
Friday, June 01, 2007

Elegant Silence - Baton Change?

malaysiakini reported PM AAB stating that his government had played no role or brought any influence on the decision of the Federal Court in its 2-1 ruling on the Lina Joy case.

He also assured a foreign reporter that that the Federal Constitution continues to be supreme, dismissing the querier’s suggestion that Islamic law was now above the secular constitution of the country.

AAB said: "There is no such thing (of Islamic law being above the Federal Constitution). The Federal Constitution is the Federal Constitution.”

“There is a set of laws we have to follow. It is something that we have to follow, that's all."

He’s right of course, without mentioning out aloud Article 121(1)(A).

Hmmm, I wonder what the world’s greatest political reformer has to say. Perhaps he has assumed the role of Mr Elegant Silence?


  1. He, being the weakest of Malaysia's 5 PMs, survives on the whims and fancies of umno. As such, he has to tread carefully so as not to offend the real powers that rule the country

  2. Yep, Lina Joy screwed up since the day she decided to bring this matter to civil court. Follow the procedure girl. Go to Syariah court!.

    Unnecessary havoc. Read the book first la..

  3. Yes he coped out but the fact of the matter is that even better leader is incapable of taking this issue on. What is truly unjust is that its so critical that he does. What must be remembered is that this is a leader that will fail at the most critical and contentious issues.

    This leader has lost all his credibility to be trusted at the thoughest issue. So people should just give up on that ever happening.

    If we were to face a similar crises like 1997 again, this guy would be lost and have to resign.

  4. The irrefutable law of religions (well, you can prove me wrong)!

    #1. Moslems in Malaysia (and in almost all the other moslems countries) are not entitled to freedom of religion. The penalty is death, or some kind of a brain washing concentration camp.

    #2. Moslems are also not allowed freedom of intellectual thoughts (or anything that can be construed as against the gov't stance, and especially on any religious stance). I fear to think what kind of world we will be living in, if 80-90% of the world were ruled by moslems. I guessed no medical advances, TV entertainment, no internet, no travelling to the moon / space exploration (because these would be against GOD's wishes). Sure some may argue that Moslem civilization began eons ago, yeah but that was history, let's talk now.

  5. yeah sure his govt. had not brought any influence on the judges decision. the influence came from those hundreds of people assembling outside the court, chanting prayers (and shouting?). just imagine if the court rule in lina's favour, what would happen to the crowd.

    am going to blog on this later.

  6. mr the world's greatest reformer says,

    "i support democracy and justice for every person. our government must b accountable and fair to everybody. everyone has a right to practice his religion.

    there must b dialogues between the east and the west, the muslims n non-muslims for greater understandings."

    journalist asks:

    "so, u think the federal court is right... or wrong... or...?"

    mr the world's greatest reformer says,

    "like i said already, i support democracy and justice for every person. our government must b accountable and fair to everybody. everyone has a right to practice his religion.

    again i stress, there must b dialogues between the east and the west, the muslims n non-muslims for greater understandings."

    journalist asks again:

    "sorry, mr reformer, i still don't get your answer correctly. do u think the federal court is right or wrong? can u give us a categorical answer?"

    mr the world's greatest reformer says again,

    "like i said already in america, uk, pakistan, saudi arabia, n malaysia, but i don't mind telling u again, i support democracy and justice for every person. our government must b accountable and fair to everybody. everyone has a right to practice his religion.

    again i must stress, there must b dialogues between the east and the west, the muslims n non-muslims for greater understandings."

    journalist asks again:

    "mr reformer, just a right or wrong answer, it's that simple! (i thought u were a professor at georgetown?!)"

    mr the world's greatest reformer says,

    "can i answer, it depends who's listening to this interview??"

  7. juslo ;-) you're becoming like KTemco hahhahahahaaaahahhaa

  8. yup, i've been poisoned by coming here too often... ;P
