
Friday, July 25, 2008

Are international support politically good for Anwar Ibrahim?

Malaysiakini news report on Ex-World Bank, IMF bosses: M'sia should drop Anwar charges tells us again of how those heads of organizations close to Anwar Ibrahim have rallied behind him.

A day or two ago, none other than Condoleeza Rice, the US Secretary of State also voiced her support of Anwar, ominously warning the Malaysian government that the sodomy charges against Anwar has been viewed with suspicions by the Yanks, insinuating the criminal process wasn’t ‘transparent’ enough for her – see Malaysiakini Rice urges 'transparency' in sodomy probe.

Rejecting the Malaysian ire that the US has been meddling in Malaysian internal affairs, Rice warned: "The United States doesn't recognise this very firm barrier that it is simply internal affairs when a case of this kind comes up, but we are going to continue to work with Malaysia."

"One of the things that we have said is that we want to see transparency and for rule of law to be completely followed here"
, implying dodgy-ness on the part of the Malaysian authorities.

By contrast, the US tolerance of and silence over police brutalities in Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and once upon a time, in the Shah's Iran with its American trained Gestapo-like Savak, can only highlight US' hypocrisy and obvious political preference.

Before Rice, there was a US Senator who voiced his concerns over the police investigation of Anwar. And Malaysiakini told us in Syed Hamid: Anwar a US 'snitch' that a spokesman of the US State Department also cautioned Malaysia that US would oppose any politically motivated investigation or prosecution of Anwar.

By Western standards, the Malaysian authorities would by now be fairly chastened in the alleged persecution of Anwar Ibrahim.

Alas, by Malaysian standards, these US and IMF (a notorious and disliked name to Malaysians) support for Anwar Ibrahim are in reality sweet music to the ears of the UMNO ministers (much as they pretend outrage) because the foreign support of Anwar would prove to the ‘heartland’ that the UMNO insinuations and accusations against Anwar a la Syed Hamid's allegations have been 'true'.

Western logic doesn’t work here. Malay Machiavellian court intrigues demand a different mindset which the West has time and time again failed to comprehend, consider and counter.

Now a ‘nugget’, as one sweetie likes to term a juicy piece of information.

Not many were aware that in 1998, when Anwar Ibrahim faced sodomy charges, a World Health conference was by coincidence held in KL (or was it Singapore), where many Western ‘gay’ groups attending the conference were furious at the homophobic charges against poor Anwar, and wanted to lend their unequivocal support of him through vociferous protests.

Again, by Western standards that would have been most encouraging and welcome, but do you think it would have helped Anwar’s case in 1998 for gay groups to make noise over his criminal charges?

Though my good friend Dean Johns revealed to us in his
Land of the rotten, home of the gullible Sodomy beats sodUMNy “… that Australia’s first Malaysian-born federal government minister, Senator Penny Wong, happens to be lesbian. And the leader of Australia’s Greens Party, Bob Brown, is avowedly homosexual, as is one of Australia’s most eminent and widely-admired jurists, Justice Michael Kirby.”

“Not all male homosexuals practice sodomy, of course, whatever the sexually-uninformed may believe. But in any case, it’s nobody’s business but their own. And I’d rather my country was run by an honest and public-spirited sodomist, or even an entire coalition and cabinet of sodomists, than by a bunch of homophobic hicks, crooks and serial ‘sodUmnists’.”

While I agree completely with him, I believe that in 1998 Anwar would have been politically ‘murdered’ through the gay groups' kind support as it would have confirmed to the ‘heartland’ he was a sodomite.

Unlike Dean Johns, but probably more like the muddled mind of a certain Mufti of a Malaysian State, a 'gay' would be perceived as equal to an evil sodomite. Afterall, that Mufti wanted to banish those inflicted by HIV-AIDS (even if the disease was contacted through blood transfusion) to a deserted island.

In fact I doubt Anwar himself would have welcomed those well meaning but unwanted support.

It was only through the explanations and urgings by a well-known Malaysian personality that those Western gay groups were dissuaded from worsening the situation for Anwar, as well as not to make life worse for the covert gay communities in Malaysian.

The consequential waves of gay bashing in Malaysia would have been terrifying if those Western gay groups had naively voiced their support for Anwar Ibrahim.

