
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim: "Shouldn't Saiful be charged too?"

But before they [the angels] lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know [have sex with] them.

And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.

But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door. And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door. -
(Genesis 19:4-11)

The above paragraphs are from the Biblical Book of genesis which talks about Sodom and Gomorrah, where the inhabitants were so depraved they would rather ‘know’ two strangers (jambu-looking angels) than Lot’s two virgin daughters. The sin (and Malaysian crime) of sodomy has its origin in those biblical cities.

Fast forward 4 thousand years to 07 August 2008 - 'If consensual, why charge me only?', the damning query from Anwar Ibrahim was published by Malaysiakini to the embarrassment of the Attorney-General who gave the instruction for the PKR’s de facto leader to be charged for an alleged offence of sodomy.

In the charge the prosecution had quoted Section 377B of the Penal, namely 'committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature' which means the sex was consensual, because the more sinister Section 377C says 'committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature without consent', meaning rape.

Malaysiakini reported that the DPP argued that "the interpretation of section 377B is open on whether the offence was done with or without consent as the provision is silent on the word ‘consent’."

Even as a legal layperson I would say that’s bullsh*t argument by the DPP because where Section 377C exists, the prosecution cannot and should not charge a person under Section 377B and insist on alluding to the possibility or existence of sex ‘without consent’.

Obviously, the prosecution has opted for Section 377B instead of 377C of the penal Code because it’s far more difficult to prove rape unless the police can come up with supporting evidence of physical force or even non-physical coercion.

There may be a number of possibilities arising from this damning challenge, namely if the charge has been Section 377B (consensual sex), then why hasn’t Saiful Bukhari Azlan been charged too for committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature?

Possibility 1
The prosecution may well charge Saiful tomorrow under the same Penal Code Section. This may be done to neutralize Anwar’s very legitimate query. I imagine the prosecution saying: "Now, who said that we weren't going to charge Saiful? C'mon lah, man man lai mah."

But if Saiful was party to the government’s plot to condemn Anwar, then Saiful may well not accept being ‘shafted’ again (excuse the pun) with a criminal charge, and possibly spill the beans.

Possibility No 2
The prosecution may revise the charge to Section 377C but the difficulties then would be in proving Anwar had raped Saiful.

Possibility No 3
The prosecution may bulldoze its way along the DPP's argument that "the interpretation of section 377B is open on whether the offence was done with or without consent as the provision is silent on the word ‘consent’."

A bloody poor and weak approach.

Possibility No 4
Assuming there is a plot to screw Anwar politically, then it may well be that the plan has never been to jail him (either because of the difficulties of gathering the evidence or the adverse diplomatic as well as domestic political repercussions), but to drag him slowly and excruciatingly through a public court case and expose his intimate liaison with Saiful. In other words, use the court case to smear sh*t all over his reputation.

Possibility No 4 will be the most damaging to Anwar where he will win the legal case but lose the political one (with respect to the ‘heartland’).

OK, another issue that jumps to my mind has been the accusation that the alleged sodomy was either an UMNO plot (as described above) or a consequence of a falling out between two erstwhile ‘lovers’ (if the latter, as far as I am concerned, it's none of our business).

If it has been an UMNO plot to screw up Anwar, with Saiful as the alleged accomplice (as he has been accused by PKR), then for him to seek a medical examination with Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid at Pusrawi was lazy plotting or sheer stupidity.

Then, some have accused Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid of being an Islamic brethren of Anwar Ibrahim in some Islamic organization, thus his medical report or notes or whatever has been alleged as favourable to Anwar, but I won’t go into that for now.

By the way, there’s also a Dr Raffick who raised some doubts as to Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid’s assertion that there was no sodomy perpetrated on Saiful – see Malaysiakini Doc stands by 'no sodomy' findings where Dr Mohd Osman has asserted this by resorting to our well-known Statutory Declaration - the stock of Stat Dec forms must be running low by now.

I had blogged on one of Dr Raffick’s earlier analyses on Dr Mohd Osman’s medical report – see my post Dr Raffick dismissed RPK's intepretation of doctor's report. Since then I heard he has written another or perhaps even a couple more, but I leave that to you readers to go find out.

