
Friday, July 11, 2008

Burglars in Balasubramaniam's house - looking for?

In Malaysiakini Cops deny involvement in PI's disappearance the men in blue are pissed off because they have been accused of ‘making’ Balasubramanin Perumal disappear - I hope you know who Balasubramanin Perumal is; if you don’t this post won’t interest you.

Apparently, Bala and his family (but minus his 2 dogs, and you’ll know why in a jiffy) are in a neighbouring ASEAN country – Sing? Thailand? - so claimed the police, who had even interviewed him there.

Additionally Bala rang his nephew asking the latter to cease ‘making noise’ over his disappearance as it wasn’t beneficial to his safety – see Malaysiakini nes article Stop the campaign, Bala tells nephew but his nephew didn't heed Bala's instruction as he went ahead and lodged another police report to complain about the failure of the police to inform him of Bala’s whereabouts.

Meanwhile, according to yesterday’s Bernama, Bala's house in Taman Pelangi, Rawang was broken into.

Bala’s neighbour, M. Sadasivam, obviously under requests to feed Bala’s dogs (though Bernama put the canine population in the singular), noticed the break-in on the afternoon of Thursday when he went across to do his neighbourly duties.

Police said the back door and the iron grille of Bala’s house were ajar, and were still investigating if there were items missing from the house, though they asserted that only Bala would know if anything was indeed missing.

But the Star said it was Sadasivam’s (or Sadasuvam, depending on whether you wish to follow Bernama or the Star) daughter, Eswary, a Form Four student, who first noticed the open grille gate.

She said: “I went to inspect and found the gate and a door leading to the kitchen opened. There was a set of keys each hanging on the padlock gate and the door.”

So it would seem, and confirmed by the police, the ‘burglars’ had used a duplicate set of keys to gain entry. Duplicate keys mean they had access to the original set (one way or other).

Now, we know at least one thing – Bala’s two dogs don’t bite ;-)

But what were those ‘burglars’ looking for?

Packets of thousand-ringgit notes? Or, more as yet unsigned Stat Decs?


  1. Burlars looks for money and stuff worth money. Burglars should look under the bed, maybe it's stacked with cash. Someone found RM3million under the bed of a prominent GLC ex-chairman when his house collapsed some years back. Burglars might be lucky.

    Anyway I do not believe these are average burglars. Bala's house is under surveillance 24 hours a day lah.

  2. can't blame us for thinking the police is involved. we can't trust the police anymore. and we know how the police will kow-tow to the VVIPs.

    talking about packets of thousand ringgits, , maybe somebody should check his bank account.

  3. It's a doggone conclusion that the country...has gone to the dogs.

    No law order.....some are way above the law.....while some who reform after being in the slammer are prevented from coming back to serve like that Zainal Abidin chap in Kuala Selangor. This is the culture of UMNO and racial politics.....the counry will not survive if UMNO and racism are not destroyed.....

  4. Why the burglary ?

    They were looking for the photograph of Altantuya, Razak Baginda , and Najib. But they missed it.

    I know where it is...

  5. Aiyah ini orang bala sendiri lah. Anjing pun tak menyalak macam mana huh?
    Ini kerja hindraf sendiri buat terorisme. India pandai tipu.

  6. Polis interview him. He say something stupid so he get someone to remove something. His nephews and relatives must be question. Useless anawar supporters.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Interesting to note that the burglars had the keys .......

    and that Bala advises concerned kin to "STFU" ......

    and that the Dogs of a PI are so friendly to "strangers" .......

    while Bala is in "a neighbouring country".

    I'm certain that he's being "taken care of well" wherever he & his family are .....

    He's already been "located", he certainly doesn't need to fear C4, at least ......

  9. Those ‘burglars’ were looking for photos of Bijan, Atan and Bala dining in Paris near the Eiffel Tower

  10. These burglars looking for money paid to Bala for the first false SD lah. As if they are looking for Anwar's sperm sample haha

  11. Hello all,

    The burglars knew Bala house is empty and full of "goodies".

    Yet the burglars made a duplicate key so that entering the house would be easier. Its very common for this thing to happen.

    Bala and his family is currently hiding in the neighbouring country which the whereabouts is unknown. Hopefully the authorities is protecting the him well.

    About your doubt or confidence in police, they are still the man in charge when your neighbourhood is in trouble. So you will still got to depend on them anyway.

    They eventually did not ask for your trust in all circumstances. But that's the fact we have to live in.

    They are still humans. Evil and good police exist.