... which may explain why America keeps losing its wars in Asia - Korea (to a certain extent), Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq (the last of which is part of the Asian continent too).


  1. As much as I dislike the US, their intervention may be a good thing if political foul play continues at this rate in our country...;P great post by the way!

  2. The picture they have about Malaysia is 'dictatorial leadership' from the times of Mahathir and his 'big mouth' comments on world issues that never changed things.

    Only Anwar coming to power will change how the world view us now.

  3. People like you Ktemoc are a waste of talk a lot but achieve nothing for anyone.

    Stop talking so much and do something useful.

    You don't even hve the guts to show your real identity and have the chutzpah to comment on others.

    U are a worst hypocrite than the people you commentate on. Shame on you...

  4. International support is vital for meaningful changes in countries where repressive measures such as the ISA and police permits are used to stifle opposition.

    Without that vocal & financial support could Mandela, Ghandhi or Mugabe have succeeded?

    You can bet that every time Gore, Rice or Bush voice their concerns the natives in Kg Bahru and the 'Malay Heartland of M'sia' wherever that may be, will start twitching and breaking out in rashes. Not to mention UMNO youth doing their war dance outside the USA Embassy in Jln U Thant. I bet at least 40% of M'sians welcome these support from foreigners since their outlets for dissent are few.

    It's the same cry of LKY that every criticism of S'pore is guaranteed to be met with stonewalling 'do not interfere in our internal affairs or we'll sue!'

    But that does not stop our politicians from criticising Burma, North Korea, Hindu-Muslim clashes in India & Kashmir or Israel as though our vital economic interests lie in interfering in the internal and/or external affairs of those nations.

    So, if you live in a glass house, don't throw stones or else be prepared for the flak.

  5. If KTemoc is so against foreign interference in the internal affairs of Malaysia, why does he, an Australian, allow himself the privilege of doing just that?? As gayboy rules so rightly remarked, "U are a worst hypocrite than the people you commentate on. Shame on you..." I like gayboy's word 'commentate', which reminds me of 'masturbate', which is what KTemoc does all the time, except that he does it with words, and he does it in public.

  6. Ayoyo

    Habis lah Malaysia if this sodomite becomes PM. Malaysia will be a laughing stock to the world that sees the only gay PM in the world. If this unlikely happens, one thing for sure. All the gays in the world will converge in Malaysia to have a Mardi Gras and Mass Orgy, Wonder how PAS will react hehe when they see their PM Anwar inaugurate such events hehe

  7. KTemoc

    I truly enjoy reading your blogs. You have given a lot of background insight into that "homosapien defect" very cleverly. We,kiwis, say: Good on you mate!

  8. Every now and then, there arise a "MUTANT" who gets the delusion to be PM of Malaysia. This mutant is no ordinary gay, he's got the support of US man, the world's biggest CROOK and HYPOCRITE by any standard! Maybe the next TV series will be GAYLO AND THE BEAST hehe

  9. ayoyosamy , BobbyNZ

    Welcome my friends , to KTemoc .

  10. written by grandmarquis, July 25, 2008 | 18:05:23
    Shame on you MT for calling yourself as INDEPENDENT MEDIA. Admit the fact that you are nothing but a bias, pro Anwar, pro Opposition blog.

    Got all me comments deleted from the damn shit blog MT

    written by Chaptokam, July 25, 2008 | 12:11:06
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    written by Chaptokam, July 25, 2008 | 12:20:44
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    written by Chaptokam, July 25, 2008 | 12:22:40
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    written by Chaptokam, July 25, 2008 | 12:27:49
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  11. Foreigners are not here to protect dissent , they are here to divide and rule and to create an uprising , I also hope that you can see thru that under the guise of human rights . Ask them to look into their rights abuse in the US first before they comment about others . Recently they put up a cartoon of Obama and his wife as a Muslim and his wife as a terrorist by the New Yorker . I don't see them three stooges making any comments . They are the real hypocrites .

    Are you aware that the Tibetians protesters and rebels were all trained by the CIA ? That when the Dalai Lama left Tibet in 1950 to India he was welcome in India by the Ameerican CIA ? Why all these rioting in Tibet before the China Olympics ? who finance them ? Who brought opium to China ? Who started the Boxer Rebellion in Nanking ? Who murdered the South Vietnamese PM before the Vietnam War ? So the CIA is the only agency that can involve itself in other people /countries affair ? You'll be surprised they have a hand in almost every country .Almost all their attaches are CIA operatives .