If it has been an UMNO plot, could UMNO’s implementation of the scheme against Anwar be so piss-poor as to have Saiful medically checked by a doctor of ‘unknown allegiance’, and faced the inevitable report that there was no forced banging? Couldn't the UMNO mastermind nominate a doctor out of a host of 'more reliable' doctors?

This has been the most puzzling item in the entire drama. Because of this, there is a strong argument to believe that Saiful went on his own accord to Pusrawi.

One could be easily led to believe that if there was any sex at all as alleged, it would have been consensual, where the aftermath had turned emotionally sour for the pair. What made Saiful believe he was ‘raped’ or sodomised without consent remains open for conjecture and salacious dissections.

Though I am not a Muslim, I've also thought Anwar’s refusal to swear an oath on the Qu’ran that he didn’t do it, hasn't done him much good. This is not so much a legal requirement but more of a socially-moral expectation. I believe Anwar should have taken the oath.

In other countries, consensual sodomy is not a crime but an issue protected from hoteyes and ears by the laws of Privacy. In Malaysia it’s not only a legal crime but a religious and socially-moral sin. The latter is the more damning of the two.

Maybe Anwar’s enemies seek moral rather than legal prosecution and persecution against him. By doing so, they could be avoiding the martyr-ising of Anwar Ibrahim, but instead advocating the muddying of Anwar Ibrahim’s name.


  1. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mempersoalkan mengapa beliau seorang sahaja yang didakwa di mahkamah jika beliau dikatakan melakukan hubungan seks di luar tabii dengan bekas pembantunya secara suka sama suka.

    "Jika suka sama suka, kenapa hanya saya yang dipanggil (dakwa)? Sepatutnya dakwa kedua-dualah," katanya kepada pemberita.Malaysiakini.

    Maksudnya jikalau Anwar mahu Saiful didakwa sekali,Anwar haruslah membuat laporan Polis bahawa dia diliwat oleh Saifol sepertimana Saifol membuat laporan Polis ..bahawa Saifol diliwat oleh Anuar..

    Baru fair...sama2 kena dakwa..

  2. saya baru je nak berkata begitu... kalau anwar mahu saiful kena charge, anwar kena buat report jugak terhadap saiful... (nak ke?) maknanya sodomi betul2 berlaku ke... sehingga anwar buat statement mahu saiful pun kena charge sama? pelik bin ajaib. dah takde modal lain ke anwar ni?

  3. Hoping for answers, the following is what i wrote some time ago in the comments section of a prominent blog. No reply so far... Ktemoc, what do u think?

    Despite the vivid imagination of our politicians and bloggers, or perhaps because of it, I have no idea whom to believe anymore. DSAI is definitely winning the war, at least in terms of perception. But who is telling the truth? If you can spare the time, I would be grateful if you can shed light on my list of questions.

    1. Anal sex is an everyday occurrence, is it not. According to Mr Saiful's allegations, the last incident of sodomy at the posh Damansara condo was not the first. And considering the popular logic that 6-foot Saiful could not have been overpowered by 60-year old Anwar, does bleeding, skin tearing or pus at the anal area happen without fail during anal sex? To rephrase, does anal penetration always lead to a visit to a doctor for bleeding, etc? Sorry, I'm totally unfamiliar with gay porn. Of course, to quote Seinfeld: "Not that there's anything wrong with that." :)

    2. Mr Saiful makes first visit to Pusrawi hospital. Say he's merely a pawn in an elaborate conspiracy, why go to a doctor who's not been enlisted in the scheme? Mr Saiful is being paid millions AND the conspirators can't find a doctor who could do with a few million of his own?

    3. DSAI finds sanctuary in the hospitality of the Turkish embassy, claiming death threats following Mr Saiful's police report. Since then, he's been on a nationwide tour and we see him making speeches, shaking hands with the people, etc. What happened to the death threat?

    4. On top of police reports against the IGP and AG, DSAI sues Mr Saiful for defamation after coming out of the Turkish Embassy. Why is that? DSAI is suing a person who has made a police report against him. What happens if anyone who files a police report gets sued in return even before the conclusion of investigations never mind court case. As a lawyer, what are your thoughts on this?

