
Saturday, May 03, 2008

Murdering Altantuyaa Shaariibuu Again

As I journey through the darkness of cold oblivion
Borne on the back of Shava to meet his master
Assigned to Samsara by cruel nefarious forces
Which ended my karmic forces violently, abruptly

In my odyssey, wandering by the woeful Acheron
Was there a time when I had felt soothing voices
To comfort me amidst my lonely pains and fears
Yes I do, only from the One who is fragrant Pure

But the loudest noises are they calling for ‘justice’
Though, I smile cynically, ‘twas not meant for me
Their shrill proclamations & belated outrage (sigh)
Startled even great Gujir Tngri and the 77 siqar

Grandstanding acrobatics, their excuse to dispense
With all norms, purportedly all for me (wry smile)
I must confess I view with scepticism and distaste
As I would professional chest-pounding mourners

Gnashing Colgate mint-flavoured peroxide-d teeth
Wretchedly wringing manicured Ulan oiled hands
Shedding date-expired plastic bags of lo-salt tears
Proclaiming to be 11th hour paragons of ‘justice’

Even Ataya Tngri rolled his ancient eyes upwards
While Emegelji Eji cackled with caustic laughter
The ancient pair could see abacus shaped hearts
Clicking furiously and shaming Casio calculators

By sheer speed of their computation of advantage
What to extract, exploit, extricate from my name
Squeezing the very last speck of desiccated blood
From my hyper cold shattered fragments of bones

Eager hands raided the ossuary for me to be laid
As stepping stones for the progress of a demigod
On Ardha-Matanga, 4 tasks & seven white trunks
Saluting Brahma, walking to Amarawati by a lake

As the pseudo-pious pirouetting pachyderm crushes
What little good left of my name, what trust exists
In my family’s hope for requital of my cruel murder
I realize those raucous battle cries were not for me

Summoned by conjured justice to now serve Fenrir
To break asunder Gleipnir but only with my death
Re-evoked, for my soul to be murdered a 2nd time
To satiate the burning thirst of Angrboda’s 1st child

Remembering Altantuyaa Shaariibuu

also posted at my other blog ktemoc komposes


  1. eh apa ni?????? with colgate, ulan oil and casio calculators??????

  2. Never read so much Bull Shit this side of Karakoram.

  3. 'Tis but a Mongolian dame trying to think like KTemoc or KTemoc pouting his own thoughts in a Mongolian mind?

    Would the Mongolian dame think KTemoc is trying to do the same of her good name as all the rest of them?

  4. Hey, how about Guan Eng and his championing of Thamby Chik's underaged victim? Isn't that also "exploitation" of the whole scandal for personal political fuel?

    The way you look at it, DAP has been somewhat doing the very things you blame KeADILan of; eg. frogs (in the form of Kah Choon), hunger for power, and reactionary behavior (by throwing fits whenever they don't get what they want).

    Someone please tell Kit Siang he's no longer in The Opposition!

  5. If Razak Baginda wasn't linked to Najib, the target of G.A.N, those recent so-called champions of justice for Altantuyaa wouldn't even give a sh*t about the Mongolian victim, (and proving it) in the same way they have ignored the murders of Malaysians Nurin Jazlin and Preeshema Varshiny - 'coz no political gain for the "Lord".

    Guan Eng fought against the statutory rape of an underage Malaysian girl, which no other party, including those with Malay members, had fought for. Why do those recent so-called champs of Altantuyaa now only want to fight for her, but have conveniently ignored Malaysian victims?

    Guan Eng went to prison for that underage Malay girl, whereas someone went to prison for himself! Yes, when has AI ever sacrificed himself for anyone? He didn't even want to walk those hard kilometres together with Nik Aziz and Lim KS during the Bersih rally. He planned to arrive in a limousine, but due to the crowd blocking the traffic, had to do with a motorbike. Like a mighty "Lord" he wasn't prepared even to walk, so how can you expect him to sacrifice himself for anyone, or even admit he was wrong as an UMNO minister.

    I believe I have explained what a "frog" is, a politician who won a seat on the ticket of Party A and then jumped over to join Party B. Did Lee Kah Choon win any seat? Did he join any political party?

    So, is PKR party hopping policy part of its reformasi, enticing frogs, and backstabbing democracy and subverting the ballot box, so that just one person can realize his personal ambition, even if democracy has to be f*?

    You wanna support him? ke ke ke, are you guys blind or what?

