
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

God and the letter 'L'

Over at BolehTalk, I’ve posted Walking on waters of ignorance which discusses ridiculous hair-splitting nonsense over the name of God, even to the extent of the English spelling of ‘Alah’ (only one ‘L’) versus ‘Allah’ (2 x ‘L’s), as if one letter of the English alphabet woudl make the difference between the right of non-Muslims to use God’s name or not.


  1. I think the general impression is that Muslims are all uptight and insecure that they have to

    1) force people (and children) to convert to Islam using man-made law and threats instead of their own free will

    2) get riled up over one single cartoon (whereas there are thousands of satire on other religions - anyone watched "Dogma" with Ben Affleck and Matt Damon?)

  2. What if Chinese start calling their Jade Emperor God as 'Ah Lah'?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I am a Christian and my faith teaches me to be honest. That is why I never use Allah when I worship in Bahasa Melayu. I simply use Tuhan, which is more than enough.

  6. Why would God care how you pronounce his name? He knows you're talking about him. Would he care if you call him allah or tuhan or krishna or odin?

    Geez, theists sometimes confuzzle me.

  7. Sharina, I think you missed the point.

    There is no sound reason why would God want us to promote the Arabic language by calling him "Allah". If God is multi-cultural, then he does not mind a localised form of worship and so, there is nothing wrong in saying your prayers to Tuhan.

    Besides, __earth did say Egyptians are not ethnic Arabs but ethnic Copts, the descendants of the ancient Pharoahs. The ethnic Copts converted gradually from paganism to Christianity from the 1st century to the 4th century. The 7th century Islamic invaders forced many ethnic Coptic Christians to "masuk Arab" (which is like the Masuk Melayu policy of UMNO) meaning upon conversion to Islam, they had to give up their race and become Arabised Muslims (like our Malayised Muslims).

    Even today, the Egyptian Muslim majority denounces their own ethnic Coptic ancestry and heritage by claiming to be racially Arab, which is simply not true.

    Egyptian Muslims and Christians are racially similar since both peoples are of the Coptic race. Sadly, only Conservative Christians speak the truth but Liberals are dishonest about their own identity so as to please their Muslim masters.

  8. Rajan r : My reply was intended for Ktemoc's post and not yours personally.

  9. Ktemoc, please delete the comment above made in my name. A person is impersonating me. Kindly refer to a post of mine for background.

  10. imposter _earth's posting on 23 March deleted at request of _earth

  11. ktemoc,

    appreciate it if you could delete 'minishorts' comment above... thanks to _earth also for alerting on the blogger impostor issue.