    5. At his first press conference following the police report, DSAI dismissed Mr Saiful as a lowly coffeeboy. Now we hear that coffeeboys who work at PKR headquarters (or DSAI specifically) get great travel perks. So far, DSAI has maintained a dignified silence on this. Why would DSAI make this claim in the first place or is it easily explained as another lie by Mr Saiful?

    6. Ezam, DSAI's former protege is casting some aspersions on the matter. Why would someone who has gone to jail for his mentor do a u-turn on something that's absolutely personal? I mean, what is more personal than a sodomy accusation? (I know RPK over at Malaysia-today has highlighted Ezam's wrongdoings as raised by a certain Mr Lokman. In his allegations, Mr Lokman also talks about Azmin Ali embezzling the party's coffers. I raise this because RPK deems Mr Ezam a thieving liar while Mr Azmin Ali is spared even a mention.)

    7. On the same subject, Dato' Nalla claims to be friends with DSAI for over 30 years. His willingness to face a hangman's noose instead of betraying his friend certainly lends credence to his claim. Today, Dato Nalla says DSAI was a womaniser and a fraud. Has money and political patronage alone changed his tune?

    8. What would it take to convince you that this sodomy report is a criminal case as opposed to a political issue? Yes, i understand it could very well be a political ploy after all but what would make you reconsider? CCTV or DNA evidence perhaps?

    I know there are lots of questions to cast doubt on Mr Saiful's allegations as well. Chief among them, the first sodomy case in 1998. Even as the majority have concluded that it's all a conspiracy, I just want to weigh the matter, consider all the facts from every angle before coming to my own conclusion, logical or otherwise.

    After all, wasn't it Mark Twain who said: "Truth is stranger than fiction but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."

  4. this one taken from "lawyer kampung"

    The section deals with two specific forms of sexual act, namely sodomy & oral sex. According to Mallal's Penal Law (at page 643)penetration alone will suffice for an offence under section 377A of the Penal Code.

    There's no mention of consent in the section. According to the "explanation" in that section, it is made clear that penetration alone is sufficient and the act need not be a fully completed act. Mallal's Penal Law went on further to state that consent is not accepted as a defence for the offence as the law treats the offence seriously.

    Only male is liable under this section despite the phrase "any person" since the section is clearly dependable on the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person.

    It is also stated that the male or female partner whose anus or mouth is penetrated by the offender, will not be liable under this section, even though they consented to the act [see Mallal's Penal Law at page 643].

    Therefore the ingredients for the above offence shall only be:

    The accused introduced his penis into the anus or mouth of another person
    There was penetration
    Section 377B of the Penal Code deals with punishment for offences under Section 377A.

    There are no pari materia provisions with regard to 377A of Malaysian Penal Code in the Indian Codes or Singapore Penal Code.

    Reproduced herewith the above sections of the Penal Code:

    377A. Carnal intercourse against the order of nature.
    Any person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person is said to commit carnal intercourse against the order of nature.

    Explanation-Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual connection necessary to the offence described in this section

    377B. Committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature
    Whoever voluntarily commits carnal intercourse against the order of nature shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to twenty years, and shall also be liable to whipping.

  5. The DPP cannot charge Saiful because if he is charged, there would be no witness to the actual act. For your info, Ktemoc, the criminal procedure code have been amended and the prosecution can no longer use an accused's confession as proof against him. That is why they need a witness.

    If Saiful is a willing partner, his evidence will be looked at as that of an accomplice just like azizan in sodomy I. Accomplice's evidence need corroboration, hence perhaps the need for anwar's DNA. Scientific evidence is very good independent corroboration.

    Perhaps the prosecution is not entirely sure on the issue of consent. If in the trial it is shown that saiful did not consent, then the charge may be amended to reflect that fact.

  6. Saiful is being mow termed as material witness according to the press conference given by the Home Minister . And as such bisu is right on point that the DPP cannot charge Saiful .

  7. I am not a lawyer but I think we need to look at other angles as well.

    DSAI is a powerful politician and he hardly needs to use violence against Saiful for having a bit of fun. It is like in a case where a boss uses his position as a superior officer to take advantage of his female employee. If I am not mistaken, if in the court of law such act will be deemed as a rape even though there is an absence of use of force.

