
Monday, November 06, 2006

US Military Tells Bush to sack Rumsfeld

Inasmuch as I am pissed off with the USA for its evil policies and practices (my euphemism for the Yanks’ ‘vicious killing and wanton destruction’ in the Middle-East including Afghanistan, and in an earlier era, Vietnam) I have to admit one thing, their democracy works, and indeed I salute them for their system (though polluted in many ways by the current Bush Administration)

The following for sure won’t happen in Malaysia or Singapore.

Four US military newspapers, which service the branches of the US armed forces are publishing an editorial today, on the eve of the November 7 congressional elections, demanding the resignation of their political boss, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

NBC TV had obtained an advance copy of the article titled "Time for Rumsfeld To Go" and pre-empted the military newspapers by posting on its website late Friday. Since then CNN and a few others have jumped on the bandwagon.

The article is simultaneously published today by the Army Times, Air Force Times, Navy Times and Marine Corps Times.

The coordinated editorials deliver their ‘shock & awe’ to President Bush, disparaging Rumsfeld, who out of his hubris and kiasu, had brought about the quagmire for the US military that is Iraq today, resulting in the deaths of 600,000 Iraqis and some 2600 young Americans. Of course the ar$e h*le and his boss sit safely in Washington.

The editorials say: "Rumsfeld has lost credibility with the uniformed leadership, with the troops, with Congress and with the public at large."

And in the most heart-wrenching truth for American mums and families, the editorial continues:

"His strategy has failed, and his ability to lead is compromised. And although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt."

Indeed, as I said, those chickenhawks, especially people like David Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, Adelman, Abrams, Frum and the other Zionists are brave, bellicose and belligerent but only with the blood of other people’s sons and daughters.

The joint editorial pointedly tells President Bush, who has just reaffirmed his confidence in Mr Rumsfeld last week, that they are not trying to influence the elections:

"This is not about the midterm elections. Regardless of which party wins November 7, the time has come, Mr President, to face the hard, bruising truth: Donald Rumsfeld must go."

As the news said: "It is one thing for the majority of Americans to think Rumsfeld has failed. But when the nation's current military leaders start to break publicly with their defence secretary, then it is clear that he is losing control of the institution he ostensibly leads."

Earlier this year I blogged in Rumsfeld Incompetence & Iraq's Civil War that
“a senior British military commander who was involved in the invasion of Iraq said very angrily (in private), according to Richard Norton-Taylor, security affairs editor of the Guardian, that Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, should be tried for war crimes.”

“The General also made some nasty remarks about Rumsfeld’s incompetence in the latter’s handling of the military situation after invading Iraq.”

(1) Driving the Sea to the Fishes! (2)
(2) 100 insurgent attacks per day on Coalition forces in Iraq
(3) President Bush's Mind over Matter!
(4) Rumsfeld Looked After Numero Uno!
(5) God Better Bless America
(6) Rumsfeld Authorised Guantanamo Torture Techniques!
(7) 9/11 Family Told Rumsfeld Off
(8) US female soldiers died for want of a safe toilet!


  1. These are not military newspapers. That is they are not run or operated by the military or military personnel. They are privately rund papers that are subject tailored to a military audience.

    They fell on their face with this one.

  2. This is an interesting item that I would have missed totally because I don't have enough time to trawl the Net. But thanks to your blog I am now a little better informed! This is the reason why I make a habit of regularly visiting your blog as well as Jeff Ooi's and a couple of others as I know important and newsworthy items will be highlighted in these blogs. It certainly saves me time as I don't have to search the Internet myself. So, keep up the good work, KTemoc! Perhaps in future when your blog becomes famous and indispensable you can start charging readers like me.