  12. The most sought after evidence in the country is the photograph of Altantuya, Razak Baginda , and Najib - some want to expose it, some want to destroy it.

    There are people who will kill for it.

    But it exists, in safe hands right now.

  13. "Yet the burglars made a duplicate key so that entering the house would be easier. Its very common for this thing to happen."

    Make duplicate mesti ada original lah. Itu original dengan siapa? semua orang ada kah?
    Wisdomthinker???? kekeke

  14. the nephew has got great instinct to lodge one police report after another eh..I heard the dogs are big dogs. Big dogs who don't bite nor bark, now that's something. This is smelling increasingly fishy.

  15. Penn said...

    the nephew has got great instinct to lodge one police report after another eh.

    I Am very suspicious of the Nephew . Either he is very close to Bala and has something to gain by lodging all those police reports or He is a great publicity seeker, riding on the Bala's SD .

    Or he has another ulterior motive , looking for cash , believed to be the payout by persons unknown for writing the first SD .

    Only someone close to Bala and known to the dogs , that's why they didn't bark .

    And also that someone has the duplicate keys to Bala's house .

    Or Bala has spent all his money holidaying that he needs his nephew to go to his house to get some more money and sent to him .

  16. As a private investigator, friends say Bala was earning enough to buy a new Honda CRV, for his wife and a big bike for himself and extensively renovated his house in Rawang, but strangely his business began to dry up after he testified at the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial last year.

    This is food for thoughts . Imagine a PI can afford to own a brand new Honda CRV , a second-hand Proton Saga , a big bike for himself and extensively renovated his house .

    Ever wonder where his money comes from ?? earning RM50 an hour.?
    I am mystified ? I can only afford to drive a Kelisa even though I make a few thousand a month .

    Interesting isn't it ??

  17. Bala, as he is fondly called, left the force some years back after an incident involving his service revolver, his former colleagues said. It is unclear what the issue was but he resigned.

    As a private investigator, Bala mostly collected evidence for divorce cases and started at RM50 an hour.

    After retracting his explosive statutory declaration at a hotel here on Sunday, Bala disappeared with his wife and three children aged nine, 10 and 11.

    “He was hero one day and zero the next,” says another Hindraf friend.

    As a private investigator, friends say Bala was earning enough to buy a new Honda CRV, a second-hand Proton Saga for his wife and a big bike for himself and extensively renovated his house in Rawang, but strangely his business began to dry up after he testified at the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial last year.

    His friends don’t know why but by March Bala was “very nearly broke” and made the rounds at law firms looking for investigative jobs.

    Bala seemed normal to all his close friends right up to the explosive press conference with PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    Here's the explanation :

    His friends don’t know why but by March Bala was “very nearly broke” and made the rounds at law firms looking for investigative jobs.

    What would a guy who's desperatedly looking for money as his friends implied that by March Bala was very nearly broke ???

    Answer : Pay me a certain sum of money I'll write you anything you want ..

    Money given , SD1 came out , everybody happy , he got his money ,the other guy got what he wanted .

    Why not earlier why SD only done after Saiful lodge police report on Anwar sodomising him ??

    Answer : No issues so no need to pay for any SD , however after police report , Anwar wanted to paint that it was a conspiracy by Najib , showing all the photos and the SD would be the right timing to implicate Najib was behind the his sodomy case and the Mongolian case . Smart move but could backfire on him if the sodomy case does not go his way .

    That probably accounts for his earning enough to buy a new Honda CRV, for his wife and a big bike for himself and extensively renovated his house in Rawang .

    He knew he committed perjury as his SD1 was based on heresay and was told he would be charged and his SD
    cannot hold .

    He came out with SD2 to cover SD1 and was probably told to refund money paid to him .

    This accounts for him looking so sad and down and under duress .

    Decides to take money and chabut to another country without telling anyone .

    Decides to call up his nephew to get the rest of money and make it look like a burglary . So that he need not have to pay back money as all the money have been stolen .

    That probably accounts for why no one knew where he disappeared to in the first place .

    The nephew lodging police report were to confuse people and put the blame on the police hiding him , kidnapping him or what not .

    A broke guy can afford to take the whole family to a foreign country for a holiday ??? for weeks ???
    Where is this money coming from ??

    From the payout .Simple as that .

  18. Correction;
    this sentence;What would a guy who's desperatedly looking for money as his friends implied that by March Bala was very nearly broke ???

    should read;
    What would a guy who's desperatedly looking for money do ? as his friends implied that by March Bala was very nearly broke ???
