
Saturday, June 16, 2007

PKR dwindling into the ethnic party it was/is

malaysiakini reported Nallakaruppan, once a buddy of de factor leader, saying that his once-good pal had not been forthright with him on several matters. Nalla was just being polite in his choice of words.

He lamented: “I have been a friend of Anwar for more than 30 years but he had not been honest with me, especially on matters relating to the Ijok by-election and the contest for the party’s vice presidency.”

Well, Nalla, that's better - Anwar has not been honest with you. So stop pussyfooting around with words like 'not being forthright etc'.

Thank goodness you have woken up. Anwar Ibrahim has been, is and will be about Anwar Ibrahim. Consider, this is a man who would shamelessly preach to the world about democracy and at the same time meddle with the party polling, as he had been alleged to do, not once but twice, by two different people in the PKR.

Then, he couldn't care two hoots about his own wife's de jure status or about democratic elections, even in the party that was formed to fight for his release from prison.

Mind you, there are others in PKR still mesmerized.

But since Nalla left in hurt anger, more than
300 Indian PKR members nationwide are believed to have officially quit the party in support of him. There’s more on the way out with some already gone without even bothering to submit a resignation letter.

The latest to join the exodus are some 200 members from Gombak in Selangor.

Nalla told malaysiakini: “I know they are eager to know what my next plans are but I hope they would give me a little bit of extra time for me to think this thoroughly. Whatever decision I make, it will be for the good of the Indian community. It will be a decision which my supporters would support. Just bear with me and I will soon be making an important decision.”

But he refused to comment if he was in talks with any political parties regarding his political future.

The DAP could do with his group as members but I wonder whether that would present a problem for the incongruous alliance between DAP and PKR?.

What I like to see is Dr Syed Husin also taking his PRM people out to join the DAP or the PSM. PKR can then revert back to being KeADILan, a loser-clone of UMNO, but a splinter group of UMNO nonetheless.


  1. Enoughlah...if you cannot help dont make it worse. It's beginning to sound like a personal vendetta. At least some people are doing something to oppose the corrupt government, not hide behind the screen and poke holes.

  2. To blame anwar as you do doesn't mean you have the moral authority to bash him incessantly. Your ilk who have avenues to puke on pple's shoes must be made to understand that trading in the anguish of others is the way zionists operate. Much as may be a bootlicker of some other elements, u shul have the human decency to appreciate all

  3. The writer has been more like on special assignment to bash Anwar and PKR. Maybe he is...

  4. from my post: "PKR can then revert back to being KeADILan, a loser-clone of UMNO, but a splinter group of UMNO nonetheless."

    sez it all, explains it all ;-)

  5. In politics you have to stick to one party and fight through it. You don't simply jump from one party to another. You'll be ending up to be a 'frog'. If you feel you are smart enough not to join any party and you are free to make noise and bash anybody(like you), you are still a 'frog' who only knows how to croak.

  6. KTemoc said...
    from my post: "PKR can then revert back to being KeADILan, a loser-clone of UMNO, but a splinter group of UMNO nonetheless."

    sez it all, explains it all ;-)


    That's the hidden agenda or objective of this writer's "assignment" - PKR to disband and return to UMNO, his paymaster. Hence the incessant brainwashing and fault-finding.

    sez it all, explains it all ;-)

  7. Hehehe. Oh come on. Isn't there anything more interesting to talk about? Let's talk about sex, baby. Let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things, all the bad things, that can be. Let's talk about sex... After all, Malaysian embryonic/fertility sciences is leading the industry. We can now have a biological AND political children. Its true. Amazing. Dolly the sheep. Bah. That's old news.

  8. Hi KTemoc,
    I've been following KTemoc's blog almost from the day it started up.
    The main reason I still read it and still respect KTemoc's writing is he WAS a sharp, knowledgeable, and pretty independent observer.

    But if you have just been reading his blog over the last 3 months, you would be forgiven for thinking KTemoc is just another Umno Machai.

    Lets see, just about 95% of his posts fall under the following categories
    a) Anti Anwar
    b) Anti Keadilan
    c) Anti DAP
    d) Anti Israel
    e) Anti Bush

    Strangely silent about Umno/ MIC/ MCA/ Gerakan/ Sleepy Guy/ Semi-Value/ Raja Bodek/ Son-In-Law /all the rest of the jokers. Almost all the serious concerns on the accountability and transparency of those in power over the last few months have totally missed the attention of KTemoc's blog. Even on Lina Joy's case, his position is largely pro-establishment.

    It's KTemoc's blog, his right to write what he wants, but we all need to clearly understand what a blog's owner stands for.

    Has KTemoc been "turned", by fair means or foul? Freelunch 2020 has essentially been turned. Sheih the Kickdefella once described a scary attempt to "turn" him, even threatening harm to his family. But Sheih is a kick-ass guy, not so easily intimidated....not all of us are so courageous...

  9. I dont think he's been 'turned'. He has been an UMNO/BN spokeperson from day one, probably paid or maybe doing it out of some twisted sense of patriotism.

    But then, it's his blog allright. But since he splashes his nonsense into our shared cyberspace, we too have the right to throw the shit back into his face.

  10. Hari tu masa masuk dia bawa 10,000 ke 100,000 india. Tak kan la keluar 500 je??

  11. K TEMOC you are but a racist boot licking UMNO running dog posing as a blogmaster period!

  12. Yes. I totally agree with Anon and AtomicKitty. After all, those who stand opposed to BN/UMNO Megadeathrobot are, by virtue of being in the opposition alone, Nobel prize candidates. They are virtuous men and women who should be praised, and never ridiculed. I am shocked that KTEMOC would risk his pseudo-intellectual credentials in attacking these heroes. Doesn't he know that to maintain your membership in such exalted company, you must never-ever-ever poke fun at the ngo-liberal-opposition crew? We love free-speech on the Net, but please please don't say anything we don't like.

  13. We all love free speech.
    That also means once in a while we will poke fun at KTemoc

  14. kittykat, are you sure it's only 95%? Damn it, I failed to achieve the perfect score ;-)

    For my postings that are anti UMNO, AAB, KJ, minister who don't like blacks, and monkeys in parliament house including the one-eyed variety, oh and the Mufti of Disgrace, do browse around. Hmmm, maybe they constitute only 5%.

    Has KT been turned? Yes, 720 degrees and still turning.

    Proudly independent, non aligned, non affiliated and shooting shotguns at all I don't like hahhahhahaaaaa

  15. good heavens, I forgot my favourite, Raja Bodek

  16. I think its a good idea to align before shooting. See what happened to Cheney. Poor guy.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hi KTemoc,
    Pax Vobis.
    Don't worry, I'm not a Troll. Just saying my piece....

  19. Rakyat nak tau apa pendirian PKR mengenai pergolakan di Palestin. PAS dah terang-terang sokong Hamas.PKR pulak macam mana..takan nak tunggu George Bush nasihat Anwar dulu.

  20. Bukan George Bush la. Wolfowitz.

  21. Nalla’s political play

    My bet he will be joining MIC.

  22. Nalla’s political play

    My bet he will be joining MIC.