    Saiful was just a university drop out and with no outstanding qualifications whatsoever. That he rose so fast in DSAI's organisation within such a short time certainly gives rise to suspicions that Saiful has contributed more than his administrative skills to DSAI.

    I think DPP has not mentioned "consensual" because it was not since in this case it DSAI likely used his position as the superior to make Saiful serve his carnal needs.

  8. This is an excellent posting, KT. A refreshing angle, away from the hysteria. Yes, it has occurred to me that it looks too clumsy, too sloppy for a conspiracy, especially the part about the med exam. Why not from the start have the boy go to an "appointed" clinic?

    As for the many questions asked about why didn't the boy fight off the assault, being young and fit? Commentator "Killer" may have something there. Maybe this fits in with a pattern of parental sexual abuse/ victims of figure of authority. An enslavement syndrome?

    Just my two sen's worth...
    I believe KTemo's Possibility #4 is the strongest.
    Armchair Viewer

  9. 37B SUCKS

    Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan is not being charged because he is the key witness in the sodomy case against PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar. Anwar is being charged for consensual sodomy.




  10. kaytee

    they cant use non-consensual sex coz of the medical note by osman. if it is nonconsensual, surely saifu's arse would be most revealing.
    but then according to saiful, its not consensual in his police report.
    aint now revealing its another 1998 scam but using different players.
    you know what, my instinct tells me that the planners thought its best to go to a private hospital to obviate accusations from the accused that govt hospitals can be manipulated and they have the confidence that doctors can be intimitated to do anwar in. hell, they neevr expect a osman who is prepared to stick his fingers at the planners.
    kaytee, i sound far fetch, isnt it?

  11. Kes peribadi, tapi Anwar dengan cara beliau yang unik akan menjaja perkataan konspirasi. Semua pun konspirasi. Sekarang ni mungkin si Saiful belum kena charge sebab dia adalah saksi. Tapi Anwar dah menggelabah sekarang, dia cari jalan keluar dengan cakap benda2 macam tu..Dah lali..

  12. After the charge at the court Anwar when questioned by the press corps around asked why isn't Saiful charged if it is consensual .
    Isn't that by itself a self admit that consensual sex did take place between the two of them ?

  13. Hi everyone,

    Your blog's Possibility 1 can be ruled out as otherwise it would contradict the claim by the Home Minister that you can't charge a complainant.

    Possibility 4 is probable. The evidence to be produced by the prosecution, i.e. whether the evidence are solid or flimsy, would be an indicator of the plausibility of this Possibility.

    I concur with your comments on Possibilities 2 and 3.

    Your comment that if it's UMNO's plot, then they wouldn't have been so stupid as to refer him to Dr M. Osman. A correction here - Saiful didn't seek out Dr M Osman, rather he was referred by a lady doctor to this doctor.

    And to chaptokam. AI's query on why isn't Saiful also charged if it was consensual is not a self-admittance, rather it was uttered with sarcasm and cynicism! His body language and wry smile when he uttered this, as shown on TV, clearly indicates sarcasm.

    At least the magistrate has allowed bail so that no one can say that AI is denied his right to freely campaign in the upcoming bye-election. Otherwise, the percentage of sympathy votes would definitely be much higher!

    Let the bye-election proceed as smoothly as possible, though I've my doubts that it would be so. Anyway, let the people in Ptg Pauh judge him on the sodomy issue as well as on other issues.

  14. I am amazed at the level of logic and intelligence in this blog. I guess its a reflection of the blog owner. There are comments from people who doesnt understand the art of sarcasm, there are those who are just mentally challenged with extreme difficulties in comprehension of the english language...nevertheless, its a nice bedtime read...i blame our education system!


  15. If DSAI is so "jealous" that Saiful is not charged, by all means, he can lodge a police report for them to start an investigation, once the police call him for statements, then he can tell the police how it actually happen, well he better have creditable evidence to ensure that Saiful is charge. After that DSAI can repeat the storey he told the police in his ceramahs. I will not be surprise if he tell his supporters that he is not at wrong but Saiful is eventhough both of them did it consensually, his supporters will believe with what he says. Sometime one just wonders how blinded one can be if we fail to exercise rationale.

  16. Anwar was release on bail!

    She makes a huge different by doing wat is right!