    The very fact that they are supporting Anwar is proof itself he is a Stooge of the US .

  12. Finally, this super dickhead, BobbyNZ has found his hole. How do you feel KT?

  13. Jangan lah esok si kaki sodok ni jadi PM. Huru hara nanti, dah laa sekarang dah nampak lain macam bila US masuk campur. Kenapa bila kes2 lain takda pape pun? Senyap je..Bila kes Anwar bukan main seronok lagi nak campur..Ada apa2 ke ni..Jangan esok Malaysia tergadai..Beringat2 sebelum kena, hentikanlah menyokong si kaki sodok!!

  14. Hi chaptokam,

    You hit the pleasure spot..hehehe

    But I want to further add, what ever our problems are, the score have to be settled within ourselves. The majority win and the loser still have a place, this is the rule of law. We do not need the west to force their ideologies on us, they are eating hams and buggers, and we are eating curry and rice, clearly their tastes and ours are difference, so are our cultures.

    The Chinese people, young and old were able to put their differences aside, raise up and refuted the West when their country sovereignty was threaten when the Hypocrites supported the Free Tibet Movement.

    Likewise, we Malaysian need to do the same, which ever camp you belong we must not let the Hypocrites divide us, instead tell the devil to lay off.


  15. Actually, it's AI's international support that unnerves me.

    I've wondered before, if Anwar, as PM, took to committing atrocities behind curtains (like all his predecessors have) and we spoke up, would the rest of the world believe us?

    The bumbling stupidity of Syed Hamid Albar and Zainuddin Maidin is what the world views as not credible.

    But Anwar? What about him?

    I personally don't think Anwar is getting anything remotely resembling justice.

    Frankly, I believe Anwar is innocent in this latest fiasco. But whether he is guilty or innocent doesn't really matter anymore.

    Anwar and the government have been judged by the Malaysian citizens and the rest of the world already.

    Rice is not wrong. We DO need more transparency. But what we don't need is alliances with certain people, especially politicians who have yet to ascend to office.

    And as you say, the US is doing a good job of villifying Anwar, simply by the support it "offers".

  16. Hi XieAn ,

    What you say is true , its like a family quarel between husband and wife . I am sure they don't need outside interference like the in laws to make matters worse .

    The US has been weary of China , afraid that the Chinese would attain super power status like themselves .Look at their military spending in relation to their GDP ! And when China spends a little bit more which is way below theirs they resort to all kinds of pressure to China to reduce their military spending . This is a very long subject and you can talk about it whole day without ending . Matter of fact I would know a little of it as I was in the US in the eighties for two years working on the pattern recognition project currently used in the American cruise missile program like the Tomcat cruise missile .

    I fully agree with you again on this aspect that whatever camp we belong to we must not let the devils and hypocrites divide us and I reserve my right to tell them off .
    But lately I believe MT is no more the same as before .

    see grandmarquis postins :

    Shame on you MT for calling yourself as INDEPENDENT MEDIA. Admit the fact that you are nothing but a bias, pro Anwar, pro Opposition blog.

    Any comment on Anwar gets deleted .That what they claim independent media ! My Foot !

    Further they amend your comments that it is totally out of context , won't be surprised they'll amend any SD posted .

    Wonder what they will do next .

  17. One thing I must admit, KT, is that I always obtain quite a bit of education from your commenters.

    I was under the delusion that Mardi Gras was a parade in New Orleans with its roots in a catholic festival. Obviously I was wrong.

    The gays must have given up Gay Pride parades to participate in Mardi Gras, which apparently will be inducted as Malaysian culture (though no Frenchman has planted his flag in our country).

    Oh, my ignorance.

  18. btw ktemoc

    is this yr blog orchaptokam's? just curious. he, he, he!

  19. Fancy that! Uni students in Auckland holding banner declaring Condo Rice as War Criminal and US-World Terrorist No 1 hehe

  20. Crankshaft, the Mardi Gras has today become associated with gay parades/celebrations. The 3 main ones are in Rio, New Orleans and Sydney. There are such parades/celebrations elsewhere but those 3 mentioned are the major ones.

