
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Malay 'sacrifice', Chinese 'sacrifice'

Yesterday I posted Hishamuddin Hussein rendered much 'weeping & gnashing of teeth' over at my other blog BolehTalk.

I discussed the lamentable behaviour of UMNO delegates at their party’s annual assembly, where ambitious delegates or those worried about their party positions would strive to prove their ethnic credentials.

Their favourite whipping boy has been (usually) the Chinese Malaysians - to them, a suspicious group of Non’s who still need to prove their Malaysian credentials despite 50 years of citizenship and more than 200 years of domicile. And UMNO leaders had/have thus far done very little or even nothing to correct that impression.

Malaysiakini reported an example, that Ismail Ahmad, UMNO Youth chief from the Gombak division in Selangor, told opposition parties and their supporters, all Malaysian citizens,
to leave the country if they are not happy.

He declared in his ethno-centric speech:
“These people, they come to a Malay area and they tell me that our country is not doing well and people are still suffering. Well, I’ll tell you, you can apply for citizenship in Singapore.”

Get it? 'Malay area' and 'apply for Singapore citizenship' - without any question of doubt, his bigoted insult was directed at Chinese Malaysians!

And then Malaysiakini provided another example - Noraini Ahmad, a young ambitious woman from Puteri UMNO obviously wanted to make her mark at the assembly by attracting attention and hopefully support. She relied on a proven and popular formula, criticising Chinese Malaysians.

As use of the keris would be out of the question for a woman, she would have cast her eyes/mind around and decided to dig up an old chestnut that had already outlived its use-by-date for bigoted railings – oh yes, she must have believed she could still squeeze a few more drops (of blood?) out of it. She declared that Puteri UMNO won’t accept the Namewee’s apology.

Namewee? For f-sake, couldn’t she be more original and contemporary? But contemporary or not, I might just have to concede she had probably succeeded in displaying her ‘patriotism’.

Patriotism - remember this dangerous word? Samuel Johnson instructed that 'Patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel' while Oscar Wilde sneered at it as '... the virtue of the vicious'. But Aldous Huxley said of it best:

"One of the great attractions of patriotism - it fulfills our worst wishes. In the person of our nation we are able, vicariously, to bully and cheat. Bully and cheat, what's more, with a feeling that we are profoundly virtuous."

Obviously she has learnt fast how to become one of UMNO ethnic heros – and probably which Alakazam-ish magic words to toss into the ring to attract the worst but highly desired attention of the UMNO assembly, like bangsa, agama dan negara, keris, tebuans, May 13 threats, 'Malay sacrifice', 'don't test Malay patience', 'Malay generosity', 'pivotal race', and of course for her, Namewee.

And just where were these young punks when Chinese servicemen were serving the nation on the fields of combat, and recognized for their sacrifice (the real type) by being awarded Malaysia’s highest gallantry honour, the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP)* – people like Superintendent Paul Kiong and Deputy Superintendent Sia Boon Chee, whom the nation owes incredible debts for their sheer and unsurpassed bravery in infiltrating and living for years with the communist terrorists in order to break the insurgents apart.

Then there were those awarded the Pingat Gagah Berani (PGB)* - the late Lt Choo Yoke Boo (awarded posthumously), late Lt Chang Tatt Min (awarded posthumously) of the RMAF, and 2nd Lt David Fu Chee Ming of the Rangers.

* Indian Malaysians had also been awarded the SP and PGB for combat

This was the citation for David Fu. He
was the Platoon Commander of 8th Platoon of C Company, 4th Battalion Royal Rangers. He was tasked and placed in the Tanah Hitam area of Perak to track and destroy the enemy in his sector of operation.

On the 27th August 1970, his platoon of 24 men made contact with a group of about 70 enemy combatants. The enemy unknowingly had entered his sector. Thus started a heavy and intensive battle lasting 7 hours. Under his unwavering leadership, the men fought on, successfully killed 4 of the enemy. His patrol did not suffer any casualties.