    Judge Komathy courage is admirelable.

    Her action shows that we can make a difference by doing our job right!

    Judge Komathy... Salute Salute Salute.

    Hope there are judge who got the same courage for Penarik Becah

  17. Pawn To Q4 Opening Gambit. Anwar has perfect alibi for 3.00-4.30 pm 26th June 2008.

    Check-mate? What do you think ktemoc?

    Read 'NEP New Deal Goes Hollywood' at

  18. Hi Ktemoc and others

    I would make a few additions to my earlier proposal for a "BN University" to increase government efficiency in Malaysia:

    1) Set up a School of Business with a Department of Entrepreneurship
    (the aim is to train students who are good at creating new,
    innovative rent-seeking opportunities at tax-payer expense)
    2) Add another department to the business school i.e. Department of
    Finance (the aim is to train businesspeople who can carry out
    government contracts but at maximum cost so as to ensure
    consistent cost over-runs)
    3) Add a Department of Statistics to train statisticians who can
    create new Consumer Price Indexes (Indices) that show low rates
    of inflation in spite of the experience of ordinary Malaysian
    consumers to the contrary
    4) Add a Department of Politics to offer an advanced diploma in
    Machiavellian politics
    5) Add a Department of Philosophy
    to teach logic (the aim is to enable people like Ktemoc and his supporters to come up with more and more convoluted arguments to damn Anwar ;) )

    This proposed BN University will be unique and I’m sure it will be a centre of excellence!

    Phua Kai Lit

  19. Oh, by the way Ktemoc

    You may want to check out this article:

    Much more convincing than your musings! ;)

    Phua Kai Lit

  20. So here comes another SD from that Dr Osman again...another effort to undermine the rule of law and the justice process. No doubt perpertuated in the perverted minds of PK leadership.

    Alibi for Anwar ? I can safety say that all the 5 people will turn out be loyal PKR supporters or ambitious mid-level leaders.

    That people are actually asking why Saiful was not charged is a reflection on how people are allowing their political inclination and not common sense to dictate their thoughts and actions.

    Why would anyone want to lodge a police report to implicate themselves ? It is clear that from Saiful's blog postings and common sense that the young man must have been taken advantage by a habitual sodomite, DSAI.

    I don't there is a conspiracy as it takes much work and time to accomplish the objectives. I think there reasons are simple and many analysts are reading too much into this.

    My reading is that Saiful would have been star-struck by DSAI initially and carried out his tasks dutifully. Realising that this guy is loyal and a bit naive, DSAI would have taken advantage of Saiful, probably promising him some lucrative positions or monetary incentives. But when that promises were not forthcoming and the habit continued, Saiful would have realised that there is no way out and decided to come out in the open.

  21. Pawn To Q4 Opening Gambit. Anwar has perfect alibi for 3.00-4.30 pm 26th June 2008.

    I thought that they have been having consensual sex for 7-8 times throughout that period of three to four months and also during the times when they were abroad . I'm sure Saiful would have also taken note of those trysts with DSAI overseas. So does the perfect alibi for 3.00-4.30pm on June 26 2008 holds ? What if Saiful were to produce more evidence other than what happen on that date ? I am sure more evidence will be forth coming in this entrapment scenerio.

  22. Tak pe, ni satu lagi drama ni untuk kita tengok, might as well enjoy it before Anwar runs out of interesting ideas to defend himself.

  23. Btw Phua Kai Lit the blog is another pro Anwar website a parallel of Malaysia Today , who writes that all Anwar's problems are a result of political conspiracy mooted at the highest level . I cannot deny there are none , however for this sodo-mee case , it cannot be so .
    Can you believe they even know there's disagreement at the AGs office ? That they are so desperate that they are thinking of charging Anwar with a different charge.
    That the AG office is also findings any other charges that they can use against Anwar, i.e. corruption etc. I think if they can find a DBKL parking ticket that Anwar didn’t pay 20 years ago, they will charge Anwar in open court and jail him for a year. That’s the measure of their desperation right now.

    Mr Phua do you know the word SPIN in politics ? If you do not, suggest you sign up a tutorial class with Raja Petra Kamaruddin .
    You should also propose that subject as a course leading to a degree in your proposed BN University .

