
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Badruddin Amiruldin insulted God!

Badruddin Amiruldin!

What do you do with a so-called member of Parliament (BN-Jerai) who behaved in the most despicable and loathsome manner, that ordinary people wouldn’t, couldn’t imagine a representative of the people’s could sink down to? Well, they better re-think because he did so.

When Karpal Singh said many MPs are not well behaved in Parliament (tell us something new) he warned that the so-called august House of Parliament would have a problem if they are not penalized for their unruly behaviour.

There has to be ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ – in the case of unparlimentary language ('cause'), the 'effect' must be expulsion from sitting for a period.

Malaysiakini said that Karpal recalled the examples of Bocor-ite Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) who
uttered the disgusting word bocor to Fong insinuating she was suffering from her monthly ‘period’, and Badruddin Amiruldin (BN-Jerai), who used a foul word in a sitting not so long ago.

Believe it or not, on an issue relating to unparlimentary behaviour and language the UMNO tebuan keeper jumped up to shout at Karpal:

"I used the foul word because I was defending my race and country. You were attacking my race and that's why God has taught you a good lesson by putting you in a wheelchair."

Bangsa, Negara dan Agama – the teflon-ised UMNO formula that permits hoodlums like Badruddin Amiruddin to say anything and get away with unbelievable cruel words against a chair-bound Karpal.

“...God has taught you a good lesson by putting you in a wheelchair ...”!

So Badruddin claimed his God put people in a wheelchair because his race was attacked! He has effectively blamed God for his own disgusting uncivilised behaviour by averring that the compassionate Almighty punished his enemies for him.

Well, well, well, PM AAB, was that an example of your Islam Hadhari?

That happened on Monday, but today when Karpal asked Deputy Speaker Yusof Yacob:
"Badruddin should withdraw his statement about me. Can you (Tuan yang dipertua) make him withdraw his statement?”

The useless Deputy Speaker said that it would be irrelevant to raise an issue that had passed. I am not sure whether to laugh or cry or spit at him.

Badruddin insulted Karpal, he insulted parliament, he insulted all disabled people, he insulted the people of Malaysia, he insulted common decency, but most of all he insulted God!

But PM AAB has been worse, he insulted himself and his Islam Hadhari by condoning his foul mouthed garbage in Parliament.


  1. KT,
    These politicians can get away with bloody murder, so to them insulting anybody else is just a small matter, even God himself.

  2. “What do you do with a so-called member of Parliament (BN-Jerai) who behaved in the most despicable and loathsome manner, that ordinary people wouldn’t, couldn’t imagine a representative of the people’s could sink down to? Well, they better re-think because he did so.”

    Correction Kaytee, this Bn-Jerai is not representing the people but only the Malays. He has admitted it himself. If there are non-Malays in Jerai, God help them. I want to use a very derogatory term to term him, but being reminded that by doing so I will join him in the filth he says in Parliament, best I console myself with the words “let the buffalo wallow in his filth”

    “When Karpal Singh said many MPs are not well behaved in Parliament (tell us something new) he warned that the so-called august House of Parliament would have a problem if they are not penalized for their unruly behaviour.”

    Please Mr Karpal, they are UMNO people. The cream of the society. Even now my siblings are following their example and utter words and behave like super-duper UMNO people. Penalize them, what then will the PM do, elections are due and BN-Jerai will be there to garner voters. Another chap from Malacca foul-mouthed the PM, but you don’t expect him to retort – will he, the Malacca chap, may withdraw his support. Let him say anything, I wanna win. Another good word crosses my mind. What’s wrong with me? Please remember you are referring to the PM of the country! But, nobody can stop me from remembering the good old Limbo Rock, “how low can you go”.

    “Bangsa, Negara dan Agama.”

    Reminds me of the period, during my time when children fought. When you are losing a fight, what is the next most important thing you do? Pick up any object, put it on the ground, step on it and say I am stepping on your father, mother or any other person in the family. Has the family has any relevance to the fight, no, I have disgraced your family and I won. That’s all to it. BN-Jerai knows he has lost the battle for bangsa, negera an agama, so what next, I will despise you and your family, how clever can he get. BN-Jerai is the only one standing up for these three things, but then before I forget, what about the bochor thing, how does that auger for his bangsa, his negara and his agama. Only BJ-Jerai can answer this.

