
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nomination Day Fumbles Galore

From Malaysiakini article Objections filed against nomination of candidates:

A protest was lodged by PKR at the Negeri Sembilan parliamentary seat of Rembau against the nomination of Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar. PKR contended that Khairy had not written ‘Bin’ (son of) in his nomination papers.

The Election Commission official said the protest was rejected on the ground that Khairy’s identity card did not state ‘bin’ on it.

I feel embarrassed that our politics have descended to such low level trivialities as to object to a candidate because of a missing ’bin’.

Then, there was:

In Chembong, it was due to the alleged failure of the BN candidate Zaiful Bahri Idris to state his occupation as ahli perniagaan (businessman). Instead, PAS contended, Zaiful Bahri had mistakenly written berniaga (conducts business). The protest was also rejected.

Aiyah, c’mon lah.

Mind you, in a number of other cases where the BN candidates were alleged to have balls-ed up with their registration forms, ‘twas only the returning officers who saved them, in many cases not even providing any reason to the opposition why their objections were overruled and the BN candidates' forms accepted. The Boleh-decisions ;-)

In one case Malaysiakini reported that PAS candidate Dr Lo’ Lo’ Mohd Ghazali (for Titiwangsa) objected to the nomination of BN’s Aziz Jamaluddin Mohd Tahir on the 'suspicion' that Aziz’ statutory declaration did not contain the required stamp duty payment.

hahaha - EC chairman Abdul Rashid has been too clever by half.

It seems Aziz Jamaluddin also contravened election laws when he allegedly paid his deposit with a personal cheque. Cek calon BN di sahkan Bolehwan lah! hahaha

But the Election Commission officers - led by returning officer Che Yahya Che Soh - refused to allow the PAS team to go through Aziz’s nomination papers to verify the claims.

Che Yahya said he received directions from his superiors to the effect neither candidate are allowed look through the other’s nomination papers. What he probably meant was PAS couldn't look at BN's papers to see if there were indeed errors, like no stamp duty being paid ;-)

Very dodgy lah. But mind you, this is BN Boleh Bullsh*t Land.


  1. I got an SMS message that Rafidah Aziz had been disqualified in Kuala Kangsar on technichal grounds.
    Anybody know if this is true ?

  2. PKR fought tooth and nail with DAP for more seats but concede the first one to Azlina. As usaul they will turn out to be a big flop. Can't even select a proper candidate.

  3. Maybe that PKR guy was bought over, so he didn't turn up!

  4. Azalina opponent was to be from PAS and not PKR. He was a retired teacher. But the opposition did something good this time. If BN could only get 9 seats unopposed this time, in 2004, they had over 60 seats uncontested. Don't you think they have done a good job?

  5. Pengerang is one of the most obscure corners of West Malaysia - the far south-east corner, accessible only via a long drive from Johor Bahru-Kota Tinggi.

    I guess they couldn't find an appropriate guy to run against her.

    Some years ago, I took a long drive around the country - and ended up in Pengerang - the end of the road. You can see Singapore from the sea shore.

  6. The whole electoral process here is too straight-jacketed. Simple simple variations in the forms can invalidate the applications just like that, meaning the unlucky Yang Berharap will hafta wait another 5 moar years.

    The RM5k deposit also means that only indie candidates with cash to spend can participate, as the rule is you'll lose your money if you get any less than a certain %age of votes. This cuts down the variety we can get...

  7. inilah negara yg kita mahu

  8. brighteyes,

    It is not the unlucky YB who will have to wait 5 long years, it is the voters who have to wait 5 long years to perform their sacred duty because of some silly technicalities.
