
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The minister who makes me cringe in shame

Malaysiakini published news item 'Gathering of crooks' hasn't tainted community's image.

The title may be attributed to Nazri Abdul Aziz, the government’s chief head kicker. Read the report and either fume or laugh.


The mammoth rally which saw about 30,000 Indians taking to the streets has not tarnished the government’s view of the community, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department.

"Some 20,000 penyangak (crooks) who participated in the rally would not jeopardise our viewpoint of the entire community," he told a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.

"There were hundreds of thousands of Indians who did not participate in the rally. They stayed back and showed that they still support the government," he added.

He also questioned the rationale of the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), which aimed to submit a petition to the British High Commission.

Hindraf, which organised the rally, wanted to submit a petition to Queen Elizabeth II asking Her Majesty to appoint a Queen’s Counsel to represent the organisation in its class-action suit against the British government.

"If they want to submit a petition or a memorandum, they should just send it to the Prime Minister's Department. There's no need for a street rally," said Nazri.


'... just send it to the Prime Minister's Department ...' hahahahahahahahaha


"All the allegations put forward by them (Hindraf) that Indians are marginalised are lies and nothing more than accusations," he said, adding that the government would trace those who are responsible for the gathering and charge them in court.

However, he denied the possibility of using the Internal Security Act (ISA) against the perpetrators.

"We will not use the ISA. If we do, they will fire back at us saying that we're using the law unnecessarily. But we will use other laws, and among the penalties could be prison sentence," he said.


'... other laws, and among the penalties could be prison sentence ...' Ooooooooh

This is a minister? And he makes such talk? I cringe in shame for Malaysia.


  1. When I saw the Al Zazeera and BBC video clips and several others from sincere & kind hearted bloggers, tears just rolled down my face, my heart went out to all our fellow Indians out there who braved the storm of their life. Hundred of thousands of them would have come out if not for the disgraceful threats (eg against teachers & students) from the ruling coalition not to mention all the road blocks which started days before the rally.

    Yet, you find someone calling these heroes 'crooks'.What kind of a heart this man is having?

  2. You mean he has a heart.I believe our Malaysian ministers have deep and big pockets not hearts

  3. I've always felt an IQ test must be made a pre-requisite for anyone elected to grace the hallowed halls of Parliament....this is one specimen of the human race who continually defies all laws of intelligence!

  4. if he can call us penyangak, we can call him monkey..

  5. I wonder who's defiant? The gomen does not give a damm to issues of the day. They say that they are the majority and will not be bothered about the minorities. "This is democracy" says Nazri.

    Guys, you know what to do....

  6. when we have such official crooks paid for by the rakyat and talks like this each time and every time how is it that he is still there smoking away ? Of what use are we to talk and talk about him and laugh but he is scots free( then do it again tomorrow) ? I don't find it funny at all and neither should your blog ...if you are indeed a responsible blogger and truly Malaysian ( doubts aplenty here )from the way you enjoy talking and laughing (as an entertainer in cyberspace)

  7. This fucker nazri better fuck off from his post. Talking cook and want to show power. What the hell he think he is? Please AAB make a call for Election fast, we will show you what we mean. You and your fucking cabinet totally hopeless and you told us that you will use the same approach and feel happy...... go on. But the rakyat is not happy so how????????

  8. Anonymous,
    If we don't blog about this guy, then how? Really send a petition to the PM's department to sack him? I'm afraid it will reach Nazri before it reaches the PM.

    So that is why we blog. So that when someone wants to do research about Nazri, what kind of person he is, you just have to Google him and find out what are the stuff he has said before in the past.

    There will come a day when all this will come back to bite him.

  9. As usual, Nazi is talking cock again.

  10. He is the number 1 ball carrier for the government and Pak Lah. Nazri U just shut yr big mouth and improve Malaysian Laws!

    Mind your bzness Nazri. Elction is coming...Lets c to whom indian votes goes too!

  11. the IGP lied big time. he, according to the lap dog paper on monday, stated that the protestors broke the lock of the gates and damaged properties in batu caves temple. next day, lap dog star mentioned that the temple was not damaged. why? simple, the pictures posted around the blogs showed that the protetsors were sheperded into the temple and then water cannons were used against them.
    encik musa, please be really honest and thas the onyl way to earn respect.

  12. With Nazi Scrotumface and his ilk running the country is it any wonder that Malaysia is falling further and further behind other countries? You can see that these jerk-offs are intellectual lightweights. No doubt about it but their brains are so tiny it can fit inside the anus of a monkey with room to spare.

  13. Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, was detained on Sunday, it said. According to the foreign office, she was arrested after she had allowed her seven-year-old pupils to choose a name for a stuffed teddy bear, and they chose the name Muhammad,,2-11-1447_2227786,00.html

  14. 29 oct. 2007
    “demolish the statues and destroy the crosses”-MP for parit sulong

    Nazri`s Malaysia truly asia.

  15. Al-Qaeda, published on the same day - 20 November 2007, on the main Jihadi forum of Al-Hesbah, an unprecedented announcement, which we may title A CALL FOR DONATIONS.

  16. Speaking at the Johor BN convention on July 25, the prime minister Mahathir quipped that it was very cheap for him to treat Malaysian Indian Congress president S Samy Vellu to a meal because he was a vegetarian.

    All he had to do, Mahathir said, was to go and cut some blades of grass to serve the MIC president.

  17. This Nazi served under Anwar Ibrahim when the latter was UMNO Youth president and he, a small fry of UMNO youth. When the historical pre-Bumi issue broke loose (controversial resolution passed by MCA Selangor AGM) citing all 3 races were not origin in Malaysia, all hell broke loose. Nazi who was an UMNO youth exco was instigator, demanding MCA to get out of BN and carrying balls, as usual, that time of Anwar Ibrahim (currently PKR de facto leader). Nazi did not condemn some 300 UMNO youth Cheras which held a demonstration against Selangor's resolution and neither did he call them crooks. Suddenly, a rally is an evil thing. Afterall, demonstrations is an UMNO Youth political culture. To many malaysians in the know, Nazi is the greatest hypocrite and asshole, should be awarded the Malaysian Book of records.


  18. Taxi Nazi Nasri is an arrogant, loud mouth,condesending, abrasive, failed lawyer and a liar. He lied about the Witness Protection Bill ( non-existent), he lied about role of the Bar Council in the forthcoming RCI on the judiciary (it's for the Agung to decide, not him).
    Just ignore him as his views are just designed to annoy and make one angry. A minister should seek to calm down and pacify the public, not make incendiary statements just to get even.

  19. This stupid arse hole who is not fit to be a minister got the cheek to say that all those malaysian indians who did not join the Rally supported the BN Govt and its one sided policies. From my conversations with indians almost all are silent supporters and those who protested are the heroes who defied the authoritis to peacefully express their frustration. Let us teach this arse hole and the likes of him a good lession at the next Gen Elections. According to him - at the Al Jazeera interview - just having elections once in 4 or 5 years is the hallmark of a great democracy,and winning these elections, the manner in which it is conducted is public knowledge, is license to ride roughshod over the less privileged. People like him should be sent to the dustbin of Malaysian History !!!