    Mr Phua this is much more convincing .

    Blame Blame Blame !!

    Why don’t we ask ourselves that if all these were not to have happen , would Anwar be facing these charges today ? Today the issue is not between Anwar and the Govt (AAB & Najib) Its between his additive mismeandour and his coffee boy Saiful . Why bring the Gomen in ?
    If he had not hired his coffee boy , there will be no story today . If he had not promoted his coffee boy to be special assistant , Saiful would still have been a nobody and this would not have happen today .
    If he had taken the advice that his coffee boy is a mole , also no story today . If he had not brought his coffee boy for overseas trip , also no story today . If he could have control himself , also no story today .Without these Saiful would have nothing to report to the polis . Without these Naijb would also be looking for needles in the ocean .
    So who to blame ?? Why now try to put the blame on the AAB & Najib tag team or the Gani & Musa tag team ? Why now blow up the issue that its a political conspiracy ?

    Doesn’t the blame game comes back to the one who started it . He has NO ONE to blame except HIMSELF .

  24. Phua Kai Lit has a blog? URL?

  25. The bait was taken up but they didn't cover their tracks well enough. They should have an airtight case have it not been for the counseling/meeting. They would have shushed it up if not for the RPK expose on the matter. It's just as good to drag NTR to court to reveal what the counseling was all about.

    It's funny how a nobody is promoted to become a special aide and a nobody gets to meet the DPM for counseling.

    RPK claims to have recorded/documented evidence, whether that will be brought up or allowed in court is interesting.

  26. KTemoc says: "Maybe Anwar’s enemies seek moral rather than legal prosecution and persecution against him."

    Morality is on Anwar's enemies' side? As far as this case is concerned, this is news to me. Also, if the accusations against him do not seem to be well worked out, which is what you indicate in your post (maybe these poor sub-standard minds are still trying to figure out how to pin Anwar down), how can it result in a moral victory for the prosecution and the government? I think they are fighting a losing battle on both fronts. In order not to hand Anwar both legal and moral victories on a platter, they should beat a retreat as far as this case is concerned, or work out a different plan. But it might just be too late for them. They are stuck.

    Malaysia Waves suggests that this may be the handiwork of the SIL and the fourth floor boys. From the amateur way that things are working out -- the work of people who do not have an understanding of the law and the power play at work in the country -- this is very likely the case.

  27. Chaptokam

    You have started your nonsense again.

    Read the charge - it's for a specific date & time, not 7 or 8 times.

  28. Hi Anonymous 9:38 am

    No, I don't have a blog.
    (Only a humble website).

    I just like to make cheeky comments to needle Ktemoc, chaptokam and others (who dislike Anwar so intensely that their arguments stretch the boundaries of logic) once in a while ;)

    I've said that I am wary of Anwar.
    But looking at the way the FIL-SIL regime is running Malaysia into the ground, what do you suggest are our options as patriotic Malaysians who wish for a decent society like those you see in Northern Europe?

    Phua Kai Lit

  29. According to the Killer, "So here comes another SD from that Dr Osman again...another effort to undermine the rule of law and the justice process. No doubt perpertuated in the perverted minds of PK leadership." If your claim that it was the PKR leadership who are "no doubt" the perpetrators of this SD is true, and this is not merely a figment of your imagination, you should lodge a police report. This, I am sure, is extremely important evidence that will be used in the attempt to jail Anwar Ibrahim, an event which, no doubt, you are looking forward to.

  30. Happy day Kt

    Ain't we all doctors and lawyers here, he he? Hello Zappa. Sodomy is not an everyday occurence. Not to me in my closed and sheltered world.
    Going by logic, Saiful can't be charged. He's the one who lodged the complaint. He needs legal redress.
    But consent or not, it's simply not accepted especially for someone who wants to be PM.

  31. donplaypuks said that chaptokam has started his nonsense again. when did he ever stop?

  32. donplaypuks said that chaptokam has started his nonsense again. when did he ever stop?

  33. Anwar claim of conspiracy and politically motivated sodomy charge are all rubbish. I believe Saiful have been pressured by Anwar and he submitted to his demand, but later realize that he have being used as a sex tool, then decided to seek redress.

