
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Nalla: "Anwar only cares for himself!"

Most of us know Nallakaruppan, don’t we?

Once Anwar Ibrahim’ closest friend for almost 30 years, he was also known as Anwar’s tennis partner.

In Anwar Ibrahim’s most troubled time in the late ‘90s he stood by and even went to jail for Anwar.

The Police, while investigating into the book 50 Dalil Mengapa Anwar Tidak Boleh Jadi PM ‘found’ live ammunition in Nalla’s possession. The charge of illegal possession of live ammo carried a death sentence. Subsequently the charge was amended and Nalla pleaded guilty and was jailed.

No doubt the possibility of a death sentence would have worried him to death (no pun intended). I would too. But on appeal in August 1999, he was acquitted and released.

In 2006 Nallakaruppan was persuaded by Anwar to return from Australia and join PKR to take care of Indian affairs and recruit Indian members.

Nalla said: “I sacrificed my wife and two young children. Anwar’s wife did not even visit them when I was in jail. My lawyer asked him to help me and he said there was nothing he could do. Still, I believed in him.”

“I thought he was a friend but he was a ‘friendly-user’. No one knows him as well as I do. I can say that he only cares about his own interests.”

“His goal is to be Prime Minister, and he will do anything to make this happen.”

He revealed that Anwar had suggested he contest the 2007 Ijok by-election but then “quietly told Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim (who became the PKR candidate) to set up his operations centre.”

Multi-ethnic party? Didn’t the BN put up an Indian candidate?

As if that was not bad enough, Nalla said Anwar told him to withdraw from the contest for the party’s vice-presidency so that Azmin Ali could take up the post. This was also reported by Malaysiakini. Hmmm, Ezam Mohd Nor had accused Anwar of being controlled by Azmin Ali.

De facto democracy at work?

He said that when Anwar was still in power, he had told a crowd that he would “make sure the temple bells never rang again” following the Muslim-Hindu clash in Penang, which has been what Chandra Muzzafar said.

Nalla said: “I confronted him over his remark and he said I shouldn’t ask him anything.”

In other words, a case of U.M.N.O (U Must Not Object)?

Very imperial!

My blogging mate Lucia of Mental Jog revealed what she saw of Anwar Ibrahim’s behaviour when he arrived at Han Chiang Indoor Stadium to campaign:
“i attended the biggie DAP/PKR ceramah at han chiang indoor stadium on 1/3 and i thought when anwar arrived, it was too pompous and well ... arrogant like his supporters came in, surrounding him and pushing everyone on the way at the same time shouting madly, as though anwar is the agong!! then as you can see in my blog, the picture showed when he was talking, 2 bodyguards standing by his side.”

“all the other speakers (e.g lim guan eng, karpal singh) did not made such an arrogant entrance and did not have bodyguards standing by when talking.”

I also notice that same pompous pseudo-imperial behaviour on the al Jazeera’s clip of the Bersih march to the palace. The PKR de facto leader arrived on vehicle (thanks to the traffic jam he was forced to ride pillion on a bike instead of arriving in something more ... er ... regal) only after the rally had done the hard yards and completed the march at the Palace gates.

Immediately a brolly-wallah rushed to shade him (like a Sultan) as he strode forward to a waiting aide to perform the handing over of the petition to the King (Palace). Then he held court for an international press conference – all these, while the more elderly Nik Aziz and Lim Kit Siang, both of whom had marched all the way with the rest of the rally, stood by in the background.

Wah, so powerful and imperial!

In this election, the Indian voters will definitely play a crucial role. A few blokes I know still believe the Indians will return to the BN fold on voting day, but after seeing the way Humpty Dumpty had been treated by Indians in hostile fashion wherever he went in recent days, perhaps the Indians have finally woken up.

Anwar is of course courting them, especially when there is a significant number of Indian voters in Lembah Pantai and various constituencies PKR candidates will be contesting in. In his recent campaigning, he has called for the release of the 5 incarcerated Hindraf leaders.

But Nalla said Anwar had not declared his support for the Hindraf but now wants to use Hindraf to gain Indian votes.

Like Chandra Muzzafar, Nalla advises that people should not be blinded by Anwar Ibrahim as Anwar only cares for himself.

