
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Saudi domedary dung continues ...

Related (or pre-reading for what follows in my post):
(1) Wahhabi syariah law system in action!
(2) Rape victim fights Saudi syariah 200-lashing verdict
(3) As if my wife 'raped' again by Saudi syariah court

Something I wish Malaysiakini will publish – from an AFP item published in the Sydney Morning Herald (my comments in different highlights):


A woman in Saudi Arabia sentenced to six months in jail and 200 lashes despite being gang raped has confessed to adultery, the justice ministry said as it tried to fend off mounting criticism.

Ya, and one of my numerous uncles is the Mufti of Jerusalem.

Despite being sexually assaulted by seven men who kidnapped her with a male companion at knifepoint, the unidentified 19 year-old woman was sentenced in November 2006 to 90 lashes.

The Saudi way is the best way for that Shiite whore who seduced good Saudi Sunni men.

The judge sentenced her for being in a car with a man who was not her relative, a taboo in the conservative Muslim kingdom which imposes strict segregation of the sexes.

But her story hit international headlines last week when her sentence was increased to six months in jail and 200 lashes after she spoke to the media.

She was correctly punished for being a Shiite minority but big-mouth trouble-maker.

The justice ministry said in a statement carried by the official SPA news agency that the woman had owned up to having an extramarital affair with the man in the car. "She admitted to ... exchanging sinful relations," the statement said, adding the woman was in state of undress with the man in the car before the attack took place.

Yes, did I tell you about another of my uncles who is the Ayatollah of Timbukto?

Oh BTW, earlier reports had her attempting to retrieve some photographs from the man. Well, it seems that with immediate effect in Saudi Arabia, the officially announced custom (or policy) for retrieving photographs is to strip naked, especially if you are a Shiite woman who has been sentenced by the syariah court to receive 200 lashes.

The woman and her alleged lover remained quiet about the attack, which was only reported to the authorities several months later when the woman's husband received an email from an unidentified source informing him of the affair.

"She admitted to what happened and the husband then reported the incident three months after it happened," the justice ministry said, adding it wanted to correct the "largely incorrect" details published in the media about the case.

Ya, one other uncle is the High Lama of Mongolia.

The ministry also stressed the Saudi judicial system was based on Islamic law derived from the holy Koran and that a court ruling in the kingdom was only made after both sides in a case were given a fair and balanced hearing.

Yes, and don’t we know about Saudi Arabia!

The men were initially sentenced to one to five years in jail, but those terms were also toughened on appeal to between two and nine years.

... between ...? Which is which, the lower end? ... bearing in mind these were good Sunni Saudis just giving it to the Shiite whore who was anyway asking for it ...

A rape conviction carries the death penalty in Saudi Arabia, but the court did not impose it due to the "lack of witnesses" and the "absence of confessions," the justice ministry said on Tuesday.

Then why sentence those men at all, if there were no witness or any confession from those men – besides why would righteous men confess -sheeesh. Why perpetrate another injustice on top of another?

But can you Saudis with all your money at least f-ensure your camel dung-sh*tting is watertight?

The woman's husband told local media that they would appeal, even though the judge had warned that the sentence could be increased again if she loses the appeal.

But wasn't the husband the one who reported her after receiving an email from an unidentified source, according of course to "the Saudi judicial system ... based on Islamic law derived from the holy Koran and that a court ruling in the kingdom was only made after both sides in a case were given a fair and balanced hearing"?

As for losing the appeal, I am going to be outrageously daring and say that she will, against "the Saudi judicial system ... based on Islamic law derived from the holy Koran and that a court ruling in the kingdom was only made after both sides in a case were given a fair and balanced hearing".

But leaving that aside, isn’t the Saudi syariah system wonderful, where any attempt to appeal would be provided a warning – take it at your inevitable risk!

The justice ministry noted that the law gives the right of appeal, but warned that "resorting to the media" could have "a negative effect on the other parties in the case".

Yes, the ‘right of appeal’ and the ‘RIGHT of "the Saudi judicial system ... based on Islamic law derived from the holy Koran and that a court ruling in the kingdom was only made after both sides in a case were given a fair and balanced hearing" to increase the punishment’ if the appeal fails, which it will.

The court dealing with the case revoked the licence of the woman's lawyer, who has also been summoned by the justice ministry to appear before a disciplinary panel next month.

... which is just one small indication/example of why any appeal will (be guaranteed to) fail, but thanks to "the Saudi judicial system ... based on Islamic law derived from the holy Koran and that a court ruling in the kingdom was only made after both sides in a case were given a fair and balanced hearing" the Shiite whore female criminal was given pre warning.

New York-based Human Rights Watch slammed the ruling against the woman and urged King Abdullah to "void the verdict and drop all charges against the rape victim and to order the court to end its harassment of her lawyer".

Hahahaahaahahahahahaaaaa at the Saudi syariah system and its infantile attempts at post-scandal justifications, and a silent ball-less George Bush who was so brave to go to war in Iraq and planning to bomb Iran but who lacks the moral spine to exert political pressure to protect a rape victim from being persecuted for the sole reason she's Shiite who has the bloody nerve to challenge a ruling of "the Saudi judicial system ... based on Islamic law derived from the holy Koran and that a court ruling in the kingdom was only made after both sides in a case were given a fair and balanced hearing".

But I have tears in my heart for the injustice to the Shiite rape victim.


  1. what a colourful 'family' you got.

    but here's a hanky to wipe the tears in your heart (my olive branch since you merajuk about my dispproval of your uncles; i understand ... one can choose one's friends but can't pick one's relatives)

  2. "George Bush who was so brave to go to war in Iraq and planning to bomb Iran but who lacks the moral spine to exert political pressure to protect a rape victim from being persecuted..."

    Dei, Iran has billions of barrels of oil (almost USD 100 a barrel now) while the rape victim can't even produce a gram of petroleum

  3. Adultery - so she gets stoned to death?

  4. In the interview in Emel, a Muslim lifestyle magazine, Williams makes only mild criticisms of the Islamic world. He said the Muslim world must acknowledge that its “political solutions were not the most impressive”.

    He commends the Muslim practice of praying five times a day, which he says allows the remembrance of God to be “built in deeply in their daily rhythm”.

    The archbishop is telling Bush to convert to the true path. Why hasn`t he himself done so.


  6. You are a stupid mf ktemoc. What has Saudi Islamic laws got to do with the us bombing Iraq. Do not get the US involved in this Muslim shit. Islamic laws existed long before the US bombed Iraq and it will still exist long afetr the US quits Iraq. Islamic laws were and is abused by Muslims as a tool against their enemies. You are just too prejudiced to see that the way the Islamic religion as practised today is the result of a religion which teaches predatory behaviour among its followers. Nothing is going to change this predatory religion until the Muslims themselves change it. So got off your shit highhorses and accept some reality.

  7. wonderful temperament you have ;-) Be more mature when you come over to debate
