
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Permatang Pauh, PAS and pregnancy

Looks like our PKR Brown Shirts have been at it again, bashing photojournalists for daring to snap photos where their Mahdi is around.

The Star Online tells us in Pixman claims assault by PKR supporters that allegedly 20 PKR supporters bashed Berita Harian photographer, Siren Nafiz, outside the Maktab Perguruan Tuanku Bainun where the nominations for the Permatang Pauh by-election were held on Saturday morning. They stole his RM15,000 camera plus accessories as well.

Those thugs also allegedly assaulted Halim Berber, a photojournalist from a foreign (French based) press when he went to pull Siren out from the mob.

Just less than 2 weeks ago the same PKR hooligans walloped and attempted to strangle a woman photojournalist from Guang Ming Daily – see my post Follies of foul foolish fanaticism which led Dr Wan Azizah to apologize to the injured journalist.

Looks like it’s still SNAFU (Situation Normal, All F**ked Up) with those PKR mob.

Meanwhile Malaysiakini tells us that PAS leader slams Saiful's swearing act where wannabe PM Pak Haji Hadi Awang condemned Saiful Bukhari Azlan's act of swearing on the Quran as an act of kebodohan (stupidity) which went against the teachings of Islam.

He declared: "We don't have this practice in Islam. It is the Christians who swear on the bible."

Hmmm, does this mean that Christians have been and are bodoh (stupid)?

I heard from a friend that it was the respected Mufti of Perlis who suggested that the two antagonists take an oath on the Quran.

Now, between the Mufti and the wannabe PM, who do you reckon would be the one making the politically influenced statement re swearing on the Quran?

Then, it seems that PAS is back pedalling on the demands by one of its delegates (to its Dewan Ulama and Youth assemblies) that Pakatan State governments, inclusive of Penang, Perak and Selangor, ban alcohol and gambling.

KNN, no mah-jong and aw kau (Guiness)? And that Holy Grail of all, the 1st prize draw from the 4-Ekor?

That’s blasphemy to the Chinese (and where 4-Ekor is involved, for some Muslims as well), which the Chinese dailies gave wide coverage to.

PAS secretary-general Kamaruddin Jaafar said that the Chinese news agencies would be called for a special meeting after the muktamar because the press might have wrongly interpret issues raised at the assemblies.

‘... wrongly interpret …’? Sounds familiar and UMNO-ish, doesn’t it - wakakaka

And why has there been this unusual concern about what the Chinese may think?

According to Malaysiakini news article Delegates: Woo non-Muslims Fahmi Abdul Wahab, the PAS delegate who has been concerned about the lack of pregnancy arising (or not arising) from the Pakatan marriage a la ménage à trois, said: “Arn chnua boe tua pa tor koe? Kau teh ee ay yeow sut boe?”* - wakakaka

* why not pregnant yet, could it be that he doesn't know how to 'sut'

Nah, just joking ;-) – he said “We support the party president’s policy speech where he called for PAS supporters club members to be given a bigger role.”

The PAS supporters club are made up of non-Muslims.

Malaysiakini reported that several delegates at the PAS muktamar have called on the party leadership to reach out to non-Muslims and encourage their participation in the party. These guys wanted to exploit and harness the support of non-Muslims who have been pissed off with UMNO.

They pointed out to PAS political benefit in this respect in Kedah and Perak where Chinese voters had cast their ballots for the Islamic party.

But on the subject of the PAS delegates’ apparent rejection of Anwar as a possible prime minister, Kamaruddin Jaafar said “Aiyah, man man lai lah!”

He tap danced away, saying it was still too early to talk about a possible Pakatan candidate for the post. Besides a certain Pak Haji fancies himself as the PM too.

KNN ;-)


  1. Asalamualaikum

    the chinese are 100% solidly supporting DSAI to be the next PM of Malaysia.

    to my malay and indian friends
    come let us together show and prove our solidarity and rally
    behind DSAI.

    forget about saiful sinful or whatever fool .

    just go all out and vote DSAI our next PM of all Malaysian.

    long live DSAI and may god bless you and your family.


  2. Asalamualaikum

    the chinese are 100% solidly supporting DSAI to be the next PM of Malaysia.

    to my malay and indian friends
    come let us together show and prove our solidarity and rally
    behind DSAI.

    forget about saiful sinful or whatever fool .

    just go all out and vote DSAI our next PM of all Malaysian.

    long live DSAI and may god bless you and your family.


  3. Asalamualaikum

    the chinese are 100% solidly supporting DSAI to be the next PM of Malaysia.

    to my malay and indian friends
    come let us together show and prove our solidarity and rally
    behind DSAI.

    forget about saiful sinful or whatever fool .

    just go all out and vote DSAI our next PM of all Malaysian.

    long live DSAI and may god bless you and your family.


  4. KTemoc

    quran belum lagi dibukukan semasa zaman nabi muhammad, so siapa yang ajar saiful sumpah pegang quran ?

    quran dibukukan selapas nabi meninggal dunia dan pada zaman sahabat nabi yang ke3 menjadi khalifah.