    Remember one of Anwar's young aide was killed just before the March 08 election,his death remains a mystery, the hit and run took place at an empty road near the slain person's house. I do not believe it was an accident, those killers obviously know the time he was leaving his house for work. Its a clean execution without any suspicion and trace. Who killed him and why he was killed?...... maybe he knows too much and some body may have great interest to shut him off.

    The truth remain buried.........

  34. Dear Xiean 11:57 am

    With reference to your second paragraph:

    Come on lah! If you are not an UMNO cybertrooper and you really believe what you wrote, you can be persuaded to believe anything!

    Phua Kai Lit

  35. Hi Kai Lit: You're right about Xiean's second paragraph. I go a step further: it's absolute HOGWASH!

  36. Hi Phua,

    I have my own opinion and I think the authorities should investigate further instead of leaving the case as hit and ran. It may be related.

  37. Xiean: The police have better things to do than cleaning up hogwash, especially the kind of unsubstantiated hogwash left behind by hallucinating BN supporters.

  38. Hi tron,

    Why so afraid of further investigation, PKR cults have some thing to hide?

  39. Hi tron,

    Remember what RPK said ?

    The PKR crowd is one emotional group of people. I suspect that if Anwar was to order them to commit mass suicide they might just do so. And that is dangerous, as time and time again history has proven. If Anwar could get a religious scholar somewhere in the world to come out with a fatwah (religious decree) that if you die for PKR you will go straight to heaven where 70 virgins are waiting for you, I bet we will not be short of candidates who will volunteer to undertake suicide missions.

    Whats so hogwash??
    especially the kind of unsubstantiated hogwash left behind by hallucinating BN supporters.

    Is it the truth ? AS RPK says the truth HURTS . Its hogwash to the Anwaristas probably they are the ones hallucinating .

  40. donplaypuks® said...


    You have started your nonsense again.

    It might be nonsense to you , I donplaypukis or arses . It might be gospels to others .

  41. xiean, unless you have proof, I must ask you to please cease speculation on the hit and run incident - let's maintain post thread. Thanks.

  42. sorry typo error on one word should be donplaypuks

  43. Idzan Ismail

    As defined by my online dictionary, sodomy is:
    1. anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex.
    2. copulation with a member of the same sex.

    It may not be apparent but there are a lot of homosexuals around us.

    Some are even high profile. The former male newscaster from TV3 who doesn't even try to hide it. What about that Malay guy who is probably the most famous classical Indian dancer in Malaysia? The famous celebrity chef. I can name you another prominent A-list celebrity TV host who has 6 or 7 kids and is a confirmed bi.

    If you think this is just an exception, check out the KL night scene. There are numerous pubs and night clubs catering exclusively for gays. Personally, I have a few gay friends and colleagues too. And you wouldn't know that they were gay unless they were open about it... which they are.

    Again, to quote Seinfeld: not that there's anything wrong with that." :)

    Anyway, what do you think all these gay people do for sexual pleasure?

    My point is if all anal sex always resulted in bleeding, etc then every hospital would have a specialist ass ward. :)

  44. Dear Zappa

    Gee thanks. I know what sodomy means. But didn't know it's the norm. Anyways, the personalities you hinted i admire them all especially the dancer.Expert in their fields.
    Infact, I seem to be attracted to the soft types among my colleagues, past and present. I feel safe with them.Can talk about woman things.
    My son also broke a bombshell recently that his pal's dad is a bi.Father of three mind you.
    On a serious note, do you and others wanna volunteer or be in Anwar's team during the nomination day.
    Pl register at Nurul Izzah's office at Lembah Pantai before Aug 12.
    Pl fone 03-22409476/03-22409475

