
Monday, June 04, 2007

De-facto Dancing (around)?

malaysiakini reported de world’s greatest political reformer, now turned world’s greatest de-facto leader of a party that had a recent party election which was more notable for several withdrawals (allegedly instructed, pressured or designed) than the voting of its members. Those who withdrew included de world’s greatest drama king who undoubtedly was inspired by de world’s greatest writer of English literature, William Shakespeare - aha, caught you all on de last one ;-)

Anyway as malaysiakini stated, a certain de-facto leader pontificated on de case of poor Lina Joy.

Incidentally, where was the de-jure leader, who won the party’s presidency through withdrawals? Practising de ‘elegant silence’ or making de cake and de tea in de kitchen?

OK, back on track – so what did de world’s greatest-in-everything de-facto leader say?

Basically nothing other than motherhood statements, for example:

(1) ... further discussion is needed on the Federal Constitution’s role in safeguarding freedom of religion.

Reporter (thinks ‘ya, eruditely revealing ... yawn’); OK, and sir, what’s your take on the court’s ruling on Lina Joy’s application?

(2) ... non-Muslims should be assured by the authorities that their rights are guaranteed.

Reporter: Datuk Seri does that mean you are critical of the court’s 2-1 judgement for Lina Joy to go to the Syariah Court?

(3) ... expressed support for the Syariah court system

Reporter: Er ... well, in that case you agree with the court’s ruling?

(4) ... “The government must show political will and leadership to address this issue, and not sweep it under the carpet. Otherwise, it will spell greater discord and distrust among our fellow citizens.

Reporter: But ... what’s your personal opinion on the court’s instruction to Lina Joy?

(5) ... it was crucial to preserve the spirit of the Constitution through “dialogue, discussion and deliberation.”

Reporter (exasperated ‘god, can’t I get something concrete from him’): Sir sir, what about your .....

(6) ... authorities must strengthen the public confidence in the Syariah Courts, and assure Muslims that there is no attempt to “belittle the importance of the existing system.”

[now, why didn’t we think of that!]

(7) ... “As for the non-Muslims, they must be assured that the fundamental guarantees enshrined in the Constitution is protected.”


(8) ... “In essence, while we should preserve the current procedure via the Syariah Court with regards to cases of freedom of conscience, there should be no recrimination involved.”

[wonder what’s on TV tonight?]

(9) ... “After all, freedom of conscience is one of the key elements of the higher objectives of the Syariah, the Maqasid Syariah.”

[which reminds me I better visit Uncle in hospital this weekend - incidentally, what about his own conscience in those alleged meddling in party polls?]

(10) ... unresolved debate over freedom of religion “points to the failure of the government to achieve a broad consensus over the issue.”

[just can’t help spamming, can he?]

(11) ... “This issue has been allowed to drag into an exceedingly protracted and rancorous debate due to the incompetence of our leaders. The solution does not lie with the judiciary as it is not regarded as independent and credible.”

Reporter (waking up): Aha, so the court was not wrong .. does that mean, sir ......

(12) ... “Yet, the government has also decided to stop any form of religious discussion and dialogue that can address these issues. We call on the government to allow reasonable and responsible dialogue to take place to explore our common values while acknowledging our differences.”

[yawwwnnn, god, another of those meaningless ... er ... which reminds me I must pick up Kamala from dancing class tonight]

(13) ... “While I understand that such a topic can inspire polarising passions among members of society, I would like to congratulate everyone for maintaining the calm and peaceful attitude following the announcement of the judgment, and hope that they continue to do so.”

[good for a few votes from both sides, I suppose, but am heading home – wasted trip]

So what do we make of de pontifications of De-facto leader? What was his opinion of de Civil Court’s ruling? Why bring in de Syariah Court which is yet to play a part?

Remember my posting The 8-D’s of DSAI

Just add one more D to de list – D for dancing around (like tap dancing) de subject.


  1. Reminds yours truly of a stupid joke he once heard:

    "De bate - de stuff you put on de hook to help you catch de fish"

    Funny how so much of nothing new can be said in so many ways... referring of course to the post subject matter, and not your post ;-)

  2. Another critique on DSAI...yawn...

  3. KT,

    was i psychic or what?!?! ;P

    if i may share with your readers again...

    mr the world's greatest reformer says,

    "i support democracy and justice for every person. our government must b accountable and fair to everybody. everyone has a right to practice his religion.

    there must b dialogues between the east and the west, the muslims n non-muslims for greater understandings."

    journalist asks:

    "so, u think the federal court is right... or wrong... or...?"

    mr the world's greatest reformer says,

    "like i said already, i support democracy and justice for every person. our government must b accountable and fair to everybody. everyone has a right to practice his religion.

    again i stress, there must b dialogues between the east and the west, the muslims n non-muslims for greater understandings."

    journalist asks again:

    "sorry, mr reformer, i still don't get your answer correctly. do u think the federal court is right or wrong? can u give us a categorical answer?"

    mr the world's greatest reformer says again,

    "like i said already in america, uk, pakistan, saudi arabia, n malaysia, but i don't mind telling u again, i support democracy and justice for every person. our government must b accountable and fair to everybody. everyone has a right to practice his religion.

    again i must stress, there must b dialogues between the east and the west, the muslims n non-muslims for greater understandings."

    journalist asks again:

    "mr reformer, just a right or wrong answer, it's that simple! (i thought u were a professor at georgetown?!)"

    mr the world's greatest reformer says,

    "can i answer, it depends who's listening to this interview??"

    2:55 PM, June 01, 2007

    that's y.

  5. Whatever he said, you sure gonna hentam him anyway. It's politic, stupid. He doesnt have your luxury to sit in your chair comfortably and shoot your mouth off. Why dont u try politic? put your smart ass brain to the real stuff.

    Anwar: Don't sweep issue under carpet
    Jun 2, 07 3:31pm

    PKR de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said further discussion is needed on the Federal Constitution’s role in safeguarding freedom of religion.

    - Non-Muslims must be assured of rights
    - Public confidence in Syariah Courts
    Anwar: Correct decision over Lina Joy
    Jun 4, 07 5:20pm

    The renunciation of Islam must remain within the jurisdiction of the Syariah courts, said PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

    - Strengthen confidence
    - Political mileage

    i don't subscribe to Mkini, but i wonder can the contents of what he said on 2 different days b reconciled?

  7. Why the hell is Penang famous for these world famous jerks--- the world's greatest reformer, the world's greatest pm-ngantuk and the world's greatest pembodek