    Besides the powerful, well-heeled and globe trotting gay communities who faithfully travel to these big 3 to participate, the Mardi Gras are big tourist attractions (for non gays) as well, which is why the Sydney authorities strongly promote the annual event in their city.

  21. I'd think Mardi Gras would be big in France, too. Then again, strikes and street marches are part of french culture these days. I have personally observed one in Strasbourg.

    Haha. In my opinion, gays would travel anywhere for a parade. I doubt that makes Mardi Gras a gay parade. Mardi Gras is not about being gay, is it? But interesting to know that. I'm genuinely getting an education then. :)

    Actually, come to think of it, a friend who took part in a merdeka parade in KL once called it a gay parade! :) Transvestites tend to be creative, I think, so they love to participate.

    But why do the Aussies have Mardi Gras (apart from the tourism factor, of course)? It's traditionally a french festival, isn't it?

  22. yes, it started with the French as a Catholic pre-Lent festival. Mardi Gras (pronounced Mark Dee Gra) means 'fat Tuesday'.

    But the Sydney Mardi Gras is anything but of the Catholic Church ;-)


  23. Whoa, the Sydney one is no doubt gay in nature then. Never knew that Australia had a Mardi Gras.

    My Aussie colleague has been pestering me to visit him. All the more reason to go then. :)

    Rather different from the New Orleans one, which has also adopted the french culture of wine. I hear no one gets up before 12pm over there. :)

  24. gayboy, kettle-

    ya lor.

    gayboy-People like you Ktemoc are a waste of talk a lot but achieve nothing for anyone.

    Stop talking so much and do something useful.

    You don't even hve the guts to show your real identity and have the chutzpah to comment on others.

    U are a worst hypocrite than the people you commentate on. Shame on you...

    i totally think u hit the nail on the spot.

    why even give a rats ass to a hypocrite and obvious gayhater who don't even dare use his real id.

    for all u know he may be an umno/mca bugger

  25. yeah anal,keetl, gayboy

    clearly crankshaft and kt are homophobic.

    observe how kt onlees layan those who agree with him like crankshaft

    both of them are definitely shafted.

    kt loves shafting malaysians behind anonymity.

    shaft, cranky shafty sux!

  26. ktemoc

    i seriously think you should filter the comments you receive, this bugger is starting to get on my nerves.

  27. adilbudiman is a fake id! ktemoc stop using fakos to shaft malaysians & prop u and other shaftees up

  28. KTemoc

    You have done an excellent job with your blogs. I give you 10 out of 10. Inevitably, your blog will attract "DEVIANTS" from Anwar's camp who will confirm his obsession for men's rear hehe. One of them is none other than RPK! I dont even bother to browse his website "MT" anymore. It is nothing more than Anwar's propaganda tool sponsored by CIA money.

  29. Anwar become PM then US will owns Malaysia. Bagus2 sokong lagi Anwar. Cari nahas!!

  30. Reading some of the comments in the foregoing, perhaps I should recommend all interested readers to watch the movie - "V for Vendetta" on YouTube.

    “V for Vendetta” is a political commentary on England sometime in the near future where it has become an authoritarian police state and where Justice seemed “to have gone on holiday”. The script is excellent with many quotable quotes. The action scenes mesmerising.

    It is an excellent film produced by the Wachowski brothers of “The Matrix” fame, and helmed by James McTeigue who directed the “Die Hard” action movies. Notable actors include Hugo Weaving - who is great as “V” - Natalie Portman, John Hurt, and Tim Piggot-Smith.

    There are many parallels between this film and our current situation. It will get you thinking on many issues.

    Type in the Search box on YouTube -“V for Vendetta - Full Movie (v1 of v13)”. There are 13 clips.

    The movie and sound quality is excellent. Do read also the comments by the actors in the interviews.

    If at all possible, refer this film to as many friends as possible. Not just here in Malaysia, but also in other countries especially in South East Asia - Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Vietnam, China, Laos, Indonesia .. etc...


  31. Mintak dijauhkan lah si Anwar ni jadi PM. Kalau macam nilah, yang nampak dia ni ada kaitan dengan US nampaknya masa depan Malaysia sendiri tidak akan menentu. Bukan kita tak tahu macam mana negara yang US telah campur tangan. Huru hara
