
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beast of PJ

I was tempted to blog on the judiciary tsunami that has swept away what little vestiges of propriety were left of the Malaysian justice system, as revealed by Malaysiakini.

Much as we already know of the shonky state of affairs in the Malaysian courts (with apologies to some Yang Ariff or Your Honour’s who remain still ‘honorable’) the revelation still infuriates us – our senses aren’t that dulled, yet.

But I was far more shocked of the Beast of Petaling Jaya in his or her savage murder of a little girl, 8-year old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin.

I have rearranged the 2 news items as reported by The Star Online for easy perusal, as follows:

On Monday, an employee found the bag at the bottom of the staircase of a shoplot in PJS1/48 and brought it into her workplace, thinking that it belonged to her boss. Her boss later opened the bag and found the naked body of a girl in a foetal position.
Police found bruise marks on her neck, suggesting strangulation, and a brinjal and a cucumber inserted in her private parts.

The mutherfucker (sorry if I express my rage in obscene but passionate form) had to sexually desecrate her body.

The bag was left at the place as early as 2 pm on Sunday because there was CCTV footage of a woman in jeans and a red top walking about in the area at that time and the bag could be seen then. The woman, estimated to be in her 20s, later entered a Silver Kenari.

In the brand new sports bag which was sent to the police forensic unit for fingerprinting, investigators found strands of hair that did not belong to the girl.

Police DNA check has identified the dead girl as Nurin. Words of sympathies aren't enough to console the shocked and despairing parents.

It was reported that Nurin was seen putting up a resistance as she was being pulled into a van near a night market in Wangsa Maju on the night she disappeared.

Police are also checking whether the murder was linked to two cases in the past three months, where two girls aged five and six were abducted and molested in the Kampung Baru area in separate incidents.

There is one mutherfucking sick predatory beast prowling around. He or she must be apprended swiftly and locked away for good.

Sorry, but kaytee doesn't believe in capital punishment as that would only diminish our human dignity and bring us down to the level of such human beasts.


  1. if the police had done a good job catching the person involved in the kg. baru cases, maybe this case wont happen :(

  2. Sorry the police are busy. They have to hunt the 30 odd people involved in rioting in Batu Buruk which is more important than child killers. Too bad buddies.

  3. Sorry,

    The police prefer to be trigger happy gunslingers in the Eastern Corridor state of Trengganu,so no time to check crime in KL.

    Solilah KLites....


  4. When there are far too many societal ills
    They're a sure sign of the society going fast downhill
    With all the senseless acts of violence to murder and kill
    How can we still take ('Boleh') pride in our human(e) skills?

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng
    Thur. 20th Sept. 2007.

  5. damn bastard, the killer!! if he is caught, yes, i wish he will be sentenced to death!! (a sentence to death via court, i don't see to it as you see 'diminishing our human dignity, bringing us down to the level of the killer beast). he can rot in hell for all i care!!


  6. Genesis9:6
    "Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."

    kay tee mock.... I see your disdain for death penalty of the murderers as grave injustice - both to those who are murdered, and the murderers.

    It is the duty of the state to execute justice.

  7. There's more than one person involved, both in the kidnapping and in the disposal of the corpse. Could a sadistic pedophile ring be involved?

    The Kg.Baru molester worked alone.

    My condolences to the family.

  8. This is a terrible crime in an increasingly lawless country.
    The police do not seem to be interested in fighting crime, they spend too much time investigating opposition parties, escorting the surfeit of pseudo important people around in motorcades, and other meaningless activities ad nauseam.
    An innocent child has suffered and died a horrible death and those in authority do not seem to be concerned.
    May the perpetrator be caught, tried, convicted and sentenced to death.
    Deepest condolences to the parents and family of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin.

  9. Such a terrible crime.

    Unfortunately our PDRAM places a much higher priority on going after Political cases...bloggers..demonstrators..NGOs...anyone critical of the Regime

  10. kaytee doesn't believe in capital punishment as that would only diminish our human dignity and bring us down to the level of such human beasts---

    So the convicted war criminals in the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal should not had been hanged after all? Pat them on their heads and tell them "Well done"?

  11. Anonymous @11:39 pm, you are right. I too, think our Police have misplaced priorities. In fact in this land of apple-polishing, they are being forced to provide escort services to such people.

    Sometime back on the news, I saw a video clip – an aerial shot of the British PM (Blair) on his way to Buckingham Palace and back to his office. His motorcade consisted of merely of two police outriders and his official car just behind. Blair was one of the most hated men in the world at that time!

    I say let the punishment befit the crime.

  12. i was wondering why madeleine and not jazlin in your blog

    i would have thought it would have been more relavent...sorry

  13. whats happening.... go after this animal and shove some large (and hard) vegetables up his arse... and i dont care if kt thinks i am a beast.

  14. Anon of 10:28 said:

    "kaytee doesn't believe in capital punishment as that would only diminish our human dignity and bring us down to the level of such human beasts---

    So the convicted war criminals in the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal should not had been hanged after all? Pat them on their heads and tell them "Well done"?"

    That was an example of underhanded distortion in your argument - you distorted my stated principles - while it is your prerogative not to agree with my stand on capital punishment it is certainly not yours to distort it.
