
Monday, January 01, 2007

No Turkey for New Year celebrations

Romania’s GDP in 2005 was about $182 billion with a real growth rate of 4%, while Bulgaria had $72 billion and 5.5% respectively. Both have just been admitted into the European Union (EU).

Turkey, which had applied for membership way way way before Romania and Bulgaria did, enjoyed $585 billion GDP (also in 2005) and a GDP real growth rate of 7.4%. It still can’t get into the EU.


  1. Sorry, Turkey. Wrong skin colour, wrong religion-lah.
    The Europeans who love to lecture everyone else on human rights and discrimination are practicing a very obvious and public case of racism here.

    On a more serious note, Turkey would logically have been an excellent choice to be the next EU member. It has a modern economy , its a secular and moderate Muslim country, a steadfast NATO ally of many years standing. Turkey had a fling with Fascism during WWII, but since then they have been the most loyal friend the West has had in East Asia.

    I actually think Turkey is really a far better example of a modern and moderate Muslim country than Bolehland.
    I spent part of a European trip in Istanbul once, it certainly has a much more open athmosphere compared to KL. Sure, there are many traditional Muslims in the population, but there is no sense of compulsion to conform, as there is in KL. The country is officially and legally a secular state. Majority of Muslim women wear modern western dress, especially in government offices.
    Most Turkish Muslims won't touch alcohol, but they are pretty relaxed about those who do, nobody's talking about caning them or throwing them into jail.
    The rural Turks are conservative in the sense of keeping to Islamic tradition rather than the Arab-exported radicalism which is common all over the world now, including Bolehland.

  2. Curious to know, what are the conditions/criteria to be used for EU admittance? Only GDP and growth rate? Can someone give the EU admittance 101?

  3. To join the EU, apart from sensible geographical cohesiveness, the country is required to possess institutions and laws guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights (including protection of minorities), and of course the existence of a viable market economy, which must be able to withstand competitive pressure within the EU.

    Essentially there are 3 conditions - political, economic and monetary.

    Yes, the EU has been very hypocritical – in rules of law and human rights it fails its own ‘freedom of speech’ claim, so frequently trumpeted during the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) caricature issue, when it jailed Holocaust denier David Irving, just for questioning the concentration camps 'ovens'. That Holocaust denying is illegal in some EU countries is OK provided that illegality be accorded to other religion or ethnic sensitivities.

    As for human rights, I don't seee much difference between Turkey's records and those of Bulgaria, Romania and a few more of those former East European bloc nations.

    The EU is again using the Cyprus issue in the same double standard manner (a la the hypocrisy surrounding the jailing of crackpot David Irving).

    But what surprises me has been the strongest objections coming from Germany, a hitherto strong ally of Turkey, though of course the current German government is conservative right wing.


    The Turkish government's refusal to officially recognize the state of Cyprus, a current E.U. member State, is the greatest obstacle to Turkey's accession to the E.U. This issue alone is of great diplomatic concern because it paradoxically implies that Turkey does not fully recognize the side it is negotiating with.


    and pls do a bit of research on Cyprus before tokkok!

  5. kittykat46's observation that
    "The country is officially and legally a secular state....The rural Turks are conservative in the sense of keeping to Islamic tradition rather than the Arab-exported radicalism..." is precisely the same as for the Iranians before they dumped the Shah of Iran and set up an Islamic Republic in 1976.

  6. anon, read the NYT link that I have given.

    Turkey actually fought hard for reunification of Cyprus and was prepared to recognize the would be reunified Cyprus. The EU however wasn't helpful when it allowed only half of Cyprus to join and thus, further complicates matter.

  7. _earth, thanks - looks like anon is the one who ought to be reading up

    And anon, can you please point out where in my post or comments I have been racist?