No doubt, the anwaristas will now attack Nalla like they did Chandra Muzzafar. I have read of Nalla being criticised by Raja Petra Kamarudin as a pimp, but as I blogged in Musuh dalam opposition selimut - DAP or PKR?:

RPK wrote: "Take the case of Nallakarupan. He was almost allowed to contest the recent Ijok by-election. At the eleventh hour he was dropped in favour of Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. No doubt, many thought that an Indian should have contested that seat and the fact that the Indian was sidelined in favour of a Malay attracted allegations of racial discrimination.”

“But Nallakarupan is a known pimp who procures women for the rich and powerful, in particular rich and powerful politicians who walk in the corridors of power. And he is an Umno Trojan Horse. Dropping him was probably the best decision Anwar Ibrahim has ever made in four years."

[Inserted note: Nalla said that in 2006 he was persuaded by Anwar to return from Australia and join PKR to take care of Indian affairs and recruit Indian members.]

In turn I had written: Of course when Indian Nallakarupan was dropped from Malay-majority Ijok in favour of Malay Khalid Ibrahim, he was not yet a ‘pimp’.

And when asked by world’s greatest political reformer not to participate in a so-called democratic contest for a VP position in PKR during the party’s general assembly (no doubt a de facto democratic procedure in PKR), he also wasn’t yet a ‘pimp’.

It was only after he left and started criticizing the Renaissance Man of Asia that he became “a known pimp who procures women for the rich and powerful, in particular rich and powerful politicians who walk in the corridors of power”.

Hmmm, I wonder which rich and powerful politician, who then walked in the corridors of power, Nalla had procured women for?

Strange of Nalla, isn’t he, once Anwar Ibrahim’s best friend and tennis partner but now a harsh critic.

Just like PKR former treasurer Abdul Rahman (KeADILan membership card No 3), Ezam Mohd Nor, once Anwar’s right hand man, and former anwarista, Johari Jasin, a Youth leader. Hmmm!

They must all be ‘wrong’ – the man is virtually blameless. It's all due to those 'standard BN-UMNO policies' that we had been told of.


  1. Ktemoc sounds just like TV3 these days...the only difference is TV3 makes a profit...or maybe there's no difference..

    Nah, I won't bother to counter this post, it ain't worth the energy...

  2. You never did like Anwar, did you Ktemoc?

    Who is your hero then? Kit Siang?

    Malay Women in Malaysia Blog

  3. I thought you don't need to waste time on an "irrelevant man." Hehehe!

    The increasing attacks by the BN-owned media towards Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim clearly demonstrate that his message of hope for a better Malaysia is resonating with an exponentially increasing number of Malaysians.

    Barisan Nasional (BN) is well aware that the ideals we and our associates in the Opposition are seeking to uphold are irrefutable and are recognised by ever more Malaysians as a better vision for the future our nation. BN is thus now seeking to draw attention away from issues that are pressing to all Malaysians by focusing on a feeble attempt by feeble individuals to smear the reputation of one man whom they fear.

    To Dato' Seri Anwar's credit, the best agents BN could come up with for this task were individuals whose history of political flip-flopping raise serious questions about their credibility. Some are now raising objections that they had a moral and in some cases legal obligation to raise while inside KeADILan many years ago.

    The timing of these statements that are continuously highlighted in the BN-owned media unfortunately raise serious questions as to each accuser's motives and integrity.

    Charges that Dato' Seri Anwar is anti or pro any particular ethnic group are also indicative of a BN that is unable to make up its mind. Umno insists that Dato' Seri Anwar has become pro Chinese or Indian and anti Malay, while MCA, MIC, and Gerakan charge that he is pro Malay and anti Chinese or Indian.

    These discrepancies clearly show that KeADILan is on the right track. If our opponents can simultaneously brand us as being both pro and anti Malay, Chinese or Indian, it conclusively shows that KeADILan is a party that is in fact anti-racism and pro-Malaysian.

    I have known Dato' Seri Anwar personally since he was a student in University Malaya during the period I was teaching there and can bear witness that whatever his choices throughout his political career, Dato' Seri Anwar has consistently stood for the rights of the downtrodden and for integrity in public office.