For his outstanding gallantry and bravery in the finest traditions of the Ranger Corps he was bestowed with the Pingat Gagah Berani, by the King. He left after exemplary service as a Captain.

But alas, the Chinese can continuing ‘proving’ themselves for the next 500 years, but will never achieve acceptance by UMNO …

… for one simple reason ...

The Chinese must continue to serve UMNO as its whipping boy so that its leaders or wannabe leaders can use the fabricated threat, questionable loyalty and insinuated ingratitude of Chinese as convenient mounting steps to the top of their party.

In this regard, maybe one day in the future, 500 years from now, the Chinese Malaysians may collectively be awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa for their ‘sacrifice’ to the well-being of UMNO leaders ...

… but then, shall still be required to prove their ‘loyalty’ … as the greed task of 'sacrifice' never ends.


  1. No matter how much you love Malaysia,Malaysia, I fear, will never love you as a true equal.

  2. It is terrible when you are loving someone who does not love yourself.

    Perhaps, that is why "Many" had left the "Relationship".

    "Many" does not like to be told to leave too many times.


  3. Don't waste your bandwith to comment these buch of parochial, self-interest UMNO delegates for mouthing garbage.

    They are just a bunch of idiots, who exploit the wealth of the country to fulfill their own greed and that of their families and cronies in the name of Malay race and Malay nationalism.

    Their rhetoric has become empty and hollow bottomless pit.

    Forget them so you can fry other more important fish like the corruption in the country.

  4. Please work with the Malay. Chinese population is decreasing in malaysia, and more DAP/MCA/Gerakan seats are having mixed composition with Malays are the largest. Be realistic. Chinese will always need malay votes to win a seats.If you are against the malay, don't be surprise if chinese don't have a single seat and hence lost its political power,even though some might say only as only umno's puppet, but at least you have representative in govt.Please, be realistic.

  5. ppl do silly things to get attention. the examples youve given are some of them.

    im sure not everyone in malaysia support these kinds of mouth-bashing words, even the malays themselves.

    'ish.. ish.. tak patut gitu'... 'apalah dunia dah jadi?'... 'manalah maruah diri kalau terus begini?'...

  6. Year in year out these UMNO guys speak or babble in the General Assembly not because they are contributing to the good of country but because they want to be bashers of the non-Malays and thereby gain political mileage. Their language is robotic, ill conceived, lacks substance and most of it all is garbage. How many of the speakers have offered any definite proof of their allegations. They speak about the tongue, the penis and the kris and thereby rise up to the occasion and the listeners gasp and clap saying what a profound statement is made. Every person, the males I mean, have got all these and it is how gainfully you use them. Next assembly there will be one for the females.

    I don’t understand their fear of the other races. Is it some form of psychological sickness that requires treatment. I don’t know.

    Gombak Youth chief is at his best. Everybody must send him a congratulations for a very original idea, slightly better than you can leave the country, he at least was considerate to suggest the destination. What a future leader! Please tell him the country is doing very well and the people are not suffering. Boost up his ego.

    This is what I said about Noraini Ahmad in another blog:

    “This Noraini is great. The way she is going she may even overtake Rafidah. Is this not the same old Noraini who lamented that her speech at the UMNO general assembly was not forceful enough. I would have thought she would have prepared herself to talk something new and relevant and not to bullshit along by aping the in-cosequential speeches that is the hallmark in the present assembly. I thought as the Chief she would have something new to say. But, she is no better than the rest.

