
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Malaysiakini urged to be careful

(2) Until the Permatang Pauh by-election takes place on 26 August I’ll share with you one or more Penang Hokkien words, both for my personal improvement as well as to be prepared in case Arif Shah and Anwar have a kongsamkok debate in Penang Hokkien ;-)

These are genuine tulin (not tu larn) Hokkien words peculiar to Penang Island.

Tua hau seow = big bullsh*tter or liar as in ‘ee cheen chnea tua hau seow’ (he/she is a big bullsh*tter or liar) - ADVICE: don't use this term in front of a Penang sweetie - though it's not obscene per se it's quite crude, and may ruin your 'chances' with her ;-)

Tua p’au sian = also big bullsh*tter but more as a braggart as in ‘ee see tau p’au sian lai’ (he/she is one big braggart!)

Luan choo kong = talking rubbish or nonsense but different from ‘mm sar mm see’ –the former implies an irresponsible or even malicious intent, while the latter is just harmless gibberish. Used as in ‘mian luan choo kong uah, ay hai tioh larng’ (don’t talk irresponsibly; someone could suffer because of your words)


When I saw the Malaysiakini headline You are on your own, journalists told I knew it referred to the recent case of a Berita Harian as well as a foreign photojournalists, covering the Permatang Pauh by-election, being assaulted, allegedly by a PKR mob.

But I thought that statement was pretty Pontius Pilate, rather ‘couldn’t care less’ (apathetic) towards the safety of the media in Permatang Pauh. Now, who would be so politically stupid as to say that?

But when I read the news in full I get a different picture.

According to Malaysiakini, quoting a Bernama report, BN candidate for the Permatang Pauh by-election, Arif Shah, had actually expressed his concerns for the safety of the reporters, saying:

"Look after your own safety while covering the event. I sympathised with two photographers who were set upon by several people while covering the nomination yesterday."

He lamented the report that some PKR supporters had allegedly used violence against photographers covering the event.

Indeed quite a different picture from what one would form by just reading the headline which seems to suggest to reporters that
“mate, you’re on your bloody own coz we can’t be looking after you!”

Malaysiakini could have a better headline like ‘Journalists urged to be careful!’


  1. Just like I don't expect The Star to be fair in their reporting, I don't expect Malaysiakini to be fair in their's as well.

    Like I always say; different lie, same bullshit.

  2. Once when talking with a Malaysiakini journalist, right after the Ijok by-election, I commented that they should change their name to Anwarkini because I felt they were too biased in favor of PKR in general and Anwar specifically. This journalist, who knew I was a DAP member, responded like this: "Rocket doesn't praise their own leaders meh?"

    I don't think I should have to explain the problem here...

  3. I wonder where the cops were when this happened? Usually there are cops everywhere...uniformed police, CID wearing their vests, CID not wearing their vests, SBs, FRUs, light strike force...the works...but this could happen still. How do we know for sure that the attackers were PKR supporters. How sure are we that they were instigators planted to make PKR look bad. Also, what about the behaviour of the pixman? One experience foreign news cameraman told me that you have to be a little careful in situations where emotions run high as you shoot.

  4. Nostrdamus Predictions on Possibilities In Malaysia.
    Ramalan Nostradamus atas Kemungkinan-kemungkinan di Malaysia.

    1. Is it possible that DSAI wins the Permatang Pauh elections and become the next Chief Minister of Penang as a stepping stone to becoming Prime Minister?
    Adakah mungkinnya DSAI memenangi pilihan raya Permatang Pauh dan menjadi Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang sebelum menjadi Perdana Menteri?

    2. Is it possible that DSAB resign as PM of Malaysia after the Permatang Pauh elections and handover to DSNTR earlier than expected?
    Adakah mungkinnya DSAB meletak jawatan sebagai PM Malaysia selepas pilihan raya Permatang Pauh dan menyerahkannya kepada DSNTR lebih awal dari jangkaan?

    3. Is it possible that UMNO and PKR will combine to form a new party?
    Adakah mungkinnya UMNO dan PKR akan bergabung untuk membentuk sebuah parti baru?

    4. Is it possible that all other component parties of BN without UMNO will combine with PKR to form a new party?
    Adakah mungkinnya parti-parti komponen BN lain kecuali UMNO akan bergabung dengan PKR untuk membentuk sebuah parti baru?

    5. Is it possible that PKR and PAS will combine to form a new party?
    Adakah mungkinnya PKR dan PAS akan bergabung untuk membentuk sebuah parti baru?

    6. Is it possible that PKR, DAP and HINDRAF will combine to form a new party?
    Adakah mungkinnya PKR,DAP dan HINDRAF akan bergabung untuk membentuk sebuah parti baru.

    7. Is it possible that TDM and all other Little Napoleons knows of these possibilities and are preparing to migrate?
    Adakah mungkinnya TDM dan semua “Little Napoleons” mengetahui kemungkinan-kemungkinan ini dan sedang bersedia untuk berhijrah?

    To be continued…….
    Akan disambung……

  5. Hi All

    Hats off to these guys:

    Phua Kai Lit

  6. OT but related.

    introducing the permatang pauh blog by MAFREL. please bookmark it and visit it daily as there'll be updated daily reports from members themselves - first hand experiences. you don't get to read such stuffs at the MSM!

    KT, be a sport to help us publcise it by mentioning it in your post. TQ!

  7. The STAR belongs to the irrelevant MCA. You can't possibily believe that they will publish anything that is pro-pakatan. Why on earth would the MCA hasten their own death by supporting Anwar? On the contrary, it is not beyond them to conjure up stories on pakatan "mobs" to make them look bad. Nothing new really. It worked in the past, it will work again. "Suka sama Suka" ~ that's the new catch phrase for Malaysia after "Malaysia APA BENDA pun Boleh".

  8. Dear All

    Govt wants to introduce a bill to obtain DNA from criminals (compulsory).

    Why not call this the
    "Get Anwar Bill"?

    What a regime! I wonder how some people can continue to support this kind of despicable regime (i.e. grossly abuses the law for political purposes) in spite of these kinds of behaviour.

    Phua Kai Lit

  9. What has happened to KTemoc? Why is he now man man lai with his postings? :>

  10. Hi All

    I think the proposed
    DNA Bill actually stands for
    "Desperate to Nab Anwar" Bill.

    Phua Kai Lit

    P.S. Dear "long long man", I think
    Ktemoc is shell-shocked by the size of the pro-PKR crowd as compared to the pro-BN crowd at Permatang Pauh! Be patient lah!

  11. Dear Phua Kai Lit,

    I had the same thought too, but I thought, at the same time, that KTemoc fell ill. BTW, the two thoughts are inter-linked -- such was the passion that KTemoc endowed his hatred of Anwar, that after finding out about the crowd, he fell ill. He should be like us -- sitting on the fence as far as Anwar is concerned: we won't fall ill, whether he wins or loses. :D Anyway, whatever it is, wish KTemoc well. :)

    Long Long Man

  12. Dear Long Long Man and Others

    Please go to Haris Ibrahim's site and read his letter to Anwar and ESPECIALLY the comments from our fellow Malaysians on the letter.

    There is hope for us yet!
    We the majority (decent people who believe in multiculturalism and toelrance) will reclaim our beloved nation and not give in to the minority who corrupt our political institutions, promote
    racism and intolerance, steal our wealth while neglecting the fate of less privileged Malaysians, and ruin our economy!

    Phua Kai Lit