    The failure of BN to produce any more credible critics or criticism than the disgruntled few thus far produced is a clear indication that both Dato' Seri Anwar and KeADILan, unlike BN leaders, have no skeletons in their closets and are offering a viable, dyanmic vision for a safer, more united and prosperous Malaysia.

    Dr. Syed Husin Ali
    Deputy President
    Parti Keadilan Rakyat

  4. aiyah Saidul, I'm merely discussing interesting news ;-)

    Who's my hero? I like a person who is WYSIWYG, more so a person who has sacrified him or herself for a worthy cause.

    I am considering Lim GE who went to prison for the rights of an underage Malay girl - now, that's real multi-ethnic sacrifice and public service.

    I am considering Karpal Singh who stood up for a 14 year old boy who was sentenced to be hung on charges pertaining to possession of a gun, which the lad didn't even know he had in a bungus he was told to carry.

    I am considering Lim KS for being shipped to Kem Kamunting (together with Karpal) for principles he believed in.

    Likewise with a man like the late Onn Jaafar who could have continued being UMNO No 1 but who lost the post standing for a far sighted principle. [but absoluetly not someone who only AFTER losing a post presents himself as a latter-day Onn Jaafar]


  5. If Anwar are a wise man as view by his supporter, than he should have make the move that no BN and UMNO politic leader has did before : apologies the wrong of yesteryear.

    If Anwar really want to become the multiracial leader, apologies are a redemptive to most of his wrong doing inside the system.

    If Anwar refuse, that means he think what is doing is "correct,correct,correct". Perhaps he think those are his trophies for Malay agenda, so he REFUSE TO LET GO. Well, if Anwar think so, too bad.

    A wise politicians know when and how to fix their mistake. So far, I don't see Anwar has the wisdom to use the apologies, (as the only method) to counter all the wrong doing "blame" on him.

    As pointed out by KTemoc of his imperial mentality, he will never garner the wisdom to make the apologies.

  6. kalau nabi hidup semula...mungkin ameno akan reject juga

  7. Anwar and credibility: Which millenium will we belong to?

    Way back when, Tian and gang predicted that there would be an onslaught on Anwar’s character during the elections.

    True enough, the first pawns (prawns?) have been sent into the battle. At the risk of being repetitive, I think most of my beliefs on this matter were expressed once again by Dr. Syed.

    It is worth noting that both Dr. Syed and Anwar were ISA detainees together for a long time following a period of activism that both had participated in following the famines in Baling, Kedah. This was probably back when my parents were young :P :) The statement:

    5th March 5, 2008

    Criticisms prove Anwar and KeADILan on right track

    The increasing attacks by the BN-owned media towards Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim clearly demonstrate that his message of hope for a better Malaysia is resonating with an exponentially increasing number of Malaysians.

    Barisan Nasional (BN) is well aware that the ideals we and our associates in the Opposition are seeking to uphold are irrefutable and are recognised by ever more Malaysians as a better vision for the future our nation. BN is thus now seeking to draw attention away from issues that are pressing to all Malaysians by focusing on a feeble attempt by feeble individuals to smear the reputation of one man whom they fear.

    To Dato’ Seri Anwar’s credit, the best agents BN could come up with for this task were individuals whose history of political flip-flopping raise serious questions about their credibility. Some are now raising objections that they had a moral and in some cases legal obligation to raise while inside KeADILan many years ago.

    The timing of these statements that are continuously highlighted in the BN-owned media unfortunately raise serious questions as to each accuser’s motives and integrity.

    Charges that Dato’ Seri Anwar is anti or pro any particular ethnic group are also indicative of a BN that is unable to make up its mind. Umno insists that Dato’ Seri Anwar has become pro Chinese or Indian and anti Malay, while MCA, MIC, and Gerakan charge that he is pro Malay and anti Chinese or Indian.

    These discrepancies clearly show that KeADILan is on the right track. If our opponents can simultaneously brand us as being both pro and anti Malay, Chinese or Indian, it conclusively shows that KeADILan is a party that is in fact anti-racism and pro-Malaysian.