  6. oh begitu rupanya. tanpa komen-komen kat sini, dah ku mati tenggelam dalam bahasa ktemoc ni.

  7. Let me rephrase Ktemoc's statement.

    If the underaged girl wasn't linked to Thamby Chik, the target of DAP, those so-called champions of justice for the Malacca Underaged girl wouldn't even give a sh*t about the victim, (and proving it) in the same way they have ignored the murders of Malaysians Nurin Jazlin and Preeshema Varshiny - 'coz no political gain for DAP.

  8. Najib got a friend
    Who`s a dead end
    KTemock ah moi`s panties
    Have got him sassy

  9. Anonymous 5.12 pm:

    DAP`s Karpal Singh (whom KTemock also hates) is representing the deceased`s father in the suit against the Govt.

    Haha maybe KTemock being in the avation industry (pilot bla blah) erased the immigration records for Najib.

  10. haha kt. Like anon-5:12 said, would Guan Eng go through all that trouble if the perp wasn't a BN bigwig like Thamby Chik? Right now, as we speak, sex crimes are happening in Malaysia, done by creatures who are nobodies.

    Not to criticize YB Lim... what he did was admirable. But you can't have one standard for Guan Eng & another for the Altantuya murder.

    (quote)I believe I have explained what a "frog" is, a politician who won a seat on the ticket of Party A and then jumped over to join Party B. Did Lee Kah Choon win any seat? Did he join any political party?

    Dude, Kah Choon is/was a political boss in GERAKAN. The way it happened, from the GERAKAN point of view... he was basicly offered a job from the enemy and had to quit.

    To me, its just someone getting the job because the Penang Govt. wanted him. In a way, its also a case of a crossover/political hopping... the reward being a post with the PDC.

  11. anon of 5:12 PM and bright eyes,

    how many CM or MB bonked underage girl, as a known fact, not hopeful insinuation as is the case in the Mongolian murder?

    So, how could the two cases be considered as of the same standard, where one was an established fact and the other only by insinuation such as Tian Chua's silly faked photo and the rumour-mongering without any evidence, involving the throwing of poo in the hope some will stick.

    How many politicians stood up for an underage girl raped (statutorily) by such a hi-powered politician? Only Lim GE of the DAP.

    By contrast, where were those current champs when the murder case was first raised? Only Susan Loone was the sole prominent blogger who dedicated her blog to her cause.

    brighteyes, you are being argumentative (spinning hopefully) in the case of Kah Choon - even 7 top Gerakan leaders have come out to lambast Lim KY in support of Kah Choon - please see

    The fact is only Anwar and PKR encourage frogs, an old UMNO practice - hey, weren't Anwar and Azmin Ali both from UMNO - maybe that explains the sayings "Old habits die hard" and "Leopards never change their spots" ;-)

  12. KT: "How many politicians stood up for an underage girl raped (statutorily) by such a hi-powered politician? Only Lim GE of the DAP."

    The sad part is:
    1. It turned out to be a beau geste but the girl was unworthy, for even her own grandmother disbelieved her turn around afterwards.

    2. Instead of asking whether there was selective persecution ordered by some hidden hands in high places against LGE for undermining the political future of some mamak big shot, ppl here focussed only other areas instead.

    I don't think any politicians in the opposition today will similarly, bindly and hazardously stick their heads out for such cases until the justice system undergoes enough change. Bad laws make for poor overall civic consciousness.

  13. true, wits0 olde matey - ;-) see, I do agree with you

  14. KT :"how many CM or MB bonked underage girl, as a known fact, not hopeful insinuation"

    KT, Lets say you treat the powers that be at the time as following due process and speaking the truth, as you are with the present authorities in the Altantuya case.
    Especially since a much admired person was the PM at the time.

    The then Attorney General flatly stated Guan Eng made a false insuniation, and that was the basis he got charged, convicted and sent to jail. Are you now saying F* the courts, F* due process, to the Lim Guan Eng case ?

    For what little its worth, I believe Thamby is almost certainly guilty, and Lim Guan Eng did a noble thing - but I'm just making a plea for logical thinking, don't just continue to F* Anwar Ibrahim because you don't like his mug.

  15. Kittykat: "..don't just continue to F* Anwar Ibrahim because you don't like his mug."

    True. Self defeating too if you want some changes to be manifested.

  16. My question is still unanswered. Just like you complain that Anwar's buddies won't give a damn about Altantuya if there wasn't a connection with Najib, would Guan Eng champion the victim and go to jail for that if her abuser been a nobody?

