
Monday, November 20, 2006

Vale Khir Johari

Khir Johari has gone from us, one of the last if not the last of Tengku Abdul Rahman's cabinet ministers in an era when politicians were gentleman of refined nature, culture, manners and true Malaysians, where a minister, one of Khir's collegues, caught with impropriety did actually resign. Such was parliamentary pratcice and a colelctive sense of cabinet honour.

Alas, his departure also marks the reality of today's grubby state of ministerial governance.

Khir was a man who didn't give up. When Malaya (Malaysia's predecessor) lost the Thomas Cup to Indonesia, he did not surrender hope we would win it back, even when 99.9% of Malaysians thought it would be a hopeless case in the face of the Indonesian and Chinese badminton juggernauts.

But we did it, reclaimed the Thomas Cup. It was the finest tribute to this badminton leader and supporter.

Vale Khir Johari, you have done your work in this world magnificently. Requiescat in pace.

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