    God has put somebody in the wheel-chair because that person attacked his race. Now then, how is God is going to react, to an imbecile who has made fun at woman over a biological function? Our ladies are God’s creation. Has God started his punishment by making a fool even now or is he waiting for BN-Jerai’s further utterances. Somebody said, “the King revenges his enemies immediately but God waits to kill. I don’t know.

    Yusof Yacob is a beautiful name to boot. It rhymes. That alone is fantastic. Son and father beautiful. Hard to get names like that.. Mind you I am not being derogatory but appreciating a name. That’s all to it. Good luck to him. He will go far!

    Please, Kaytee nothing against the PM or his Hadhari. He has got to deal with BN-Jerai, Malacca super-duper hero, and double Y, how far can he be tortured. He will win the election, and show that, in spite of the dumbbells, he will still be the PM. What better future?

  3. How low can scums of the earth like UMNO typified by that MP for Jerai go? They must really go down in the Guiness Book of Records as the worst species God ever created on this earth! Only divine intervention can prevent this once beautiful country from going to the dogs and pigs as it is ruled by those deemed unfit to rule! God should by right wipe all of them out within 7 days and 7 nights by diseases, natural disasters whatever! God should put all these %#@%^!!!!! bastards in a powder keg and blast it to smithereens. Then only this country can progress from year Zero

  4. defending his race? shit, he is giving his race a bad bad name. and god must be punishing the corrupted UMNO for having such a moron.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. highly libellous comments (without evidence) deleted

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I have edited a libellous portion from avitov's comments [court case is still in progress too]:

    Avitov said...
    Malaysia- Is it a good destination to learn English?
    A fellow press friend of mine yesterday asked me which country, Malaysia or Singapore, is good destination to learn English. I advised her to study in Singapore, where I studied English too five years ago, a safe country that has strict rule of law. Malaysia is a country where an innocent Mongolian woman was shot to death and exploded into pieces by military-use C4 explosive fastened to her body. I will say this sentence to everybody asked me about Malaysia. This will be recalled for the people of Mongolia every time we think of Malaysia.

    Malaysia is no longer a destination for Mongolians either to study or travel. I heard a number of Mongolians going Malaysia to study has been decreased a lot since last year when our beloved mother of two was killed in a jungle outside KL.

    I have been to Malaysia actually, when I was studying in Singapore. I remember that when I was under passport control at the Singapore-Malaysia border, a Malay passport controller smiled at me and told me "Bat Khaan! Genghis Khan!". He said something to his fellow customs officers in Malaysian and told me "Welcome to Malaysia!". My first impression on the country of Malaysia had this wonderful start. I felt like I was the first Mongolian coming to Malaysia. We will not hear this nice welcoming from a passport controller of Russia now, a country what we believed as "brother in steel friendship" for over 70 years in the past under Soviet ally.

    At that time, how can we know that a Mongolian woman will be killed in this country brutally and her entrance record will be deleted from immigration database. Personally, I think these people, [xxx deleted xxx deleted xxx] are the most disgusting people on the globe as same as those terrorists who killed thousands of people on September 11, 2001 by using civilian airplane as missiles.

    Who authorizes those people to use airplane as missiles? Who authorizes those people to use military explosives to kill an innocent woman?
    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” –Edmund Burke-

  9. Badruddin Amiruldin the moron from UMNO. If he gets to contest in next general elections we will know that UMNO has no one else better than him.

    Pak Lah = Mr Elegant Silence

  10. Perhaps a few lessons in history and tact may benefit this Moron from Jerai. Then again, it may be futile. This Moron should be incorrigible. How on earth he became an MP is even more startling. I have a list of deragatory remarks that I feel like sharing, but then again, why stoop to his level. I end by saying that he will see Parliament no more come the elections. What a moron!

  11. the idiot has lost his seat. may he never show his face in public again.