  5. ktemoc

    you must be a complete idiot. as the saying goes...bodoh tak boleh diajar.

    hadi said saiful's act was stupid as there is no such thing as swearing by quran in islam. there is swearing by mentioning wallahi, wabillahi, watallahi in islam. swearing using the holy book is done by the christians (since saiful is a muslim, there is a clear stupidity in him for doing something which is not islamic). hadi did not say christians are stupid by swearing using their holy book. christians can do whatever they like ...standing naked while swearing, no one cares.

    can't u understand that, bodoh?

    and ah yes.... between hadi and asri... ask the muslims, majority will vote for hadi hands down.

    please ktemoc, don't make yourself look stupid!

  6. "Respected Mufti of Perlis"

    Respected? Are you sure? While some people would respect the Mufti of Perlis, PKR and PAS regard him as "Bapak Syaitan", and have openly incited people to hate him, to the extent of issuing a death threat veiled by a comedic presentation:

  7. continue from 12:06 post:

    hadi PM wannabe? don't you read harakah? hadi said he is NOT mat jenin. do you know who is mat jenin? oh ya... you must have a very poor grasp of malay language coz i read your article in malay recently...and my god, i can tell you that you would not even pass UPSR malay with that kind of poor quality malay language.

    again... another stupid statement from ktemoc

  8. What a pack of idiots commenting here .
    kalau tak boleh tahan jangan mari in blog senang sahaja . Calling people stupid , better don't let Anwar jadi PM , nanti kita semua jadi peliwat .


  9. Reformasi

    Tukar ke

    Reliwatasi !

    Sodomasi !

    Belakang kasi !

    Anwar chepat mari !

    Burong chepat keluar mari !

    Saiful pun sedia kasi !

    Bila habis Saiful menyalak

    Shiok kasi !!

  10. KT try pronouncing this word in hokkien

    penyokong PR
    Asalamualaikum , malikumsalam

    hokkien ;
    Wa salah lu mai kong . mai lu kong wa salah .


  11. Nostradamus

    50 Questions to test your Conscience at Jeyklls and Hydes in Malaysia – Are You?

    I prefer 50 reasons why Anwar can never be the Prime Minister .

    Do you still have this book ???

  12. penyokong PR said...


    the chinese are 100% solidly supporting DSAI to be the next PM of Malaysia

    The Chinese are standing 100% solidly behind Anwar , we prefer behind and no Chinese will stand 100% in front of Anwar unless got wear chastity belt !

  13. I suspect Saiful is being forced by the police to do this or else his whole family will be bombed by C4. Someone powerful has to find out about the background of police force that is controlling Saiful and his family.

    My suspicion got bigger when Saiful swore on the Quran with the present of his father(his father's appearance is not necessary because this will further embarrass the whole family) as if this was to show how serious his oath was....

    PS: I am brave to suspect the police force and write these sentences out means that I can guarantee the police force cannot find me…… at all….. o!o nahh police di raja..

  14. KTemoc's statement is mis-leading and tyring to manipulate the words.Pls be careful.

    for example for his statement below. My intepretation is since Islam does't have the practice, thus it is stupid for Saiful to do so, but Hadi thinks Christain may has this kind of practice. Thus, cannot say wrong or stupid if Christain perform the swearing as per their practice.Just simple like that.
    "He declared: "We don't have this practice in Islam.

    It is the Christians who swear on the bible."

    Hmmm, does this mean that Christians have been and are bodoh (stupid)?

  15. Salam,

    Kalau nak ikut kan bersumpah yang Saiful buat bukan cara Islam, macam mana dengan banyak lagi perkara yanga orang Islam buat di Malaysia yang bukan cara Islam yang di ajar?

    1. Baca Yasin Malam Jumaat, tak di buat pun zaman Nabi, di Aarab Saudi pun tak di buat

    2. Bacaan Talkin, takde dalam ajaran Islam

    Jangan lah dengar tanpa buat ususl periksa, kaji dan faham kan perbuatan tu dulu. Al-Quran kitab suci orang Islam, bersumpa dengan nama Allah, sambil memegang kitab suci, apa salah nya? Berdosa ka? Ape dalil nye?

    Pemimpin perlu periksa ape yang di kata kan. Sebagai pemimpin dalam negara majmuk, cakap ikut sedap mulut aje, rosak lah negara.

    KTMOC - always like your opinions!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Chaptokam,

    Calling other commenters idiots because for calling this blogger stupid???

    You are no better MORON!!!

  18. KT

    It is a damning indiction on the morality and integrity of the PAS' leaders to make a U-Turn on the issue of swearing on Al-Quran.

    It was not just the Mufti of Perlis but Nik Aziz himself proposed this idea just last month. Now he and his fellow Talibanese crew says sumpah laknat as against Islamic teachings.

    Below is one of the link carried the news (PAS-linked site)

    Here is another one on the issue:

  19. Personally I do see a political reason for the timing of Saiful's swearing.

    But then again, his actions are within the purview of both civil and Islamic law. Unlike the political drama being acted out by that fat idiot, RPK.

    Secondly, Anwar's timing for standing in this election is also politically motivated to escape the sodomy charge so he can't be accusing Saiful when he himself is no angel.

