
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Two tigers on one Opposition mountain

Today Malaysiakini announced Electoral pact: DAP, PKR hit impasse in Perak where the two opposition parties have come to a hardly surprising ‘no deal’ stalemate in Perak.

Perak has sizable Chinese and Indian populations which would be the natural arena for a party like DAP which boasts both Chinese and Indian MPs, but the Tian Chua minority section of PKR also wants a slice of the same cake, and a huge slice at that, or it fears it will diminish into mere office boys for the PKR Malay majority section which leng chai* Azmin Ali administers as head honcho for the de facto leader.

* even Chinese women think so

I had already blogged on the incompatible pair in May last year – see my previous posts:

(1) post Ijok - Quo vadis DAP?
(2) DAP & PKR - blood brothers?
(3) DAP & PKR - blood brothers? (2)

So I am not completely surprised – au contraire. But let’s examine why the DAP cannot sacrifice anymore seats in Perak for a nobody PKR.

Malaysiakini said: In 2004, DAP won three parliament seats (Ipoh Timur, Ipoh Barat and Batu Gajah) and seven state seats (Sitiawan, Pantai Remis, Pasir Bedamar, Menglembu, Pasir Pinji, Jelapang and Keranji). On the other hand, PKR emerged empty handed.

Well, that's one major reason PKR has been so jealous of the DAP and is demanding more and more of what the DAP has won through struggling years of political investment. If PKR can't understand that, it can go wank itself.

Now that the BN has been reeling from a number of scandalous setbacks, the DAP hopes to deliver a few more knockout punches to the MCA and Gerakan.

There's the DAP expectation that, just because the Malay heartland may be happy to accept UMNO at face value, it doesn't mean that the Perak Chinese are equally accepting or forgiving of the MCA and Gerakan. The DAP hopes the expected backlash against the two BN component parties will allow it to pick up three additional parliament seats - Bruas (held by Gerakan), Taiping (PPP) and Teluk Intan (Gerakan).

But PKR (Chinese section) also sees the same opportunity. It argues that apart from running in Malay-majority areas, the party should also be given the opportunity to fight in Chinese-majority areas - seats in which DAP has traditionally contested.

Isn't it a bit rich of a PKR with zero presence in Perak to make such bully boy demands? Well, why stop there? Why not ignore the Lim-Anwar agreed formula (afterall, it was by Anwar mah!) and ask the DAP to surrender all its traditionally contested seats?

Then to add insult to avarice, the PKR has actually demanded Ipoh Timor, which so happens to be Lim Kit Siang’s own constituency. Lim Kit Siang was so disgusted with the PKR claim to his own seat that he remarked:

“If Perak PKR leaders are so insistent in wanting to contest in Ipoh Timur, let there be an agreement where a three-cornered fight is allowed for Ipoh Timur involving DAP and PKR, provided full agreement on a one-to-one fight against the Barisan Nasional for all other parliamentary and state assembly seats is immediately reached for Perak.”

When I remember the alleged disgusting behavior of PKR towards PRM which I posted in Is renaissance reformasi PKR scared of tiny little PRM? I hope the DAP will not give in an inch.

Leaving the Islamic PAS aside, only one tiger may stay on Mount Opposition.


  1. nice one. it's been some time. :)

    what's with your pro-palestine/islam stance in previous articles?

  2. This is akin to the upstart with a poor record demanding that the 'godfather' steps down.

    The height of audacity !!

  3. Jed

    I am neither pro or anti anyone or anything, even the World's Greatest Everything ;-)

    Two things:

    (1) I like to support underdogs
    (2) I blog what I believe should be said.

  4. PKR, stay away from Perak coz I will be voting for in this order DAP then BN.
