
Monday, December 18, 2006

Kota Baru as a 'Gay' city?

Some great Kelantan news for gays!

The PAS State government who had recently lifted a ban on rock music, has now OK-ed discos, with one condition, that men and women on the floor are separated.

Isn’t that just nifty for gays?

Kelantan chief minister Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat said the clubs would also be banned from serving alcohol. I don’t think many people would have much problem with the absence of alcohol as I always believe we can have fun without the intoxicating brew. It’s the thought of being told what we can’t have that pisses me (and many others) off.

Nik Aziz said: "I do not see any reason to forbid them. This is because dancing is just a form of body movement."

According to Nik Aziz, who is also the spiritual advisor of PAS, the patrons must also wear attire covering designated body parts, or aurat in Malay, which means head to toe dress for women with only faces and hands showing, and between the navel and knees for men. Hmmm, you should see those male samba dancers from Rio. Women are in for a feast!

Tok Guru said: "When dancing is done with the aurat covered and there is no intermingling, everything should be okay."

Gays don’t intermingle so there is no problem for them. As the lifting of the ban on discos has been to promote tourism, Kelantan should be prepared for an invasion of gays in the same way Sydney has been flooded by gays from around the world on its annual month-long Mardi Gras festival.

And there is no limit to this brilliant move by Nik Aziz. Sydney and KB could even twin as cities
friendly to gays. Or alternatively, even triple up with Sydney and Rio as The Axis of Gaiety..


  1. Exodus of gays to Kelantan looms. LOL

  2. that's so true. i was thinking in the same vein too. seems very strange to have a disco where men and women are seperated unless... it is for gays, nothing strange.

  3. This is one angle I almost included in my own post on the news. But since you did your take on it, I decided, instead, to link to this post, as a "happier" point of view... remember the days when 'gay' actually used to only mean happy?

    Nice one, Kaytee, nice one...

  4. This is one angle I almost included in my own post on the news. But since you did your take on it, I decided, instead, to link to this post, as a "happier" point of view... remember the days when 'gay' actually used to only mean happy?

    Nice one, Kaytee, nice one...

  5. This is one angle I almost included in my own post on the news. But since you did your take on it, I decided, instead, to link to this post, as a "happier" point of view... remember the days when 'gay' actually used to only mean happy?

    Nice one, Kaytee, nice one...

  6. Just because the sexes are separated doesn't mean it would attract gays. The guys have to be cute too, with good fashion sense ...

    If you are thinking along that line, surely the lesbians would be attracted to Kelantan as well?


  7. ya, let's throw in some saucy mambo music too...

    it would b one of the world's great wonders... can apply for 'world cultural heritage' status!!

    malaysia boleh - kelantan memang boleh!!

    ps. KT - suggest they link up with san francisco n philadelphia too... wink wink!!

  8. gay gay paree!!!