  20. "...the chinese are 100% solidly supporting DSAI to be the next PM of Malaysia .."?

    NO. I'm for one am not. And I'm Chinese. I know of many others who are not too, and I know them to be more intelligent than the lot here.

    I'm for Pas though - without the mullahs.

    Btw, people prefer the backdoor becoz you can't get pregnant ... but, of course, you can be surprised IF a shitty politician suddenly popped out.

  21. Anonymous 4:48 PM said...


    Calling other commenters idiots because for calling this blogger stupid???

    Anything wrong with that ?? Stupid and idiots are the same . You call somebody stupid , be prepared for some else to call you idiot , fair and square right ?

    Isn't lam pah and pah lan the same ? If you don't like the blogger go to some other blogs simple a that . You like blogs everyday singing Anwar's tune or praising Anwar go to Malaysia Today , you'll be a member of the pack of hyennas there .Further everyone will give you good votes .

    I call you idiot is very gentle of me , I don't use profanities , not like the others who will not hesitate to F**k you in other blogs .
    You eat chilli you know its hot , so don't do unto others what you don't like others to do on to you ,
    this is the universal law of cause and effect , or Newton's third law , for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction .

    So anonymous , you call me Moron , I'll be gracious I'll leave it at that .

  22. chaptokam,
    kan ni na bo chao ci bai lu !!
    wa kalu kong, lu si ci bai zai, bo lan pa ! lu mai aney at here kong tua sia la!!!!! lu ai kong tua sia come to gurney plaza !!! Jiak sai la lu ! ci bai zai ! kan nya bo !

    PAIKIA Loong,

  23. Anonymous 12:06 PM said...

    hadi said saiful's act was stupid as there is no such thing as swearing by quran in islam.

    BTW anonymous , do you trust religious politicans ? If hadi is to be trusted in what he says , ask him to resign as a politician , they don't mix . You can't have a pious man as a politician whose objective is to empower himself . Why don't Prophet Mohammed , Jesus , Buddha become politicians since they have such a huge following ?

    See what happens to religious politicians in Afganistan ? The Talibans who uses religion to rule ? who cannot even tolerate a 2000 year old Buddha statue and had to resort to blowing it up ? PAS talibans are equally the same to me , the saying goes if you can believe a word they say go and shit .!!
    there is swearing by mentioning wallahi, wabillahi, watallahi in islam. swearing using the holy book is done by the christians

    To me anonymous , anyone who swears be it Muslims , Christians or Buddhists has in fact set in motion what I mentioned before a Cause and that cause depends on the nature of the swearing , will come back to the swearer . In Saiful's case if indeed he is telling the truth that effect will be on the person responsible for that action , otherwise if he Saiful is lying he will receive the effect . You reap what you sow !!!

    That's the reason why I refuse to call you back a M******

  24. Ah Loong @ Paikia Loong said...
    lu ai kong tua sia come to gurney plaza

    State your time and date .And just tell me how you look like and what shirt you are wearing . I want to see how big shot you are . Gurney Plaza .

  25. Ah Loong @ Paikia Loong

    Heng lu tor tooi ( return back to you )
    kan ni na bo chao ci bai lu !!
    wa kalu kong, lu si ci bai zai, bo lan pa ! lu mai aney at here kong tua sia la!!!!! Jiak sai la lu ! ci bai zai ! kan nya bo !bo ta chet ae lang !!
    Lu pai gin na lu sow kong wa kiah ! lu chea gu bo tu teoh lau hor koh !!

  26. Hei chaptokam,

    tak paham Hokkien pun tahu lu mencarut!!

    nak mengelak sumpah pun guna technical issues..apa bangang nye pengikut mata lebam..sumpah biasa aje lah kalau tak buat..senang cerita

  27. Remark overheard on Arif.

    Arif hoe liao eh hiao kong Hua Yi, tapi pee kar Anwar boh kau liao..boh lat eneh..


    Arif's good stuff, able to to speak Mandarin, but cannot compare to Anwar in terms of capability, looks a bit "weak".

    The Malay votes are still the most critical, but the feedback I get is BN's dirty attacks on Anwar will backfire. Anwar is a true local boy, "anak tempatan", attacking him with gutter politics will have the opposite effect.

    BN is better off with a positive message. It still won't help them win, but may sway some people back to BN to cut Anwar's majority.

  28. Apparently, I wonder who is the initial party that urged saiful to oath? Owh, I get it..its the Opposition of course..

    Now that he stepped up bravely to gave his oath, I wonder who denies his oath so swfitly with excuses? Owh, owh, I get it..its the Opposition again..

    I wonder if saiful is as guilty as most of you thought he is, why did he dare enough to play with God's name? The oath sounds so extremely, if the accuser is saying false statement he and the whole generation will gladly be cursed forever. Now, I wonder most of you dare to say like him then?

    Those Nik Aziz, Hadi Awang and Anwar is full with excuses. Why don't they come up with their oath like Saiful did? Dare to play with God and be curse for the rest of your life? Come on, go ahead and try then..

    Oh God, I wish all of you could think open and rationally..No offense to everyone, but this is how I feel.
