
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Gold at end of rainbow for Hindraf!

Some basic knowledge of physics may be required when reading this post ;-)

al Jazeera said that Malaysian AG, that Patail character, dropped all charges against five Hindraf leaders (accused of terrorism) and 26 others, some of whom were innocent bystanders (of attempted murder charges).

... terrorism and attempted murder ...? Mate, these are f-serious charges, and he just DROPPED them?

He boasted: "I could be very strict but I don't think this is the time to be that strict. Freeing them now would be the best course of action in the public and national interest.”

This is f-revolutionary – the USA should learn something from Malaysia on how to handle terrorists and failed murderers. We Malaysians are Boleh if not anything. We have just come up with a world first, where we know it’s 'in the best public and national interest' to free terrorists and unsuccessful murderers.

Nobel Peace Prize for Patail?

He crowed: "When we exercise the law ... we look at what is fair and just ... and in my judgment this is the fairest thing to do.”

Then WTF are you Patail waiting for – go free those 'Five' from Kem Kamunting.

Yes, why not release P Uthayakumar, M Manoharan, R Kenghadharan, V Ganabatirau and T Vasantha Kumar? After all you not only saw fit to release those accused of attempted murder but to drop all charges against the ‘Five’.

Oh BTW, can anyone tell me which country arrests (attempted) murder suspects and then without any explanation, other than it’s ‘in the public and national interest’ and ‘the fairest thing to do’, releases them?

That Patail thinks everyone has his IQ.

But alas, according to Malaysiakini, the Cops thwarted Hindraf gathering at Kamunting.

Malaysiakini reported that on Sunday morning, the police set up numerous roadblocks near the Malaysian Gulag, and checked every motorist and passengers of Indian origin.

Just now I had an interesting discussion on this with my blogging mate, ze well-known Mademoiselle Susan Loone, who was kind enough to share with me information she came across.

Apparently, as Malaysiakini reported, the police maintained roadblocks to our Guantanamo Bay and targeted people based on their kulit-fications.

Instead of the traditional ‘red’ for ‘stop’, they were looking for ‘black’ as the colour to effect a halt.

And we all know that internationally ‘yellow’ means ‘prepare to stop’ except in Malaysia where it actually signals to ‘go faster’, thus the police roadblocks indeed did allow passage through for that colour, though they didn’t insist on the ‘yellows’ passing in a speedy fashion.

But the ‘yellows’ minus many 'blacks' went straight to Kem Kamunting to stand vigil for the victims of our deplorable draconian double-standard UMNO-led government.

In this demonstration created by the police prism ‘refracting the Malaysian light’ into its constituent colours, there was a silver lining, an excellent example of ‘an ill wind that blows nobody any good’. More and more ‘yellows’ are showing their support o orthe Hindraf detainees, becoming aware of the Indians' plight. The Indians are no longer alone in their struggle.

What about the ‘browns’?

Good news too, Susan told me the information was that one ‘brown’ claimed 2/3 of the ‘browns’ understand and support Hindraf.

While his heart was obviously with Hindraf, perhaps he allowed his emotions to get a wee carried away, expressing his wish rather than objective fact. But it’s good that he too is indicative of all the constituent colours blending together into a bright white Malaysian light again, as we should be.

F-the government's refractive prism!


  1. aiyah, the police were stopping dark-skinned people at roadblocks only u know..sigh

  2. And a new TWIST & SPIN from Bernama - AG said “31 people charged with involvement in illegal assembly & not for being FOLLOWERS of HINDRAF. The charge is in accordance with law. All 31 had written to me deploring Hindraf & claimed they were not Hindraf members”. See how plea bargaining can be done.

    More details
    Go H E R E
    and pics of how the attempted murder charge possibly came about

  3. dun be so patronising lah...try to understand the issue a bit more...