    I have known Dato’ Seri Anwar personally since he was a student in University Malaya during the period I was teaching there and can bear witness that whatever his choices throughout his political career, Dato’ Seri Anwar has consistently stood for the rights of the downtrodden and for integrity in public office.

    The failure of BN to produce any more credible critics or criticism than the disgruntled few thus far produced is a clear indication that both Dato’ Seri Anwar and KeADILan, unlike BN leaders, have no skeletons in their closets and are offering a viable, dyanmic vision for a safer, more united and prosperous Malaysia.

    Dr. Syed Husin Ali
    Deputy President
    Parti Keadilan Rakyat


    I think what Dr. Syed is alluding to is the fact that if Chandra, who I heard someone describe a little harshly as an ‘intellectual prostitute,’ objected to Anwar’s actions in office, why did he join KeADILan in 1999?

    Also, if there were really incidences involving money politics in KeADILan such as he alleged, is not a man of integrity honour bound to report these illegal activities to the authorities right there and then? And not, perhaps, 3 days before a general election?

    Where consistency is concerned, I confess to find the good doctor a little bit… wanting.

    As for Nalla “I must stand up for Indian rights” karuppan, I suppose he was clearly in the wrong party. KeADILan defends the rights of all Malaysians, not any one single ethnic group. If he wanted to bring in his parochial approaches, I’m glad we’ve parted ways and wish him all the best in keeping MIUP from the same begging, unrequited lover’s fate that met the IPF, KIMMA, and so on.

    Please also take heed of Dr. Syed’s point - when Nalla says Anwar is anti-Indian and Umno spreads thousands of VCD’s charging that Anwar has become pro-Indian, we know that KeADILan has found the middle ground - the true path of moderation. Anti-racism, pro-Malaysian, couldn’t have put it better myself.

    In response to similarly lame laments by MCA and Gerakan about the 90’s, I concur that back then, Anwar implemented Umno policies, which have remained in place to this day. 6 reflective years of prison and multiple beatings later, Anwar has taken the hardest of all political paths in Malaysia - to sacrifice an ethnocentric approach to politics and replace it with a truly Malaysian political landscape.

    So while MCA and Gerakan are stuck in the last millennium whining about how Anwar followed Umno policies that are still being perpetrated, Anwar himself and the rest of a truly multiracial KeADILan is steamrolling ahead with our message of replacing the NEP with a corruption-free affirmative action police for all Malaysians regardless of race, guaranteed rights to mother tongue education and an end to race based politics.

    Ong Ka Ting and Lim Keng Yaik? Still stuck and impotently propping up Umno-led corruption and racism.

    I’d also take note of Dr. Syed’s testimony. I wouldn’t deign to be an apologist with regards to Anwar’s decision to join Umno, but from all the conversations I’ve had with so many people, I can perfectly well see how a man who knew Anwar as a student, as a fellow detainee for many years, and as an opponent across the political divide, can attest that throughout all this years, his integrity is intact and his principles sound.

  8. KT - there are some parts of your attack which reconciles with what i can see, keep at it.

  9. Another evidence of DAP supporter chauvinism...

    What can we say..

  10. It's been said that every man (and woman too) has a price.

    What do you think of the possibility of persuading another person to say whatever you want him to say by offering him sufficient quantities of money and other incentives?

  11. quote: "Another evidence of DAP supporter chauvinism... What can we say.."

    Well, my dear chap, you could say:

    "I am considering Lim GE who went to prison for the rights of an underage Malay girl - now, that's real multi-ethnic sacrifice and public service."

    DAP chauvinism? ;-)

    At least it was not DAP bonk-erism - ha ha ha

  12. erm. KT, it increasingly looks like u have some vested interest so that anwar doesnt get back in power. :) i think your recycled arguments are getting drudging.

  13. Right now, the jury's still out on him. I'll only judge the guy when he gets back to power. Then we'll see what he does.

    Right now, as an opposition figurehead on the ceramah circuit, he has helped legitimize the chances of the opposition so that's one big plus for me already.

    Time will tell la. Kaytee, more non-Anwar stuff la :P

  14. The full story on Nalla is as interesting as Anwar`s. Why did nalla and sami fall apart? What happened to the high cost condo bought under Nalla1s name?
