides to quit for greener pastures . Well she has her very right to do as she pleases . Go find out the reasons for her suspension from the party the last time . She's sore from not being fielded as a candidate . She couldn't get enough support to make it as a central delegate , in layman's terms she finished in MCA . How about the carrot dangling for her to become the Pengerusi Majlis Perbandaran Klang ? Ya what about that ? 1000 MCA members ? More like a mixture of members , non members , new members , other races .

  9. 1) "int's strategy seems to be the strategy adopted by most Malaysians"

    Well, I guess I better clarify my "strategy" ;-)

    I do not sokong AT ALL the idea of changing Federal Government through party crossovers. So the idea of "giving PR a chance" to govern doesn't arise in my mind. But give Anwar a chance to return to Parliament? Sure, why not. In fact - no offense sdr2 peyokong PKR - I think this is a great move because, quite frankly, Wan Azizah wasn't a very good opposition leader.

    And if the pundits are to be believed, Anwar's return is a sure thing. So, what is there for a serious Anti-Anwarista to do? I think there are only two options:
    1) Take a holiday, then come back once the hype has settled down a bit.
    2) Get a ticket to Permatang Pauh and take banners explaining why market prices for oil are a good long-term macroeconomic policy and why party crossovers are very bad for stability etc.

    2) "The tide towards the Pakatan Rakyat is unstoppable... Other MCA members are smarter and more principled, like the 1,000+ former MCA members who joined the PKR yesterday"

    Umm, where were these "principled" fellas on March 7th?

    Sure, some of them would be principled, but many are just going along with the perceived "unstoppable" momentum that you mentioned. Good luck sorting out the genuine from the opportunists.

  10. OK lah, there are some opportunists amidst them. I agree too with int -- perhaps 'strategy' is not the best word. But at the same time, there is no denying that the tide is moving in a particular direction, and people are moving along with it. chaptokam is smarter than what some people give him credit for. He's quite principled too, although I sometimes feel that he could express his views better, so that fewer people will "disagree" when they are not actually disagreeing with him. But there is no denying that some of the MCA members sampai mati will remain, and want to be left behind: so let them be. chaptokam is too smart to be one of these sampai mati folks.

  11. MRR2 highway needs another expensive repair AGAIN.

    Every single day I get positive confirmation why the Barisan Nasional Federal government needs to be given the Sayonara.

    No, I won't be promoting frogs here. But whenever we get the opportunity to register this at the ballot box, why not ?

  12. c'mon kaytee ... ur post hv lost its sengat lately ... where's ur wakakaka bashings? gone ady ar? i miss that part from u ...

  13. dingo

    will try to express my views better , thanks for the feedback . In any political parties there are always the opportunists and to be not one of those sampai mati folks is termes survivalist . In order to survive one has to consistently evaluate the present conditions for survival and adapt to the situation or mutate to the conditions necessary for survival .

    Right now in Malaysia everything is very fluid and we are all undergoing a metamorphosis . Lets hope everything turns out well for all Malaysians , well do our part .