    No matter how its explained, people know that Kah Choon's resignation from Gerakan is a mild case of the froggies. If the intention is to grab capable leaders from the GERAKAN leadership pool and create discord within the party, the DAP fellas have succeeded. Further depleted of bosses & leaders, GERAKAN is further doomed...

  17. Gerakan deserves its doom. In some ways it's worse than the MCA and more irritatingly absurd all this while with that kind of self-serving leadership and which will continue unabated under under the present acting wimp. It must continue to only fly kites.

  18. wits0 : "In some ways it's worse than the MCA and more irritatingly absurd"

    Gerakan still pretends to be a multi-racial party, as opposed to the reality.
    They should either drop the pretence, in which case they should merge with MCA. Or they really need an extreme makeover.
    I don't see much prospect of either happening , with insipid Ah Koon still warming the seat.

    It will just muddle itself into oblivion.

  19. I humbly suggest u talk to RPK and ask him why he is taking up the case. When u meet him please take off your Ibrahim brand spectacles so that u dont see the word everytime u open your eyes.

    I also humbly suggest u meet with Dr Shaaribuu and SLoone. I am sure you will understand (if u haven't already) why they are doing what they are doing.

    I will be extremely surprised if after meeting these people your day doesn't get lousier. Oops... I forgot... u were indeed moved as I saw from your beautiful poem and related postings. U are much better than me. I didnt do anything except prayed.

    It will be wonderful if you or someone resolve to take those responsible for the other high profile murders to hell. If u can't do it for some reason or other I humbly suggest u don't discourage others.

    Thank you.

  20. KT: "..and the other only by insinuation.."

    You need to read more on the matter before you see Anwar every time you open your eyes in the morning -

    The statement by Najib’s aide hardly settles matters. For instance, he describes as “hearsay” allegations that the immigration records of Altantuya, her cousin, Namiraa Gerelmaa, 23 and a third Mongolian woman had been erased after the three came to Kuala Lumpur from Mongolia to confront Altantuya’s former lover and to demand money from him....

    Najib could easily clear up all the allegations and suspicions, observers say, by appearing in court under oath with his diaries, telephone logs and other data to prove his contention that he never met the victim........

    If Najib were to appear in court, he could certainly explain how it was possible for Abdul Razak to use his bodyguards to remove the victim from his residence. A deputy police commander, who is an associate of the two bodyguards, testified that members of the bodyguard unit are required to follow the orders of their superiors without question; he described the bodyguard members as being “like robots” who only respond to orders from superior officers. Abdul Razak, a civilian and a mere friend Najib’s, was not a superior officer in any sense. ...

    With the case still unfolding, however slowly, the next step, for many observers, would be for Najib to appear in court. That might do more to obtain justice than issuing a public relations denial.

  21. "please take off your Ibrahim brand spectacles so that u dont see the word everytime u open your eyes"

    That's a good one :-)

    Seriously, KTemoc would have a more accurate and objective view of what's happening in Malaysia if he didn't see everything through Ibrahim-brand designer glasses..

  22. I have never doubt Susan Loone's compassion and dedication in championing the Alatantuyaa's case - see She has my continuing support.

    My cynicism is towards johnny's-&-ginny's-come-lately who have spied an opportunity to exploit the case to implicate or embarrass Najib as a continuing effort of G.A.N. Tian Chua's fake photo was such an example - a case of opportunistic hangat hangat tadi ayam political campaigning.

    Only Susan has been consistent and relentless in her pursuit of justice for Altantuyaa.

    Whether Najib is guilty or not is a separate issue, and must be proven by evidence, but not the circumstantial or anecdotal variety, or in the general case, insinuations and rumour mongering.

    I have expressed in my (admittedly amateurish-attempt of a) poem my disgust at the grubbiness of using a dead woman's name for political purpose, in the same way I have expressed my disgust at the shamelessness of even considering or enticing frogs - mana ada standard? mana reformasi?

    ... or backstabbing an ally in the so-called PR. Yes, the DAP could do well to watch its back.

  23. Ktemoc : "My cynicism is towards johnny's-&-ginny's-come-lately who have spied an opportunity to exploit the case"

    Anwar Ibrahim made a statement on January 10, 2007, calling for transparency and for widening police investigations into the Altantuya murder. There was no election campaign of any sort at the time.

    Does that sound like Johnny come-lately to you ?

    Ktemoc, still looking at the world through Ibrahim-brand glasses ?

  24. kk46, did I criticise Anwar as a johnny come lately?