  45. These comments smack of Anwar haters and i pity this poor guy.Aready they are playing God and he has been already sentenced to hell.
    The crux of the mater is that Saiful is no saint.He had been engaged in gay life for years and experienced.Why now finish your boss.For his rights and not for something more.As one of you mentioned earlier, he got millions.Me ! i would do the same for money!Tell me whom of you guys dont need money?
    Show me a way to make me millions? For that i will definitely swear on the Koran or Bible.
    Alot of people do that and they are still walking to the Bank!What is shame ? With all that dough you buy back your respect.
    It surprised me that we have quite a number of people who miss out why this Saiful is doing this act.Get it ! its money lor!Dont mention all those theories and get yourself confused.All seem to be giving their version as though they work for the CIA.
    All you Anwar haters! get real and watch one of those Reality show where the winner gets a million bucks.Did they do it for fun? Wake up you fools .
    Our present Corrupt government is under seige.
    Those umnoputeras are not going to love Anwar for what he is going to do.He is going to destroy their ricebowl so dont expect them to take it lying down.
    This man may or may not change the whole system if he wins.Give that guy a chance and heavens forbid dont kick him when he is on the floor!
    In life we all have been through this kicking,but dont you think this guy need a chance.
    THE chinese have a saying that a lightning bolt never strikes a person twice.But you commentors are being the 2nd.lightningfor now.
    Shiish!!! i use to wonder if this blog is supported by the umnoputeras.Then again its money lor!

  46. Boy, anonymous (6:39pm) really seems to know a heck of a lot about Saiful. Why not put it all down in an SD and send it over to RPK? I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.

  47. Dear Idzan Ismail

    Sorry, did'nt mean to sound patronising. I didn't mean anal sex was the norm. I said anal sex happens everyday.

    As for the invitation to join Anwar's team, I'm touched. Heard the travel perks are great. :)

    Couldn't resist that.

    On a separate note, someone just commented that it is beyond doubt that Saiful is doing it for the money and that he/she (the person making the comment) would have no qualms to do the same, swearing on the holy books even.


    And you are the sort of person we should be listening to?

  48. Morning KT

    Last comment before I leave town for the weekend.Zappa seems to be interested in the Anwar offer. Any other takers? Why think of the money Zappa? Isn't PKR all about sacrificing for the people.
    Anwar is definitely not my fave person. But his kids and my kids go back a long way.
    Am I the sort of person worth listening to? Everyone needs to be listened to. More so Saiful. As a mum I feel or him.
    Tx KT for the space. Love your site and the people in it.

  49. idzan ismail

    i'm still a newbie in blogosphere so pls excuse me. When i said "are you the sort of person we should be listening to" i was referring to Anonymous 6.39pm, not you.

  50. Saiful is the key witne$$, if he is too sit in jail too that would cost a lot more than UMNO is paying hum!

  51. If a paedophile adult sweet talk an underage girl to have sex consensually, ok kah? Of course AG will prosecute that paedophile and use the girl as witness right? Same with this gaylo lah.

  52. I believe the Sodomy charge is a ploy of character assasination becuz of the foll:

    1. Saiful visit to Pusrawi.
    He complained about pain in the arse. Examination by Dr Osman shows no tear, puss, etc. According to some comments posted by ppl who claim to be frm the medical fratenity, arsehole has no nerves so one cannot feel pain, UNLESS there is physical bruises or tears, etc.

    So, Saiful complaint of pain as a premise to visit the doctor is a LIE.

    BTW, most panel doctors do not bother to do proper examination, esp dirty smelly arse... They normally do a superficial exam, and prescribe medicine..

    It is very possible thta Saiful only wante a prescription for pain to substantiate his claim that his bottom is pain pain...

    Too bad that this Dr osman decide to be so professional and thorough...

    2. Saiful was sent to see a female doctor FIRST.

    I am a woman. If I hve a woman kind of complaint that wld require examination of very private part of my anatomy, I request to be seen by a female doctor.

    Saiful being a muslim male, out of modesty and decency, why did he not ask for a male doctor in the first place?

    3. Is Anwar a habitual sodomy practitioner?

    TDM said so. While ppl question why wld Anwar rock the boat, or be so reckless as to do this same heinous thing agiain, bla bla bla...

    I just wonder, the accusers want us to belive that Anwar is addictive to sodomy, much like one is an acoholic or compulsive gambler...

    Why, as Anwar is such a high profile personality in Malaysia, you would think there wld be numerous who will take the opportunity to step forward in order to nail Anwar good and proper?

    So far I hve yet to see any credible individuals coming forwrd to claim as Anwar's lovers or playmate...

    4. Section 377A
    I am not a lawyer. somebody suggested taht the person whose arse got used, are not guilty and are therefroe not prosecutable.

    Why was Anwar step brother jailed?