  4. In this demonstration created by the police prism ‘refracting the Malaysian light’ into its constituent colours, there was a silver lining, an excellent example of ‘an ill wind that blows nobody any good’. More and more ‘yellows’ are showing their support o orthe Hindraf detainees, becoming aware of the Indians' plight. The Indians are no longer alone in their struggle.

    Once again you are right on that kaytee. It`s my observation to. And it seems to be growing.

  5. ‘You dog of a coolie, keep your black face up and look at me when I am talking to you’, verbal abuse in Tamil and English from the white manager was a daily event. Their life revolved around the manager, master, contractors, and tappers in the rubber estates. It was nothing better than ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ before the American civil war, a virtual slavery. Lankan readers need no explanation as it was much similar to the line houses in our tea estates today where neither the scene nor the life of those have improved to our knowledge, except the bellies of union or political leaders.
    [ ]
    ..Further Sami Velu is accused of amassing ill-gotten wealth and his critics call him “Semi Value” and “Mr.Tollgate” [like Mr.10%] because many projects handled by his ministries were found to be faulty and he was alleged to have a cut on tollgates introduced on highways. His second wife Indrani bought over the oldest newspaper ‘Thamilnesan’. Even mighty Dr. Mahathir in an interview last May stated that he could not remove tainted leaders like Samy Velu as he was powerless. The Barisan National [National Alliance] would have suffered a serious internal backlash if he had sacked Samy Velu, he said. “You ask MIC what they would do if I removed Samy Velu.”
    [ ]
    Is there is no racial discrimination in Malaysia? I was waiting at my turn to get a taxi in the portico of Penninsula Hotel of KL. But Malay and Chinese drivers preferred to pick customers of their own colour or white men expecting big tips. Then came an Indian his name was the masculine of Chandrika whom I contracted till I departed and my conversation with him made him to think I was familiar with Malaysia. "Did Mr. Sami Velu come to see you, Sir?" "No". "Did you call him, Sir?" "No". "Good". And he poured out his woes.

  6. Malaysia has become a factory for experiments such as a “Muslim cola” and even a “Muslim car”. Presumably the cola is so brewed as to turn into poison if consumed by a non-Wahabbi, while the automobile is so sensitive that it will refuse to start unless a certified Wahabbi turns on the ignition. In psychiatric textbooks there are descriptions for those who believe in such divisions between “Muslim” and non-Muslim cars and colas, but in Malaysia, those coming forward with such ideas are given access to bank funds and tax breaks that make each of them a very wealthy individual. Today, the Wahabbis are a pampered lot in Malaysia, and it is therefore small wonder that their ranks are growing. Becoming a fanatic may not make entry into heaven more easier after life passes on, but it certainly helps in creating a paradise on earth with the cash made available for such outlandish experiments. Although the Malaysian government claims to want to build up a knowledge society, the subjects being discussed in conferences given official blessings relate less to petraflops and gigabytes than to the proper way to wear a hijab or whether camel’s milk contains more spiritual value than that from cows.

  7. Malaysia has become a factory for experiments such as a “Muslim cola” and even a “Muslim car”. Presumably the cola is so brewed as to turn into poison if consumed by a non-Wahabbi, while the automobile is so sensitive that it will refuse to start unless a certified Wahabbi turns on the ignition. In psychiatric textbooks there are descriptions for those who believe in such divisions between “Muslim” and non-Muslim cars and colas, but in Malaysia, those coming forward with such ideas are given access to bank funds and tax breaks that make each of them a very wealthy individual. Today, the Wahabbis are a pampered lot in Malaysia, and it is therefore small wonder that their ranks are growing. Becoming a fanatic may not make entry into heaven more easier after life passes on, but it certainly helps in creating a paradise on earth with the cash made available for such outlandish experiments. Although the Malaysian government claims to want to build up a knowledge society, the subjects being discussed in conferences given official blessings relate less to petraflops and gigabytes than to the proper way to wear a hijab or whether camel’s milk contains more spiritual value than that from cows.