    So, what does she do? Picks on abuses of technology and blogs. This is an old story and even the Information Minister had his nose bloodied when referring to the blogs. Does she understand that without media freedom one has to get real news from elsewhere. When Zam Alakazam with his experience can fail, this girl is just learning the ropes and may not beable to face the blogging community. Talk with reason and not just babble. She says people are being instigated to go against leaders, King and Islam. Has she got the proof? Just don’t repeat what the UMNO idiots are saying. She is also a defensive against Government agencies that are accused of corruption, particularly the Police and ACA. She is worried that public confidence will be eroded. Is she in Malaysia or elsewhere? Do some research, get down to the ordinary people, read the alternative news and decide for yourselves how much of confidence the people
    have for these corrupted agencies. If you do so, you can make your speech more forceful.”

    The delegates will never change.

  7. Malaysia (and that's everyone in the country) faces serious challenges from economic competitors and external economic threats in the coming years. The government is currently heavily dependent on its oil revenues, which is already starting to decline. It is by no means guaranteed that Malaysia will continue to progress.

    Yet year after year, the UMNO general assembly is fixated on Malay supremacy and the Chinese bogeyman. UMNO is Bankrupt of ideas on how to face the future national challenges, only more of the NEP, more privileges for cronies.

    Malaysia is well on the road to Banana-land.

  8. 500 years? alternate fuel will replace oil and our oil field will runs dried. And what is left for Malaysia to resist being absorbed by other entities?

  9. I slogged for 30 years in the Malaysian Army. I know the commitment of our fellow Chinese Malaysian Officers and soldiers. Here come some illegal immigrant from some shitty island in Indonesia, telling us that we are not patriotic. phui phui phui

  10. The Chinese do not want to be in the police or armed forces because the fucking Malays have forgotten it was the Chinese who eventually stopped the CPM. Now the Malays are talkiing about bringing the Chinese into the police force for one very simple reason. The Malays which have been made stupid by the NEP are unable to match wits with the non-Malay crime syndicates.

  11. this is not about the malays, this is about a bunch of politicians who use the malays to earn support for their greediness.

  12. Chinese n Malay will forever cant work together if both races have suspicious mind. Put aside all your too "china man" attitude and too "melayu islam" attidude. I dont understand Malaysian Chinese, they claim that they are Malaysian but yet still "busy body" about their mainland. U r Malaysian, this is yr country. I know u will say that "phui" Malaysia coz Malaysia never treat us as Malaysian but how?, bcoz u never act like one. Malays are too obsess with Malay n Islam agendas and these have offended other races. The best is, if all of us respect each other n dont act too fanatic, meaning to say, not too Chinese and not too Malay, i believe we can be purely Malaysians. Give n take leeerrrr...

  13. anon of 17 Dec 2008 - I did write:

    "And just where were these young punks when Chinese servicemen were serving the nation on the fields of combat, and recognized for their sacrifice (the real type) by being awarded Malaysia’s highest gallantry honour, the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP)* – people like Superintendent Paul Kiong and Deputy Superintendent Sia Boon Chee, whom the nation owes incredible debts for their sheer and unsurpassed bravery in infiltrating and living for years with the communist terrorists in order to break the insurgents apart.

    Then there were those awarded the Pingat Gagah Berani (PGB)* - the late Lt Choo Yoke Boo (awarded posthumously), late Lt Chang Tatt Min (awarded posthumously) of the RMAF, and 2nd Lt David Fu Chee Ming of the Rangers."

    too "china man" attitude ???

  14. China man means china minded. Those who attend national school are a bit open minded but normally those who come from vernacular school, huh very hard to mix with them lah...everything want to compare with China, Singapore, Taiwan. China good doubt Singapore is excellent. I think they are thought not to forget their mainland or may be contribute back to mainland next time. I respect this bcoz we should not forget our root but if you r too much you loyalty may be questioned. Same goes to the Malay, if those come from Islamic school, huh...susah ooohhh everything cant, this cant la..that cant where as we r not muslims, how cant we act like one? Respect la...although we r considered kafir by them, but if u offended us we are also very mad oooo...As i said before, there is no way unless respect each other and put aside our own race interest.....young punks will never understand if no one teaches them the value of unity without looking at the skin color!
